†Welcome New Year† Concerto of a Cat and a Crow (Event Story)

Chapter 1: The Two with the Same Wavelength

Tsubomi: ……

I sense a familiar presence. Could this be…

Daikoku: Good afternoon, Tsubomi-san…
I never thought that you'd be here this early.

Even though we’re supposed to be here 20 minutes later…
Did I make you wait for long?

Tsubomi: Please do not mind.
By the guidance of destiny card (fate), I went from home early then took myself a city stroll.

… and so. It’s been a while since our last encounter, my comrade.

Daikoku: It is…
Heheh… It’s nice to see that you’re still behaving in the usual manner.

Tsubomi: Heh, I could say the same for you.
Knowing the midst of year-end business, I shall apologize for the sudden appointment. Please forgive this abruptness of mine.

Daikoku: Do not worry about it.
Especially since you’re asking me in person. I will gladly follow you to wherever…!

Tsubomi: Well then, we shall depart now.
In order to avoid being swallowed by the chaos of this city (being separated), do follow my lead with caution.

Daikoku: Oh…
So this seems to be your own regular shop……

Tsubomi: It is. While the place is narrow, it surely has plenty of stuff, am I right?
I’m sure you'll find the fortune ornament (lucky charm) that you’ve been looking for.

Daikoku: Straw doll with its nails… They even have slips…? ¹
I agree, what a rare item lineup that they have in here…

Tsubomi: Indeed. I also could sense a lot of darkness surrounding this shelf’s item (tool) lineup.
Darkness itself for sure, but the light side shouldn’t be overlooked, since each will play roles onto the force of evil spirits…

This one is the place for fulu slips ², but I usually use gofu slips. ³
They’re used to oppose the darkness, by preparing some anti-evil spirit techniques.

Daikoku: Is that so…

Ah, this mirror seems good…
Ancient items surely have mystical appeals around them.

Maybe if I force Panda to directly look at it. Imagine, if then she went away like mists…

Tsubomi: Stay away from that!

Daikoku: Eek?!

Tsubomi: Tools with curse shouldn’t be touched with lack of care.
They also said that one curse will result in digging two holes… ⁴

Daikoku: It’s… It’s all good……
I also know that a curse comes with its consequences to pay……

Tsubomi: Even according to the masters, it is hard to fully control the dark forces.
Not to mention that we’re looking for a different item today, aren’t we?

Daikoku: R.. Right…

Tsubomi: Seems to be on the other side of this area.
We shall go to take a look.

Daikoku: Hehehe…
How pretty……

Tsubomi: Is that ornament (charm) the one to create pleasure?

Daikoku: Yes. It's a crystal healing ⁵ bracelet of good luck. I’ve always wanted one…
It’s also great that the price was affordable due to year-end sales.

Tsubomi: That shop will give you the cheapest price during this time period.
I even managed to get myself a tool to scatter the evil spirits away.

Daikoku: To scatter the evil spirits… That thing really seems to be a part of your routine.
How cool……

Tsubomi: Don’t look down on yourself now.
As comrades, you and I shall keep facing the enemies by using our strengths, aren’t we?

Daikoku: Strength…?
Y- You’re right…! That is in order to cleanse the future, all in harmony…!

And that is why I’ve been taught a lot of things from you, Tsubomi-san.
From lucky charms to the ways to make a summoning circle…

Tsubomi: Indeed. I could sense how we’re on the same wavelength after all.
However, it really seems that you’re unable to control a slight part of your strength.

Daikoku: Strength control, you say……
This also became a concern during “Demon’s Friend” play, it hits hard to home… ⁶

Tsubomi: Desiring for too much strength will just lead oneself to ashes.
Especially when they’re in practice, it is better to remain cautious.

Daikoku: I agree. Since I’m also not driven into resentment without thinking to begin with…
My Lord also advised me to see more value points inside myself.

So as a result of that, I’m looking for items to make me feel better about myself.
Thinking that I should try to be a little more optimistic……

Tsubomi: I see, hence you’re looking for the fortune ornament (lucky charm).

Daikoku: That is since my mind often becomes messed up by a lot of things…
Say, Tsubomi-san. Do you have a routine suggestion to calm the mind?

Tsubomi: As for my case… I don’t think I tied myself onto such a thing.

Daikoku: What…?! I thought you’re surely having one……
Since you also seem not bothered when having a problem……

Tsubomi: Nng… If you’re insisting the ask, morning routine may be the closest answer.
Also, laughter is good for the soul, right? Laughter will scatter the evil spirits, then to invite oneself a good fortune.

Daikoku: Routine, you say…… It does make sense.

Tsubomi: And then… Let’s see. I would also suggest going to a power spot. ⁷

Daikoku: Power spot?

Tsubomi: You heard it right.
If you don’t mind, I shall lead you the way after this.

Tsubomi: We have arrived at a place to accumulate lots of strength― Or commonly known as ‘Reiketsu’. ⁸
It has plenty inside. You shall feast yourself upon them.

Daikoku: How shall I receive them…?
It looks like an ordinary temple to me……

Tsubomi: Power―!!

Daikoku: What?!
Why’s the sudden…?! You made me scared…….

Tsubomi: Now, it’s your turn.

Daikoku: Y- You should just scream that out loud…?

Priest: Hahaha!
If it isn’t the young lady from Denki theatre. So you came to visit us again.

Tsubomi: Good evening, Priest.
Please excuse us.

Priest: Oh please, you don’t have to be so formal about it.
Seems like you’re not going with Kamira today?

Tsubomi: As you can see, I brought a friend from a different theatre this time.
I want her to be healed in this place. This temple is a glorious one after all.

Daikoku: A friend…

Priest: That is good to hear. If only I’m not in middle of doing errands,
I could prepare some tea for you two…

Tsubomi: You shouldn’t worry too much about it.
But I really appreciate the thought.

Priest: I see.
Well then. Please make yourself feel at home.

Daikoku: ……

Daikoku: Thank you so much for today, Tsubomi-san.
Not only for the shop trip together, you were also introducing me to a lot of places…

Tsubomi: Don’t mention it. It was from my initiative to begin with.
You know, about the year-end sale.

Daikoku: Even so, today was a lot of fun…
It’s already a rare occasion to be able to freely talk about fortune and bits of grudges that I had…

Tsubomi: I do see what you mean. It’s also been a while since my visit to a power spot with someone.

Daikoku: Nng~……
My mind somehow feels clearer than usual now.

Maybe I should go to a power spot more often.
Now that being mentioned, we also did some shrine performances as Eden actors.

Tsubomi: A shrine, you say……
Oho. Just now I got an enlightment.

My comrade. If you have a free time slot during the new year,
I shall invite you to come along to a place.

Daikoku: Come along… To a place…?

Tsubomi: I have some shrine assists to do by the start of new year.
It’s a duty since I'm currently in practice, but lacking in power, we’re in need of more helping hands.

Daikoku: When you say assists…
Do you think I’m good enough for the subject…?

Tsubomi: There is no need to worry about the details.
Consider to give some thought about it.

TL notes:

[1] Slip (Ofuda / お札): These are a thing in Japanese, defined as Talisman with writings (can be on paper, wood, cloth) which usually found on shrines and temples.

[2] Fulu slip (呪符): Slip of magic symbols and incantations to protect someone from misfortune. Originally came from China, commonly used by Taolists.

[3] Gofu slip (護符): At same glance it looks similar, and it is a part of fulu, but it focuses on the (spirits) protection use. According to saika fortune site, in Japan, the ‘curse’ words on fulu can be interpreted as negative, but it more depends on how you see it.

^ For more detail. According to another site, Fulu slips are used to ‘remove’ misfortune, while Gofu slips are used to ‘prevent’ misfortune.

[4] One curse will result in digging two holes = Both cursed and people who give curse will get the effects (to death). Instead of using a proverb, I decided to translate the phrase literally since it makes the most sense with the flow.

[5] Crystal Healing: As what the written could imply. This is one of the psychological beliefs, said that crystals can heal / work as medicine.

[6] Demon’s Friend is Eden’s original play, which was elaborated in Main Story 2 (TL by Erebus). Conveniently the main chara focus was Daikoku.

[7] Power spot means place to heal / get more positive energy. Usually being associated with sacred places, if in Japan such as temples, shrines or mountains.

[8] For now, the closest that I found for Reiketsu (霊穴) is a temple with cave. Either way it’s likely that this is just a place name. || (4 days later) Or so I thought until you try to read this as 霊 + 穴, the literal TL is hole of spirits.

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Pub: 15 Jan 2025 07:56 UTC
Edit: 15 Jan 2025 12:25 UTC
Views: 190