all /type fonts fonts are titled the way you should enter them in your metadata. links attached to titles. Averia_Libre Babylonica Beth_Ellen Comforter_Brush Courier_Prime Darumadrop_One Diphylleia Dokdo Dongle Emilys_Candy Fraunces Fredoka Gaegu Gamja_Flower Gochi_Hand Handjet Homemade_Apple Lacquer Mali Mansalva Micro_5 Mr_Bedfort Mynerve Nanum_Pen_Script Kosugi_Maru Patrick_Hand Pt_Serif Schoolbell Silkscreen Single_Day Slackside_One Sour_Gummy Special_Elite Sue_Ellen_Francisco Sunshiney The_Girl_Next_Door Tilt_Neon Tiny5 UnifrakturMaguntia Unkempt VT323 Water_Brush Yomogi Yuji_Syuku go back