A Snack Before Lunch.

Tom had always liked the summer, long days spent at the beach soaking in the rays, and just the general good mood had always been cathartic to him. but these days he had yet another reason to enjoy it, as it usually meant that Scarlet was garbed in shorts and a tank-top, and today was no exception.

The tigress was currently dressed in a pair of white tennis shorts with a matching white tank-top, and running back and forth across the court sending powerful serve after powerful serve down at the profusely sweating and breathless man who was her opponent.

Tom watched as she played, as he often did, admiring the way the sun shone down on her fur, the way it played off of her body almost hypnotic to him as she moved, her stripes almost seeming to melt together.
Tom rarely played against her, as for a start, he wasn’t sporty, with an average height and skinny build, he was not athletically inclined at all, though he considered himself a beast at ping-pong.

Lounging back on a deck chair, the book Tom had brought with him to read lay forgotten on his lap as he watched Scarlet utterly decimate the middle aged guy she was against.

With one final powerful back hand serve, Scarlet sent the ball flying across the court in a lime green streak, so fast the man had barely enough time to take two steps before the ball bounced past his line, giving Scarlet the point, and thus the round.

“5 nill,” she chirped happily, her breaths heavy, though nowhere near as ragged as the poor mans who now wandered off, glaring and shaking his head.

Scarlet stretched, almost 8 feet of powerful tigress flexing before she half jogged, half bounced over to where Tom was sitting.

“a good show as ever,” he said, standing up to greet her with a smile.

“pfft, hardly a show, he was barely worth a warm-up,” she replied, closing the remaining 10 feet between them with 2 long strides.

He had been expecting the hug, but even so, being suddenly lifted off his feet in a powerful, yet gentle embrace was always a little disconcerting, if not thoroughly enjoyable.
He held her back as best he could, rapping his arms around her chest and burying his face between her sizable breasts.

After a short moment she set him back down, and grinned down at him, showing off her rather large, and quite menacing set of fangs. When Tom had first met Scarlet that maw had been more than a little intimidating, but now the danger of them seldom crossed his mind.

“How long till lunch?” Scarlet asked, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet, the rush of the game still evidently pumping through her.

Tom checked his phone, “still about an hour yet, perhaps if you didn’t beat that guy so quickly we might not have to wait so long.”

Scarlet narrowed her amber eyes at him, but grinned none the less.
“well if he had been better, I wouldn’t of thrashed him so… this vacation is grate and all, but dam I miss Janine, at least she can play.”

Tom was all too familiar with Janine, the she wolf was nowhere near the size of Scarlet, but she was built like a tank, and could match Scarlet in power when it came to tennis, and far surpass her when it came to shear ferocity. Janine may have been Scarlet's best friend, but Tom was not ashamed to admit that the other female scared him sometimes… well… most of the time if truth be told, but she was nice enough when not engaged in anything even remotely competitive.

“come on, let’s go back to the hotel room for a bit, I wanna relax before we eat,” Scarlet said, taking toms hand in one of her much larger ones and setting off before he could reply.

Her strides were slow, matching his, and her grip on his hand gentle. He loved that about her, despite being large enough to break him with hardly a thought or effort, she never hurt him, or at least she had never done him serious harm, a few bruises here and there, but they healed quick enough.

This vacation had been long in coming, the pare had needed a break from their respective jobs, Scarlet as a personal trainer, and Tom as an accountant. So, after a short discussion they had decided that a simple week in the sun would do nicely, away from all the stress and worry.

The heat of the day was immediately reduced as they entered the lobby of the hotel, the AC taking the edge off of the late morning sun.

Scarlet picked up her pace as they walked through the main foyer, evidently eager to get back to their room. Tom half jogged, and was half pulled along by her as her strides grue longer.

“Someone’s in a hurry.” he said, grinning up at her.

“It’s cool in the room, and my feet ache.” She said, stopping at the elevator and pressing the button to call it.

“U-huh,” Tom said, still grinning.
She glared down at him, but anything she was about to say was halted as the elevator doors opened.
As such instead of responding verbally, she dragged him in after her, and jammed a finger for the 5th floor.

Tom was acutely aware that the two of them were alone, and very aware that he was stood right next to almost 8 feet of twitchy tigress.
Even now she was still slightly bouncing, and swaying back and forth, but that wasn’t what worried Tom, she often did that sort of thing when idle. No, what concerned Tom was her tail, which twitched back and forth randomly, and that to Tom, was a dead giveaway that she was excited about something, though he had a good idea what that something was.

The cool room was a much needed respite, and the two of them sighed as they entered, both visibly relaxing.

As Tom kicked off his shoes, Scarlet strode across the room and flopped on the couch, sprawling all of her lean length across the leather, and fixing her amber eyes on Tom with a rather lascivious gaze.
“Toooom? You know you love me?”

To chuckled, shaking his head and walking over to put his unread book down on the table.

“Not that much,” he said.
She glared at him, her fiery eyes almost burning into him.
That was all Tom needed to rethink his words.

“Yes, my darling?” he said, walking over and smiling warmly down where she lounged. “what can this simple man do for one of your strength and beauty?”

Scarlets expression softened at once, her ears going back, adopting an almost timid look.
“Would you give me a foot massage? Pretty please?”
Tom took in a deep breath, as if in heavy contemplation, but instead of answering with words, he walked over and dropped to his knees, and reached for one of her legs.

Scarlet all but giggled with giddy excitement, and was all to eager to let him pull one of her legs down into his lap.
Naturally, he began with her foot, more specifically, with her toe.

He was no stranger to giving Scarlet massages of course, and in fact, he rather enjoyed doing it. the feel of her soft, well maintained fur, her strong, solid muscles, and the sound of the little moans she made gave Tom no end of satisfaction.

Her toes flexed and curled as he worked them, sliding his fingers between, and under, working all the aches out of the joints.
Tom didn’t even need to be careful of her claws, which she extended and retracted as she flexed her toes, as he had done this so often that it was almost second nature to him at this point.

She giggled as he moved down to the black pad of her foot, using his thumb to work the more tender flesh there with firm, circular motions.

Before long he was making his way up her ankle, and working out all the tension in her powerful calf.
Glancing up, he saw that Scarlet had her head back, and eyes closed, her ears flicking every so often as he hit a particular sweet spot.

Up and down his hands went, needing the fur covered muscle as he went, enjoying each twitch of her toes and every little hiss of relief that left her lips.

“that good?” he asked, his hand making it to the bottom of her white shorts, before heading back down, working the hole way.

“Mmhmm,” was all she said.
Tom chuckled, before standing up, and seating himself on the couch, and taking up her other leg and setting it down in his lap to continue his work.

Once again he started with her toes, and worked his way slowly up her leg.

“Mmmmm, tom?” Scarlet said, her voice low, almost dreamy.


Her amber eyes flickered open slightly as she spoke.

“Could ya do my shoulders?” she asked, in perhaps the sweetest voice Tom had ever heard her use.

Naturally there was no way in hell Tom was going to be able to resist that voice, so after a moment more of calf rubbing, he stopped.

“come ear then,” he said, and within seconds, Scarlet was on the floor in front of Tom, and pulling her shirt up and over her head.

Tom shuffled forward, and with a leg either side of her, he set to work on her broad shoulders.

Now, aside from the enjoyment of feeling Scarlet melt into his touch, and listening to the sound of her sweet little moans as she relaxed, there was of course the other benefit of this new position, and that was of course the ability to see right down the top of Scarlets bra, and thus indulge himself by staring at her cleavage.

Her orange and black fur shifted with each movement of his hands, his fingers working out all the tension in her powerful muscles.

He moved from her shoulders, down to her shoulder blades, continuing his work, and grinning as Scarlet arched her back, and let out a particularly sharp intake of air, quickly followed by a low moan as he hit a knot

“r-right there,” she sighed, once again melting back into his busy fingers.

But before long he was blocked by her bra strap.
Without a moment of hesitation, he undid the garment, and let it fall away.

“perv,” she said, though she made no move to stop him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I gotta do a good job, and it was in the way.”

“Uhuh,” she said, quickly followed by another sigh as he moved lower, shifting his wait to try and get a better angle.

“here, lay down on your belly, I can’t quite reach the rest of your back.” Scarlet huffed, but did as asked, leaning forward and shifting her legs aside, before laying flat, her chin resting on her for arms.

Tom wasted no time in returning to work, sliding off the couch and straddling Scarlet's hips, before needing the small of her back.

After finishing with the bottom, he worked his way back up to her shoulders, before making one last dissent, only this time using his knuckles on her spine, rolling them firmly, but not too hard, and causing her back to arch once more in that way he liked so much.

By now even Tom was thoroughly in the moment, so as he finished the back massage, he slid down, and hooking his fingers in the waist band of her shorts, he pulled down, attempting to remove them in one fluid motion. How ever this didn’t quite go according to plan, after all he wasn’t a very large man, and she was an absolute unit of a tigress.
So all in all he ended up just tugging largely ineffectually at them.

Scarlet glanced over her shoulder at him, a curious glint in her eye and a mischievous grin on her lips.

“what do ya think you’re doing?” she asked, in a rather convincing approximation of an ignorant tone.

“what ya think ya big puss, I’m trying to take your shorts off,” he said, giving the offending article of clothing another tug.

“you could of just asked,” she said, lifting her hips just enough for the shorts to slide down passed her butt and down her thighs, before with another tug, he had them completely off, leaving her in just a pare of white panties.

Tossing the shorts aside, he ran his hands up the back of her legs, his mind now refocused on the task at hand.

With each squeeze of her tight muscles, she let out another half purr, half moan, her tail flicking back and forth, and bapping him on the chest and cheeks every now and then.

Before long Tom stopped his work on her legs and grabbed that tail of hers and started running the appendage through his hands and between his fingers. There was not much in the way of muscle and flesh on it, so he could not give it a proper massage, either way, Scarlet seemed to be enjoying it none the less.

Tom was so lost in the moment, that it took him a second to notice that Scarlet had pushed herself up, and was on her knees, twisting her torso and grabbing him in her arms. but before he knew it, he was on his back, her wait pressing down on him, as her lips found his.

The grunt of her wait being pressed on him was muffled by her mouth, and he quickly found his tongue losing a wrestling match with hers.

The sudden attack had left him stunned for a moment, but he quickly found himself lost in her affection, as he did every single time. she was careful not to put her hole wait on him, just to avoid squashing him too much, but even so, the wait, the soft fur, her warmth, they were all things that left Tom lost in the moment, oblivious to the world. That was until she rolled over, breaking the passionate kiss and leaving Tom breathless. He only needed to glance up at Scarlet's face to see the hunger in her eyes, and it made his heart flutter.

He needed no instruction on what he should do next, the fire in her eyes told him everything he needed to know.

When Scarlet had rolled over, she had placed him so that his head was perfectly between her breasts, and so, like the dutiful boyfriend he was, he lunged for her left breast, and seized her nipple between his lips, suckling on it firmly and running his tongue across the erect nub.

Scarlet hissed in a breath, and pressed her large and powerful hand against the back of his head, pressing his face hard against her soft mound.

As he used his mouth on her left, he pinched the other between thumb and for finger, twisting and pulling it rather ruffly in the way that he knew she liked.

She growled, and arched beneath him, lifting the two off of the ground briefly before she slumped back down.

After a second growl and arching of the back, Tom moved on to her other nipple, and gave it the same treatment, while his other hand ruffly pinched and twisted the now wet other.

By now Tom was naturally as hard as could be, his length rather uncomfortably trapped in the tight confines of his shorts. but just as he was about to shift to remove them, Scarlet beat him to it. with one hand still pressed against his head, keeping it firmly against her breast, she used the other to reach down and in one quick and well-practiced movement, she had his shorts and boxers off, and flung across the room.

Now more comfortable, Tom could concentrate on the task at hand, or rather, in hand and mouth. but it would seem Scarlet had other plans.

Arching her back once more, she pushed down on Toms shoulders with both hands, detaching him from her nipple and sliding him down her tone stomach. Her legs came up and rapped around his hips, pushing him the rest of the way down till he was face to face with her femininity, evidently she had removed her panties at some point without him knowing.

It took only a brief glance at her damp crotch fur, puffy pink petals, and slightly engorged clit to know just how needy she was, and Tom was never one to keep his lady waiting.

Without hesitating a second, he berried his face between her thighs, quickly pressing his lips and tongue to her wetness. The affect was immediate.

With a yowling growl of a moan, Scarlet rapped her thighs around Toms head, forcing his face hard against her heat.

The strength of her legs was almost over powering, and if Tom had not been used to this before, he would have been fearful of Scarlet breaking his nose by doing this. But even during there most mindless and most passionate times, Scarlet had never lost so much control that she actually hurt him. even so, with a face full of hot, wet tiger pussy, and with his retreat blocked by two powerful tiger thighs, there was only one thing Tom could do.

With his sight all but gone, Tom had to rely on touch alone to please his wanting tigress, luckily almost two years of experience had taut him well, and he knew just how to pleasure her.

He wasted no time on going on the attack, quickly finding and latching on to her clit, suckling and lashing at it with his tongue in much the same way he had done with her nipple, however her clit was far more sensitive, and garnered a much greater affect.

She thrashed her tail, and arched her back, all but roaring her pleasure out as she squeezed his face harder against her pussy.

Tom knew that if he didn’t work quick, he could very well pass out, as breathing was more or less impossible at this point. so, he enacted faze two of his plan.

With his mouth busy, he brought his hands into play, managing to bring them up to meet her sex. With one, he parted her slick folds, while with the other, he inserted 3 fingers, all while continuing to go to town on her clit, eating her out for dear life.

Despite her size, her athletic and sporty tendencies had insured she was still tight, much to Toms enjoyment.

Pumping furiously with one hand, running the fingers of his other hand up and down her lips, and while suckling hard at her clit, he preyed that she would finish soon, and luckily for him, she did.

With a snarling growl of pleasure that ended with a raw that was slightly muffled by the thighs about his ears, Tom went from being suffocated to being almost drowned in a matter of moments.

Scarlet thrashed and shuddered, humping Toms face as she held him firm with her legs, her feminine essence, gushing out of her as her walls contracted rhythmically around Toms fingers.

Her taste was nothing new to him, slightly bitter, but with a hint of sweetness, it was not unpleasant in the least.

After a few more short spasms, her grip on his head with her thighs loosened, and Tom was able to pull back, and take a gasping breath. His face red from lack of oxygen, her heat, and his own raging arousal, Tom sucked in breath after breath of clean, fresh air, while Scarlet recovered on the floor. But if Tom thought he would have a seconds respite, he was wrong. Blinking the remainder of Scarlet's fluids from his eyes, Tom yet again didn’t notice as she moved, this time sitting up and all but tackling him back and onto the couch. He only had a moment of confusion before all came clear, or rather, all came hazy as Toms mind went numb with pleasure, Scarlet's mouth completely engulfing his cock in one go.

Distantly he remembered how scared he had been the first time she had done this, what with those rather large, and sharp teeth, a sensible man would be a little hesitant to allow such equipment anywhere near his… equipment. But after a little convincing, Scarlet had managed to win him over to the idea, though admittedly it had not taken a great deal of work, after all Tom was a man with a man’s needs.

Right now however Toms mind was in no fit state to be reminiscing, as Scarlet had just begun to suck him off, her strong, textured but not ruff tongue working wonders on his head, as she bobbed up and down, her lips sealed firmly around his shaft.

Now… you see, Tom had often prided himself on having rather good stamina, and usually he would last somewhat longer, however today, and in this very moment, he was week. Scarlet was not holding back by any means, and with how pent up Tom was, who could blame him when he grasped Scarlets head, and half groaned, half squeaked out, “Scar-Scarlet, i-I’m, I’m gu-“ Tom didn’t quite get to finish his sentence, as his words just kinda devolved into a long sigh of pleasure, punctuated by grunts and hisses as he… well… finished.

Scarlet took his load like a champ, as she always did, and swallowed every last drop he gave her, even going so far as to clean his dick of any remaining cum with her tongue, though she was careful during his time of heightened sensitivity.

Panting like he had just finished a race, Tom slumped back into the leather couch, his white shirt stained with his own sweet, and something much more dubious. For her part, Scarlet sat back on her heels, with an expression that would suggest the two had just finished a rather engaging game of chess.

Scarlet looked over at the clock on the wall, and grinned, “so… wanna go grab some lunch?”

Pub: 22 Feb 2023 01:00 UTC
Edit: 22 Feb 2023 01:02 UTC
Views: 1539