Shinji Ikari's fat face rippled with a smile as he was pushed out of the doors of the apartment complex. "Ohh, Kaworu-san," he cooed, "it's a beautiful day!"

And it was. The sun was shining, it was warm but not too hot. The sky was blue with only hints of clouds. It was a wonderful day.

Kaworu Nagisa, his caretaker, patted Shinji's shoulder, causing his arm fat to ripple. "Indeed, Shinji-kun," he said with a smile. "A beautiful day to make love under the sky."

"Ohhhhh," moaned Shinji in delight. Buried in the depths of his enormous fat body, his tiny penis grew semi-erect.

Kaworu pushed him down the ramp leading out from their apartment, and out onto the sidewalk, headed in the direction of the park. Shinji lounged in the bariatric wheelchair. He was so incredibly fat that he barely walked at all any more; he wasn't sure he could have walked more than a few meters on his own at this point, he'd gotten so obese and so out of shape. Currently he tipped the scales at a colossal 347 kilograms; an enormous blossoming blob of a boy, inching gluttonously towards half a standard ton.

His fattened face was bloated and hoggish, with massive jowls that gave him permanent dimples, sagging down to a plump, wide jawline that billowed into one chin, then a double chin, then a triple chin. Shinji looked like a pig in a wig, his short-cut brown hair and his beady blue eyes comically small amid the fatness of his face.

His arms were larded with blubber, heavy fat upper arms that sagged heavily over his elbows and led down to bloated forearms that ended in chubby hands and fat fingers. In between each hefty arm were Shinji's breasts, enormous boy boobs that stuck out prominently and gave him quite the bosom. Currently the fat tits were lolling to either side of Shinji's colossal belly, running down the slope of the massive gut. Shinji's enormous tum-tum was so big a whole adult could have curled up inside it. He was hugely fat in the belly, and on the rare times he stood it sagged down to his calves.


"Ohh, Kaworu-san," said Shinji gently, "I know I went poo-poo before we left, but you did bring the diaper bag, didn't you? I may, hmm, need a change before we get back to the apartment."

"Of course, my pet," said Kaworu, indicating a big bag in the pouch at the back of the wheelchair.

Shinji's ass was huge and bloated, a wide seat that swelled imperiously behind him and boomed to either side of his vast expanse. He was a big-butted boy, and he had a true shelf ass, each buttock the size of a beanbag chair. They led down to thick, lardy thighs the size of tree trunks, that oozed forward down into hefty calves that sagged over his ankles. His feet were fat, and his toes were cute and plump.

Shinji smiled, fat cheeks oozing as his mouth worked. "Oh, Kaworu, mmm, these earrings you got me are so pretty! I've never felt so fancy."

Shinji's gigantic fat body was attired in a shockingly feminine manner. He was wearing a huge muumuu, a big dress, colored white with blue flowers on it. His fingernails were painted, done up with clean white nail polish. The fat boy was wearing blush and toner and eye shadow, and he wore deep red lipstick on his lips. Around his neck he wore a beautiful pearl necklace; he had diamond rings on the fingers of both hands. And, as mentioned, he wore earrings, beautiful gold earrings with diamonds in both ears. Shinji had been getting more and more feminine, girlier and girlier, the fatter he'd gotten. Kaworu encouraged this; he noticed it made Shinji feel better, and relaxed him into his role as Kaworu's pet. The former Eva pilot seemed to find great delight at retreating from his masculinity as he grew fatter and more helpless and more pampered.


Shinji's fat face made a slight frown. "Ohh, Kaworu-san, I, hmm, I think the diaper rash isn't quite gone yet. My bottom still feels a bit tingly. I think we may need to put more of the medicine on my butt cheeks."

"Of course, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, continuing to push him along. He patted Shinji's dress-clad shoulder. Shinji cooed in delight, and nestled deeper into the comfortable, cushioned seat of the wheelchair, wallowing in his fatness and his fancy dress.

They had reached the park, and Kaworu was pushing Shinji along the tree-shaded avenues of the enormous public space. As they went along, they got stares everywhere they went. So many people were confused to see someone so obese out in public; more than that, they couldn't decide if the colossally fat figure was male or female. Shinji noticed their stares but he absolutely did not care at all. Kaworu's infinite supply of love and affection had cured all his fears and worries about being out in the world. He loved pleasing Kaworu; he fattened up and feminized for an audience of one, but that one person was the most important person he'd ever encountered in his life. More than Misato, more than Ayanami, more than Asuka, more even than his own mother, Shinji was devoted to Kaworu. He worshipped the red-eyed Angel boy, and was completely obsessed with being the kind of person that pleased him.

Smiling, Shinji glanced up over his shoulder at Kaworu. Kaworu looked down at him.

Kaworu smiled down at him.

Shinji blushed and giggled. He felt butterflies in his enormous stomach. It was just as wonderful as the first day they had met. "I love you, Kaworu-san!" said Shinji with rapturous pleasure.

"Ah, and I love you, too, Shinji-kun," said the Angel. "Now, sit tight. We are almost to the spot that I have arranged."

Shinji wiggled his plump fingers and drummed them on his enormous gut. Kaworu had promised him "love under the sky" today, and Shinji had been curious about what he had meant. Kaworu often did special things and little treats for him, celebrations in the midst of daily life. Of course, this would almost certainly include sex. Shinji was excited. He'd never been fucked outside before.

They passed to the left into a private entrance, with a gate that opened and closed behind them. Shinji could smell flowers. There was glinting green light as the sunshine came through the leaves of the trees. His big, fat nipples began to stiffen beneath the fabric of his dress. His tiny penis, stubby and shrunken and comically undersized, was very erect. He could feel the romance in the air. He was entranced. A blush came to his blubbery cheeks.

They emerged into a clearing. There was a gazebo, white with roses around it, in the middle. They were enclosed and cut off from the world; even the sounds of the city around the park seemed muffled. In the middle of the gazebo there was a huge white mattress, piled high with pillows. And on a table next to the mattress there was "Cake!" said Shinji with a gasp of delight. Indeed, a great, big, chocolate cake was sitting on the low table.

"Chocolate cake with peanut butter icing inside," said Kaworu with a smile as the wheelchair came to a stop.

"Ohhhh," moaned Shinji in delight, rubbing his chubby hands together.

"I thought you could use a snack, my pet," said Kaworu. "And I promised you a very special lovemaking session today, so I didn't want you to get peckish in the middle of it."

"Kaworu... ohh, oh, Kaworu-san," cooed Shinji, his eyes growing damp. He was so aroused, and so full of love and devotion, that a tear trickled down his cheek. Kaworu came around to the enormous fat boy. He stroked the big, soft slope of Shinji's gigantic belly. Shinji moaned in delight. "Kiss me," he said, his voice breathy and desperate. "Kiss me, oh, oh, kiss me, Kaworu-san, please!"

Kaworu smiled and leaned in, and Shinji's eyes fluttered closed as his boyfriend kissed his lips. It was almost as good as sex. Shinji was in heaven. Kaworu's lips were so soft and nice. Shinji leaned in, and his fat hands wrapped around his caretaker's own slender ones.

When their lips pulled apart, Shinji moaned softly in his flabby throat. "Ohhh, Kaworu-san... I love you. I belong to you. You own me."

"Indeed I do, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. He rose to his full height. "Now come. Let us begin."

Kaworu lowered down and stuck his hands under Shinji's fat armpits, thin arms sinking into the blubber of Shinji's sides like Shinji was made of jello. Then with incredible strength he lifted Shinji Ikari out of the wheelchair, and carried him to the gazebo. Carefully, tenderly, oh so gently, Kaworu settled Shinji on his stomach on the mattress, taking care to place him where the pillows were piled high. Then he took the cake off the table and set it on the gazebo's floor, just in front of Shinji.

"Heheh," said Shinji with a grin on his piggish face. "I guess I'm gonna use my hands?"

"I thought you would prefer it that way," said Kaworu.

"Ohh, I would! You know me so well, Kaworu-san!" Shinji blushed furiously. "You're the best boyfriend ever!"

"Now..." Kaworu stroked Shinji's cheek. "Eat. And while you are eating... the fun shall begin."

Overpoweringly horny, Shinji grabbed a chunk of the cake in his fat hand. He stuffed it into his mouth. "Ohgm!" he mumbled, mouth full of food, lips already stained by the chocolate. "This is delicious!"

"Only the best, Shinji-kun, for you," said Kaworu, walking around to Shinji's voluminous backside.

As Shinji continued to eat, he felt the air on him as Kaworu lifted the dress up off his lower half. Then he really felt a burst of cool air, as Kaworu undid the straps of his diaper and discarded it. The warm spring air was crisp and lovely on Shinji's colossal butt, his big, hefty cheeks dimpled with cellulite. Shinji paused his eating. He held his breath.

And then... "Ahhhh," moaned Shinji in delight as he felt Kaworu enter him. He felt Kaworu's large penis push itself into his loose anus, so easy and flexible after so many years of lovemaking. He felt Kaworu thrust, deep inside him, then pull out a little, then thrust again. Shinji's eyes rolled back into his head, and he grabbed another chunk of cake and stuffed it into his waiting mouth.

Shinji Ikari, the fat gay boy, was fed and sodomized all at once. Minutes passed by, more than half an hour, and Kaworu continued to fuck him, as Shinji continued to eat. It was a bliss, a heaven, that Shinji had never really experienced before. There was nothing but physical pleasure: the cock deep inside him, the taste of chocolate on his lips, the softness of the pillows and the mattress, the warmth of the air, the flowers' sweet scent. He reached heights of pure pleasure that he had never experienced in his entire life, and tears came down his face, tears of joy, from the absolute overload of his dopamine receptors. More time, more time, more eating of cake, more of Kaworu making love to him.




Shinji was cumming, cumming again and again, his tiny penis coming to erection and coming to climax over and over as the feeding and fucking went on. It was better than any jerk-off session he'd ever had himself, better than all the times Kaworu had given him a handjob. Once, twice, three times, four times, he kept cumming, as Kaworu kept fucking him, more than an hour had passed and the Angel's enormous cock was still burying itself deep inside the fat boy, and Shinji kept eating and eating, stuffing his front hole with cake just as his rear hole was stuffed with cock.

Finally, the very last chunk of cake was in Shinji's hand. The fat boy eyed it with beady, greedy eyes. He was really a hog, deep down. A pure livestock animal, only satisfied with food and sex. And he had been given it all today, and given it to his limit.

Shinji gurgled.

Shinji snorted.

Shinji oinked, and became a pig for all time, and he stuffed the final chunk of cake into his mouth, and Kaworu thrust into him one last time, going deeper than ever, filling his anus completely to the limit. And one last time, his tiny, shrunken penis spattered away, cumming as strongly as it ever had at the start.

"Ah," said Kawrou happily, pulling out of his fat sex toy's floppy anus. He pulled his pants back up, and buckled his belt again.

"Ohhh," moaned Shinji in pleasure.

"How was that, my pet?" said Kaworu, reaching over to grab the enormous bariatric diaper. He started to work it around Shinji's vast body, taping it back into place.

"So good. So good! Ohh, Kaworu-san, that's the best sex we've ever had!"

Kaworu rolled Shinji over onto his back. The giant fat boy sprawled on the mattress, huge belly sticking up into the air. His face and his front were covered in cake, smeared with chocolate and peanut butter icing.

Shinji smiled up at his boyfriend, then opened his mouth: "UUUUUURRRRPPPP!!!!"

"Nice," said Kaworu-san. "I trust that cake is sitting well in your belly."

"It was a really delicious cake, Kaworu-san! I might want to have something like that again some time. And..." he smiled up at the boy he depended on for everything. "And that was so special, Kaworu-san. You really do love me. And I love you."

"Anything for my beloved pet," said Kaworu. "Now, stay put for a bit, I am going to get a damp cloth and clean you up before we go."

Shinji's face contorted.


His innards, the depths of his huge belly and hips, churned so loud that even Kaworu could hear them.

Kaworu smiled down at the boy. "I think someone needs the toilet."

"Ohh, it's that cake... and, ohhh, always after we make love... ohhh, Kaworu-san," Shinji's huge body rippled as he fidgeted, "I'm going to go poo poo!"


An absolutely enormous load of goopy, greasy turds emptied themselves into Shinji's diaper. He defecated with enormous volume and heft, pooping with real force.

Kaworu laughed. "Poop away, Shinji-kun, as I clean you off." And Kaworu went to retrieve the towel.


Another gigantic load of feces belched out of Shinji's anus. His fat face, smeared with chocolate, jiggled as he smiled, chins and jowls oozing around his lipstick-clad mouth. "Ohhhh," he moaned, "I love my life."


Pub: 20 Jul 2024 07:14 UTC
Views: 149