With a sleepy yawn and a long stretch, Foxxy rose up out of bed. One leg and then another slipped from under his covers, over his bedside, and into his Ainz Ooal Gown slippers. He blinked slowly, the sleepiness still keeping his eyelids heavy. He rubbed his eyes and finally looked up to be greeted with his favorite poster: A full-body analytical diagram of a human skeleton. "Good morning, Pope-chama," he whispered before planting a light kiss on the skeleton's zygomatic bone. Today was going to be a great day. Everyone (even his favorite bag of bones) was coming to the burger dad offpako dinner party later tonight, and Foxxy wouldn't miss that in a million years. He stayed up late picking out his outfit for the night but his hard work paid off: His favorite deep V-neck t-shirt, a new pair of skinny chinos he picked up at H&M the other day, freshly cleaned Vans slip-ons, and, last but not least, his daily pair of skull-themed high socks. "I bet this will make his bony head spin," thought Foxxy, giggling like a schoolgirl.

Foxxy's day was like any other. He ate a hearty breakfast, changed from his jammies into his work clothes, and took off on his trusty bike to work. But there was one thing different, he was full of excitement! Every customer that came in was met with a bright smile and a cheery greeting. While the clock counted up, Foxxy couldn't contain his joy as the hours counted down in his head. Foxxy was saying his goodbyes and out the door the moment the clock struck 5. He skipped over to his bike, threw off the lock, and pedaled home like he was racing through the French countryside. His speed at home was also so great that it could inspire a NEET to straighten out his life. Shower: Done. Body: Shaven. Cologne: Sprayed. Lipgloss: Applied. And finally, outfit: On.

"Oh no, I'm going to be late!" thought the hurried Foxxy as he made his way through the city streets. "Hehe, maybe I'll bump into Pope-chama at this corner, just like in my animes." But there was no skeleton waiting for him when he passed the corner. Instead, Foxxy was met with an odd sight. A group of women, noticeably above the age of 30, were grouped around something. They were blabbing about how skinny someone was and how white his skin was, but Foxxy just filtered them out by thinking, "Ugh, women." A brief walk later, Foxxy finally made it to the trendy yet fairly-priced ramen shop the dads had agreed to meet at. He nervously took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Canna, Romeo, Moe, AnonEDM, Gyro, Lazm, StuffedIdiot, and Fireworks were all gathered around a large table and waived Foxxy over. "Damn, Canna is one fat, bald, ugly bastard. Makes sense for someone who only eats honey," thought Foxxy.

Foxxy was having a blast with the dads and many laughs were shared. Who knew Gyro was so good at the fidget spinner? And Moe came with such a big cowboy hat! Fireworks was a cute girl all along, who would've thought! But there was one dad who was being extra friendly that night. That honey-gorging, fat, ugly bastard Canna shared all the same tastes as Foxxy, whether it be anime, music, Korean dramas, movies, or even colors. As the dinner went on, Foxxy laughed, "Haha, good one Romeo. You're right that Ace Combat is the superior aerial fighting game over Warhawk. But wait, where's Pope-chama? He should've been here a while ago..." Canna chimed in, "You didn't hear? He had to cancel, something about a group of hags outside that he 'had to bone lol'." Foxxy's smile immediately dropped. "Oh... Is that so... That's too bad..." Foxxy beat himself up mentally for not saving his future bone daddy from those shitty femoids. He looked down at his glass, his reflection peering wistfully back at him.

"Hey buddy, you doing okay? You've been sitting there for like 30 minutes twirling your straw around." Foxxy snapped out of his daze and was met with the sweet smell of honey. "Oh hey Canna, yeah I'm just bummed we all couldn't make it," the gloomy Foxxy replied. "Yeah, it's a shame Pope couldn't make it. We'll have to plan a next time. But hey, how about I go refill our drinks and we see what everyone else is talking about?" Foxxy was cheered up a little by Canna's niceness and gave him a little nod to go ahead. A few minutes later with a new drink in his hand and a little encouragement from Canna, Foxxy jumped right back into the banter like he'd never left.

The night was winding down and some of the dads waived goodbye, leaving just Foxxy, Canna, and Fireworks. "You don't look so good. Are you okay, Foxxy?" asked Fireworks, her delicate words able to charm even the hardest of incels. "Yeah, yeah... I'm just a little sleepy..." fumbled out Foxxy. "Dang man, you should get some rest. Want me to drive you home?" Canna asked with an innocent smile. Foxxy gratefully accepted the offer and the two dads and one mom said their goodbyes. After walking through the door, Foxxy stumbled his way to Canna's car. "Woah, maybe you should -" Canna quickly grabbed Foxxy before he faceplanted into the ground. "Yep, let me help you to the car..." Foxxy was in and out for the entire car ride, and as the car came to its final stop he noticed that they weren't at his house. But it was too late. Foxxy drifted off to sleep as a meaty hand lifted him out of the car...

Foxxy came to with an unfamiliar pillow under his head... his face? Why was he face-down, thought Foxxy. As he reached to rub his eyes something caught his arm. He looked around to see what looked like fuzzy handcuffs holding his hand- no, his hands and both his legs to the bed! "What the hell? What's going on? Hello?" the frantic Foxxy tried to shout, but his weak throat let out only a squeak. A familiar voice replied, "Sorry about that Foxxy, I didn't realize the drink would be THAT effective." A large, fat, bald, ugly, bastard of a man lumbered his way into the doorway. "Canna w-w-w-what the hell, what is this?!" spat Foxxy as he tried in vain to get out of his restraints. "Now now, don't struggle too much or you'll hurt those soft wrists of yours," said the very calm Canna. "I've got a very big offpako planned for just the two of us..."

"N-no, I just wanna g-go home," whimpered Foxxy. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break those cuffs. "T-this is a joke right? Ha... haha, just like the funny fanfics on the threads, right?", he asked. "You're right on the ball, Foxxy! It IS just like those stories. But there is one little difference... This isn't fiction," replied Canna. Foxxy could feel the bed sway and shake as the bee-loving burger climbed up on the bed. "I've been waiting sooooo long for this, Foxxy," Canna said as his hands made their way up Foxxy's voluptuous thighs. "God DAMN these are some tight chinos, how do you even breath in these? Well, whatever," he thought out loud before slipping his thumbs into Foxxy's waistband. Slowly, inch by inch, Canna pulled down Foxxy's pants to reveal a freshly-shaven ass. "Paipan, just how I like it," said the fat, ugly bastard, licking his lips. He followed up by pulling down his own pants, revealing his fully erect member. He grabbed his dick and slapped it onto Foxxy's cheeks with a meaty thwack. "N-no please, I'm waiting... I'm saving that for someone else..." whimpered Foxxy. "Oh? A secret crush? How maidenly of you. Could you mean... Pope?" asked Canna. Foxxy gasped, his secret said out loud for all the world to hear. "Funny that you mention Pope, you were always going on about how you thought he was writing the fanfics. Remember when you said 'It's Pope fr' on Discord?" Canna leaned over Foxxy's slender body and grabbed Foxxy's hair, pulling him closer to where his mouth met his ear. "Here's the funny thing about that, Foxxy..." whispered Canna.

"It was me, Foxxy. I wrote all those fanfics of you getting your ass railed. I blamed Pope for writing them just to get your hopes up. I even gathered all those hags outside the dinner by saying there was a sale on anti-aging cream to keep him away."

Canna placed the tip of his penis right on Foxxy's pink entrance.

"No no no please no no NO AHHHHHHHHH", screamed Foxxy as Canna rammed himself inside. He sat there for a moment, watching Foxxy's convulsing body with a grin. Foxxy could feel his mind go blank, his dreams of going on dates with and getting married to and growing old with Pope fading away. "Now the fun starts," said Canna, grabbing Foxxy by the shoulder. As he pulled his dick out Foxxy let out a little "Agh", but Canna did not let him rest for even a second. Canna started out slowly, pulling and pushing, enjoying the feeling of stretching out a fresh, new asshole. Foxxy's back arched with every push. He could feel the meaty pole reach all the way up his body before being taken back out. With every thrust Foxxy thought less and less about Pope and could only think of the feeling of Canna scrambling his guts.

Tears started streaming down Foxxy's face and onto the pillow below him. "Please... Take it out... N-no more...", sobbed Foxxy. "What's that? You want me to go faster? You've got it," snickered Canna. Answering his call for more, Canna grabbed Foxxy's curved waist and began ramming his ass. But Canna felt something strange slapping his fingertips with every thrust. "What's this? Oh look Foxxy, you're harder than me!" shouted Canna, laughing at Foxxy's small dick throbbing at the pleasure. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you have fun too." With that, Canna enveloped Foxxy's little penis in his massive, sweaty hands and began stroking to the rhythm of his own movements. Foxxy let out a yelp, unable to contain his enjoyment. Canna took great pleasure in this and began toying with Foxxy's hard tip. He rubbed all around Foxxy's tip, making a twisting motion that sent shivers down the boy's back. "Oh no, stop stop stop I'm gonna -" But Canna already knew what was about to happen. He sped both his hand and his hips up, sending Foxxy into a world of pleasure.

Foxxy couldn't hold back anymore. His hopes of having Pope be his first were shattered. As Canna stroked all three inches of his dick, Foxxy let go. His body seized up and his legs shot out as he released several ropes of cum all over Canna's bed. For what seemed like minutes, his penis pumped out cum like a fire hydrant. He hadn't came this hard ever before, even with his onahole-pelvis combo toy he loved so much. As Foxxy slumped onto the bed, all he could feel was the shame of his own sticky mess. How could he have cum that hard from someone else? He buried his face into the pillow and began sobbing. However, Canna wasn't done with him quite yet. Looking down at the crying Foxxy, he thought to himself, "Well, I guess I'd better wrap this up."

Canna started right back up, jamming his massive dick into Foxxy's ass. Foxxy shot up and shouted, "No! I just - ah - came so - ahn~ - don't move!" These pleas for mercy only made Canna harder. He wiped the sweat off of his chin rolls and began pounding harder and harder. He felt a massive load well up in his balls, ready to bust. "Get ready to get pollinated you furry fuck!" shouted Canna. "No no no no NO NO NOOOOOOOO", Foxxy screamed. Canna let out the two years of cum he had saved up, making a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Foxxy's tight hole. With every pump he felt Foxxy's ass twitch, unable to handle such a huge delivery in his little male-box. As the last bit of cum dribbled out of Canna, he let out a sigh of pleasure and slumped back. "Whew, that was great," Canna stated, slapping Foxxy's ass. He got up from the bed and admired the scene. Foxxy, face down ass up, covered in a mixture of the two of them's baby batter. He pulled out his phone, snapped a picture, and saved it in his "Trophies" folder. As he walked out of the room to go wash up, Canna joked to Foxxy,

"Let's look forward to the next offpako, yeah? Maybe Pope will be there, haha."

Pub: 19 Apr 2022 14:13 UTC
Views: 409