our simply plural is T41NT3D we are critical of our interests we are bodily tme, but that does not mean we cannot have alters who identify as transfem in headspace. we are not claiming to understand or experience the struggles of transfems and we do not reclaim/use slurs used against them. we understand that identifying as transfem in headspace and identifying as transfem in real life are two entirely different things. if this bothers you, please just block. there is no point in starting an argument. we're very mentally ill and are in therapy + on antidepressants. we are physically disabled and have started using mobility aids. if we tweet about seeing/hearing things or if you notice our delusional attachments, please ask before reality checking us we will freely talk about our system, our parents and family, and friends (irl or online) introjects will talk about source memories often we do not watch dsmp, but our introjects will talk about it/their source memories. we cannot tag the existence of our alters, but if you prefer some of them not to interact, please tell us we have littles and they occasionally front by themselves and chat with people. they are not stupid, please do not treat them that way. they're very capable of taking care of themselves we might come off a little strong/dry/blunt/mean sometimes, please don't take it personally if you need something tagged, please tell us, but if we don't remember, don't get upset. we have a dissociative disorder and forget things often we're generally okay with nicknames/petnames, but please do not call any of us "king"/"queen"/"prince"/"princess"/"royalty"/etc unless given permission

Pub: 17 May 2023 13:24 UTC
Edit: 17 May 2023 13:24 UTC
Views: 68