Source: https://twitter.com/aaaa5613/status/1494631271154479106
Kronii looks around the station, trying to find a certain someone. All the couples and decorations around make it hard to see, but someone like her shouldn’t be hard to find.
Guess she’s not here yet.
She takes the chance to look at her bag.
Weird that she chose today of all days to meet up… Whatever.
She rummages around, making sure she hasn’t forgotten anything at home. She stares at two boxes.
Got that one… She grabs the larger box, checking if anything went wrong after packing it. And the joke one… She checks the smaller box even more carefully. Okay, I’m good.
Just as she’s done checking, she notices someone running towards her, dodging a lot of couples trying to not crash into any of them.
No way she wouldn’t recognize that voice. The nephilim reaches her and takes a moment to catch her breath.
“I’m… huff sorry…”
Kronii closes her bag and walks closer to IRyS. “HiRyS, no worries.”
“Really?” She looks up to her, only to find the clock making an extremely smug face.
“It’s just the millionth time you’re late! No big deal!”
“OH C’MON.” IRyS pouts. “Who was the one who kept me awake until like 4 am?!”
“You could’ve ended the call at any moment, IRyS.” The smile grows wider. “But someone wanted to keep talking about allllll the anime she watched.”
“Okay, I’ll admit I went a teensy-tiny bit overboard.” She blushes a little. “But it’s also not fair when SOMEONE just STOPS TIME for 12 hours straight just so she can sleep as much as she wants!”
Kronii’s startled. “Wait how’d you know I slept for 12 hours?”
“I didn’t, but thanks for confirming.” IRyS pokes her cheek. “Why couldn’t you include me in your time stopping?”
“You never asked!” She moves the nephilim’s hand away from her.
“Oh, is THAT how that works?”
“Of course not, let’s go already.” Kronii grins at her and starts walking. IRyS grumbles a little but catches up to her.
By the time they get a move on, most people in the station are already gone.
“It kinda was rush hour, huh.” Kronii pulls out her watch to check the time.
“Yeah… Still felt like more people than usual though.” IRyS stretches her arms, the train ride was quite cramped.
They keep talking while getting out of the station. “Well, if you consider what day it is, it makes sense.”
IRyS tilts her head. “What do you mean?”
Kronii looks at her, eyes full of disbelief. “…Don’t tell me you didn’t realize even in the station.”
“Uh… It’s the day both of us are free…?”
She sighs, “Look around you, dorkRyS.”
“What do you…” IRyS stands still when she notices what’s happening, “Oh.”
One would take a long time to count how many “Happy Valentine’s day” messages are sprawled all over the streets. Red and pink balloons in the shape of hearts are placed everywhere they fit and don’t fit. Some of the roads even have heart arches where couples walk through.
“Oh… I forgor…”
Kronii can’t tell if she’s embarrassed or angry from the tone of her voice.
“Then make sure to rember it next time.” Kronii lightly pinches her cheek.
“Well… We’re already here so let’s just…” IRyS begins to walk again. “Do things together…”
“Things, huh.” Kronii chuckles at her and follows.
IRyS lightly pushes her.
“You know what I mean!”
“With you it’s always a mystery.” Kronii replies.
IRyS grins at her. “Aren’t you glad I keep it fresh, Kronii?”
“If keeping it fresh means me receiving mental damage every time we go out, then I guess I am glad.”
After Kronii gets a few horn stabs in response, they continue their walk. They try to chat a little while doing a little window shopping, but IRyS seems a little irritated whenever a couple passes by. They almost get blindsided by another one exiting a café.
“Oh hey, this café looks nice.” IRyS takes a closer look checking out what the customers are eating. “I think I saw Moona post one of those pastries…”
Kronii peeks behind her. “Which one?”
IRyS points to one of the tables. “Over there. H-hey!” Kronii grabs her hand and puts it down.
“You can’t just point at people, IRyS!”
She tries to shake her off. “How am I supposed to show you which one it is then?!”
They don’t notice the waitress approaching them while they bicker. “Um… Can I help you?”
“H-hi!” IRyS almost jumps after hearing her. “Sorry…”
“Don’t worry, miss.” The waitress bows. “Would you like to come in?”
“Uhhh…” She looks at Kronii for affirmation, she slightly nods her head. “Sure!”
“We’re offering a discount for couples today!” The waitress tells them as they follow her. “Let me show you to your table.”
“But we’re…” Kronii tries to correct her, but IRyS grabs hold of her arm.
“Hehehe, was it that obvious?” She gives the waitress a smile when she looks at them.
“Oh no, it was just a guess.” She tells her. “How long have you been together?”
“Almost 6 months now!”
“WH—” Kronii’s face turns red as she tries to make IRyS let go of her. The nephilim simply squeezes harder in response.
The waitress lets them sit down next to each other and leaves them with the menu.
“IRyS what was that.” Kronii flicks IRyS’ forehead when she’s sure the waitress isn’t looking at them.
“What’s wrong?!”
“Why. Are. You. Like. This.” She pinches both of her cheeks.
“Oh you finawy shaid the shing!” IRyS can barely speak while her face is being tortured.
Kronii realizes this and gives one final pinch. “Answer the question!”
“Ow…” IRyS rubs her cheeks. “Well… I thought we might as well take advantage of today…”
“Just for a discount?” Kronii leans her head on her hand. “I didn’t take you to be so frugal.”
“I’m very mindful of my spending just so you know.” IRyS opens up the menu to read it.
“Can you explain the shelf full of keyboards, then?” A grin appears in Kronii’s face while IRyS slightly blushes.
“T-that’s why I’m being mindful…” She covers her face with the menu. “The waitress already believed me so just roll with it!”
“Sigh… Fine…” Against her better judgement, Kronii scoots closer to the nephilim. “Do they have…”
“Strawberry meringue?” Kronii nods, a little embarrassed IRyS remembered. “Hmmm…” IRyS reads the menu 3 times. “No, I don’t see it.”
Kronii lays her head on the table. “This place sucks.”
IRyS laughs and leans on her. “C’mon, Kronii! Try something else.”
“Tell me what they have.” Kronii turns her head to look at her.
“Okay, so…” She moves to the top of the menu. “They have the usual chocolate cake, fruit cakes, cookies, macarons… Ooh! Tarts, cupcakes, scones…”
While IRyS goes through the list, Kronii looks at the café. It’s in a rustic style with wooden furniture. The windows have plants both outside and inside, even the counter has some to make the place cozier. It’s a bit modest with not that many decorations, just a few art pieces and photographs on some of the walls. There almost aren’t Valentine’s related ornaments inside the café, just a few balloons on the counter.
No need to exaggerate, I guess.
She looks back at IRyS, still going through the menu. She seems in a much better mood compared to when they were walking around. She smiles at her.
IRyS finishes listing the entire menu to Kronii, but she didn’t react to any of them. “Uh… that’s it.”
Kronii lifts her hand and waves it. “I’ll take a slice of chocolate cake then.”
IRyS lightly hits her with the menu. “Why’d you make me read the entire menu?!”
“I thought I’d be interested in something else!”
After a little more bickering, the waitress asks them for their order. They smile and hold hands while telling her what they want. When the waitress leaves them again, Kronii glances at IRyS’ arm and notices something new.
“Is that a bracelet?” She moves her hand to touch it.
“Mm-hmm!” IRyS lets her admire it. “Do you like it?”
It’s a simple, golden bangle bracelet with a pinkish heart right in the middle. “It’s cute.”
“Thank you!”
Taking a closer look, Kronii realizes the heart is a gem. “Wait, I thought you were being mindful?”
“What? Yeah I am!” IRyS brings her arm back. “They weren’t that expensive.”
“Uhh…” IRyS’ eyes dart around, “T-this came with a necklace, but I didn’t put it on!”
Kronii squints her eyes.
You’re such a bad liar.
She laughs a little but doesn’t press her further.
The waitress brings them their order of pastries and some tea and chats a little more with IRyS now that she’s taken a liking to her.
“You two have any plans for today? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Hmmm…” IRyS looks at Kronii while she takes a sip of tea. “Do you have any recommendations? We don’t go out that often so my honey here prefers quiet places.”
“Ohhh! Okay then you can have a walk around these streets!” The waitress gives them a few directions where not a lot of people pass by. “This will take you to the amusement park, I know, ‘no quiet places’, but it’s pretty silent at the top of the Ferris wheel in the amusement park!”
“F-Ferris wheel, huh…” IRyS’ voice trembles a little when she says that.
The waitress notices other clients calling for her, so she starts going to them. “There’s a lot of offers for couples! Hope you enjoy your food!”
“Thank you! We’ll keep the route in mi— OW!”
Kronii gives her a quick elbow to the side.
“…Why did I deserve that one…?” IRyS asks while recoiling from the pain.
Kronii shakes her head and takes a bite of her cake. “My honey? Really?”
“Are you admiring my acting chops, Kronii?” She does a few poses while defending herself from another elbow.
“You must have done that a few times to be that good.” Kronii stares at her for a second. “Maybe you’ve already done this with someone else?” She takes another bite but keeps the spoon in her mouth.
IRyS notices something different in her voice. “Wait, Kronii.” She leans over with a smug smile on her face. “Is that jealousy I’m hearing?”
She pushes her away. “Get over yourself.”
“Awwww Kroniiiii, hehehe.” IRyS lightly pats her head only to be met with a glare. “If you’re actually wondering then…” She grabs her cup of tea and holds it close. “I guess I did it once with Reine.”
Kronii’s eyes widen. “What?”
“Well it was just for a survey, so I guess it doesn’t count.” She takes a sip. “Oh, I like this!”
Kronii sighs. “I don’t know what I was expecting…”
“I think I need more practice though.” IRyS starts eating her fruit tart. “Hmmmm…”
“Why would you need more pra—” Kronii looks at her, she’s holding some of her tart to her. “No.”
“C’moooooon~.” IRyS moves the fork around, trying to get to her mouth. “Just one!”
“The waitress isn’t even looking at us!” She starts leaning back, trying to dodge the offering.
“I think the owner is though!” IRyS gestures towards the counter, a man is talking to some customers while looking around. “Just one, I promise!”
Kronii can feel her face turning red. “This is what I meant by mental damage.” She closes her eyes and opens her mouth. “…Ahhhh.”
IRyS feeds the piece of tart to her and giggles, adding to the clock’s embarrassment. “Awwwwwww you look so cute!”
Kronii focuses on her food. “Still not cute.” She’s trying to hide a pout but IRyS can plainly see it. Her reaction just makes the nephilim want to hug her but decides against it to avoid more pain. They still chat like normal while eating and enjoying the ambience in the café.
They finish their food and split the pay. IRyS can feel the glances of the waitress behind her, so she tuns around to wave goodbye at her. They exit the café and try to follow the route she gave them.
IRyS looks at her phone to make sure they’re going the right way. “She was pretty nice, huh?”
“I think that was just to make us come back.” Kronii leans over to see the map.
“The food was good enough!” IRyS follows the streets with her finger. “Over here, right?”
Kronii looks at the map then at the street. “I think so, I can see the Ferris wheel from here.” They keep walking together. “She’ll probably ask about the both of us, though…”
“…I don’t mind.”
Kronii almost snaps her neck to look at her. She can see a slight blush in IRyS’ face, but she won’t look back. Kronii realizes she won’t answer any questions about that, so they keep going.
The streets they go through don’t have as many decorations as the ones they walked by when they got out of the station. Way less couples, too. The both of them silently thank the waitress while they enjoy the walk.
They do a little window shopping when they reach a street lined with clothing stores. IRyS wants to try on a few dresses but Kronii pulls her away every time.
“Remember you’re frugal now.”
“But Kroniiiiiiiii…” IRyS tries to pull back, but always follows her after a bit.
This happens enough times that IRyS ends up sitting on the floor with her arms crossed.
She pouts and looks away. “What.”
Kronii tries to pull her. “IRyS. We have to keep going.” IRyS doesn’t budge.
“Carry me.” She lifts her arms up.
“I’m going to break you like the Batman.” Kronii grabs IRyS’ arms and tries to pull her up.
IRyS giggles. “I don’t know what that means.”
“Oh my goooooddddddd…” She gives up and sits next to her. “Don’t worry about it…”
They stare at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.
“I can’t believe we’re fighting on Valentine’s day after almost 6 months together!”
“You’re still going with that.” Kronii pushes her.
She pushes back. “Kronii I’m not going to stop for the rest of the day!” She finally decides to get up. “I’m taking full advantage of this dreaded day!” She holds her hand out to help Kronii.
“Well, at least you’re honest.” Kronii accepts the help and stands up. “Let’s keep going.”
They take a wrong turn in one of the streets and end up getting lost in a sea of people walking around. Kronii tries to look for her nephilim but can’t spot her in the middle of the crowd. She attempts to push her way into a clearing at the sidewalk to take a breather. Looking around, she spots her buying food in one of the stalls.
As she approaches her, she manages to hear her talking to the vendor.
“My girlfriend is around here! I swear!”
“Sorry Miss, the offer is only valid with the two of you present.”
Not this again…
Kronii starts to blush knowing that IRyS would still pull this act even when she’s not around. She notices her starting to pout as the vendor denies giving her the discount.
She’s going to be unbearable; I know it…
The clock sighs and mentally prepares herself.
“Miss, I could accept a picture of both of you.”
IRyS shakes her head. “She hates taking pictures thou--!”
Kronii hugs IRyS from behind, pressing her cheek against hers. “Sorry for taking so long, the crowd was just awful to go through.” She looks at the vendor. “Oh, hi there! Could I bother you with a…” She looks at their menu. “Hey, you have an offer for couples. Could I bother you with that?”
“Of course! Coming right up.”
She gives him a smile. “Thank you so much!”
As the vendor works on their order, Kronii starts to feel something heating up next to her face. She takes a quick glance and notices IRyS getting redder and redder.
Finally got you.
They get their food and try to find a bench. While they eat together, IRyS is still blushing. Kronii’s incredibly proud of herself.
“Something wrong?”
“Kronii, you’re…” IRyS steals a couple of glances at her. “You’re so bold…”
Kronii has the smuggest look on her face. “I couldn’t just have you acting for the both of us the entire time~.”
IRyS lightly kicks her, no matter how aggressive she is, she still has 0 defense. Kronii continues to tease her while they finish their meal.
As they reach the amusement park, IRyS clings harder to Kronii and slows down. She notices she’s getting really nervous. When the Ferris wheel is right in front of them, IRyS looks at the very top and gulps.
Kronii stops walking. “We don’t have to go if you don’t want to, there are other attractions.”
“I do! I do, I just.” IRyS breathes in and out. “Need to psych myself up.”
The clock stares at her for a moment, then starts rummaging through her bag. “Maybe a little motivation will help you.”
IRyS takes one last deep breath and turns to Kronii. “What do you mean?”
She gives her a box. IRyS takes it and looks back at Kronii.
“W-wait, a Valentine’s gift? For me???”
A smirk appears in Kronii’s face even though she’s blushing.
“You could call it that, I guess.”
She tries to shake it, but it doesn’t sound like anything.
“Just open it, I didn’t put anything bad in it.”
The tone of her voice doesn’t give IRyS much confidence, she carefully opens the box.
“This better not be a jack-in-the-box kind of thing, Kronii, I swear” IRyS lightly kicks Kronii.
“I’m not that cruel, c’mon.”
“This is…” IRyS’ eyes light up, “Oh!”
She takes the gift out of the box and holds it up.
Kronii was expecting some laughter, but IRyS’ face is full of wonder. It’s a princess tiara with a pink heart in the middle.
“Y-yeah, cause you… keep saying you’re a princess and stuff…”
Realizing it’s actually quite the embarrassing gift, Kronii’s smirk turns into a slight smile while a blush appears.
IRyS makes little jumps of joy. “Put it on me!” She gives the tiara to Kronii.
She fumbles and almost drops it. “W-what?”
“Pleaaaaase?” IRyS lowers her head.
Why did this backfire gosh darn it...
Kronii slowly puts the tiara on her, it perfectly fits without clashing with her horns. IRyS takes a few steps back and holds her arm up.
“Does it match?!”
Kronii looks at the tiara and her bracelet. “…I think so? At least the heart does.”
Satisfied with her answer, she puts her hands on her hips.
“Now spoil me rotten!”
“Pffft…” Kronii covers her mouth to laugh as she walks to the booth.
She points at Kronii “It’s an order!”
The clock pays for their tickets. “You’ve been spoiled this entire day, PrincessRyS.”
“Well nothing wrong with spoiling a princess some more, Ms. Knight!” IRyS clings to her arm while giggling.
“Knight, huh…” Kronii puts her other hand on her chin. “I guess that’s kind of cool.”
IRyS has a huge smile on her face until she realizes they’re still going on the Ferris wheel.
“…You know what maybe we should ride something else.” She tries to pull back.
Kronii keeps walking. “I already paid for the tickets, your Highness.”
“I-I can pay you back.”
The park employee opens the door and Kronii gets in.
“A princess paying back? Unheard of!”
She offers her hand to help IRyS.
“What am I even going to do up there?!”
“Royalty must see their domain from the highest point possible!”
IRyS reluctantly gets in and sits next to Kronii. She squeezes her hand tight when the ride turns on.
“It’s okay, it’ll be fine.”
IRyS slowly looks up at her. “You sure…?”
Her nervous face almost makes Kronii’s heart skip a beat. The Ferris wheel keeps turning a few times.
Kronii smiles at her. “Trust me.”
IRyS takes a few breaths. “Okay… okay…”
The Ferris wheel suddenly pauses when it reaches the top. IRyS almost yelps because of how sudden it was.
“We can do this together.” She switches seats so she’s in front of IRyS. “Just don’t look down.”
IRyS slowly nods.
“Good, now… slooooowwwwly.” Kronii turns her head and IRyS does the same, trying to keep eye contact for as long as possible. When she can’t look at Kronii, she closes her eyes.
“Your Highness, you can’t see anything with your eyes closed.”
Kronii can feel her hand trembling.
Kronii holds both of her hands. “Trust me.” She squeezes them. “I’m right here with you. “
IRyS slowly opens her eyes. “I’m gonna regret this for sure.”
Kronii stares at her to see her reaction. Her nervousness slowly dissipates, and her eyes gleam once more.
Kronii giggles. “I know, right?”
The both of them look at the city. Kronii doesn’t think the view’s as breathtaking as her, but IRyS still enjoys what they can see. The sun’s starting to set, making for a beautiful scenery. Buildings, businesses, trees, people… For the nephilim who’s still very much afraid of heights, this kind of perspective is extremely rare. They can’t count the number of buildings, so they decide to retrace their steps to the café.
“I think it’s over there.” IRyS points at one of the buildings. “I’m NOT pointing at people by the way.”
“I know, I know.” Kronii leans in to get a better look. “You sure? Didn’t we take a left turn at that corner?”
“Was that around where I sat down?” IRyS tries to follow the route with her finger. “I think it is.”
“Then the café is probably over… There.” Kronii points somewhere else.
“…That’s…” The nephilim tilts her head. “I don’t think we were near that place at all.”
Kronii freezes. “Okay well…” She lowly puts her hand down. “Not my fault the café isn’t where I think it should be…”
“Hehehe.” IRyS giggles after hearing her. “And here I thought I was the dork.”
“Oh shut up.”
And just as how it stopped, the Ferris wheel turns back on with no warning. IRyS stumbles and accidentally looks down.
She jumps and hugs Kronii. “BAD IDEA, BAD IDEA, BAD IDEA.” She squeezes hard.
Kronii hugs her back and strokes her hair. “It’s okay… You were pretty brave.”
The Ferris wheel stops and goes as the other passengers get off their gondolas.
“You managed to hold on for a long time, you did great.”
Kronii’s reassurance slowly calms IRyS down. She can feel her heartbeat returning to normal. The nephilim sticks close to her as they get off the Ferris wheel. They find a bench to sit, and they chat a little more to help IRyS.
“Why did I say yes to this…” IRyS mutters to herself while touching her new tiara.
“I’m proud of you for doing it.” Kronii pats her head. “I think you deserve a reward.”
“Is the reward really headpats…?” She pouts a little as Kronii’s hand ruffles her hair.
“That’s part of it.” She starts rummaging through her bag again.
IRyS leans on her. “Kronii, if it’s not a marriage proposal, it’s not going to be enough.”
“Oh shush, you.” She grabs what’s she’s looking for. “Here.”
Kronii gives her another box. It’s bigger than the other one and it’s gift wrapped. When IRyS shakes it, she hears a few things moving around.
IRyS squints her eyes. “…Is it another tiara…?”
“Could also be a jack-in-the-box!” Kronii gives her a smile that shows her fangs.
“Why are you like this?” IRyS responds imitating Kronii. “I will get mad if it’s a prank!”
Kronii laughs. The prank’s already on your head, though…
The nephilim carefully tears off the wrapping paper.
It’s a box full of chocolate covered strawberries. IRyS giggles at herself for thinking she’d get pranked after going through that hellish Ferris wheel.
“Thank you, Kronii!” She gives her a bright smile.
Kronii stands up and stretches. Good, it wasn’t awkward. You did it, Kronii. She smiles to herself.
“Save them for later though. I think we’ve had enough sweets for today.”
“…Says the girl with the sweet tooth.” IRyS puts the gift in her bag and joins Kronii. “I guess I’ll enjoy them at home.”
“I’m… speaking from experience.” Slightly embarrassed, Kronii starts walking. “I think it’s time we go back.”
“Sure!” IRyS once again holds Kronii’s arm. “Can we do a little more window shopping though?”
“…Yeah.” Kronii gives up with trying to break free of the nephilim’s clutches.
The sun’s almost gone, making the sky turn from orange to purple. The streetlights slowly start turning on, making the roads take an entirely different look. They take a different route so IRyS can look at more stores, she still focuses on clothing shops, however. The Valentine’s decorations are still around, but they don’t get interrupted by vendors anymore.
They probably left now that some of the couples are gone. Kronii thinks to herself. It’s nicer like this.
As they walk together, the few people that are still there keep staring at them. Specifically, they stare at IRyS’ gift.
“Isn’t it a bit embarrassing to wear that tiara?” Kronii doesn’t ask to criticize her, she’s worried IRyS will become nervous from their staring.
“Mmm… A little bit.” She rests her head on Kronii’s shoulder, being careful to not poke her. “But it’s okay.”
Kronii glances at her. “Really?”
“I’ll be fine.” She squeezes her arm a little. “I’ve got my knight with me.”
The clock quickly looks away and covers her blushing face.
“Ahhhh, man…” Kronii sighs, trying to calm down. “You’re really something else.”
IRyS smirks at her. “But did you really need that much setup to give me Valentine’s chocolates?”
“THAT—” Kronii turns beet red now that she’s been caught. “It had to be perfect, okay?!”
The nephilim laughs at her explanation. “I know, I know.” She pokes her cheek. “I’m just teasing you.”
After looking at a few more stores, the two of them walk to the station. They stay silent for some time.
“So uh…” IRyS starts talking. “How’d you like your couple experience?”
Oh yeah, we were doing that.
Kronii had gotten so used to IRyS’ clinginess she forgot the reason she even started acting like that.
“It was… alright”
IRyS stares at her with a bit of a frown. “Just alright?”
Kronii evades her gaze. “Well, besides you never letting go of me, it… didn’t feel that much different than usual.”
“Hmph!” IRyS stabs her a few times with her horn. “And here I thought those gifts meant something.”
“Oh did you fall for me, IRyS~?” Kronii strikes a pose. “Sorry, I’m already taken.”
IRyS rolls her eyes. “…Don’t say by yourself”
“By Kronii of course." She responds as she flips her hair.
IRyS sighs and they keep walking together. The moon’s starting to glow, making IRyS’ tiara glint a little when they’re not walking under streetlights.
Kronii slowly realizes something. “Wait, since we’re not buying anything… Doesn’t that mean you can let go now?”
IRyS completely stops from the shock. “YOU WANT TO BREAK UP ON VALENTINE’S DAY?” She shakes Kronii. “I can’t believe you!”
“Break up?” She’s starting to get dizzy from the shaking. “What are you talking about?!”
“All those months we spent together meant nothing to you?!”
Kronii notices something different in her tone, it’s like a laugh. Even her lips are quivering. She manages to push her back after more shaking. “Wait… Is this still the girlfriend bit?!”
IRyS bursts out laughing.
“Is it different enough for you now?”
The clock stares at her, dumbfounded.
“Oh my god…” Kronii drags her hand across her face. “You’re an amazing actress, IRyS…”
“Reallyyyy???” She runs up and holds Kronii’s arm again. “All part of the plan to capture your heart~.”
“That makes… absolutely no sense.”
“Sometimes putting a little distance between us helps us grow closer!” IRyS squeezes her a bit, pressing her face against her.
Kronii tries to push her face away from her. “That distance has not changed at all, IRyS.”
The nephilim concedes keeps the usual distance. She still pokes her cheek with a smirk on her face to keep teasing her, though. “But I wouldn’t mind more compliments, you know~.”
“You already got enough.” She pinches her cheeks hard. “Now let’s go, or we won’t make it in time.”
IRyS drags her feet while walking.
“Can’t I just stay over at your place?”
“Nope, we both have stuff to do tomorrow.” Kronii has to pull IRyS now. “Or did you already forget why we even met today?”
“Recordings… Meetings… More recordings…” The nephilim groans but goes back to walking like normal. “Okay, okay…”
They manage to reach the station. There are some couples and other people waiting for the train as well, Kronii stops being too worried that she’ll leave IRyS alone. They chat for a little more, but she notices the nephilim starting to fidget.
Kronii pats her head. “Don’t forget to message me when you get home.”
“You too.” IRyS stabs Kronii with her horns one more time.
It’s a bit awkward now, huh.
Kronii looks at her, she’s just staring at the ground moving her feet around.
“…Did you have a good time?”
IRyS stops and looks back. “Of course I did.” She gives her a soft smile. “It’s always fun to go out with you.”
Kronii didn’t expect a direct response, but she manages to smile. “I’m glad.”
The train arrives and opens its doors. The people who were waiting get in after saying their goodbyes. IRyS is still fidgeting.
She gently pushes her a bit. “I’m glad we went out.”
IRyS starts walking towards the door but stops again. She takes a deep breath.
Kronii almost tries to walk up to her. “…Are you okay?”
Suddenly, she pulls something from her back and runs back to Kronii. She pushes it onto her.
“What’s thi—”
Kronii feels something on her lips, by the time she realizes what happened, IRyS already stepped back.
“Thank you for today.”
The nephilim quickly turns around and gets inside the train right as the doors close, she doesn’t look back as it leaves the station.
Kronii’s completely stunned even after the train’s gone. She leaves the station with her mouth open and still holding onto whatever IRyS gave her. When she finally recovers, she looks at what she received.
A big box and a much smaller box, pretty similar to the gifts she got for the nephilim. The big box is full of chocolates with hazelnuts.
She laughs to herself. “I would’ve finished these instantly if I got them in the morning.”
Kronii puts it in her bag and turns her attention to the smaller box. Like IRyS, she shakes it to try to check what it is. It doesn’t make a sound.
“…Did she ask about a jack-in-the-box because of this…?”
She looks around to make sure no one’s looking at her. She carefully opens the box.
She grabs the gift. It’s a golden bracelet, just like the one IRyS was wearing. This one, however, has a blue heart in the middle.
“So this is what she meant.”
Kronii recalls how IRyS fumbled her words while trying to explain herself.
She laughs. “And you were making fun of me about my setup to give you your gift.” She puts small the box in her bag and wears the bracelet.
Kronii smiles at it. “I guess it looks good.” She brings her wrist closer to get a better look. “Wait…” Her eyes widen. “Is this a sapphire?”
She pulls out her phone to message the dork.
You bought a sapphire?!
Did you want a diamond??? D:
NO!!! Why did you get this?
A princess has to treat her subjects well :D
Kronii facepalms. She receives another message.
Wait wait wait did you put it on? Take a picture! I wanna see!
Kronii sighs. “You’re just impossible to deal with.” She brings her phone up but stops herself. “…It would be weird to take a photo with flash on…”
She looks around to find a place with better lighting.
“Man, why am I doing this?”
She sheepishly walks to a lamppost and takes a picture.
IRyS sends her a picture of her wrist wearing her pink bracelet in response.
Now we match!
Kronii laughs to herself.
I know, I saw you wearing it. Did you already forget the time we spent together?
What?! Of course I didn’t!
Oh my god IRyS you’re unbelievable
She’s about to write more, but she second guesses herself.
“Do I also talk about the…” She shakes her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
Take care, okay? Message me when you get home
And I already told you to do the same : P
ByeRyS, IRyS. Hope you had a good Valentine’sRyS
“That’s still not it, you dork.”
Kronii keeps walking back home. The route she takes still has some couples hanging out, but they’re quieter. She minds her own business and doesn’t look at them.
She stares at her new bracelet. The sapphire slightly sparkles against the moonlight.
She could’ve picked any other gem but… Kronii thinks about her eyes, and how she keeps calling them sapphires. That’s probably why.
While thinking about everything that happened today, she slowly stops moving. That memory from the station hasn’t gone away. It passed by so fast she didn’t have time to process it. She touches her lips, recalling the blush on IRyS’ face when she kissed her.
She curves her lips into a smile.
“…How sweet.”
t. Nameronii
NSFW Part: https://rentry.org/33fp4