1 - Frequently Asked Questions - Gameplay

2 - Guides and Reviews

3 - Downloading the Games

4 - Recommended TS4 Mods

5 - General Troubleshooting

6 - Sims 2 Troubleshooting

[!! Make the effort to read this and consult Google before asking questions in the thread. !!]

[#1 - Frequently Asked Questions - Gameplay]

  1. Use and configure NRAAS Master Controller with the Integration Module and set all categories to "compact" in CAS settings.
  2. Use and configure NRAAS Overwatch, Error Trap, and Register if you're using Pets, Bridgeport, or Isla Paradiso.
  3. Use S3PE to merge packages if you have a lot of folders or CC items (DO NOT merge skintones, mods, patterns, defaults, or overrides.)
  4. Your game will get slower the more content you've installed. Try only installing the EPs/SPs that you want.

[#2 - Guides and Reviews]

[#3 - Downloading the Games]

The Sims 4
Via Anadius - https://anadius.su/sims-4-instructions
Via Fitgirl - http://fitgirl-repacks.site/sims-4-deluxe-edition/
Via Games4TheWorld - https://games4theworld.site/sims-downloads/ - Scroll down to "New Format Repacks"
[!]The game usually only recieves new cracks when a major release (EP, GP or SP) happens, so you shouldn't expect minor bugfix patches to recieve cracks.
[!]There are no available torrents for OS X users. Torrent Windows 7, 8.1, or 10 first and install in Bootcamp, then torrent the fix.

The Sims 3 Windows
Via Games4TheWorld - https://games4theworld.site/sims-downloads/
[!]If you're picky and want a repack, ask in the thread and hope someone already knows, or ask Google.
[!]This site also has the full Store collection.
[!]Do NOT use cracks. Use the NRAAS No CD Mod instead. If you use cracks and experience issues, then you have learned your lesson. Re-install and try again.

The Sims 3 MacOS
[Helpful Links for TS3]
1."Disc Authorization error":

  1. EP/SP selector:
  2. Pirating on OS X (ignore the crack install):

The Sims 2

The Sims 1

Where can I download the complete collection?: An anon has shared their game and entire mods folder for us, found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_J6tdQjStiDd184a1VUa0Y3VTQ

Alternate downloads w/ mods : https://www.mediafire.com/file/gnrl2zwy0dtqt0w/THE_SIMS_CC.iso/file
Alternate CC w/ mods download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yorie3ou4yji8i4/Downloads.rar/file
To install, you don't need a virtual disk drive. Unzip the folder, then look for start.exe. When it asks for the crack, go to the crack folder and enter the serial. Now let it install. When it finishes, go to c:\program files (x86)\maxis\the sims and locate the sims.exe, delete it and replace it with the sims application found in the crack folder. To play in windowed, create a shortcut to your desktop, right click, go to properties and and (space)-w at the end of the target line.
If you are unsure where to put your downloaded CC, read this guide http://www.angelfire.com/planet/sfctutorials/

save often. It is an old game and can be prone to crashing. Legit copies also had this problem.*
Where do I find CC?: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/browse/category/sims1/skipsetitems/1/

[#4 - Recommended TS4 Mods]

MC Command Center - https://deaderpool-mccc.com/#/
What is MC Command Center? It's a script mod that adds in an enormous number of gameplay settings and generally just gives the player far more control over their game. If you're interested in autistically controlling your sim's lives even more than you already do, it's a must have. Check the documentation and FAQ on its website if you're lost, the thing's huge.

Reshade - https://reshade.me/#download
A shader injector for all games that will make your game look nicer for screenshots, or even general gameplay. If you are converting from Gshade this may work (untested).

WickedWhims - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/
It's a sex mod for TS4. It recieves updates fairly infrequently and has experienced a bunch of scope creep, but it's also the ONLY working sex mod for TS4, so, if you want to lewd your game up, you're stuck with it. Check the OP to find a Mega link with the most recent Patreon build.

[#5 - General Troubleshooting]

  • My Gameplay Mods/Custom Content aren't working or even appearing in Create-A-Sim. (TS4)
    Make sure you've opened the Game Options menu, clicked the "Other" tab and checked both "Enabled Custom Content and Mods" and "Script Mods Allowed"
  • My CC is making Sims invisible and/or turning them red and white.
    Make sure you are not missing an original mesh for a recolor. Check the page you downloaded the CC from, the author probably linked the mesh.
  • My CC isn't showing up. (TS2/TS3):
    Make sure you are not missing an original mesh for a recolor. Make sure your game is updated. Delete your caches and allow them to refresh. If that fails, then the creator is an idiot and you should look for better CC.
  • I moved from a Mac and none of my mods work or throw an error when launching the game (TS2/TS3/TS4):
    Follow this guide:
  • When playing Sims 3 "Unable to start game. Service initialization failed":
    Re-install, and stop using cracks.
  • My disc is scratched and can't load the game. (TS3):
    Contact EA customer support with box/codes/serial, etc. ready to provide proof you own the game, and they might be able to give you an origin code for the digital version. And be ready to wait, because the service tends to be very slow.
  • Unknown Cinematic Error Occurred. (TS3):
    Delete your "Cameras" folder and allow it to refresh.
  • I'm on a Mac, and have problems with Sims 3
    Install Windows 7 or 8.1 via Bootcamp and then play.

[#6 - The Sims 2 Troubleshooting]

Edit Report
Pub: 10 Feb 2022 10:34 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2024 06:50 UTC
Views: 17174