
by SaurianGuy

Working at an office made to accommodate the wide range of shapes and sizes of saurian life, you, a lone human, found your desk on a ledge some twenty-odd feet off
the floor, fitting into a recessed space off the main walkway. The short flight of stairs leading up to your office space made for good cardio, if nothing else, but
you wish you could have had one of those fancy personal elevators.

Your work week consists of the usual doldrums of corporate life: paperwork, trips to the bathroom, spreadsheets, office gossip and politics, and occasionally trying
not to get flattened by a careless coworker. That was your life on repeat for the entire year, barring vacations and sick days.

You didn't stand out very much at all, outside of being a rare human amid a throng of saurians. True, it got you some stares now and then, and there was the
occasional overly enthusiastic question, but it wasn't a detriment to your life. If anything, your life was ideal. You had a nice house with some nice things inside,
no serious health issues, no enemies that you knew of, and a well-paying job.

If it weren't for the aforementioned careless coworkers, you'd have no complaints at all.

Then came a day when you were busily looking over some files of low importance, and a shadow fell over you.

"Hey," said a stern, rumbling, husky voice. "I need to speak to you."

You looked up to see the pointed, scaled visage of your boss, Sadi Greene. Towering over your desk even at its current height, she looked down her beak at you, the
horns jutting from her brow sharpened to a fine point. Her crest rose from her head like a halo of bone and scales. Naked save for her utility harness and her
employee ID, you had a more than adequate view of her impressive endowments and softly rounded potbelly. The pale color of her chest and stomach contrasted well
with the forest green of her scales.

You stood, straightening your shirt. "My name is Amos, ma'am."

"Uh-huh." Her disinterest was palpable, her large hands on her broad hips. "I need you in my office."

"Oh! Uh, yes, ma'am!" You hurriedly move to clear your space. "I'll be right with you!"

"Now." Her voice brooks no argument as she looms over you. In a shocking breach of manners and decorum, she reaches for you, her thick, scaly, blunt fingers wrapping
around your midsection. With a strangled yelp, you are quickly lifted to nearly her full 8 meters in height, carried like a rag doll.

Ignoring your aghast sputtering, she leaves your space behind and stomps away. Your coworkers, busy in their alcoves, pay you and your plight no heed. Nobody on the
path stops her or says anything, and anyone who so much as glances at her or you, squeaking desperately, is quickly glared into submission.

It's a relatively short trek back to her office, and you spend the entirety of it vocalizing your outrage at her social infraction.

"-and even outside of business hours, this would just be unseemly! You didn't even ask for permission! "

Sliding the heavy metal door to her space shut and locking the latch, she finally acknowledges you to say, "How does something with lungs that small make so much

Beat-red, you holler, "You abducted me, you horrid woman!"

"Uh-huh." Her flippancy only serves to further enrage you. You petulantly beat at the leathery flesh of her hand to no effect. "If you'll calm down, I think I have
something to say that you'll want to hear."

"Release me this instant!" is your choked response.

She shrugs. "Sure."

You have just enough time to squeak in fear as her fingers leave you and you drop a short distance onto her desk, stumbling through the landing. As you steady
yourself, she walks around the wooden structure and flops into her worn office bag chair, its soft padding squashing beneath her hefty bulk.

Sighing, she reclines, hands behind her crest with her legs spread, giving you an unobstructed view of her plump saurian muff. Even though you've grown accustomed to
saurian nudity, seeing her in this position makes your already flushed face burn even brighter.

The edges of her beak curl smugly, and she asks you, "Pretty sweet digs, right?"

"What!" You shout, beside yourself with righteous indignation. "Do you want?!"

Without missing a beat, she replies, "You."

That answer—that monosyllabic, one-word response—brings you up short. You stare at her, uncomprehending. You must be showing your lack of comprehension as she
chuckles to herself, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her desktop. You quickly step back to make space for her heaving bosom.

"Amos. I can call you Amos, right?" Without waiting for a response, she continues. "Amos, do you like your job?"

With trepidation and more than a little concern for yourself, you say, "Until very recently."

She chuckles again with a shake of her head. "'Until very recently,' have you liked your job?"

You feel helpless and exposed under her piercing brown eyes. You try to ignore them but can't help but notice the way her large, dark nipples have been hardening as
she stares at you. Then there's the way she smells, her thick, heady perfume wafting over you. You aren't sure how to feel, your anger fighting with fear and
agitation alongside stirring arousal. With no way of meaningfully asserting yourself at the moment and with a large and admittedly attractive saurian woman looming
over you, you try and force yourself to be calm.

Straightening yourself, you clear your throat before responding. "It pays the bills, ma'am."

She nods her head, horns dipping. "I would hope so. And you can call me Sadi."

That gets a raised brow from you. 'That's a bit informal,' you think, despite the unusual situation.

She narrows her eyes at you, a hand lowering to drum her fingers on the wooden surface. "But that's not what I asked you. Do you like your job, Amos?"

As she drums on the tabletop, her fingers, each thicker around than one of your legs, send vibrations up through your body. You're well aware of what this woman
could do to you if you said or did something she took exception to. Not that you expect Sadi to turn violent, but her blatant advantage in size and strength is still

More so, you worry about your job. You don't know Sadi to be particularly harsh when it comes to firing people, but the fact that she's already breached one of the
city's—indeed, one of saurian kind's—most integral social norms is distressing.

"I do." You say at length, cautiously. "But I doubt that's all you brought me here for."

"Oh?" Canting her head, smile widening, she asks, "And why is that?"

You're agog at her casually smug demeanor. You look at your hands, unable to maintain eye contact with your towering superior.

"Ma'am," Your voice cracks, your composure failing you. You clear your throat and continue. "You don't do what you just did—which I'm fairly sure is illegal—for no
good reason! Certainly not just to ask if I'm enjoying my job!"

"Quite true." She nods. Lifting her hand from the table, she inspects her nails with an air of smug self-assuredness. "But as I said, I think you'll want to hear
what I have to say."

Huffing, you cross your arms. "And what would that be?"

"I'm promoting you."

You freeze. Did you hear her right?

"Excuse me?" You squeak.

Turning her eyes back to you, she crosses her arms over her breasts, resting her great, horned head atop them. The sharp point of her beak comes uncomfortable close,
and you can smell her breath as she speaks. You can smell mint and vegetables, and her eyes keep boring into you. You're hanging on her every word.

"I am offering you, Amos, a full promotion from your current position. All the benefits, all the perks, and a sizable pay increase. Does that catch your interest?"

You blink, goggle-eyed, and she represses a laugh at your reaction. You can't believe what you're hearing. A promotion? For you? "Mr. Anonymous Office Drone?" How?

"H-How? Why?" You stutter.

"Mm. Because, Amos," she croons, eyes crinkling with pleasure at her game. A large finger extends to gently poke you in the stomach. "I like you."

Stupefied, your jaw drops open. In all your life, you have never been so incapable of processing the information entering your mind. Sadi, looming over you like some
scaly, horned god, just proclaimed that she was promoting you out of favoritism, which strikes you as almost more out of character than when she picked you up.

Slowly, you bring a quivering hand to your head. "I--Sadi, what--"

"Well," Straightening in her seat, she folds her hands, interlocking her fingers into a scaly column. "To be more accurate, I'm a woman in a position of
(admittedly not great) power, I honestly do need an assistant, your coworkers have told me good things about you, and I think you'd excel at the position."

Your eyebrows shoot up at that surprisingly sensible explanation. It's certainly better than favoritism, though you wish she could have found a better way to tell
you than abducting you to her office. Still, if she was legitimately offering you a promotion...

"Also, I'm a furry and I've been attracted to you for some time now." She adds, in as casual a manner as if she were reading from a list.

In a flash, your flushed skin turns pale. Sweat begins pouring from your brow as her words settle in your brain. You can't have heard that right, right? There's no
way on Earth she just said that.

"What?" Your voice is a hoarse, croaking whisper. It's all you can manage.

"Well," She rolls her shoulders, closing her eyes in thought. "Maybe 'furry' isn't the right word, but I am attracted to your mammalian qualities. Your fur, your
skin, the way you dress up in all those little clothes..."

Dumbstruck beyond all rational thought, the best response you can manage is to robotically squawk out, "I don't have fur."

"Hair, fur. Same thing." She says dismissively, shrugging. She clicks her beak as a thought occurs to her. "Maybe 'skinny' would be more appropriate."

"Sadi!" You gasp, almost shouting.

"Oh, don't look at me like that." She admonishes your gaping incredulousness, wagging a disapproving finger. "I know for a fact that you're not only a scaly
yourself, but you also happen to have a little crush on me."

Just when you thought this cascade of nightmares couldn't possibly get any more surreal or insane, nothing could have prepared you for that. Utterly flummoxed,
bordering on some manner of breakage, all you can do is stare with eyes the size of saucers.

"Don't look so surprised, Amos." She says, shaking her head. "You're the one who told me, after all."

"When?!" You practically screech, even managing to make Sadi flinch.

"The New Year's party! I sat with you at the bar, and you just started confessing to me! I'm not surprised you can't remember, though. I told you saurian ale isn't
for humans, but you wouldn't listen."

And just like that, this entire mad scenario starts to make sense. You couldn't recall anything of that night months ago. You could vividly describe the hangover
you'd had the day after, but the night itself remained a mystery. And the most damning fact of all is that she's not wrong.

Sadi is a good leader and a joy to work for. You find her bold, take-charge personality exciting. She is also quite attractive, but the same could be said of most
saurian women. The scaled folk tend to lean toward comely appearances, so it's not as though saying she's good-looking is anything special. It's not as though saying
that all saurians are attractive makes you a scaly.


"Oh." You moan in defeat, deflating as though punctured and all your air is escaping.

A look of concern crosses your saurian boss's face. "Are you alright?"

You shrug helplessly. "Yes. I'm just... processing."

Concern melts into worry as she begins to fidget, growing downcast. "I'm not mistaken, am I? You seemed so sincere then."

"Well," You squirm as you struggle to speak, your thoughts whirling. "You aren't...wrong..."

"Oh! Excellent!" Brightening instantly, she leans closer until you're face-to-horn with her. "Then you are interested?"

Rooted to the spot, you blink dazedly up at her, a hand outstretched to ward off the point of a horn. "Interested in what?"

"The promotion, Amos!"

The reason she'd brought you into her office in the first place. Somehow, amid the emotional whiplash, you'd managed to forget that she was offering you a new position
in the company.

"Right. That." Lamely, you do your best to straighten yourself. Given all that's transpired in the last few minutes, it does not take you long to come to a decision.
"The gross lack of professionalism aside, I suppose it wouldn't benefit me to refuse."

Grinning as broadly as a person with a beak can, she pulls away, giving you more space. Straightening in her chair, she says, "Wonderful! You're hired!"

You can't help but snort out a laugh at that. "What? Just like that?"

"Well, I am your boss, Amos. More so than before, in fact." She says matter-of-factly. "Now, obviously, there'll be some paperwork to sign and a trial period to
determine what training you'll need, but you've passed the initial interview with flying colors."

"Is that what all this was?" You ask, gesturing vaguely at the room. "An interview?"

She nods her great, horned head. "And, if it wouldn't be an inconvenience for you, we could also begin your trial period starting today."

You check your watch to find that there are still several hours left in your workday. Unsure of the details of your new position, you don't know if you'll be returning
to your old alcove.

"Now that I think about it," you say. "I'm not quite certain what I just agreed to."

"Nothing I think you can't handle." Sadi's cryptic answer isn't helped by her knowing look.

Sighing, you force yourself to relax. Doing your best to match her gaze, you say in your most professional voice, "How may I help you today, Ms. Greene?"

"Wonderful." She purrs. Her eyes narrow slyly as she wiggles in her seat. "Now, of course, we can't have you taking on too much responsibility just yet."

She leans back until she's reclining, her hands folded atop her round belly. Smiling at you from over the mounds of her breasts, she lifts her feet from the floor
and rests them atop the desk. Her bare, scaly soles stand before you, nearly as tall as you, pale, wrinkled, and smooth.

"However," she says, wiggling her toes. "I think these should be appropriate for a beginner like you."

You stand on Sadi's desk, staring at her feet, your mind a blank. The composure you'd managed to regain is quickly failing you as the implications of her actions begin
to set in. Is she asking you to rub her feet? Her big, soft, smooth feet?

"Um, Sadi?" You swallow a lump in your throat. "What are you doing?"

"Asking you to do your job, of course." She says. There's eagerness in her voice.

"I thought-" You try to stop staring at her feet, to stop your voice from squeaking. "I thought I'd be taking letters or acting as your secretary or-"

"And you will." Her feet spread and you can see her peering down the length of her body at you. "But I also expect you to perform a few other functions as my

"L-Like-" You clear your throat, struggling to ignore your growing arousal. "Like what?"

"Like," A foot extends to prod at your stomach with a thick, outstretched toe. "Rubbing that deliciously warm, smooth body all over my sore, tired feet."

You fail to stifle a whimper, trembling with desire. You've had fantasies exactly like this. Part of you wants to throw yourself at her. You struggle to speak, voice

"Sadi, I--"

"Amos." Her voice hardens, firm and commanding. The voice of your boss. "Strip."

Your body moves on its own, peeling your sweat-stained clothes off. You toss them aside and stand there, naked in front of the giant saurian woman. She eyes you
hungrily, her beak clicking.

"Good boy." Your erection throbs as she slides her feet closer, the heat from her scaly hide washing over you. "Get to work."

Your hands caress her bare soles and feel the fine details of her scales. The texture is different from the rest of her body, worn smooth, yet supple to the touch. You
can only guess that she's been preparing for this, judging by how well-maintained and clean her feet are. You smell lilac and realize that she's applied lotion to

You stand there, rubbing your hands reverently over the smooth saurian flesh, the world around you feeling dreamlike. Time passes until a gentle nudge from a toe
rouses you from your stupor.

"That feels nice," Sadi says, purring contentedly. She stretches in her seat, her thick tail thumping against the floor. "But don't just use your hands. I expect my
new assistant to be thorough and professional."

You don't need any further guidance. You enthusiastically dive into your new role, throwing your arms around an extremity and squeezing your body against it. The
smooth, fragrant flesh flexes, embracing you in return. Grinding against her arch and running your hands along the edges of her sole, you let your control slip away.

Her other foot presses into your back, her toes stroking you affectionately. Heat and pressure envelope you, your senses smothered by her scaly skin. You bury your
face in her, breathing deeply, and your aching erection pulses with desire.

"Very impressive so far." Luxuriating, Sadi sighs. "Enthusiastic, hard-working, but how's your stamina?"

With practiced ease, she kneads your body. Saurian muscles massaging you tenderly, you respond reflexively, thrusting eagerly, humping her foot. You lack rhythm,
instead wildly throwing yourself against her, desperate for release.

Watching your performance, she clicks her beak in thought. One hand has dipped between her thighs, scaled fingers spreading her folds.

"Loving the spirit, Amos." She says, her breath heavy. "We're going to need to work on your technique, though."

With a firm squeeze, she holds you in place. Your hips are still, but your throbbing erection continues to beat against your prison. With a moan, you cum, your seed
painting the underside of her foot. You collapse as the pressure relents, Sadi releasing you.

"Your stamina, too. Very good, overall. A little rough in some areas, but that's what these assessment periods are for."

A nudge sends you sprawling on your back, her feet retreating from the desktop as she sits up before Sadi lifts you again, your exhausted body offering no resistance
to the larger saurian. Held before her horned face, she inspects you thoroughly, nostrils flaring.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asks, voice gentle. "That wasn't too rough, was it?"

You babble your words, struggling to regain your senses. You reach out with a hand and grasp the horn of her muzzle, anchoring yourself physically. You blink away your
blurring vision and look into her eyes.

"I--" You pant. "Sadi, holy--"

"Are you hurt?"

You take stock of yourself, and after a moment you say, "No."

"No?" She inspects you for a few seconds longer, sniffing you and feeling your body. Satisfied, she smiles, resting her elbow on the desk. "Well, you smell alright,
and you don't feel broken. Did you enjoy that?"

You sigh deeply, leaning back in her grip, afterglow beginning to fade. "Yeah."

"Pardon?" She teases, tilting her head as though she hadn't heard.

It's your turn to smile as you say, "Yes, ma'am."

"Very good!" She says, her thumb rubbing your chest. "At this rate, I doubt you'll need very much training at all!"


"Oh, yes." Her thumb rubs small circles on your body as she cradles you in her hand. "Training is incredibly important. I spent months before approaching you
practicing with a little doll, making certain I didn't damage it in any way, just to train myself for this moment."

You don't know how to respond to that. The thought that she'd spent so much time preparing for this is too big to fit in your head at the moment. Did the doll look
like you?

Before that emotionally conflicting thought can be pursued any further, she speaks again.

"Although," she says with an edge of mischievousness, her eyes narrowed playfully. "Most of that training wasn't for the foot play."

You blink at her. "What was it for, then?"

"What comes next." She wiggles in her seat, tail waving behind, betraying her enjoyment. "If you're feeling up to it."

Uncertainty gnaws at you, but you force it down. Sadi wouldn't hurt you intentionally, and if what she says is true, she's taken your safety into deep consideration.
As you are, looking up into her scaled, horned visage, you find it easy to put your faith in her.

After a moment's consideration, you say, "What's next, boss?"

You watch as she struggles to keep a look of ecstatic joy off her face. With a steady hand, she adjusts herself, lifting from her seat to rest on her knees. Her hand
descends, the world rushing past you in a blur, and you're released onto the warm, plush cushioning of her seat. Looking up from your new position, you gape at the
sight above.

Sadi's ass eclipses your vision with its mass. Her tail, arching overhead, wags in the air with excitement. You can see her body quivering in anticipation, her
shoulders heaving. Fear creeps over you at the prospect of what she's suggesting.

She peeks over her shoulder at you, down at her future seat. She swallows and says, "Last chance to back out."

Taking a deep breath, you steady your nerves. You trust Sadi, and the thrill of what you're attempting overrides your instincts. Spreading yourself out flat, you nod
up to your saurian boss.

"Okay." She nods in return, turning her head and leaning forward, resting her weight on her desk. In a slow, controlled motion, she begins lowering herself onto her

With several tons of saurian rear descending upon you, you involuntarily cling to the fabric of the chair. You stretch yourself out as far as you can, watching as her
hindquarters fall ever lower. When contact is made and you find yourself trapped beneath her, the gentlest of pressure pins you down. Darkness surrounds you,
smothering you in warmth.

You can feel her quivering at your touch, but she remains steady. Up above, you hear her muffled breathing. You try to move and find that despite the great weight, you
can wiggle about with a modicum of freedom. You lay in the valley of her cheeks, buried under Sadi.

"Are you alright?" She asks, her voice muffled. "Do you need me to move? Can you hear me?"

"I'm fine!" You call out, realizing when she doesn't respond that she can't hear you, buried as you are. You reach out into the humid darkness and pat the first patch
of scales you find. It twitches at your touch, spasming and clinching. Sadi gasps and shivers, shocked at the sudden contact.

"Ooh! Well, that's what I like to see!" Recovering quickly, she returns to teasing you. A hand reaches back to give her ass a firm pat. "A little initiative! See
something you like back there?"

You see nothing, but her reaction is promising. Your fingers caress her tight pucker, feeling it contract reflexively. You reach out with your other hand, pressing
into the shuddering muscle. She moans, sinking lower in her seat, melting into your touch. Emboldened, you lean into the dark, and lap at the warm hide.

She snorts, toes curling, tail rising higher. She reaches down, fingers dipping into her folds as you rim her, the sounds of pleasure growing more intense as you eat
her out. You dig in with your thumbs, spreading her hole, drawing a groan from the horned saurian.

"Fuck," Her voice horse, juices pouring over her hand, Sadi grunts, "that's good. Very good. Keep doing that."

Dutifully, you press on, tongue diving deeper. The ring of muscle trembles as you probe at her entrance, inviting you to penetrate her depths. Your hand moves, and she
gasps again as you invade her, clenching shut around your arm. When the surprise of the sudden heat and pressure passes, you try to pull your arm free.

Sadi makes a noise, and it's the least human sound you've ever heard her make.

"Ah?!" Her voice quavers, shocked at your intrusion, a shiver running through her. "Amos?!"

That's the only sign you need, thrusting into her, your finger raking at the walls of her insides. You pull back before thrusting again, the repeated motion of your
arm forcing more sounds from your saurian boss as you fist her. Sadi stiffens, bellowing as she climaxes, fluids puddling on the carpet.

"Fuck! Oh, fuck!" She shouts, riding her high until she's spent, sagging over her desk. Your hand pops free as her ass pulls away, and you blink in the sudden light.
The two of you lie in her office, exhausted, the smell of sex filling the room. The only sound in the room is yours and Sadi's panting as you catch your breath.

Sadi is the first to move, straightening up and reaching for you with her dry hand. Lifted yet again, you rest in her hand as she falls back into her seat, holding you
over her belly, her chest heaving. She inspects her dripping fingers, the clear fluid coating them running down onto her breasts.

"You," She breathes, turning her tired eyes on you. "Have surpassed my expectations."

A large, scaly finger stroking your hair, coated in sweat, you sigh deeply. You're sore, and you'll need time to understand what all just happened. Are you in a
relationship with Sadi now? Is this just a sexual thing? For the moment, you have a more pressing question.

"So," You ask, meeting her gaze. "Do I get the job?"

She smiles, lifting you to her face and nuzzling you to her cheek. "I think. Maybe after a shower and something to eat, we could discuss your future with the company."

You laugh, hugging yourself to her face. "Sounds good to me, boss."

Pub: 06 Feb 2023 20:28 UTC
Views: 1679