We were on the perfect place in the best time. The only obstacle might be the quality and the quantity of my sperm cells to became a biological father.
I went home on evening and I began to play the overworked scientist at home and I looked at my daughters with sad eyes. I think without Amy's strange offer I would have begun the confrontation immediately after our daughters had gone to bed. Megan did not suspect anything, because she was the member of the Mongolian expedition and she thought my overworked state was normal for a researcher after a successful expedition. I was very sad and I pretended to fall asleep quickly. When Megan slept I thought about my all life with tearful eyes and I fell asleep.
The next day, Amy was late and she gave me the address and phone number of an andrologist doctor for the fertility test. I organized successfully the fertility test that afternoon and I got the positive result same day. My sperm number and the motility were good to be a biological father. I thought Megan's betrayal was bigger, because that excuse I was not fertile disappeared. I told Amy the positive fertility test result by mobile. She found two good divorce lawyers when I arrived my department she gave the names and the addresses of them. She recommend me the woman lawyer first because she heard she was a true shark. Amy had also talked about the female lawyer. Amy said she would pay the lawyer's fee. I phoned the lawyer and we arranged the next day appointment. Amy and I did not show any sign to others that we had some connection except for our work, but she found time and place to give the address of an apartment close to her building.
Next day I met my lawyer, Kate Anderson. I showed the DNA test results and I said I knew I would pay the children support, but I did not find other solution as the divorce. She understood me and she accepted me as his client. She said I would lose the house until my daughters would be eighteen years old that time we could sell our house and I would get the 50% of its price. I would pay the half cost of the house
until then. In our state I have to pay alimony for three years to the ex-wife after the divorce. I was lucky Megan got a job. I thought I would be in big financial shit without Amy's proposal. She said the divorce documents would be ready for next week Friday. I asked for her the process-server should give the documents to my wife on Friday. I wanted to move into the apartment on the afternoon of Thursday next week. I planned to confront Megan on Thursday too. Kate said the adultery was abolished from the divorce law in our state as in the most US states, but the DNA test results of my daughters were a very good reason to avoid any marriage counseling session so our divorce could be quick.
From the next day to the next week Thursday I was busy with the bank service measures, to hire the apartment and to work with the Mongolian fossils. I overworked and I played the tired husband at home. I did not want any sex with Megan. I worked on Saturday or Sunday rarely, but I went to the department to work on Saturday to avoid Megan. I organized a family event with my daughters and Megan on Sunday. I wanted to say good bye to the whole family life with an amusement park visit. We drove to neighbor city with the kids and we had a very good time there. We were tired Sunday evening and I was successful to avoid my wife. I had four nights until the confrontation. Time went slowly.
I was free on Thursday afternoon and I went home because I had not any lecture and I worked a lot with my colleagues on the Mongolian fossils, so I took a day off to pack my personal items to leave Megan and our daughters. I was sad, but I was very curious for my new life with Amy. I knew I would be very calm during the confrontation with Megan. Had I had a lonely future my confrontation would have been with more passion. I put my luggage in my car and I waited Megan and my daughters in the living room. Megan brought the kids after her work in the local wild life protection office and they arrived late in that afternoon. We greeted each others and Megan suspected something, but she did not say anything. The kids went to their rooms before dinner. I stayed in the living room.
When we remained alone she questioned me, "Simon! You're mysterious."
I stood up and I gave the copy of the DNA test results. She read them and she sat down and she began to cry silently.
She was clever enough not to say the boring cheating woman cliché sentences, she said something else, " I can see you've packed your thing and you'll divorce me. Simon I know, you won't believe me, but I've not cheated on you since we moved in this city! Believe me! Before moving here, yes I wasn't your faithful wife."
I stopped her and I said with calm voice, "We have to wait our kids go to bed."
Megan wiped her tears and agreed, "You're right."
We tried to be normal during dinner until the kids went to their bed, but I think my daughters noticed something from our body talk and they asked everything was all right. We tried to calm them successfully and we gathered in the bedroom for the confrontation.
Megan was confused and began with tears, "I thought about this thing some hours and I know you decided to divorce me, but..."
I interrupted her, "Megan I'm not interested why you were cheater. I want to know who are the biological fathers?"
Megan was adamant, "The biological fathers have families, kids now and I didn't tell them they have extra kids! I don't want you go to the court for compensation from them now. You're their real father now!"
"You're a liar cheater and you want me to pay for your past fucking!" I exclaimed.
"Simon, you're their dad now and forever! If you start a law suit against them, it may be their marriages go to end, but they were bachelors that time. They would ask for being part of the life of the girls for their money. I want you only to be their real daddy."
I thought a lot about my possibilities after learning the DNA test results, so Megan's answer was not a surprise to me, "What would it be if I told my daughters I'm not their biological fathers on their eighteen years old birthday? They'll be adult and they have right to know..."
Megan interrupted, "Simon, I understand you! I'll tell you who are the biological fathers when your daughters will be eighteen years old and you can decide on legal actions and to tell this to your daughters. But I won't tell neither you nor the biological fathers the true biological paternity and you can remain the only daddy to them now. I promise you that!"
"Can I believe in a cheater wife?" I was sarcastic a little.
Megan began to explain, " I know I've done the greatest betrayal against a husband and I thought I could live with this together with you and nobody could bring to light. I didn't tell anybody! I know you don't believe me, but I honestly love you, the only TRUE and best father of my daughters! Simon I know you won't believe me, but I was faithful to you from my breaking up from Gillian's biological father!"
"I don't believe you, a cheater is every time is cheater."
Megan began crying and she told passionately, "It may be I'm a lying cheater cunt wife, but I want to compensate this to be a good mom and a good mom wants good relationship between daddy and kids in spite of the divorce. Please, believe me!"
I looked at her in confusion.
She continued with tears, "I won't struggle for my marriage! We'll divorce and I don't want any counseling at all. I'll fight for a very good daddy, who will be here in same city with us. I want only you in the life of our daughters."
I stopped the confrontation, "Megan, please, calm down, I'll be their dad, but I want to leave this house quickly. I'll come for my property later. Good luck to you. Please, hug my daughters for me tomorrow!"
I left the house with the sight of the weeping Megan. I did not feel any sympathy for her, but her struggle for me to have the daddy of our daughters was very big surprise. I thought she would want to spoil the connection of my daughters with me, but sometime I could be wrong. I knew I was meek in the confrontation, but with Amy's proposal I was in the saddle to Megan who had to accommodate to a divorced mother role quickly. I went to my apartment and I phoned Amy. Amy told me we would talk on phone everyday, but we had to hid our connection for some weeks. Yes we worked together, but our connection had to be a secret for a while. She recommended to announce my divorce plan to our colleagues on Monday.
Next weeks were lonely nights in my apartment and Amy's phone conversations were the only entertainments. We did not show our connection at the department, but we looked at each other with sympathetic glances. Megan phoned me after the court, because the court approved the common dissolution, what my lawyer offered and Megan's lawyer agreed too. However the court obliged us for three session meetings with a children psychologist before the dissolution of our marriage. Megan said she wanted good relationship between father and children and the judge wanted only these children psychologist sessions for us. My lawyer showed the results of the DNA test in agreement with Megan and her lawyer to avoid any counseling session, but three common meetings with the children psychologist were only request of the court.
The three meetings were very interesting, because the children psychologist praised us, because Megan wanted good relationship between father and children and I wanted to be the daddy for our daughters. She told us she met very few divorces where similar parents were as we. She said, to be a father for the kids was essential and Megan's aim to maintain a good relationship between me and the kids was her original plan for the three sessions. Instead of any persuading she only encouraged us in our decisions. The all divorce proceeding took less than three months and I became free ex husband with children support, alimony for three years and I had every second weekend some feasts with my kids.
Amy and I went to a restaurant to celebrate my single state. I asked her to be my wife with a beautiful ring, what was a little funny because Amy was the initiator of the all event. She knew the price of this ring was big challenge in my financial state.
Her respond was, "Yes, yes and yes!" and she added these mysterious words to her consent to be my wife with smiling at me, "I'll also have another answer to your ring."
We did passionate long kiss. We were discreet to conceal our secret connection and this was over. We were able to go out into the world together. Soon we left the restaurant and went to my apartment. Naturally she ended my hermit life and we were compatible in the sex. After some days I moved to Amy. Amy looked for a good house with covered swimming pool which had an open able roof for summer and a tennis court. The house was large and she applied two persons staff. We planned our silent wedding at the Justice of the Peace. Amy was in wrong connection with her family and I invited my parents and my brother's family. Naturally my colleagues and Doug from the engineering were at our wedding. Amy was so popular and I explained my wife cheated on me so our colleagues adopted our wedding plan. Amy was volunteer so our wedding was not a matter for the University too. We could work together as husband and wife.
Chapter 7. A Happy Mom and Wife
The wedding and the reception were modest events, a catering firm organized everything. I paid the event. Our colleagues, Doug with his new girlfriend and Simon's parents and his brother's family were with us. The maid of honor was Kathy Jones from Simon's department and the best man was Doug. We were at the office of the Justice of the Peace. We went to our new house where the catering firm arranged the reception. Then we danced a lot and next day we flew to our honeymoon.
We rested on board of the second plane towards the Indian Ocean from New York. My relatives, siblings and parents were not on our wedding, but after long hesitation I sent some photos of our wedding to my parents and my siblings after we got back from the honeymoon. To my surprise we got a simple congratulation from my parents and the families of my siblings. Neither any warm words nor any request to rebuild our relationship but this simple congratulation was a simple sign for a better future that perhaps I would return in my family once. I thought I was thirty-nine years old and I could restart my life.
I paid for the honeymoon to Mauritius and we were on the beach at the sea and we started the baby production. I told Simon that the honeymoon was the answer to his ring. When we came back I was pregnant and the new blood test showed our baby was healthy so the birth of our daughter, Charlene was true happiness for us. Simon was fantastic happy and he walked on the clouds at home with me. Being a mum over forty years is always a challenge when some women are before becoming grandmother. It may be many wealthy moms give away her motherly time for the staff, but I said Simon he lost his pretty voluntary for a while, because I enjoyed to be a mom. My breasts were not too big earlier but our baby girl increased them and I enjoyed to nurse our baby girl. Yes my life was easy because our staff Carmen and Jadwiga were big help for me so my life was round my baby until Simon came home. But I did a little work for Simon's department at home on my PC.
After a year and a half we had a baby boy Sean and our happiness reached the top. We were lucky the blood test showed the absence of Down and Edwards syndromes during my second pregnancy again. Sean was same healthy as Charlene. We knew we had to stop the further babies because a newer baby would have been a life temptation. I sent my husband to check our babies with DNA test at same laboratory, which investigated Simon's daughters. I arranged this DNA results as his birthday present from me because I paid the tests. I said I could buy a four-seater Ferrari to his birthday. But he said he preferred the positive results of the DNA tests to a Ferrari. Naturally Simon was the biological father of our kids. So I think I do not exaggerate Simon was happier to have our kids than I. Simon keeps saying this was the best gift in all his life. But I did not tell anybody this.
I was a good step-mom to Simon's older daughter. Good preparation was that I did babysitting in Mongolia. We had become friends ever since. They liked to stay in our house. The covered swimming pool and the tennis court were a big attraction and they adored our younger kids. When I went to Megan's house Megan and I were polite each other. I knew she was envious of the success of our marriage. If my husband found out who the biological fathers of his older daughters I would support in his compensation lawsuit. Simon told me Megan promised to give their names when their daughters would be eighteen. He mentioned after the trial he would divide the compensation money into four equal portions for the four kids. He had not decided yet to start a lawsuit at all, because a lawsuit could cause he should uncover the origin of his older kids. I told him we had enough money for the all four kids, he could decide freely.
We were happy with each other and with the kids. We were over forty and we wanted to grow old together. When I was pregnant with Charlene I stopped the horse riding forever, I was afraid of accident, because the kids deserved a healthy mom. My motherly instinct got the suitable subject as our common kids but Simon's daughters were also in its scope. I did not mind my career ended, but my fortune was a good compensation beside my found family and my voluntary work.
I began to study on Simon's University to obtain BS level in biology and mainly in the paleontology. Beside my kids I could study well. I paid my tuition. Everybody helped me in my learning and I passed the exams well. Simon and his colleagues were glad their voluntary got a little more in-depth professional knowledge, so my voluntary work would be more valuable. I started a successful campaign among the students secretly and Simon got the best lecturer title from the students in the University. I was proud of Simon when my husband received the award from the President of the University.
Our sex life was good we also had much sex during my two pregnancies. Simon said the oxytocin enhanced our relationship, so I read a lot about the effect of the oxytocin. I liked nursing my two babies so I discovered the ANR (Adult Nursing Relationship) sex on the net (http://www.lovelait.info/Packages.html). I learned Simon preferred milk to the alcoholic drinks. So I persuaded my husband to be an ANR spouse after I wean Sean. It is one of the most secret sex practices in the world and enhances the pair relationship. All I am saying it strengthened our marriage as well. What a funny situation my Mammal expert husband became my ANR husband. When he held a special lecture about the evolution of the milk production I listened smiling in the University. I do not tell more, because many readers do not like this type hetero monogamy sex practice.
When Sean became two years old I sent the photos of our kids to my parents and I was right they invited us to their house. We went to them and we did peace with my parents and the families of my siblings. The grand-kids were the honey trap. My parents liked their son-in-law, Simon. Yes I did not become the favorite kid of my parents, but we were in better relationship than I was in my earlier life. I became a happy Mom and wife and I had future aims as to help my husband in his department job, but mainly to raise two nice and healthy kids. I knew Simon was also happy. I was right to pull the X on that grant application of Simon's department.
How we started a family it is a continuous cheerful fun for us. He was in the worst phase of his life and he got the most interesting challenge from me. He decided he would try my offer and we both became a happy couple. I read a website where betrayed husbands gave interviews on the net and that special website had an interesting rule for the surfers they must not organize a date with the interviewed husbands. Yes there are lonely women who are willing to arrange date husbands who have just discovered their wives cheated on them. I showed that website to Simon and we smiled at each other because of the similarities.
Chapter 8. BTB with Only One Sentence
Surveys show, if kids were born in family with older parents and if these kids were lack of any chromosomal or genetic problems they could achieve higher IQ than the kids of ordinary maternity aged women! These chromosomal and genetic syndromes (Down, Edwards) are checked well with newer blood tests during early pregnancy. When Sean arrived at our family I showed these surveys to Amy and she looked at me with surprising eyes.
She searched her words for a while but she found at last, "Simon, I havn't lost anything to be mom in this age, if these scientific surveys are true!"
I responded, "These data of the surveys are based on mathematical probability and they mean some % of children will have a low IQ level at older parents as well. Average means that part% is below and another part% is above the average, but the higher average IQ is a good sign. I think the wiser lifestyle in the family and the good nutrition for the brain in the childhood have same important roles to reach higher level IQ as the genetic background!"
Amy said definitely, "The wiser lifestyle will be from my part and I'm sure from you! The quality food for our kids isn't a problem don't be afraid!"
We looked at each other and laughed.
I became biological father for two newer kids, but I loved my older daughters too. My older daughters came to us in every second weekend and they were happy in our house, because they were able to swim a lot, regardless of the weather. When their newer siblings were born they were glad and they played much with them. Amy was good mother of our kids but she was a fantastic stepmom too. I became a happy man. I preferred low-fat milk to alcoholic drinks so she persuaded easily me to become an ANR couple when she wean Sean. I the mammal evolution expert discovered this secret sex with the lactation. This is an eternal cheerfulness and humor us. This sex practice brought us much closer, but we kept this secret from the world.
The relationship between Megan and me was cautious. Either I or Amy went for my older daughters we were polite to Megan when we were in my older house. The girls did not talk about any new man in Megan's life, but the every second weekend, the holiday time and the feasts were enough time for boyfriends or flings. However she had not any step father candidate or any long time love relationship. I was sure she was envious of the success of my marriage with Amy.
Four years after my divorce I was in my office and I worked with a scientific article, when I got a phone call. An unknown man wanted to talk to me. He arrived to my office at five o'clock, so I did not have to overwork. He introduce himself he was John Hume.
He came quickly to the point, "I'm divorced and I've two daughters as you. I know you remarried and I'm thinking of similar plan with your ex."
Our older daughters did not mention any new man around Megan so I was surprised a little.
So I asked to confirm the information, "You're planning something with Megan, aren't you?"
He carried on, "I haven't said anything to her yet. I've daughters as you and I think I'd be glad if the stepfather candidate came to me to show himself, what sort of man is. I think you understand me, you've two daughters too."
"You're only lovers and you haven't met yet my daughters, aren't you?"
He confirmed, "Yes, our connection is before any serious. Megan mentioned that you and your daughters have good relationship, so I don't want to spoil this. She praised you what a good daddy you're and you've two newer kids in your newer marriage. She said you divorced almost amicably."
He began to tell me that my ex-wife boosted about what good dad I was, how amicably we divorced. I thought this cheating cunt boosted what super dad I was against she did not mention her double cheating. She did not admitted to him her two humiliating cheating with my two not biological daughters.
I became mad at Megan, "How could she boost about this?! If I hadn't met Amy I couldn't have my own biological kids!" These thoughts circled in my brain.
He became shocked, "Ee...aaa...I see..."
I followed, "I divorced Megan for this and the DNA tests show my two younger kids are mine."
He finished our conversation with praising me how well I behaved to my older daughters and he left me quickly shocked.
Three years later I met John Hume at the airport. I flew to Atlanta he went to New York. His pregnant wife took him to the airport. A five years old boy was with them. After check in we talked a little. I learned his second wife was pregnant with his baby. He told me his first wife was a cheater too and her second wife was a divorcee. She divorced a cheater husband. He admitted he checked his older kids with DNA test and they were his kids. He also would have DNA test done secretly with his soon to be baby. He would follow my example as I followed Doug's. Megan was only a friend with benefit after he learned she was a cheater. John did not want to live with a cheater again especially to marry a serial cheater. Because it was enough his first wife's betrayal, so he broke up with her when he met his current wife. Finally, he said, the two biological fathers were too many.
On the board of the plane I thought of Megan. My simple accidental angry sentence punished her to avoid a good opportunity for a happy second marriage. I did not know I wanted to punish her more with my next revenge. She was lonely unhappy again after my angry sentence and I was happy with Amy, Charlene, Sean, Nancy and Gillian. Megan knew I lived in a happy marriage with Amy and with my biological kids moreover my older daughters loved me.
I was a scientist I thought of the benefit of the sciences and the techniques during the flight. Before the DNA test the rule of the old Roman Law said, "Mom is sure alone" and now the sciences made the life up side down opposite the old Roman Law. Now the rule of the Modern Sciences says "Father is sure alone", because it could be a biological mother and a birth mother for a child same time and the poor kid could think of who is the true mom. I laughed myself, "Virtually DNA test punished a cheater through me."
In some USA states as mine, the family law changed the life to more equitable in case of the husbands followed the famous saying of Ronald Reagan: "TRUST BUT VERIFY" in time before the kids would be four years old and they could restart their life without burden of children support after divorce. If the kids were over four years old and the real dad knew the biological father the DNA test would ensure a successful lawsuit. The biological father should pay back compensation money for the unfair children support at the court. I thought as a scientist, "Thank you sciences for fairer life."
What does the future? Would I start a compensation lawsuit against the biological fathers for eighteen years child support, if Megan admitted who were the biological fathers? I thought of my all possibilities. Should I admit to my older daughters the true paternity of them, when they would be over eighteen? My answer was nearer to conceal the secret forever if Megan does not want to uncover............however I had four years to decide. I thought of my four children and Amy and I felt happy on the plane en route to Atlanta.
What would you, my readers decide, if you were Simon?
The End
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