Tone indicators!


/j - joking
/hj - half joking
/cj - coping joke
/ij - inside joke
/jov - joking over exaggerating


/sar - sarcasm
/ns or /nsar - not sarcastic
/srs - serious
/lh - light hearted
/g or /gen - genuine
/t - teasing
/b - bitter
/li - literal
/pl - playful
/pa - passive aggressive
/Lu - little upset


/nm - not mad
/vn - vent
/nav - not a vent
/hv - half vent
/npa - not passive aggressive
/ny - not yelling
/nu - not upset


/p - platonic
/r - romantic
/sx - sexual intent
/nsx - non-sexual intent
/f or /fam- familial (like saying ily in a familial way)
/jf - jokingly flirting
/aff - affectionate
/nfli - not flirting


/neg - negative connotation
/pos - positive connotation
/neu - neutral connotation
/ci - caring intent

Outside Reference

/ref - reference
/edlyr - edited lyrics
/lyr - lyric
/q - quote/lyrics
/c - copypasta
/ti or /tc - typing tic
/tq - typing quirk
/echo - echoing someone else
/edecho - edited echo of someone else


/hyp - hyperbole/exaggeration
/me - metaphorically
/oe - over exaggeration
/rc - random chaos
/th - threat
/irre - irrelevant
/fa - fake
/com - complaining

Question or Statement

/rh or /rq - rhetorical question
/gen q - genuine question
/gen s - genuine suggestion
/gc or /gen c - genuine confusion
/ex - explanation/example
/gs - general statement

Control tags

/dha - don't have to answer
/nf - not forced (like dha)
/nac - not a command
/npre - no pressure
/nn - not negative
/nc - not condescending


/sys - not directed or about anyone outside of the system
/self- directed at yourself and not people in the server
/nbh - nobody here (useful if you think a vague vent might be taken the wrong way)
/nay - not at you
/pt - pointed (at someone)
/dir - same as pointed

extra info about them! here's the carrd
feel free to use it copy or it!

Pub: 26 Dec 2022 11:44 UTC
Edit: 16 Apr 2023 20:55 UTC
Views: 658