It was rather unceremonious with some lingering awkwardness, more on Jackson’s part than her own. She fell into bed and stayed there. Angus visited her and made some idle small talk before he used her to relieve a few days of pent up sexual energy. It was actually strange to have some plain vanilla sex without any games or challenges underlying it, though Angus didn’t seem to notice her mind wandering as he buried his fat prick inside her and dumped a load. She lay naked for awhile letting him ooze out of her, reflecting on the massive turn her life had taken as she filled a few more pages of her notebook.

Sam came to visit but didn’t touch her. Brandon and Yeong said hi in passing by her open door on the way to what had increasingly become ‘their’ room but otherwise she felt like a ghost. The next morning Angus and Sam visited her together before leaving for work, requesting she blow them both at the same time – she alternated between them until they were ready to burst and she egged them on, begging for them to paint her face as she pumped furiously with both hands, which they happily obliged.

By dinnertime she’d made up her mind.

"I’m moving out." She announced. There was a long silence as her three housemates paused and put their forks down, looking at each other.

"Oh thank god." Sam said, breaking the awkward silence. Angus nodded in agreement.

"You’re ok with this?" Tegan asked, surprised.

"We’d been discussin’ it." Angus said "And as much as we like haven’ yeh around… we were thinkin’ our arrangement might get in the way of explorin’ other relationships."

"Brandon is fortunate enough that Yeong is very understanding but she’s one in a million." Sam added.

"For what it’s worth Yeong really doesn’t mind having you around, she even suggested you might join us again, if you wanted…" Brandon started.

"Again?" Angus interjected. "Yeh lucky sod."

"…but it’s a little bit weird that I’m still paying your share of the rent when I’m in a committed relationship." Brandon forged on, blushing a little as he realised he’d just publically announced his threeway with Tegan and his girlfriend.

"How long have you been feeling this way?"

"We only discussed it this weekend. We were just worried it might come across as ungrateful and didn’t know how to broach the subject. We know we’ve been kinda uh… demanding." Sam explained.

"I guess it sounds like we have a pretty good understanding then." Tegan conceded. "For my part, I’m going to be honest… you’ve all been great, really. And sweet, in your own different ways. But I have changed a lot over the last month – for the better, I think – and some of the avenues I want to explore my myself would cut into my time for you three. It wouldn’t be fair."

"So what will you do?" Brandon queried.

"I have a couple of prospects, and some money squirrelled away. I put in some rental applications last night and I’m looking at apartments this week."

"Well, keep us posted." Angus said and raised his glass. "To the next chapter."

After dinner Tegan retired to her room and sent off a few messages. One was to Simon confirming the details of her booking with her unknown benefactor who was going to have her and Jess join him for a week at a tropical resort, and also letting him know she was available for further work. It wasn’t until this point she had really accepted that exchanging sex for money made her a prostitute but she figured she might as well start getting paid for something she was going to do anyway. She couldn’t pay bills with sex forever... not all of them anyway. She also exchanged a few messages with Jess about their upcoming trip together, and finally reached out to Zoe to discuss not only how their respective weekends had gone to complete the Halloween night challenge but also to learn more about being a camgirl.

After that she sent off some applications for part time jobs, trying out some local cafes and even the gym where Trevor worked. These jobs weren’t going to make use of her bachelor’s degree but then again neither was lying on her back.

Jackson had emailed her a link to his dropbox account where he’d uploaded their videos and photos from the weekend. She saved them to her own, unsure if she’d ever watch them. A few other email addresses were CC’d in on the email that she assumed belonged to the men who’d come over for the gang bang on Saturday but she didn’t recognise any of them so still had no idea who’d been there. She’d probably have to watch the video and find out but right now she preferred the mystery.

Over the next week she secured one of the apartments she’d applied for and began making arrangements to move out, while Sam and Angus interviewed replacements to take her room. In deference to the end of their arrangement, Tegan began actually regularly wearing clothes around the house for the first time in weeks, which felt strangely restrictive to her, and their interest in her sexually seemed to drop off. No more boundary pushing or surprise middle of the night visits. At most Sam or Angus would drop in for a quickie in the morning before work and then perhaps again at night. Sometimes it was just a handy. She half expected they were saving their energy for some kind of massive blowout as a farewell party but it never eventuated. Yeong invited her to join her and Brandon in his room but instead of a repeat of their previous threesome, she just wanted to touch herself while watching Brandon get a blowjob and telling him to cum on Tegan’s face.

Leaving was bittersweet, but being on her own – completely alone in her own place for the first time – felt extremely refreshing, and suddenly ripe with opportunity.

Tegan arrived at the gym set to do a workout when Trevor approached her while she was filling out her membership paperwork.

"Hey, you." Trevor said smoothly.

"Hey!" Tegan smiled brightly. She hadn’t seen him in a couple of weeks, but that had done nothing to abate her crush on him or the lingering awkwardness after exploring the possibility of dating him and being shot down.

"You looking to get fit?"

"Thinking about it. Going to do the basic bitch spin cycle bullshit and see what else takes my fancy."

"Let me know if you want a coach. Or Judo lessons." He grinned at her, and Tegan detected a hint of innuendo, the implication that he was interested in grappling with her tying a knot in her gut.

"Maybe I’ll come find you later?" She suggested, trying to stay on task. She really did need the exercise.

"I’ll be around." Trevor nodded then left her to it.

An hour later she had run herself to a standstill on a treadmill then taken a cruise on a spin bike to try and keep things moving before finding a resistance machine to try and work her skinny arms, flexing and straining. She was positively soaked with sweat and was contemplating whether she should call it a day and head home before her legs were too wobbly to carry her there when Trevor found her again.

"Find everything ok?" He enquired, putting on an air of professionalism.

"Just fine, thanks." Tegan said, feeling flushed as she sipped from her water bottle.

"I’ve got a break in my schedule if you wanted to run through some Judo moves. No charge."

Tegan considered it. Again with the invitation to spend some one on one time with him. She wondered if he knew she’d moved out of her share house arrangement.

"Don’t I need a gi or something?"

"Depends, do you care about self defence and fitness, or coloured belts?"

"The former."

"Then no."

"Then ok." Tegan followed him to a corner of the gym where some mats had been laid out presumably for falling onto. She set her bottle and towel down and stood waiting expectantly.

"Judo is all about balance and leverage." Trevor started, towering over her by more than a foot. "You don’t have to be stronger than your opponent, because ideally you want to use their strength and weight against them."

"Easy for you to say." Tegan said, looking up at him.

"Well I won’t lie, being taller and stronger is an advantage in most cases." Trevor smiled with a helpless shrug "But maybe you can level the field somewhat. I’m going to show you a few moves to give you an idea."

They ran through some drills, but it seemed to Tegan that Trevor was enjoying throwing her around a little more than he perhaps should have. More than once, when he had her pinned to the mat, their eyes met and lingered for a few seconds more than necessary before getting off her to go again. She did learn some things, though. She learned how to slip out of his grip, or twist herself into a position where he couldn’t hold her as easily.

"You’re picking this up pretty quick." Trevor remarked as they ended their session and she dabbed at her sweaty neck with her towel.

"Thanks." Tegan said, trying to keep it casual, secretly hoping he’d invite her into the storeroom again. "You know, I moved into my own place."

"Is that so?" Trevor said, his eyebrows arching in surprise.

"Yeah. I thought it was about time to move on, explore other opportunities."

"Such as?"

"I don’t really know yet. Just trying to keep things open." Tegan shrugged, sipping from her water bottle.

"You going to have a housewarming party?"

"Maybe. There’s not a lot of room. It’s a studio."

"Ah, I know that feeling."

An awkward silence fell between them.

Two minutes later they were fucking.

Something in her eyes had gotten Trevor to take the hint and he took her by the wrist and led her through to the storeroom where they’d hooked up for the first time. They were both sweaty and sticky but neither of them cared. As soon as they entered the room she’d leapt on him and thrown her arms around his neck, wrapping her legs around his waist. He held her by the hips as they kissed and Trevor set her down on a waist-height piled of old mats, pawing at her skin-tight lycra shirt pushing it up over her small tits, sucking her hard nipples as she pulled his cock out of his sweatpants and stroked him to full hardness with a hand-over-hand motion, his thick girth quickly filling her small palms.

With an unspoken understanding she flipped herself over to present her ass to him and he pulled down her shorts to expose her and guided himself into her from behind. She let out a moan as he sank into her, her wet hole easily parting to accept him all the way to his base, and he held her by the hips as he began to pummel her cunt. She didn’t bother to stifle her noises despite the relatively public location, confident her sounds would be unlikely to be overheard and not caring if they were. She came hard and Trevor held himself deep inside as her muscles quivered around him. She was surprised that she didn’t feel him squirt, turning her head to look back at him from her prone position.

"You’re not done?" She queried. Trevor chuckled and shook his head, taking a moment to catch his breath then began thrusting again, her sensitive body highly responsive to his movement and she groaned with pleasure as he steadily built up steam, plunging against her softened, slick walls, slamming into her even harder than before. Normally relentless jackhammering was not a technique she felt women appreciated, but as Trevor took grip of her hair and arched her head back she felt another tremor of an orgasm quake outwards from the core of her pelvis and she let out a desperate cry.

"Fuuuuck." She moaned.

"Slut." Trevor said, as a matter of fact.

"Uh huh." Tegan admitted, though to be fair she probably would have confessed to anything in her present state. He kept pistoning into her sensitive core, feeling like she was constantly oscillating back and forth across the brink of orgasm. Finally with a grunt Trevor pressed into her, crushing her hips against the stack of gym mats and she felt him expand and pulse as his seed erupted against her cervix. With a relieved sigh he released her hair and thrust gently a couple more times, savouring the feeling of her creamy snatch as he slowly withdrew.

Taking her by the hips Trevor rolled her up onto the stack so she was lying on her side then positioned himself by her red, sweaty face holding his softening shaft to her panting mouth. She needed no encouragement to accept his slimy manhood between her lips and begin to clean him with her saliva and tongue. Even though she’d come hard, twice, the act still created an itch between her legs she couldn’t help but scratch, cupping her puffy well-used slit in her hand and collecting the oozing fluids from her hole, massaging them into her throbbing clit as she sucked Trevor off. She wondered if there was any possibility of a second round. She almost wished someone else would walk in on them.

"Oh shit, my bad." An unfamiliar voice cracked the air like a gunshot and Tegan almost jolted upright but Trevor put a hand on the back of her head to keep her in place. Aware she had her shirt up and shorts around her knees with her cummy pussy exposed she tried to cover her crotch with her hand and let out a started inquisitive sound, her mouth too full of Trevor to speak.

"No problem Hal, not like I put a tie on the doorknob or anything." Trevor responded as casually as if they were standing by the water cooler. Tegan couldn’t say for sure with her POV blocked by Trevor but it didn’t sound like Hal was in a hurry to leave.

"Violet, I didn’t say to stop." Trevor said, invoking the fake name she’d given him the first time they’d met. He said it gently, almost lovingly, but there was a commanding tone in his voice that Tegan found hard to resist. She resumed sucking him and touching herself, turning her lower held onto her back with her knees up and thighs apart, her legs likely framing the stranger’s view of her slit as she continued to jill herself with Trevor’s jizz.

"Well uh, have fun." Hal said, apparently dismissing himself.

"You got someplace better to be?"

"Ain’ really that keen to watch you gettin’ blown, man."

"Who said anything about just watching?" Trevor queried, stroking Tegan’s cheek with his thumb. The implication was clear – he planned to share Tegan with his unknown colleague. Inwardly Tegan felt a little betrayed. Her crush on Trevor was undeniable, and he was casually offering her up to a complete stranger. But on the other hand, she wasn’t quite satiated yet, and fucking strangers had become her dominant pastime lately. Maybe, she rationalised, Trevor knew her so well that he’d predicted her desire.

"That ok, Violet?" Trevor asked.

She heard herself murmuring an "mmhmm" without a second thought. She heard soft footsteps as Hal moved closer and she caught a glimpse of him in her peripheral view as she continued to use her mouth on Trevor. He was clearly another trainer, from the cut of his physique, his muscular arms bare, his fitted muscle shirt clinging to the cut of his pecs. The fluorescent lights reflected off his shaved, dark skinned head.

"Got a rubber?" Hal asked.

"I’m clean, you’re clean, she’s clean."

"I believe you, but those are some real sloppy seconds." Hal said dismissively, referring to the creamy load Trevor had put inside her. Tegan moaned gently, a shiver running through her as the men talked between them as if she were just an object, barely even present.

"Front pocket of my pack." Trevor said and Hal left them alone for a moment. Trevor pulled out of Tegan’s mouth and pulled off her shorts, throwing them away before repositioning Tegan again, pulling her ass to the edge of the mat before hopping up next to her and placing her hand on his cock. Obligingly she wrapped her slim fingers around his slowly swelling shaft and gently pumped him with a loose grip, looking up at him, her green eyes full of innocent obedience as she waited for Hal to return. She felt him stand before her and one hand reached up to grope her exposed tits, his other presumably stroking himself to full hardness. It was almost shocking how easy it was to convince him to participate. Apparently any warm orifice was enough.

Hal’s hand left her breast and she heard him opening the packet, and after a few seconds the touch of his latex-clad tip nudging between her lower lips to find her recently opened hole. She gasped in surprise as he pushed inside her. He seemed to be just as well endowed as Trevor, who she considered to be an outlier in terms of general cock size. Even with the many men she’d shared her body with over the last few weeks, Trevor stood out.

Hal didn’t have anything to say, she looked up at him as he gripped her slim waist and slowly plumbed her depths, chewing his bottom lip in concentration as he fixated entirely on observing his own cock disappear inside her. She started stroking Trevor faster as her arousal grew, her eyes fluttering shut as her breathing grew deeper. She used the fingers of her other hand to play with her clit for a few seconds then put her fingers in her mouth, moaning as she tasted Trevor’s cum and her own juices on them.

"Goddamn man, here’d you find this one?" Hal asked.

"I saved her life, now she does whatever I want." Trevor said, lowering his cock to Tegan’s mouth. She accepted his swollen head between her lips and continued stroking him with her hand.

"Cool story, bro." Hal said mockingly.

"You’re balls deep and still don’t believe me?" Trevor pinched one of Tegan’s nipples and tugged on it roughly before releasing it, her small tit snapping back into place. "Stick it in her ass."

Tegan’s eyes flicked open wide, looking up at Trevor in surprise.

"Seriously?" Hal asked, seemingly equally stunned by the proposition.

"Seriously." Trevor confirmed, pushing a little more into Tegan’s mouth.

"Fuck, ok." Hal conceded, and pulled out of her slippery pussy, lining his cock up with her butthole, putting hand behind her knee to push her leg back. She felt his cockhead push against her little star, the combination of the condom and the added fluids giving him just enough lubrication to ease his way past her tight sphincter.

Ever since Candy had violated her with Edgar, Trevor was no longer the largest thing she’d had in her ass but that didn’t make it easy, especially being out of practice for week or two. She let out a stifled groan as his rock-hard tool pushed against her and Trevor pushed down on her pelvis to hold her in place as Hal’s bulbous head popped past the ring of muscles specifically designed to stop things passing through. She couldn’t help but whimper with the initial discomfort but knew from experience it would pass, and didn’t want to discourage Hal from continuing. So she squeezed her eyes shut and kept her mouth full of Trevor, jerking him faster and frigging her swollen clot as Hal fed more of his prick past her anus.

Once he filled her as deep as he could get, Hal let out an appreciative grunt.

"Goddamn." He mumbled as he clamped his hands atop her upright thighs, holding himself in deep for a moment before slowly moving, just a few inches. She could feel his throbbing member buried deep inside – there was no substitute for the real thing.

Tegan continued to blow Trevor as Hal built up to a smooth rhythm, small desperate gasps of pleasure and pain escaping her as she focused on Trevor, letting Hal use her lower half as he saw fit – he gave her no reprieve. Every time she adjusted he would step up his pace.

"Take it, bitch." Hal grunted. Tegan felt ‘bitch’ was a little unnecessary considering what she was letting him to do her, but when she looked up at Trevor she couldn’t find it in her soul to raise any objection and she simply submitted to Hal’s dirty talk. After a couple of minutes Hal’s grunts indicated he was getting close and the straining cock in her hand and mouth indicated Trevor wasn’t far off.

"I’m putting her on her knees." Trevor announced, presumably to get Hal to pull out as he himself pulled away from Tegan’s mouth and stood up.

"Got it." Hal said and stepped back. Trevor took Tegan by the hair and pulled her upright. She slid off the edge of the mat and sank on wobbly legs into a kneeling position, putting her hand between her legs and strumming her clit like she was playing the solo to Free Bird moaning with her mouth wide open in expectation of the obvious ‘reward’.

Hal pulled the condom off and tossed it on the floor, he and Trevor stood over Tegan with their erections pointed at her face, furiously pumping themselves in clenched fists.

"Cum on my face." Tegan urged, using her free hand to roughly pinch her own nipple as she edged closer to orgasm, her aching anus clenching at nothing, her pussy on fire. "Do it."

"Don’t gotta tell me twice." Hal acknowledged, pounding off just inches from her panting mouth.

Trevor was the first to blast off, but he made no effort to aim at her face. As he reached the point of no return he bent he knees and shot his load across her little tits as well as her shirt which was still bunched up above them.

Higher up, Hal was more than happy to string his pearls over her face, thick ropes cascading across the bridge of her nose and down her cheek. Tegan turned her face toward him and caught a second load in her mouth just as she orgasmed, moaning loudly with her head arched back as Hal’s third squirt hit the underside of her chin and started to run down the outside of her throat as the previous one ran down the inside.

"Mmm" she moaned as Hal’s cockhead entered her panting mouth and she obligingly sucked out the last drips of semen, her little chest heaving as the aftershocks of her orgasm faded away.

Trevor hot-swapped in as Hal pulled out of her mouth and flopped down on another shorter stack of mats behind him. Once Trevor’s cock was satisfactorily ‘clean’ he hiked his shorts back up and took Tegan’s hand, helping her to her feet.

"Hey Hal, toss me a clean towel from my pack, would you?"

Hal reached over and grabbed a towel, throwing it overhand to Trevor who snatched it out of the air and emptied his water bottle onto it, handing it to Tegan presumably to clean herself up a bit. Tegan looked at him with a look of sultry derision, using her fingers to scoop her facial into her mouth, leaving just a sticky residue, then pulled her shirt down over the mess on her chest. Inspecting the shirt and noticing Trevor had made a mess on that too, she took the towel and scrubbed the obvious remnants clear, giving Trevor one last challenging look before throwing the towel aside and walking over to pick up her shorts, stepping back into them.

"So seriously, what’s the deal with you two?"

"What do you mean?" Trevor asked.

"How you met. This whole… thing." Hal gestured broadly, indicating their recent sexcapades.

"Trevor told you." Tegan said, fluttering her lashes as if surprised she had to explain. "He saved me. And now…" she looked submissively up at Trevor. "...I do anything he wants."

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 01 Oct 2024 07:48 UTC
Views: 209