TIER 1 : Zai, Noé, Nikolai, Rui.
Names to default to/anyone can call me.
TIER 2 : Daz, Chuu, Manon.
Secondary names, I'm okay with anyone calling me them.
TIER 3 : Elise, Bernadette, Charon.
Ask for permission before calling me these.
Close friends do not have to ask permission.
TIER 4 : Lucy, Aubrey, Jester, Auby, Mari, Lupin(e), Niko, K.
Only close friends may call me these.
TIER 5 : Kolya, Samu, Kolenka, Nikolasha, Mackerel, Etc.
Only my boyfriend may call me these.
TIER 6 : he, it, hy.
Pronouns to default to/anyone can call me.
TIER 7 : shy, shx.
Secondary pronouns.
TIER 8 : neo pronouns.
Ask for permission before calling me these.
TIER 9 : she.
Only my boyfriend may call me this.
LINKS : pronouns page, pronouns cc, darling extended