you're only a few days into a long term cargo run through a twisted region of space called 'The Scar'
it means your clients will get their parcel almost immediately after you departed
from their frame of reference
from yours it's still going to be a while
you're travelling with your engineer-copilot-human-anthropology-expert Dreughbachus
a lithe, attractive and boyish alien man with the characteristics of an earth black bear
you refer to him as drew for the sake of simplicity
the highly-hyphenated series of adjectives attached to him has just expanded to include -romantic-partner
a relatively long awaited development considering the escapade for which you are both best known
you're both superlative diplomats according to the galactic trade federation
accolades acquired as a result of performing extreme, unprompted sex acts in the presence of a massive crowd of puritanical bug-people
on a holiday dedicated to chastity
yes, really
you weren't even interested in drew before that
and you didn't even have a clue that he was interested in you
owing to the out of date knowledge of earth culture drew possesses due to the suspension of earth observation 150 earth years ago
he waited until you were a captive audience to reveal his true feelings
to which you whiffed your response badly
you recovered quite smoothly though
discounting the fact that you almost died from staring out at a particularly angry part of space

it's been a couple days since your first proper sexual contact with drew
so profound was the experience of your dicks touching that you decided you needed just a little bit of time
to put your thoughts straight
or gay as fuck as the case may be
in the moment you felt like nothing could be more right in the world than being the bear boy's gay lover
you're doubting that just a little
before your introduction to the strange and vast world you've found yourself in
and your claim-to-fame parasite-induced-homolust-outburst
you were pretty sure about your sexuality
perfectly confident you were not interested in men of any description
what changed?
are you just absurdly touch starved and lonely?
did those grey motherfuckers alter your brain?
was it the mites? is all of this just lingering after effects?
is drew betraying your trust and using some kind of sci-fi means to exploit you for his own ends?
he did say your brain scan looked "better"
it hurts you deeply to consider the last one
it must show on your face
drew has sat down beside you, putting a hand on your shoulder
"what's up man? you've been kinda -withdrawn."
"for a while now"
"here I was thinking we'd be hanging off of each other like pupating splitflies"
"then you go and get homesick or something on me"
"I know how that goes, my people are really tight knit"
"I had a lot of trouble in the early part of my engineering training"
"I feel bad I can't relate to how it must feel to know you'll never go b-"
"oh, sorry"
the contact and drew's words help a lot for a moment
then they turn against you as the doubt and fear still grip you
it's not about all of that, drew
honestly, you're a little disappointed in yourself for how easy it was to get over the whole 'never going home' thing
you tell him that you're having an existential crisis right now
you're having a hard time getting your feelings in order
about him
about yourself and your identity
"I know that relationships like ours aren't looked upon favorably on earth"
"but you should know, it's hard to find people so judgmental under the federation"
"we're both safe as far as that goes, bud"
"I did wait until we were underway on this run just in case"
"so you wouldn't run off on your own and do something stupid"
you tell him, weeping at this point, that it's not that big of a deal in most places on earth anymore
you're not much concerned with that either
you're terrified you're not the same person who left earth
scared that something has been DONE to you
"as far as I can tell, nothing about you has changed"
"it's a matter of the heart, in the terms of your antiquity"
and the terms of the present
"if all of this makes you happy"
"if ~I~ make you happy"
"there's no reason to second guess yourself"
"maybe you did change"
"maybe that's a good thing"
"maybe you've found somewhere you feel like you're not the only outsider"
"for sure though, you've got someone on your side"
"I love you, man" "I mean that"
your resolve is tested and broken as the weeping devolves into outright crying
you grab drew and pull him into the tightest hug you can muster to cry into his shoulder
you tell him over and over that you love him too
even with family that was rare for you to say
but with drew it's effortless
it's almost the only thing you want to say

"Ha!" "You're such a fuckin' sap"
you look up, not having expected such a response from drew
his own yellow-green eyes are at least misty
and he has an awkward, slightly unsure smile on his face
he stumbled a bit trying to break the tension
all the black fur makes it hard to tell exactly whether he fared better than you in restraining the welling up of his own emotion
"that's nice though" "it means I can trust you not to pull any stoic garbage on me if things get tough"
"I always hate to see people hide their emotions and problems 'for someone else's sake'"
"It always gives me the feeling that at least one of the people involved has been presenting a less than honest version of themselves"
"how can they claim to love someone that much when they choose to keep them out of the loop when things go wrong with their health or finances?"
"I was a little concerned I'd have to come to understand it myself"
"what with your 'dashing and talented rogue-who-skirts-the-rules act"
"I knew it was just a façade for drumming up interesting work in the cantinas"
hey, you can still be a perfectly hoopy frood, even if you do have a sensitive side
"first of all" "I get the feeling that I'd really enjoy whatever it is you got that joke from"
"I thought I'd lose out on our little cultural exchange game after I revealed that I'm more clued in than you thought"
"also, sensitive ~side?~" "I think it's at least a sensitive two-thirds" "maybe three-quarters"
"you melted right into this couch as soon as I touched you"
"not to mention that cute look of desperately wanting on your face every time I wasn't kissing you"
your desire to make one of your one sided jokes outweighs your capacity to do so on the spot
in lieu of actual wit you say
you're lucky I can't think of a joke good enough for the opportunity you just gave me
"what opportunity?"

there's a musical act on earth who released a song of middling success titled 'Desperately Wanting'
called 'better than ezra'
you got as far as making the connection and deciding that there's a good joke there
then you just ran out of steam
just now you get it
damn, you could have said
I hope I'm better than ezra at giving that look
now that you've explained it
there's no joke and it's not funny
"you mean you've managed to get every one of those you thought of out as a response to something I said? "Until just now?"
"you're like one of those guys your nobles used to hire to distract and insult them"
who sneer jokes in parrots' robe?
"Uh, I think so?"
that makes you a Harlequin who's coined a pointless game then?
"yeah, I'll say" "what's with the prosaic langua-" "oh"
If he didn't get it on his own
the stupid little celebratory jig you're doing with just your upper body would have tipped him off
you tell drew to start the streak counter back up at two
he's back to giving you easy ones

with your emotions in order and your mind at ease
in a way it hasn't been since you were abducted
hell, in a way it may never have been so at ease before
you ask drew what he meant about 'hanging off of each other'
"I planned this run out specifically so we'd be cooped up together without much to do"
"besides getting... uh."
"especially familiar with our preferences and each other's bodies"
"I wasn't expecting so much baggage to work through, I'm more than happy to be here for it though"
all that sounds good to you
it seems like he's the one getting most familiar with you
you'd like to even the score
you've got to come up with a cool line:
would your dick be happy to be here? you say pointing to your mouth like a dork
that was cooler in your head
actually doing it was more awkward than a Final Fantasy cutscene
drew partially restrains laughter as he says
"yeah I-I think so"
"I wasn't sure you were the type for that"
you told him you'd be willing to suck his dick already
"you did?"
just before you- right
that probably got lost
in the whole barging-in-on-your-roommate-jerking-off-then-collapsing-on-the-floor-shaking thing
well, you're going to make up for that now

drew stands up and presses the button on his side to remove his suit
should you do the same?
it'd be cleaner if you didn't
fuck it
dirty's cool with you
especially the kind of dirty you'll get from the lewdicrous torrent of pre drew's going to hit you with
so you, too, stand up and press your own button
what would happen if you did that while sitting down?
"when taking it off?" "not much, the unit might embed itself in the thing you're sitting on"
"putting it on, you'd get pinned to your seat like a vacuum seal"
sounds like something some people might be interested in
you don't actually know what to do now
do you get on your knees? sit back down?
"whichever you want, man" "I'm not too big on taking the lead myself"
"remember, if you can't handle all the... fluid, just stop and tell me"
"this isn't exactly a common practice back home, for obvious reasons"
you decide you're going do this on your knees
that's how it's supposed to go, right?
at eye level with drew's solidly light pink dick you decide to start with gentle touching and some ball fondling to get it to attention
It's just a little smaller than yours, which not to toot your own horn, still means it's a little imposing
his balls aren't small by any means, but the sack is tight and round
cute, as far as that descriptor can apply to a scrotum
which in your book is all the way
you'd be licking and sucking on them right now if you weren't concerned about the slightly-lighter-than-the-rest-of-him fur
again, fuck it
here's hoping the suit cleans your teeth
you take one into your mouth
with just your lips at first
then you nervously let it in past your teeth to let your tongue run over it
"hey I-I wasn't exp-ecting th-aa-t"
his voice faltering and shifting with your oral manipulations

you let that nut go and turn your attention to the other
this time you're much more confident as you suck it into your mouth
no pre-staging in front of your teeth
it goes straight in and you make gentle but deliberate motions with your tongue
delicately sliding over the ball in all the directions and patterns you can manage
"fuck, are you s-sure you ha-ha-h~aven't done this b~befo-o-re?
your head and back are now absolutely soaked by the sheer volume of pre that has gushed from drew's cock with each throb and twitch
"you're not g~on~na get to the .good. part at this r-a~a-ate"
on that relatively clear instruction you back off and let him cool down
it gives you a moment to think about how you'll deal with the veritable fountain you're faced with
are you a quitter in these circumstances? can you invoke the mercy-rule?
"I don't know if you're just that good or if I'm just unprepared"
"seeing as no one of reasonable caution would try such a thing with a Br man"
you're only just now learning what his people are called?
one sound?
'man' is technically one sound so you're in the same boat
or were, until relatively recently
still are in plenty of contexts
stop getting distracted by linguistics
there's bear dick to suck

you're going to be on a time limit once it's in your mouth
a shame, really
but your stomach can only hold so much
you're gonna have to do the majority of the work before it goes in
the treatment you gave his balls was a successful test of your sexual intuition
which you can now confidently apply elsewhere
like the base of his shaft
you drag your tongue across the underside in passes that are parallel with his pelvis
ending each with an exaggerated lick up the near side
you switch sides occasionally
to better distribute your attention
sometimes you throw in small circles and swirls
and sometimes you just barely prod his dick with your tongue
"not to complain or anything"
"but there's no sucking happening"
"this is more than good enough though, fuck"
you're getting there
you reach the head
which has no frenulum on the underside
because there's no foreskin
instead there's a short, dense sheath at the base
you roll your tongue around the very tip to draw out another spurt of fluid
it's warm and thinner than water, somehow, with only a slight hint of the same raw egg white quality from before
you're still mystified by how something so unpleasant in objective terms can be so desirable to you
you're exited to be gulping it down
that just feels right to you
as you finally take it into your mouth drew says
"I was a little worried the plan had ch-aaa~nged"
without even thinking you forced yourself to take his dick as deeply as you could
surprising yourself as much as him
there's not even an urge to gag
he's outright pouring his pre essentially directly into your stomach now
you're done with the fancy stuff
you pull back and just about slam your face into his groin
after a few strokes
drew starts making the same bestial noise that had you panicking a few days ago
he was sucking his own dick, wasn't he?
his noises become shorter and more frequent
he's close, thanks to all the work you did ahead of time
with one more deep stroke
you take the whole thing as he finally releases his actual cum
drew grips your shoulders tightly
"fuck! my people ought to learn how to do this"
"we've been missing out"
"maybe you'll earn yourself another commendation"

you tell drew he has an outstanding opportunity to be the first in line for that particular cultural exchange project
maybe he can even be the first to publish a research paper about it
"I'm done with all of that" "besides, there are ethical concerns that would-"
he stops himself, realizing the subtext
"sit down, I'll be right back"
he rushes into the kitchen (or 'galley?')
and returns with a small cluster of dark red berries on a stem
"these suppress your gag reflex" "we used to use them to administer traditional medicines"
he says just before biting them off the bunch like grapes
drawing a fitting parallel in light of the 'bachus' part of his name
he's probably already aware of that one
never mind that
why didn't he offer you those?
not that you needed them
you didn't know that until after he was already as far down your throat as he could go
you would have been grateful for the option
"there's so much dick sucking in human history that I figured you guys had your own methods"
it's called 'practice,' drew
and up until now you had none
"alright" "I guess I have an unfair advantage"
"you should be able to make up for it"
"that is" "if you let yourself be as aggressive as you want"
"I can't puke right now even if I HAD to"
that's a little... extreme
is he sure he wants that?
"oh yeah, man" "it's been a fantasy of mine" "I always REALLY LIKED the parts of your history where that happened a lot"
"pretty much the whole time" "at least until some of your people decided they didn't like it any more"
"it reached a near artform in a few of the micro-states of Hellas"
"particularly in Lacedaemon" "It's strange but fitting that such a brutal people took such care in an act of mock brutality"
he means "greece" and probably "sparta"
you're not 100% sure about the second one
mostly because your image of sparta doesn't have room for 'mock' brutality
but he's the one who's seen real video

the space-couch is apparently highly adjustable
drew lowers one of the arm rests to leave a ledge for his head to hang over
maybe that's a standard feature meant for body types you haven't seen much of
or drew has been planning this since he bought the ship
either way
he's pretty serious about the whole
'Laconic throat-swabbing' fantasy
recalling that adjective form convinces you
yep, he was talking about sparta
do you dare set up the obvious joke?
from the understanding that it's a movie quote, that's a little awkward
to him though, it's probably hot as fuck roleplay
you'll make that decision depending on how well you meet drew's expectations
you're not sure you can go as hard as he wants you to
that won't stop you from trying
he's on his back
his head's over the edge of the couch
he opens his mouth wide with an exaggeratedly lewd moan
he's ready for you to pin him to the side of this thing
understanding that hesitation and possibly even caution are uncalled for here
you recklessly plunge your rock hard cock straight into his mouth
then throat
facing absolutely no resistance
if you thought his hands were perfect instruments of sensuality
you were mistaken as his throat is on another level of its own
despite the quite imposing nature of his teeth
the sensorial contrast between the elastic materials of his inner cheeks, tongue, upper and lower throat
provides an experience you wouldn't have been able to fathom had it been described to you
he makes vulgar glk gkg glk sounds with each thrust
inconsiderate of his comfort
or even your preferred pace
you're slamming into his face as hard and fast as you can force yourself to go
your balls slapping against his nose with such force that it hurts you just a bit
if doing this TO him is so hard on YOU
you can't imagine what kind of madness he's experiencing right now
there's your opportunity
you manage to get some form of that out between ragged breaths
you pause as you add
'but this isn't madness at all'
you're on the edge of the edge
this is it
with a last thrust you're concerned might hurt his jaw
you cum down drew's throat as you shout your best impression of Gerard Butler's line
drew has a totally hands free orgasm in response
that's astonishingly gay
but that means it was a !! move
maybe your face is only red from the exertion
and not embarrassment
you're almost proud to see his pearlescent cum against his soaked glossy black fur
you quickly extricate yourself to let drew breathe
he coughs and gasps and says
"by graaf, I didn't even know that could happen"
"there's no way this is your first time doing that"
it is
"are you sure you're not, like, the selected champion of some fertility god or something?"
not unless "dreughbacus" counts as one
damn, that one was smooth

Edit Report
Pub: 16 Jul 2022 04:21 UTC
Edit: 21 Jul 2022 07:24 UTC
Views: 1103