Created with RimPy Mod Manager
(database: 27805262
Mod list was created for game version: 1.4.3563 rev533
Local mods that were not found in the database are marked as yellow labels with packageId in brackets [unknown mods in the list: 4]
Mod list length: 801
2. Core {packageId: ludeon.rimworld}
4. Royalty [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.royalty}
5. Ideology [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.ideology}
6. Biotech [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.biotech}
- Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded
- HugsLib
- [Ku] A Mod About Meat
- A Mod About Meat Patch
- ACI - Ability Cooldown Indicator
- Better Gene Graphics Framework
- AFU Cosmetic Gene Expanded
- Adjacent Light
- Adjustable Archonexus Quest Continued
- Advanced Hydroponics
- Advanced Transport Pods
- Simple Utilities: Fridge
- Vanilla Achievements Expanded
- Replimat
- Vanilla Expanded Framework
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
- Alpha Animals
- Vanilla Books Expanded
- Vanilla Cooking Expanded
- Vanilla Fishing Expanded
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
- Alpha Memes
- Better Nurses
- All Specialists Can Work
- All-Tech Melee
- [KV] Path Avoid
- Vanilla Outposts Expanded
- Alpha Animals Patch for Outposts Mines
- Replantable Anima Trees
- Replantable Gauranlen Trees
- ReGrowth: Core
- Alpha Bees
- Alpha Bees - Stuffed
- Realistic Planets Continued
- Alpha Biomes
- Alpha Genes
- Alpha Genes - Tradable Mixedpacks
- Alternate Archonexus
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
- Ancient Medical Linking
- Ancient Supply Slingshot Patch
- Anima Animals - Community Pack (temp)[HH]
- Anima Gear
- Animal Genetics (Continued)
- Animal Resource Label
- Animal Sarcophagus
- AnimalHarvestingSpot (Continued)
- Animals Don't Need Lavish Meal To Heal
- Animals Forage
- Animals Forage - Patches
- Archotech Expanded Prosthetics
- Archotech PowerArmor
- Arsenal of Ideology
- Art On Armor And Clothes
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
- Zoological Trader Caravans
- Ask Before Enter
- Auto Seller
- Auto Caravan Equip (Autoseller Extension)
- Auto Doc (Continued)
- Auto Notify (Autoseller Extension)
- Auto links
- Auto-Cut Blight
- AutoGate/Flap
- Autocleaner
- Automatic Job Titles
- AutopsyTable (Continued)
- Avoid Friendly Fire
- RPG Style Inventory Revamped
- Awesome Inventory Forked
- Aztec Weapon Style Pack
- Bad Leather Category
- Bad Meat Category
- Basic Material Trader Ship
- Beam me up Scotty
- Beam me up, Scotty - a lazy retexture
- BeautyFloors (Continued)
- Better Atomizer
- Better Bed Assignment
- Better Explosions
- Better Map Sizes
- Better Pod Launcher (Continued)
- Better Stockpile Designator 1.3+
- Better Transhumanists
- Beyond Biosculpting
- Big Little Mod Patch
- Bill Doors' Blue Archive Ideoligion Icons
- Bill Doors' Wolf Girl Gene
- BioReactor
- BioReactor retexture
- Biocode It!
- Bionic Jaws Are Not Disfigurements
- Biotech Capacitor Genes - Balanced
- Biotech Expansion - Core
- Biotech Expansion - Mammalia
- Biotech Expansion - Ear Patch
- Biotech Expansion - Mythic
- Biotech Genes Elongated - Horns
- Biotech Mech Stuff Elongated - Mechanoid Upgrades
- Community Framework
- Biotechnology
- Bizarre Foods On Caravan
- Blended Wool
- Blood Color Genes
- Blueprints
- Bonded Leather
- BoomMod Expanded
- [SYR] Processor Framework
- Booze-O-Matic
- Boundary Training
- Build From Inventory
- Animal Gear
- Animal Equipment
- [NL] Facial Animation - WIP
- Humanoid Alien Races
- Bun Race
- Bun Race Patch - Manly Males
- Bun Xenotype
- Bunny Suits!
- Buyable Quest Rewards
- Call For Intel [1.2-1.4]
- Camera+
- Camping Tent
- Capture Them
- Caravan Mood Buff
- Carbon
- Carryalls | Intercontinental Transport
- Dubs Mint Menus
- Categorized Bill Dropdown
- Centralized Climate Control (Continued)
- Character Editor
- Chicken Nests
- Children, school and learning
- Chocolate Drug Policy
- Choose Your Recipe
- Chop Wood with Other Skills
- Clean Hex Tiles
- Clean Pathfinding
- Colonists' Deco (Continued)
- Colony Manager
- Colony Manager retexture
- Colored deep resources
- Combat Psycasts
- Combat drones 2
- Common Sense
- Common Sense - opportunistic cleaning patch
- Compact Hediffs
- Concrete Walls
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Winston Waves
- XML Extensions
- Configurable Neural Supercharger
- Configurable Room Stats (Continued)
- Craftable Psylink Neuroformers
- Craftable Royalty Weapons (Continued)
- Spread The Word
- Custom Prisoner Interactions
- Cyanobot's Genes
- DDI - Deep Drill Indicator
- Deep Rock Galatic Style Pack
- RimFridge: Now with Shelves!
- LWM's Deep Storage
- Deep Storage Plus (Continued)
- Designator Shapes
- Det's Xenotypes - Stoneborn
- Deterioration Rate Display
- Devilstrand Animals
- Dine In
- Dismiss Trader (Continued)
- Display Furniture
- Do Not Go There
- Dogs mate (Continued)
- Domestic Thrumbo
- DontBlockDoor
- Dormitories (Not Barracks)
- Draftable Animals
- DragSelect
- Alpha Mythology
- Tabula Rasa
- Giddy-up! Core
- Dragons Descent
- Giddy-up! Caravan
- Giddy-up! Ride and Roll
- Megafauna
- Dinosauria
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
- Vanilla Chemfuel Expanded
- Vanilla Genetics Expanded
- Dragon Genetics
- Drop Some
- Drugs are not Food (Continued)
- Dubs Apparel Tweaks
- Dubs Performance Analyzer
- Dubs Skylights
- Dubs Skylights Addon
- Dynamic Aesthetic Backgrounds VBE Edition
- Egg Incubator
- El's Glitterpaths
- Electric Pod Launchers
- Electric Stonecutting Table
- Electrical Grid Toggler
- Embodied Theist can have less than 2 gods
- Empire -100 goodwill in scenarios Fix
- Empire Tribute Honor Alien Autopatcher
- Enable Oversized Weapons
- EndlessGrowth
- Enter Here
- Retextured Apparel
- Erin's Body Retexture
- Erin's Great Pyrenean Mountain Dogs
- Erin's Hairstyles 2
- Events+
- EvolvedOrgansRedux
- Exotic Joy (Continued)
- Expanded Roofing 1.4
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids
- Extended Bioengineering for VFE Insectoids
- Extended Cargo Pods
- Extinguish Refuelables
- Faction Customizer
- Family Tree
- Farmable Neutroamine
- Farming Hysteresis
- Faster Biosculpter Pod
- Faster Genes Regrowing
- Faster Relic Subquests
- Femboy Gene
- Fences And Floors (Continued)
- Filterable Designator
- Better Vanilla Masking
- [FSF] Vanilla Bionics Expansion
- Bionic icons
- Job In Bar
- CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
- Dubs Mint Minimap
- Allow Tool
- Hospitality
- Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network
- Library Load Order Mod Series
- Map Generation Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Factions Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Traits Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Vanilla Traits Expanded
- Androids Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Medical and Bionics Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Misbehaving Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Gameplay Mods Load Order Mod Series
- More Precepts
- Graphics and UI Load Order Mod Series
- Labels on Floor
- RimHUD
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols
- Bradson's Main Button Icons for VE Textures
- Vanilla Textures Expanded
- [CM] Ideology DLC Texture Upscale
- Item Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Misc. Training
- RT Fuse
- RT Solar Flare Shield
- Simple Utilities: Ceiling
- Vanilla Apparel Expanded
- Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
- Vanilla Armour Expanded
- Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
- ReGrowth: Aspen
- Vanilla Plants Expanded
- Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal
- Animal Pawns Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Vanilla Animals Expanded — Caves
- Animal GamePlay Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Race and Faction Pawns Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
- Patches Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Final Animations Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Final Mods Load Order Mod Series
- Natural Paths
- Natural Farms
- Natural Lakes
- Fishing Zones In Natural Lakes
- Fix Mechanoid Resource Drop
- Flickable Storage
- Flommel
- Floordrawings
- Food Poisoning Stack Fix (Continued)
- Vanilla Brewing Expanded
- Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews
- Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants
- Food Sorting
- From Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
- Functional Vanilla Expanded Props (Continued)
- Gene Bank Plus
- Gene Ripper
- Gene Trader
- Generate Double Xenotypes
- Giddy-Up! Add-on: Animal Saddles
- Give up your building (Continued)
- Go Explore!
- Ground Targeter
- Grow Grass Under Roofs
- Growing Zone Priorities (Continued)
- HALO: Rimworld Psychic Pulse Armory (Continued)
- HD Pawn Rendering
- Hair Extensions
- Harvest When Butchering
- Haul Mined Chunks
- Haul to Stack
- Heat Map (Continued)
- Heat statistics (Continued)
- Vanilla Helixien Gas Expanded
- Helixien Gas Production
- Hermaphrodite Gene
- Historical Religious Symbols
- HologramsAndProjectors
- Hybrid Animals
- Hydroponic Grapes
- Hydroponics Extended
- Hydroponics Growth Sync (Continued)
- I Clearly Have Enough! (Continued)
- Ideology Development+
- Ignore Idle Guests
- Improve This
- Infestations Spawn in Darkness
- Rim of Madness - Bones
- Insects don't have bones
- Integrated Genes
- Integrated Xenotypes
- Item Teleporter
- Jewelry
- Just Ignore Me Passing
- Just Put It Over There
- Keep Bed Ownership
- Keep On Linking
- Change genes attributes!
- Kiddley's Genes
- Ladies Can Flirt Too!
- Legacy Ark
- Less Arbitrary Surgery (Continued)
- Less Stupid Romance Attempt (Continued)
- Lesser mood debuffs
- Light Map
- Wall Light
- LightsOut
- Linkable Settings
- More Linkables
- Project RimFactory Revived
- Linkables Patch
- Little Storage 2
- Loading In Progress
- Long-Range Mining Finished
- Longer Inspirations
- Loot Boxes [CONTINUED]
- Loot Boxes retexture
- MAZ Mass Assign Zone
- Machines of War
- Male- and Female- Only Genes
- Map Designer
- Map Preview
- Martens - Nature's Most Adorable Assassins
- Mass Replant
- Matrix Rimloaded (Continued)
- Meal Printer (Continued)
- Meals On Wheels
- Meat Blend
- Mechanitors can wear hats too!
- Mechs Don't Create Wastepacks
- MedPod
- Medical Dissection
- Medical IVs
- Medieval Player Faction
- Metaflora
- Metal Don't Burn (UNOFFICIAL 1.4 PATCH)
- Micro Designations
- Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded
- Persona Bond Forge
- Mighty Persona Bond Forge Patch Mod
- Misc. Training retexture
- Mixed Stone Blocks
- Mod Manager
- ModDiff
- Modular Tables and Chairs
- Mooloh's Mythic Framework
- Custom Butcher Framework
- Mooshroom
- More Gene Complexity
- More Hex Tiles
- More Ideological Words
- More Inspiration Types
- More Persona Traits
- More Religious Origins
- Rimefeller
- More Rimefeller Compat
- More Ritual Rewards (1.4)
- More Sculpture
- More Thrumbos (Continued)
- More Thrumbos (Retextured)
- MoreSurvivalMeal
- Morrowrim Floor Doodles
- Mud's Tribal Apparel
- Multi-Headset (Continued)
- Need Bar Overflow
- No Backstory-Locked Psycast Paths
- No Center Drop Raids
- No Explosion On Slaughter 移除屠宰死亡爆炸
- No Gimmicks, Just Tortie
- No Increased Expectations for Triumvirates (Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures Patch)
- No Ingredient List Limit
- No Job Authors
- No Laggy Bed
- No Lazy Doctors
- No Locked Meditation Focus Types
- No Missing Gene Icons
- No More Breach Raids
- No More Lethal Damage Threshold
- No More Sapper Raids
- No More Siege Raids
- No Precipitation Over Fog Of War
- No Random Apparel on Ideology Edit
- No Ranged Cooldown (Continued)
- No Relations Hit from MemberDied
- No Techprints Needed
- Not My Fault
- Vanilla Animals Expanded — Endangered
- Not a Weapon
- Ollie's Invisible Walls
- OmniMatter
- Operable Roof (Continued)
- Opossum Friends
- Architect Icons
- Optional Icons for Architect Icons
- Oracle + Erin's HD Tattoos
- Orbital Animal Traders (Continued)
- Outgoing Skipshield
- PRF-More Machines (v1.4)
- Packmule Gene
- More Utility Packs
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
- Packs Are Not Belts
- Painting is construction
- Panels & Frames
- Party Hard - Psycast Rituals
- Passable (and Hefty) Vanilla Chemfuel Expanded Buildings
- Passive Cover
- PawnTargetFix
- Perfect Pathfinding
- Performance Optimizer
- Personabond Ritual
- Personal Turrets
- Plant Anything in Hydroponics
- Plant Growth Sync (Continued)
- Plant all trees in any biome
- Plants and Things
- Please Haul Perishables (Continued)
- Plushies
- Portal
- Power Indicators
- Practical Pemmican
- Precept 'Fungus' Expanded
- Custom Ritual Framework
- Precepts and Memes (Continued)
- Precepts and Memes - Rituals module (Continued)
- Prepare Landing
- Prestige Specialist Armours
- Prison Commons (Continued)
- Prisoner Recreation
- PrisonerRansom
- Prisoners Dont Have Keys
- Project RimFactory - Drones
- Project RimFactory - Insanity
- Project RimFactory - Persona Core Crafting
- Project Rimfactory - Training System
- Propaganda TV
- Proximity (Continued)
- Psionics Through Sacrifice
- Psysword
- Quality Colors
- Quantum Storage Redux (Continued)
- Quarry
- Quarry retexture
- Questionable Ethics Enhanced (Continued)
- Raid Limiter (Continued)
- Random's Gene Assistant
- Randomised Stone Refinery
- ReGrowth Weather Rebalance Patch
- ReGrowth: Boreal
- Roads of the Rim (Continued)
- ReGrowth: Expanded World Generation (Continued)
- ReGrowth: Swamp
- ReGrowth: Temperate
- ReGrowth: Tundra
- Ready Those Guns
- Real Faction Guest (Continued)
- Realistic Rooms Rewritten
- Reasonable Components
- Recovery Pod (Continued)
- Regenerator Nanohive
- Relevant Stats In Description
- Remove Injuries
- Rename pen
- Repair Workbench
- Repair Mod retexture
- Repair in the Zone
- Armor Racks
- Replace Stuff
- Replace Stuff Mod Compatibility
- Vanilla Base Generation Expanded
- Research Appropriation
- Research Whatever
- ResearchPause
- ResearchPowl
- Better ground-penetrating scanner
- Researchable Stat Upgrades Rewritten
- Resource Dictionary
- Resource Pod Ritual Reward
- Resumable Job Progress
- Retextured Sculptures
- RimCities
- RimForge - Only Power Poles
- RimHammer40k -Dreadnought
- RimOffice
- RimPy Mod Manager Database
- RimBank (Continued)
- RimSilo (Continued)
- RimTraits - General Traits
- Rimsenal - Augmented Vanilla Pack
- Rimsenal - Hair pack
- Rimsenal Hair Retextured
- Rimsential - Spaceports
- Roles untied to memes
- Roo's HD Hairstyles
- Roo's Painting Expansion
- Roo's Royalty Hairstyles
- Room Food
- Room Sense
- Royal + 'Nobility Enhanced'
- Royal Arsenal
- Royal Arsenal: Specialty Weapons
- Royal Thrumbos (Continued)
- Royalty Tweaks
- Ruined Is Unfertilized
- RuntimeGC [1.4]
- Salads for Vanilla Cooking Expanded
- Save and Load Ideoligion Hair
- Trader ships
- Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas
- Simple FX: Smoke
- Scattered Flames
- Scattered Stones
- Scrollable Gizmos
- Selectable Sculpture Graphic
- Sensible Aiming
- Settlement Descriptions
- Settlement Inventory
- Share The Load
- Shavius's Vanilla Expanded Patches
- Shelmet + Helix Ideology
- Shoo!
- ShowModDesignators (Continued)
- Signs and Comments
- Appliances Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
- Vanilla Expanded - Ideology Patches
- Vanilla Expanded - Royalty Patches
- Helixien Gas Brazier
- Simple FX: Smoke Patches
- Simple FX: Splashes
- Simple FX: Vapor
- Single Royal Beds
- Skilled Stonecutting [1.4]
- Skipdoor Delivery
- Smaller Landing Pads
- Smart Farming
- Smart Meditation
- Smart Speed
- Smarter Construction
- Smarter Deconstruction and Mining
- Therapy
- Snap Out!
- Something Different Wall
- Special Order Comm
- Stack Stuff First
- Standalone Hot Spring
- Stargates!
- Stargate Retexture / Retheme
- Statue of Colonist
- Sterile Hex Tiling
- Storage - Shelves
- Storage - Containers
- Stuffable Armor and Clothes
- StuffedDoll
- Audrey's Styles: Astro
- Audrey's Styles: Industrial
- Audrey's Styles: Jazzy
- Rimsenal Style Pack - French
- Rimsenal Style Pack - Murica
- Rimsenal Style Pack - Sophian
- Rimsenal Style Pack - Techist
- Styles Unleashed
- Sunray Tech - Weapons (Continued)
- Supersoldiers Unleashed (VFE - Ancients Patch)
- SurveillanceCamera
- Synergistic Traits
- T's Samurai Faction Styles Standalone
- TMaterials - Unique
- TRON Legacy
- TVForPrison (Continued)
- Tabletop Trove - Additional Joy Objects and Decor
- Better Workbench Management
- Take It To Storage!
- Tame With Kibble - a food restriction for taming and training animals
- Tastier Vanilla Clothes
- Tech Advancing
- Tech Tattoos
- Cash Register
- Gastronomy
- Tenants (Continued)
- TerraPumps
- Textile Stats
- The Division Gadgets
- Thrumbo Eat Less
- Thump Cannon Nerf
- Thumper
- Tiny Comms Console
- Toggleable Readouts
- Tooltipped Long Names
- Toxic Plants Expanded
- Trade Ships Drop Spot
- TraderGen
- Trainable Boomalopes, Horses and Donkeys
- Transport Shuttle Standalone
- Trees Don't Just Die
- Tribal Tattoos
- Truly Inspired Taming (Continued)
- Ultratech Weapons Plus
- Underground Food
- Underground Power Conduits
- Underground Pipes Rebalance
- Use Minified Buildings
- UwU
- VFE - Ancients : Vault Wall and Door
- VFE - Ancients Constructable Supply Slingshot
- VFE - Ancients Unlocked
- VFE - Mechanoids : Drones
- VFE Ancients - Vaults are Eternal
- VFE Medical - Copper and Stainless Sterile Walls
- VFE Medieval: Moat Changes
- VFE Spacer AddOn
- VFE Vitals Control Centre Resize
- VFEEA - Extract Super-Nanites
- VFEM - No Hopper Necessary
- More Vanilla Textures
- ReGrowth: Extinct Animals
- Vanilla Animals Expanded
- VFME - Caravan Packs!
- Van's Paintings
- Vanilla Animals Expanded — Royal Animals
- Vanilla Beards Retextured
- Vanilla Books Expanded Expanded (Continued)
- Vanilla Chemfuel Expanded - Deepchem to Neutroamine Addon
- Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi
- Vanilla Events Expanded
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids - Auto-Mortar Shell Choice Patch
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids - Small Power Rebalance
- Vanilla Fix: Haul After Slaughter
- Vanilla Fix: Mortar Shell Loading
- Vanilla Genetics Expanded - More Lab Stuff
- Vanilla Genetics Expanded – Animal Work Implants
- Vanilla Hair Expanded
- Vanilla Hair Retextured
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
- Vanilla Outposts Expanded Additional Outposts
- Vanilla Outposts Expanded Expanded: Ranch (Continued)
- Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents
- Vanilla Plants Expanded - Auto Plow Patch
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Hussar
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid
- Vanilla Skills Expanded
- Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Oskar Obnoxious
- Vanilla Textures Expanded - [NL] Facial Animation
- Vanilla Trading Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy - Reloading Patch
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal
- Various Space Ship Chunk (Continued)
- Vault Walls and Doors
- Veggie Mix
- Flexible Xenogerms
- Venerated Xenotype Flexibility
- Visible Raid Points
- WVC - Genes
- Wall Vitals Monitor
- WallStuff
- WarCasket Expanded
- Warcasket ElectroLance
- Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod
- Warcasket Nonlethal Weaponry
- Warcasket Persona Weapons
- Warcasket weaponry hyperlinks
- Warcaskets can work!
- Wealth Alert
- Weapon Racks
- What Is My Purpose
- What Map Is It Anyway?
- What's Missing?
- What's Today's Menu
- [JDS] Simple Storage
- Pick Up And Haul
- While You're Up / PUAH+
- Wild Plant Picker
- Wood Is Natural (For Trees)
- Work Tab
- World Map Beautification Project
- World Map Beautification Project - for Alpha Biomes
- World Map Beautification Project - for Realistic Planets
- Dual Wield
- Yayo's Animation (Continued)
- Yet another prosthetic expansion mod - Core
- Yet another prosthetic expansion mod - Animals
- ZeroCostImplants
- [1.2][1.3][1.4]Tilled Soil
- [1001] Electric Braziers
- [1001]More Precious Minerals (Continued)
- [1001]Un-Anaesthetic
- [BugFix]"Non-ideo-style surroundings" Fix | 非文化风格环境修复
- [CM] Spots Tab
- [DN] Dye Without Dye
- [FSF] Always Rearm Turrets
- Quest Reward Rebalance
- [FSF] Better Ancient Complex Loot
- [FSF] Better Camp Loot
- [FSF] Better Pawn Lending Quest
- Utility Columns
- [FSF] Efficient Utilities
- [FSF] Encounter Map Resources
- [FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time
- [FSF] Growable Ambrosia
- [FSF] Growable Grass
- [FSF] Improved Vanometric Power Cells
- [FSF] Growable Mushrooms
- [FSF] Indoor Tree Farms
- [FSF] More Quests
- [FSF] No Empire Trading Permit
- [Fuu] Auto Strip on Haul
- [Fuu] Nudist's Evasion
- [KV] Call Trade Ships [1.4]
- [KV] Hand 'n' Footwear CONTINUED
- [KV] ReColor Stockpile & Growing Zones
- [KYD] Cider Tweaks for Vanilla Brewing/Plants Expanded
- [KYD] Gourmet Pemmican
- [KYD] JoyKind: Alcohol
- [KYD] JoyKind: Caffeine
- [LTS]Systems
- [LTS]Tenants
- [M.W]Multi-ToolBox
- Plasteel Surgery (Continued)
- [PS] Reconditioning Pod (Continued)
- [RWY]Dragon's Descent: Void Dwellers
- [Ry]Draw a bead
- [SBV] Gunlinks Affect Mortars
- [SBV] Recreational Drum Use
- [SYR] Light Radius
- [SYR] Neuter
- [SYR] Processor Framework - Vanilla Brewing Expanded
- [SYR] Processor Framework - Vanilla Expanded Cooking
- [SYR] Scar Removal Plus
- [SYR] Set Up Camp
- [VtC] Synthetic Leather Core
- [WD] Reinforced Doors
- [lmgginspace] Repair bed
- [lmgginspace] Repair bed - Royalty patch for double bed
- pphhyy's Demigryphs
- Xenobionic Patcher
- [SYR] Prosthetic Table
- Prosthetic No Missing Body Parts (Continued)
- RocketMan - Performance Mod