miku graphic that reads the shrine  divider

Welcome to The Shrine info !.ᐟ

 ribbon Basic Info : We're an OSDD System you can call us Damsel or Grace if you're not aware of who's fronting, though it's most like Damsel / Rina. We're bodily an adult, but collectively we're ageless or ageslide, we're also collectively nonhuman... Our big nonhumanity is divinity so be careful if you identify with any religion, we don't invalidate any but we do identify as gods / goddesses often. We also heavily associate with elegance && such. We're mentally ill && suspect we might also be physically ill, but we don't have any diagnosis on the physical one, so be mindful of this information when interacting. Collectively we use They/It pronouns && are collectively sapphic. Damsel, Habit, && Psyche are the most frequent fronters.

ribbon Before You Interact : We can be forgetful but we try hard to remember things, please be kind if we don't remember something you told us. Do not flirt with any of us, thank you. We're hyperfixated on oc making so we'll talk about ocs a lot, be mindful. We don't support HoYoverse, but we have a lot of sysmembers with Hoyo sources, please be kind with this information. We interchange between I && We.

 ribbon Do Not Interact : You have drama with us in any way ( unless you're coming to apologize or something ) && proshippers or darkshippers... Otherwise we block due to our tastes. Thanks.


System Members !.ᐟ *Not a full list, click or hover for info  Damsel / Renai | Host | Sh♡ / Love  Habit | Host | Any  Psyche | Co-Host | Shx / It  Dave | Host | Any  Let | Factive | She / He  Scott | Fictive | Any  Chu | Fictive | Any  Mewku | Idol | She / Mew  Spring | Ageslider | Sh✿ / Bloom  Fufu | Bookkeeping | Any  Astrid | Caretaker | She  Belle | Brainmade | Any  Jose | Gatekeeper | She  Hannah | GateBook | She / It  Mia | Gatekeeper | She

 divider  divider

Pub: 24 Jun 2023 10:44 UTC
Edit: 14 Jan 2025 23:22 UTC
Views: 2298