askal / aspin, also responds to question or
桂英 . he / it. rabid bitch, carries the black plague

byf — i answer sporadically. i do ghost; whether or not it's intentional is honestly up for interpretation, but i do miss messages often though. i am a faggot and will act accordingly. i yume but the main ones that i am unabashedly loud about is medic and sniper from tf2, the riddler / edward nashton from batman 2022 and gamin yoon from study group. mirrored sharing!

i am #friendly i just don't know how to connect with people unless we share interests. speaking of interests i am literally the Interester. main ones as of right now is tf2, batman 2022 and study group i dont play about that shit! non media interests are genetics / biology, ww2 history, archaeology, internet ARGs and the like.

something to add: i get easily attached!!!!! my bad!! please tell me off when i'm being too clingy or affectionate or whatever please it just comes with who i am 💔💔 i'd rather be told off and know what i've done wrong than be kept in the dark or talked trash about (。╯︵╰。) and if i bother you please tell me so I'd prefer that my feelings get hurt than you having to put up with me

i block when i want to ok? if you wanna know so badly go ask my retrospring though i'm inactive most of the time.

Pub: 09 Mar 2022 06:18 UTC
Edit: 21 Feb 2025 08:06 UTC
Views: 912