Liam sighed as he checked his messages, not a singular response from any of his “freinds”. Today was his 21st birthday, and he had thought about inviting a few of his older friends along with him to the local bar as celebration. However no one had responded to his invitation, with not even a rejection text being sent to him.

Brandon somewhat understood the lack of interest. Many of his buddies had girlfriends that tended to take up most of their time, but it still hurt that none of them had even answered his inoculation. Despite the prospect of drinking alone, he was still quite excited. Sure he had drank before, but tonight would be the first time he would be legally allowed to purchase alchohol by himself, not requiring his father to buy them for him.

Placing his phone down onto the passenger seat of his car, he started his car before pulling out of his small apartment buildings parking lot. It was still early in the evening, but Brandon, being the Zoomer he was, wanted to start drinking early so that he could get home and catch his favorite V-Tubers stream.

However, as he reached his towns bar, he couldn’t help but notice the lack of lights or activity inside. Pulling into the parking lot, he got out of his vehicle and walked over to the front door, his heart dropping as he noticed a sign on the door which read “closed”.

“God damnit…” He grumbled before returning to his car.

Getting back inside he looked over at his phone as he debated about whether he wanted to just buy something from the liquor store. It would be easier then trying to find another bar, and he would be able to enjoy it at home. But after a moment of deliberating he decided that he was not going to spend his birthday alone in his apartment like a lonely alchoholic boomer.

Grabbing his phone he opened up Google and typed in “nearest bars to me” before hitting ‘enter’. After a brief moment Google listed a variety of bars near him, all either in his town or near it. Browsing through the options, he came to the unfortunate realization that most of the bars were either closed, or had horrible reviews.

Now he wasn’t much of a review-based kind of guy, much preferring to do his own research into the quality of something instead of mindlessly following the majorities opinion on it, but he wanted to make sure that his first trip to a bar was not only a positive one, but a memorable one aswell.

Continuing to scroll through his options he searched for the best possible bar, starting to feel disheartened by the amount of bad choices he found. However just when he was about to give up, he spotted one.

“The Woodsman”, a four in a half star out of five rated bar with alleged good pricing and a divine atmosphere, at least according to the reviews. However, as Liam laid eyes on the address, he let out a loud annoyed sigh.

The ‘perfect’ bar that he had found was in a not so perfect town about an hour away named Gladesview. Liam of course heard of this ‘town’ as it was quite notorious in the area. It was where all of the wealthy Anthro retirees would spend their summers before fleeing back down to God knows where whenever it got even a bit cold. And while that wasn’t bad per-she, the retiree were known for being complete assholes, especially towards Humans.

“Of course it had to be in fucking Gladesview…” He grumbled, pressing the ‘directions’ button before setting the phone down.

Fastening his seat belt, Liam prepared himself mentally for the hour long night drive that he was about to partake in, before pulling out of his parking spot and setting off towards Gladesview.

As he exited the town Liam couldn’t help but feel a bit creeped out. While it wasn’t pitch black, it was dark enough for the forests surrounding the roads to be obscured in shadows, lit up only by his headlights.

Turning on his cars radio he cycled through the radio channels before settling on a station playing classic rock.

♩Thrown like a star in my vast sleep, I opened my eyes to take a peek. To find that I was by the sea, gazing with tranquility♩

Liam grinned, recognizing the song. It was his grandfathers favorite before his passing.

“♩‘Twas then when the Hurdy Gurdy Man came singing songs of love. Then when the Hurdy Gurdy Man came singing songs of love♩”

Liam focused in on the music as he continued driving through the shadowy woods, smiling every now and again to hum some lyrics to himself.

After almost an hour of driving, he had arrived. Pulling into the parking lot, he turned off his car before stepping out into the brisk air. It had gotten considerably darker now, the moonlight failing to penetrate the forests which surrounded the lot where the bar was located. The bar itself was quite quaint looking, a small single story building with a flat roof and a massive sign featuring an axe with the establishments name written above it.

Lights shined through the bars front window, with Liam able to see two figures inside, one behind the bar and another sitting in front of it.

Walking up to the enterence, Liam stepped through, immediately being hit with the smell of alchohol and the sound of quiet jazz. The interior of the bar was rather basic, with a few tables and chairs scattered around the place. Infront of the bar were three stools, with the far left one being occupied by a rather mature looking cougar dressed in a simple single piece green dress, red high heels, and a black pair of glasses which rested on top of her muzzle. Infront of her on the bar was a half empty dirty martini, the olive garnish untouched.

Walking over, Liam sat on the right seat, leaving the center seat empty. Raising his hand, he caught the attention of the bartender.

“Good evening, sir. May I see your ID?” The bartender, a middle aged golden retriever.

Reaching into his pocket, Liam retrieved his wallet before nervously taking out his ID and showing it to him, the golden retriever reading it for a moment before smiling.

“Just turned 21, huh?” He asked, placing his hands onto the bar.

“Yeah. I thought I would grab a drink as celebration,” Liam replied, slipping his ID back into his wallet before sliding it back into his pocket.

“Well we have plenty too choose from. What’re you looking for?” The dog inquired.

Liam pondered for a moment before answering.

“Something sweet… Do you carry Smirnoff?” Liam asked, the bartender nodding.

“Yep! What type and flavor?”

“Smirnoff Ice Smash. Strawberry and Lemon please,” Liam ordered, the bartender nodding before turning around and bending over to access a mini-fridge. Meanwhile the cougar began to giggle, seemingly amused by the humans choice of beverage.

“Here ya go,” The golden retriever said with a smile, cracking open the top of the can before placing it in front of Liam.

“Thanks. Do I pay you know or…?”

“You pay before you leave.”

“Oh, okay.”

Lifting up the can, he brought it too his lips before taking a sip, the familiar flavor filling his mouth.

“Smirnoff Ice, huh?” The cougar asked, turning on her stool to face Liam. “I used to drink a ton of those when I was younger.”

“Oh yeah?” Liam asked, taking another sip.

“Yeah. It was my favorite for a little bit, that was before I began to get into martinis,” She answered before downing the rest of it and ordering another one.

“Mrs. Jones I do believe that you’ve had quite enough. Do you even know how you’re gonna get home?” The bartender asked, the lady letting out a laugh before waving her hand dismissively.

“Don’t worry about me. I have my ways. Now what can I get for you handsome?” She asked, leaning forward onto the bar with her arm as she faced Liam.

“What do you mean?” Liam asked, trying not too blush. The cougars sudden compliment was a bit shocking, but quite pleasant too recieve.

“I mean what drink can I buy you? That Smirnoff ain’t gonna be the only thing you’ll be drinking, right? It is your birthday after all.”

“Thanks for offering, but I don’t want to get to wasted. I don’t have someone to drive me home.”

The cougar laughed, immediatly sipping from the new martini she ordered the second the bartender placed it down.

“Oh how responsible of you! I like it…” She cooed. “Wish I had thought about that earlier.”

“Yeah about that. How exactly did you get here? I didn’t see any other cars outside in the parking lot.”

“I came with two friends. They left a few hours ago.”

“Wait so they just left you?” Liam asked, sipping from his beverage.

“Yep! Left me to fend for myself. Not that I mind of course. I’m a grown ass woman, I can do just fine without them,” She said with a slight slur before downing the entire glass of martini, making the bartender frown slightly. “Another one please…”

“Yeah, no. I’m afraid I’m not willing to do that. You don’t even know how you’re gonna get home,” The bartender responded, shaking his head slowly.

The cougar frowned at the bartender before turning her attention back towards Liam. Her eyes seemed to linger a little longer than usual.

“Well how ‘bout you? You willing to drive me home?” She asked, a small grin visible on her face.

Liam let out a nervous chuckle.

“Uh, I don’t know about that. I… um… don’t even know you.”

“Please… I’ll make it up to you…” Her eyes sparkled with mischief before smirking devilishly, her fangs poking out as she did so.

Liam nearly spat out his drink as he heard what she said.

“H-how will you do that?” Liam questioned, nervously sipping at his can.

Standing up, the cougar switched stools for the middle one before leaning in, a smirk on her face.

“Well I got plenty of money…” She whispered, her voice husky and low, sending a shiver through Liam.

Liam gulped hard as she began to run her fingers up his shoulder, brushing lightly along his neckline. Shifting uncomfortably, Liam glanced nervously at the dog who looked to be doing his best to ignore the situation unfolding in front of him.

“Of course, there’s always the older fashioned way,” The cougar purred.
Shaking slightly, Liam opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. All he could feel was the sensation of her fingertips pressing gently against his throat and the heat rising within him. His skin felt hot and sweaty, despite the cool air which surrounded them. “So I ask you again Humie… will you help me get home?”

Liam waited a moment before answering, taking one last sip of his fruity beverage before placing the empty can back down.

“Sure…” Liam answered slowly, a sultry giggle coming from the cougar.

“Alright then, I guess that’s enough for me~” She smiled, standing up straight and reaching for her purse, before placing some bills upon the counter.

“That should be enough for mine and his drinks, correct?” She asked the bartender who simply nodded.
With a nod from both herself and Liam, Mrs. Jones slid off the stool and grabbed her purse, turning around and walking towards an exit door, Liam following behind her.

Once outside Liam led the mature cougar to his car, unlocking it before escorting her to the passenger side door which he opened.

“Oh what a gentleman~” She cooed, sitting down inside the car before buckling up.

After climbing into the driver’s side, Liam started up the engine and pulled away from his parking spot, the cougar reclining in her seat while watching Liam intently as he drove.

“So um… where’s your place?” Liam asked, glancing briefly at the cougar before returning to his driving.

“It’s not far from here actually, just turn right on this road and keep going.”

“Ah… a Gladesview resident I assume?” Liam asked, turning right and continuing down the road.

“Yep! Although unlike most I’m here year round,” Mrs. Jones replied, shifting around a bit in her seat before turning her gaze to look out the window at the dark woods. “Although I am still getting accustom to life here. I’ve only lived here for a few years.”

“Oh yeah? Where you from?”


“Really? Good God life must be so much more different up here.”

“It is, but I felt like I just needed to. I couldn’t focus on my work in the city, too many bad memories,” She sighed, turning away from the window and returning her gaze to Liam. “It’s nice though. I do my work online, so there isn’t any issues in terms of keeping my job, and the fresh air is just doing wonders for me.”

“I bet…” Liam smiled before looking over at the cougar. “If you don’t mind me asking, are you married?”

“I used to be… even had a cub. But I got a divorced a while ago. It was one of the reasons why I moved in the first place,” Mrs. Jones answered honestly, her maw curving downwards into a frown.

“Ah. Well I’m sorry for asking…”

“No it’s okay. I understand,” She giggled, her playful mood once more returning. “But enough about me, I want to know about you! I know today’s your birthday, so why weren’t you with anyone?”

“Well I tried inviting my friends, but no one ever responded to my invites,” Liam confessed, frowning slightly.

“Oh my gosh that’s horrible! Do you have any idea why?”

“They were probally just busy tonight. A lot of them have girlfriends who they like to spend time with, so they probally already had plans,” Liam explained, shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh? Do you not have one?” Mrs. Jones asked, raising her eyebrows and tilting her head to the side.

“Well uh... no..” Liam replied shyly, a faint blush growing on his cheeks as he continued on. “I’ve just never really had any luck with human girls.”

“I see…” She hummed, resting her chin on top of her hand as a small smile graced her lips. “Ever try your luck with anthros?”

“N-no actually. My parents were never so keen as to let their son even befriend one, nevermind date them,” Felix answered, furrowing his brow. “Why you ask?”

“Because Liam… I do believe that you may have a chance with them…” Mrs. Jones replied with a flirty tone.

“W-what makes you think that?” Liam asked, staring at her curiously.

“Just a feeling~” Mrs. Jones grinned before placing her left hand down onto Liam’s right thigh, gently caressing it as he continued to drive. He didn’t pull away.

“Oh yeah?”

“Mm-hmm… from how polite you are, too how good looking you are~” She hummed, leaning in towards him, her rose scented perfume now becoming noticble by Liam’s dull human nose. “Us anthro women, we appreciate that…”

“Really?” Liam asked, trying his best to keep his eyes on the road.

“Yep…” She answered. “Now about that reward I offered you… I can either give you a hundred dollars or so, which you’ll probally blow on video games or weed or whatever kids your age like, or I could offer you a little experience~” The younger male blinked as she spoke softly in his ear, causing his whole body to become hot as he tried to focus on the road ahead of him.

She seemed to be playing with his buttons now, sliding her index finger across the crotch of his pants, trying to coax an erection out of him.

“What type of experience~?” He asked coyly, turning his attention back to her and lacing his fingers together as he gripped the steering wheel tightly with his other hand. Mrs. Jones giggled as she nipped playfully at his earlobe.

“Why don’t you pull over someplace quiet and I’ll let you see~?” She purred in his ear, causing his breathing to hitch.

“S-sure thing…”

Driving a little bit further, Liam noticed an enterence to a hiking trail coming up. Pulling into it, he parked just outside of the enterence before turning his car off before reaching up and turning on the overhead light, his car becoming a secluded bastion of light in an ocean of darkness.

Turning to his left, he watched as the cougar unbuckled herself before asking him to do the same. As Liam unbuckled his seat belt, the cougar turned around and crawled into the backseat, before pulling her dress up and over her head, tossing the garment to the side and leaving her in a plain, white cotton bra and a pink pair of panties.

“Come on back here~” She giggled, patting the space next to her. Liam quickly climbed into the rear of the car, sitting down right next to the half dressed cougar, his eyes running up her curves until he reached her face.

“Like what you see~?” She teased, smirking seductively before leaning forward and kissing Liam, the human leaning into it as his hands planted themselves onto her thighs.

As their tongues explored each others mouths, Liam’s hands slowly trailed upward toward her breasts, cupping and squeezing her large, soft tits which caused her to squirm, before slipping underneath the thin material covering her chest, continuing to squeeze them.

The older woman moaned into his mouth, moving her hands behind her back and unclipping her bra before throwing it to the side as well, allowing Liam access to her mammaries.

Removing his hands and breaking away, they both stared at eachother for a moment, panting heavily as they glanced between each other’s eyes before Liam glanced down at her exposed, black nipples. They stood erect, almost as if they were begging for his attention.

Huff… Well that was certainly fun… I forgot how eager young men like you-“ Mrs. Jones began to pant before letting out a yelp, Liam’s mouth pouncing upon her tits as a Lion pounces upon a wounded gazelle.

“Aahhh…” Mrs. Jones whimpered, moaning softly as Liam sucked and nibbled on her nipples, his hands fondling her tits as he did so. Meanwhile, Mrs. Jones moved her paws up to his hair, running them through the soft black strands as she allowed him to continue to suckle, groaning loudly every once in a while as he continued.

Breaking away, Liam licked his lips before looking up at the cougar who was staring down at him, her glasses barely balancing on the tip of her nose.

“Y-you sure you’ve never been with a girl before…?” She asked, panting as she continued to stroke his hair.

“Nope, not even once,” He laughed slightly, shaking his head. Mrs. Jones huffed.

“Well you sure act like you do…” She panted before cupping his cheek and giving him another kiss. “T-take off your pants…”

Liam grinned before accepting the cougars request, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants before pulling them off. Licking her lips, Mrs. Jones wrapped her paw around Liam’s hard member, enjoying the smoothness of it.

“So this is a human cock, huh~?” She purred as she took hold of his length and squeezed it lightly. Liam moaned as the older female massaged his hardened penis with her hand, starting to slowly stroke it. Liam let out a low moan, leaning back as the cougar stroke his member, slowly increasing the speed of her strokes.

“Mmmm~ You like that Humie~?” The cougar purred before leaning down and starting to lick his balls, causing the male to groan loudly. She smiled before moving her mouth upwards, and starting to lick at the humans tip.

“No, no, no…” Liam whispered. “You need to peel the foreskin back…”
Mrs. Jones paused momentarily as she raised her head from Liam’s manhood and blinked in surprise.

“Excuse me?”

“The tip… you see that skin? Peel it back a bit…” He explained, the cougar lowering her head towards his manhood once more.

Peeling back Liam’s foreskin, the cougar began to lick at the humans now exposed head, humming to herself as she enjoyed the humans taste. It was salty, but it tasted so nice to her.

After a few seconds of blissful silence as she lapped at Liam’s manhood, she lowered her head down onto it, her tounge circling it as she began to bob up and down.

“Holy fuck…” Liam gasped, gripping her hair as she did so .
Pleased to hear his voice filled with excitement, Mrs. Jones smiled to herself before returning to licking the boy as much as she could.

After a minute had passed, Mrs. Jones was able to bring herself to lift her head again, the boy still gasping slightly and moaning, before she licked her lips. Sitting up, she swung her leg around so that she was straddling him, his cock pressing up against her panties as she looked down at him.

“You ready for the main course~?” She purred softly, her voice deep and husky.
“Oh god yes…” Liam breathed out shakily. Mrs. Jones chuckled quietly before reaching down and pulling her panties aside. Lowering herself down, Liam grabbed ahold of her hips, watching as she lowered herself down on top of his hard penis.

“Ahhhh…” Mrs. Jones moaned as she felt the humans large cock impale her, her hips bucking slightly from the feeling of its intrusion inside her pussy. “T-this is certainly a new sensation for me… Fuck~”

Letting out a moan, Mrs. Jones began to bounce up and down on the males cock, her hips bucking up and down as Liam grunted, his hands holding onto Mrs. Jones’ hips and holding her steady, gasping as she slowly impaled herself on his member.

Pushing down as far as she could go, her body trembling, she closed her eyes as she began to move faster and quicker, thrusting herself up and down as she moaned loudly, biting her lip to suppress any sounds escaping her mouth. Liam was also moaning loudly, his hands gripping onto Mrs. Jones’ hips tightly as her body bounced and rocked on top of him, his cock reaching the deepest dephs of her heat.

“Mmm~ Yes! Mmmm! Ahhh!” She growled in a hoarse voice as she continued to bounce, her body shaking and shuddering as her walls clenched against Liam's shaft.

The human watched as the cougar continued to ride him, her breasts bouncing up and down with each movement, Liam becoming entranced by their movements.

“Hmm… Yeah… Fuck… That feels so good… So damn good…” She moaned loudly, panting as Liam started to thrust upwards, meeting her bounces.

“Oooohh!! Ohhh~ Ahhhhh…” Mrs. Jones cried as she climaxed, her juices beginning to flow freely from her vagina as her orgasm shook her body, the cougar lowering herself completely down onto the humans cock.

“Ugh…” Liam groaned, the cougars insides completely swallowing him up

“This feels amazing…” The older woman moaned softly, her breath coming in sharp gasps.

“Mmmm… it really does…” Liam panted, moving his hands from the cougars hips to her boobs, massaging them slowly. “It feels so fucking good…” He muttered, his words laced with lust.

The Cougar smirked to herself, wrapping her hands around Liam's neck before bringing his mouth closer to hers for another heated kiss, slowly starting rock her hips back and forth.

“Ahhhhh… Mmmmm… You feel so good…” Liam hummed as he leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers.

“I… Ha… Try my best~” Mrs. Jones murmured breathlessly, before placing her hands onto his shoulders, starting to bounce once again, this time slow and gently.
“God~” Liam sighed out, tightening his grip on the elder women breasts. Slowly increasing the pace, Mrs. Jones moaned into the human males mouth, occasionally releasing soft whimpers into his ear which made the young boy tremble.

His breathing became heavier and heavier as he lost all sense of self control, his sweat dripping down his skin as he thrust his erection deeper and harder into Mrs. Jones, the two lovers grinding against each other.

“H-hey Mrs. Jones? I’m getting close…” Liam stammered, trying to remain coherent amidst his own passion.

“Mmm…. I can tell~” Mrs. Jones giggled breathlessly, her fingers caressing the human boy. “Do you want to cum inside~?”

“Y-yes~” Liam gasped, his mind drowning in pleasure as the cougar began to go faster, rocking her hips even harder as Liam’s moans were muffled against her mouth.

“Then do it~” The cougar purred, a chill running up Liam’s spine as he began to orgasm, shooting himself fully inside Mrs. Jones as she continued to rock her hips, both of them moaning in satisfaction as he came undone.

The cougar gasped as she felt Liam cum into her, her eyes fluttering shut as she continued to grind against his shaft. After several minutes, the two finally settled down, Liam laying there, completely exhausted while Mrs. Jones laid atop of him, panting softly as she held onto the younger male tightly.

“You alright?” She asked, looking down at the exhausted human beneath her.
Liam nodded weakly, his breathing heavy as he rested his head against Mrs. Jones, closing his eyes tiredly.

“Yeah.. That sure felt good…” He murmured, the cougar nodding in agreement. “So… should we continue off to your house?”

The cougar shook her head, nuzzling against him.

“Let’s just sleep in here… we’re in a private enough location.”

“What? Here? In the car?” Liam questioned, opening his eyes and staring at her.

“Sure… You seem a bit too tired to drive anyways…”

“True that,” Liam laughed before she got off of him, quickly pulling her panties back into place as not to drip cum onto the cars interior. Sitting up, she patted her thighs, inviting the tired human to rest his head.

Scooting over he let out a small huff of air as he laid his head onto the cougars thighs, her soft paws stroking his head before she turned off the interior light, plunging the car into cuddle filled darkness.

Pub: 15 Aug 2023 06:44 UTC
Views: 2328