Babel Interlingual Services Organization

Babel Logo
Affiliations: /wg/, Vitubia Mycological Society, List of known Babel offices
Culture: Writhaven
Language(s): All
Religion(s): Haachama
Type: Private Company
Specification: Guild, Publishing House
Current leader(s): Director Margaret Babel
HQ location: Paist-Binnes, WG
Industry: Linguistics, Publishing, Diplomacy
Products: Translations, Books, Interpreters
Subsidiaries/Members: Babel Publishing
Wealth Level: 4

Babel Interlingual Services Organization is the primary supplier of interpreters and translations in Writhaven, with a top-tier quality that's well worth their high prices. There are Babel members that are experts in just about every language imaginable and many can be found working at embassies and diplomatic meetings all over Vitubia. Various levels of certification can be reached by dues-paying members and Babel's fulltime employees are actively trained in many areas such as diplomacy, negotiation, and mediation to ensure only the best quality of service is provided to their clients. By notifying a nearby Babel location, one can hire a translator for any sort of task, whether that be overseeing trade deals or translating scripture. When not out on assignments, employees work on translating texts of many different natures, either for requested jobs or in-house publication. Babel guild halls can be found world-wide, with non-Writhaven members among the ranks at such locations.

The Babel Interlingual Services Organization was founded by Writhaven-Haaton Elliot Babel in 963 VTE. Elliot, Eli to his friends, started out a rather unremarkable scholar that had trouble finding work after his graduation from Burgess University. Spending his days among the shelves of the National Archive of Writhaven, it became apparent to him that there were altogether too many subpar translations of various works among the collection. This lit a fire under Elliot, prompting him to make his own editions and submit them to the archivists. They quickly realized his talent and potential, commissioning him for dozens more translation jobs. It wasn't long before Eli realized he wouldn't be able to handle the volume of orders coming in alone, and so he contacted friends from his university days that he knew were up to the task of translating to his standards and brought them into the fold, officially establishing Babel. Word began to spread of Babel's exploits thanks to the high quality of their work, and Elliot saw that there was plenty of business to be found outside of the Archive, leading him to move Babel from Rentry to the city of Paist-Binnes in the Google Docks in 980. From there, the company was able to establish an international presence and began serving as interpreters for diplomats and traders in addition to their written translation work. As their reputation grew, Babel eventually expanded to the point where they could open guild halls in other nations, cementing themselves as the translation empire they are today.

Pub: 04 Jul 2022 19:14 UTC
Edit: 16 Jan 2023 12:42 UTC
Views: 1107