yes i am from new zealand. yes i know [some] te reo māori. i am making a rentry of māori resources as the language is at the threat of going extinct. this source contains reports with more information about the te reo māori language. includes information such as the number of native speakers, vitality, ect.

te reo māori resources: reo māori 一 reo māori resources te aka 一 māori dictionary tōku reo 一 series 1 of episodes on learning māori note: there are 5 series in total. taringa podcast 一 podcast on learning māori and tikanga tikanga = māori beliefs, values and cultural practices. māori television 一 television station with māori programs māori television streams some programs that are fully in te reo māori. i think they provide subtitles as well, so that should help non-māori speakers. everyday māori 一 podcast on learning māori to use in everyday conversations waiata reo māori 一 playlist of māori songs new zealand 一 contains basic greetings, pronunciation + info greetings include hello, goodbye and thank you. a bit of information about te reo māori is included. reo māori 一 contains resources, news + more nz history 一 history of the māori language nz history 一 100 māori words + their meanings

Pub: 14 Oct 2022 06:45 UTC
Edit: 14 Oct 2022 07:28 UTC
Views: 903