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Deprecated! Use Dungeons&Dragons 5th edition rules

Combat Rules

Character Stats


Attribute Short
Strength STR
Dexterity DEX
Intelligence INT
Constitution CON
Wisdom WIS

You have 4 points to divide among these attributes, each point gives +1 to rolls for corresponding attribute.

Base stats

Player base HP: 8
Player base MP: 10


Item Upgrades: +1 to any number on an item


Players: Always roll. Stat bonuses apply only to specific rolls.
Enemies: No defense for weak enemies. Strong enemies, roll.


Weapon Damage HP Note
Daggers 1 backstab (from behind): 2 HP, Ignores Armor
One Handers 1-3 /roll 1-3
Two Handers 2-4 /roll 2-4
Bows/Guns 1-3 /roll 1-3

When dual wielding, make a separate defense and damage roll for each weapon.


Armor type Bonus HP Bonus MP
No Armor 0 6
Light Armor 2 2
Medium Armor 4 0
Heavy Armor 6 0
Shield Prevents 1 HP damage per hit, per turn 0



Type Effect
Magic Shield Prevents 1 HP damage per hit, per turn, for 1-3 turns
Magic Barrier Prevents damage equal to Barrier HP, then vanishes (Barrier HP = Mana Invested)

While under the effects of a barrier, disadvantage to defense rolls for being hit.


Level Target Damage Healing MP cost Note
0 Single 1-3 0 0 /roll 1-3
0 Aoe/Multiple 1-2 0 0 /roll 1-2
1 Single 2-4 2-4 2 /roll 2-4
1 Aoe/Multiple 2-3 2 2 /roll 2-3
2 Single 3-5 3-5 4 /roll 3-5
2 Aoe/Multiple 3-4 3 4 /roll 3-4
3 Single 4-6 4-6 7 /roll 4-6
3 Aoe/Multiple 4-5 4 7 /roll 4-5

Level 0 spells are Cantrips

Druid forms

Form type Bonus HP Attacks Note
Ferocious forms(Cat, Raptor etc.) 4 x2 Claws/Bite attack 1-3 HP +2 DEX
Tenacious forms(Bear, Turtle etc.) 6 x1 Claw/Bite attack 1-3 HP 1 dmg prevented per turn +1 STR, +1 CON
Cunning forms(Owl, Serpent etc.) 2 x1 Natural attack 2-4 HP access to Cunning Actions(Disarm, Venom, Grapple etc.) +1 DEX
Magic forms(Moonkin etc.) 0 4 Bonus Mana +2 INT


Carry capacity

Armor Points
Cloth 3
Light 5
Medium 4
Heavy 3

Damage and point cost

Cost Size Damage
1 Small Explosive 1-4
2 Large Explosive 3-6
4 Huge Explosive 4-8



Type MP restored Note
Mana PotionĀ¹ 3-6 Keep track of how many potions you have
Meditate/Evocate/Channeling 4-6 Occupies 1 full turn
Power Drain 3-4
Life Tap 3 Converts 1 HP into 3 MP. Can't convert more than 2 HP per turn.


Type HP restored Note
Health Potion 3-4 Keep track of how many potions you have
Life Drain Spells Heals 50% of damage done, minimum 1 HP, rounded up A level 2 Single target Life Drain spell that deals 5 damage would heal for 3 HP

Any player can't carry more than 3 potions of any kind, in any combination. Additional potions can be included in a backpack or similar storage, if the player has one, but additional potions can't be added to quick access inside combat.
Dedicated alchemistĀ² characters can carry up to 6 different kinds of potions.

1. Potions are addictive! Drink responsibly!

2. Having alchemy as a side profession does not count as being a dedicated alchemist. What is meant is, having alchemist (or an archetype of such) as one's character class.


Each tier counts as its respective spell level for summoning, i.e. a Tier 2 demon would counts as a level 2 summoning spell

Tier Summon HP Damage Note
0 Imps, Small Birds, Snakes 1-2 1 No defense roll
1 Dogs, Cats, Felhounds, Wolves 3-5 1-3
2 Dire Wolves, Felguards, Bears 6-8 1-3 or 2-4
3 Terrorguards, Hydras, Chimearas, Dire Bears 8+ 1-3 or 2-4 Attacks twice

Some pets/minions carry shields, or have thick fur/scales that offer extra protection (1 dmg blocked per turn).

Pub: 21 Jan 2023 20:56 UTC
Edit: 31 Jan 2024 16:39 UTC
Views: 194