im adding more stuff to this as the days pass lol


AC: spiltkilk on

about me
hi im meekah/teeny/drew; i go by she/her or sometimes xe/xem and im just an artist tryna fit in the community and make a buck. if you message me out of the blue and we haven't interacted before i might ignore you (im kinda shy around new ppl sorry) happy cat

I am Drew Flamboni's and Lynda Anderson's no one fan!!! I could care less if you claim to be their no1 fan as well that's fine I don't care, but just remember I am their true fan <3

i've used this site before but i only became dedicated recently in november '24. i collect urls and decorate them for fun and as a side hobby. you can offer for my urls if you want!

other random info: im pansexual, taken by a wonderful gf, and have a pet cat.


my interests
reality resort, saw franchise, cemetary mary, total drama, total drama do over, disventure camp, odisea del drama, camp drama, survivor 46-48, deal or no deal island, bluey, yttd, true crime, minions/despicable me franchise, 12 oz mouse, competitive scrabble+nigel richards, incredibox mods, exotic escapade, barneyhunter12+roblox trolling community, lostwave, YUBIN NIIKU+KAYBOX.


cool people :D
lena!, mira the stinker, luka, kiki auden stella fanci all my friends who r reading this but dont have rnetry HI


please don't bring up my past or any past dramas about me unless you're confronting me, if you're doubtful i can try to provide proof but it was long ago.
please don't accuse me of lying (in a serious situation, doing it jokingly is ok if it isn't excessive) either. if you know about my past just know i'm actively trying to change.


I occasionally make "kys"/suicide/fat jokes. I only say this around friends and I do this to cope with my eating disorder + past trauma and i do not mean it seriously. i'm fine with receiving them back just don't overdo it

If you are uncomfortable with any of these, please let me know beforehand! I also say the f slur a lot and I use the purple heart emoji (💜) unironically sometimes (I've used it before it became a meme as purple is my favorite color).

I use tonetags, please let me know if you don't want me to use them around you


DNI + thin ice
my only dni is: if you think men can't be oppressed, transphobic, or racist. i block freely anyways

thin ice: tomjake stans, isalise/anadore shippers, juliayne shippers, people who think legal agegaps or rarepairs are weird

mutuals and friends are safe for thin ice :D
also by stan i mean if the ship is your favorite and/or you talk about it positively often, if you just simply ship it it's fine

nothing big because im probably worse than you angry duck

Edit Report
Pub: 14 May 2022 23:36 UTC
Edit: 19 Feb 2025 05:53 UTC
Views: 191
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