Kronii learning how to love

You've been in a relationship with Kronii for a few months
You're pretty happy, though there are some things you're not completely satisfied with
Main thing is: not much physical contact
She'll give you a quick peck on the cheek, and she'll accept quick kiss on the lips or the forehead, but she'll deny anything more
Hugs are even worse though, they only last for an instant, not nearly enough for you to feel her warmth
She explains she's simply not used to it, and she doesn't know how to react to "those things"
Not a big deal you tell yourself, though it does get kind of lonely at times
What is a big deal, though, is your job
You've been getting more and more work piled up on you
You can get by, but it gets pretty suffocating at times
So much so, Kronii notices your exhaustion
She wants to do something for you, but she can't work up the courage to tell you
Until one day, when you seem very down in the dumps she blurts out:
"H-hey... Do you wanna.... hug?"
You look at her really surprised, and she immediately turns away
"Can I really?", it just seems too good to be true
"I-I mean.... If it makes you feel better..."
"NOT for too long though..."
You reach out and she accepts
You embrace her
She doesn't reciprocate, but right now it doesn't matter
You can actually feel her warmth
You can feel her hair under your chin
You can smell her perfume, it's the one you bought her for your 3 months anniversary
It's pure bliss
"T-that's enough!"
Just as you hear that, you realize you're hugging nothing, Kronii's a couple steps ahead of you
Guess she couldn't take it and stopped time to get away
That was what? 4, 5 seconds? Honestly not nearly enough, but it still felt like a breakthrough
Feeling her so close to you actually revitalized you
"Can we do this again?"
Might as well ask right?
".....okay", she says while leaving the room
Ever since then, you start asking her for hugs from time to time, specially when work is particularly bad
At the start, they never last too much, just enough to feel her
But slowly, the hugs start to last longer
A few more seconds after a few weeks
She's starting to get used to it
She even stops reacting badly when you stroke her head
You can feel how her heart starts beating faster the longer you hug her
You couldn't be happier
A few months later though, she actually does something
She hugged you back!
You feel her arms embrace you
She even buries her face to your chest
You can tell her heart has never beat this fast
You almost hug even tighter as a reaction but you somehow restrain yourself
".....that felt nice", she says after you're done
"I'm glad" is all you could reply, you were still processing how that felt
Little by little, you're advancing
More months pass and she's completely used to physical contact
Doesn't mind the kisses, hugs from the back, headpatting, cuddling
Though you still notice her blushing after some time embracing each other
You're completely comfortable with each other, and can just do whatever or talk about whatever
Thanks to this, you're feeling a lot better mentally, so work isn't that bad anymore
There's just one thing you notice
After that time that started it all, she never asked or offered a hug again
"I think you're doing more then enough heavylifting for the both of us, I don't believe I need to ask at this point", she replies when you try to ask her about it
That's fine, just getting here is more than a miracle for you
Though something weird starts happening after you have that conversation
You suddenly feel a kind of pressure every now and then
It barely lasts an instant, you can't even notice it most of the time
At times you also feel something on your cheek, other times on your lips
It doesn't bother you at all, so you never bring it up
Until one day, while relaxing on the sofa, you feel that same pressure
But here's something else this time
You smell perfume
Wait.... You recognize that smell
You get up to look for Kronii
She's just mindlessly farming materials in minecraft in her room
"What's up?" she asks once she notices you
You come closer to her
It's just as you thought
Has she.... been hugging you?
She realizes what's happening
Her eyes widen, and her entire face turns red
"GWAK" she screams, as she jumps off her chair straight into bed
"GO AWAY" she yells as she covers herself in blankets
"So it was you this whole time?" you ask with a huge smile on your face
"NOOO SHUT UP" she starts throwing pillows at you
You simply get closer to bed
You're completely used to her breakdowns now, after so much time into your relationship
After a few minutes screaming, she starts to calm down
"You could've always asked, you know?" you start reassuring her
"...I just didn't want to be a bother...." she says still hidden beneath the blankets
"You already know you'll never be a bother" you respond while stroking what you think is her head
"For how long have you been hugging me?", is what you really wanted to know
"I DON'T KEEP COUNT, OKAY?" she blurts out
"I just.... I just did it until I felt better"
"And what I felt on the cheek, and my lips?" you push her
".....please don't make me say it" she pleads
"It's okay, I get it", you tell her, while uncovering her
"I won't bring it up anymore"
"...Thanks..." she responds
You get up to leave the room, but you suddenly feel a pull on your shirt
"B-but--" she stops herself
"What's wrong?"
"....C-can I keep doing it?" she asks, while looking at you
She's back to being beet red
"As much as you want to" you tell her, while giving her a kiss on the forehead
Honestly, there's no way you could have said no after all that
She breaths a sigh of relief and lets you go
Back at thee living room, you take a minute to actually process what just happened
You always thought it was strange how she never asked for anything after progressing so much
Now you know why she never did
She's simply loving you in her own way
So it'll just take time for her to start asking you
Maybe someday she'll be able to show you how much she loves you

t. Nameronii (anon who didn't have a name)

Edit Report
Pub: 08 Nov 2021 10:07 UTC
Edit: 16 Nov 2021 00:55 UTC
Views: 824