
LARA aXANDRA white rus/ukr lesbian tma 15 twitter | pronouns | me byf ; i am psychotic english is not my native language and i mostly tweet in russian but i rlly like interacting with all of my mutuals im not very active at all but you can always dm me
interests ; our flag means death bandori tboi stardew valley brawl stars undertale&deltarune splatoon legend of zelda peacemaker what we do in the shadows
dni ; basic dni criteria mspec lesbians/supportes cishets transmysoginists transmascs that "reclaim" tslur toothpaste gays radinclus proshippers dsmp fans russian sp fans maps/nomaps paraphils transage/transrace endogenic systems deltarune doubles

Pub: 25 Apr 2022 08:56 UTC
Edit: 25 Apr 2022 08:57 UTC
Views: 152