Accumulation of Round 9 Vote Results, 2022/08/21 23:59 EST.

Vote prompt posts: >>31248816, >>31360828

Votes for the 2022-08-20 /vtwbg/ vote.

1. Where should /mans/ be placed? Choose your most preferred option from pic related. Note /mans/ and /wah/ collaboratively support Option A.
2. Should the current bakatare territory have land removed to place /v7/ and /mhm/ as in pic related? Choose your most preferred option from pic related.
3. Should the current date be moved up to 1130? Y/N
Y. This is de facto true just looking at the dates being selected for events. Just making it official.
4. Should nations be allowed to ask for islands in map 3.0? What justifications should there be for this?
N. Making deals with the nation closest to the island seems more manageable.
5. Should Nasa be turned into a schizo wasteland? Y/N
Updates to the Bylaws:
6. Annul Item 9, as the rushia wasteland has been decided to be the mikeneko/nazuna/rushia thread through vote. Y/N
7. Add the following item to the bylaws:
a. New thread representatives for generals that do not have borders should wait until those borders are decided through an official vote before writing lore which assumes a specific set of borders. Y/N
b. Upon a new thread joining the project, a vote to select the country's location should be held during the next voting session that is at least seven days from the date of beginning participation in the project. Y/N
Y. The selection vote being either the current process, or a potential province-based process we will develop.
c. All reps must have a tripcode if they want to vote. They do not have to use it all of the time, but it is a must for voting. Y/N
N. Trips are gay. Have each thread enter their vote in a passworded rentry instead.
8. Add the following item to the bylaws, applicable from its introduction onwards, but not retroactively.
New thread representatives may vote in voting sessions once they have been participating in the project for a period of time. Y/N
If Yes, select one of the following options.
a. Two weeks or more.
b. One week or more.
Ocean votes (Pic Related):
9. Do you approve "Ailivian Ocean" as the name of the ocean located East of GGG continent and west of Risu? Y/N
10. Do you approve of "Heavenly Ocean" as the name of the ocean located West of the Indie continent and East of Risu? Y/N
11. Do you approve of "Yamato Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the North Pole? Y/N
N. Doesn't feel quite present enough in /vt/ culture to have an ocean named after them.
12. Do you approve of "Maximus Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the South Pole? Y/N
N. Doesn't feel quite present enough in /vt/ culture to have an ocean named after them.
13. Do you approve”Kizuna Ocean '' as the name of the ocean located between Indiea and the Holo Continent. Y/N
A. Doesn't sound as nice as the others to my ear.

1. Option A
2. abstain
3. abstain
4. abstain
5. Yes
6. Yes
a. abstain
b. abstain
c. NO.
8. abstain
9. Yes
10. Yes
11. No
12. No
13. Yes

/mep/ votes
1. What was agreed upon, A
2. C
3. y
4. abstain, more needs to be said
5. y
a. y
b. y
c. yes, sakuran made that clear that this is an issue, the backup plan should be what morig proposed.
8. a
9. should be alivirian but y
10. y
11. y
12. y
13. y
regarding the ocean names, we need to name this shit and no one proposed other names for maximus nor yamato. if you want them changed that can be done in another vote but as things stand, I think we should fill out the names for the sake of getting things done.

/mhm/ votes
1. A, the spirit of the deal
2. C, if not B. Not a big deal to me so long as I don't throw a lot of lore out for mhm. v7's current lore isn't effected by this and the only changes i need to make are on a map border layer in
3. y
4. abstain, as mepper points out not enough has been said about this. that being said, alice should get her azores because that is rather close to her thread.
5. y
6. y
a. y
b. y
c. yes, but back up plan should be secured passcodes rentries (oldfags and those who want to remain anonymous should be allowed to vote using this method and i call for others to respect them by including this clause)
8. a
9. y
10. y
11. y
12. y
13. y
ocean names can be changed in another vote if anons don't like them. you can name them the shit ocean, the fag ocean and the muppet ocean for all i care because we can change them. would rather there we uniformity, as some oceans having formal names and some not would be stupid because we can change their names later as mepper said and i call other anons to consider this if they don't like an official name. from my understanding, this has been something that hasn't been done for 6 months.

/MANS/ votes
1. A
2. C (should a v7 rep appear, we can discuss adjusting things then if need be)
3. abstain 
4. abstain
5. Y
6. Y (this seems to be the general wish of writers for that region of vtubia)
a. Y (let's avoid a repeat)
b. Y
c. N (I think this should be altered to allow for the rentry voting that the others proposed, then I'll support it)
8. Y, a
9. Y
10. abstain
11. abstain
12. abstain
13. Y
I can't for the life of me remember the basis for those three names, so it's hard for me to either for or against.

1. Yea, and I urge others to agree to this.
2. B
3. Yea
4. Abstain. Not enough was said about this, albeit I agree with mhm about 2434 on this being a different case.
6. Yea
a. Yea
b. Yea
c. Yea (with the cavietate proposed by Morig and refined by Mep and Mhm that those who hate the idea of trips can just make a voting rentry)
8. a.
9. Yea
10. Yea
11. Yea
12. Yea
13. Yea
I echo the sediments about the ocean names being changed later if not ideal as this thread has said this is just for official purposes. A vote can change them later and the map will be silly if we had 3 oceans named and two unnamed.

/2434/ votes:
1.Yes. Option A, as tako and vespie decided on. Call on other anons to respect their wishs.
2. C, as per Organic's decision. I call on other anons like before to support his decision.
4. This vote option isn't specific enough, there are no qualifications stated and this shouldn't be in the vote honestly. Abstain.
6. Yes
a. yes
b. yes
c. yes, as much as being anonymous is nice, seeing a respect member of the community from the old days false flagged, and used for a vote by a falseflagger is alarming. The back up plan for this is to make a voting rentry or have someone prove they are who they say they are by editing old lore.
8. Option A
9. Yes
10. Yes
11. Yes
12. Yes
13. Yes
As others noted, the matter of the ocean names had plenty of opportunity to be discussed. You had the option to talk about them and consider what you thought would be better for a good month now. I am of the common opinion that if a name is unsuitable now, it can be changed later. We don't need to split up the names like this because it will just cause delays. For now, I believe we need to accept them and move on, keeping in mind that the names can be changed. Too weird to have a world with 3 oceans named and two unnamed when this is just for formalities.

/pcg/ votes:
1. Yea, I believe we should support whatever these two worked out as that is the ideal for me.
2. C, as it is what the /mhm/ rep voted for and from what I understand he is writing for V7 as well.
3. Yea
4. Have to agree with Alice, as this isn't specific and my reps didn't yield much knowledge on what specificities were needed beyond just lore, which could make sense, but I think this need to be more concrete. Abstain.
5. Yea
6. Yea
a. Yea
b. Yea
c. Yea
it is troubling to hear that a falseflagger voted using the skin of a pillar of this community. Quite honestly, we are fortunate that this only has happened once with the number of falseflaggers and schizos. I understand those who do not want a trip, but you must also understand that this is like registering to vote and having a Voter ID. I also agree with the idea of the contingency plans of editing lore, such as if there is a situation where say, someone from hoshiyomi came back and voted randomly, we could make them edit their lore to figure out if they are actually the oldfag. 
8. Option A, one week is too short and voting is a privilege not a right.
9. Yea
10. Yea
11. Yea
12. Yea
13. Yea
I hold the same option as other anons, we can change the names in another vote, and it is better to have them in place for meta purposes now. This isn't to say I approve or understand some of the names either.

/NijiEN/ votes:
1. Y at A
2. Y at C
3. Y
4. Abstain. not clear what this entails even after i looked over the threads, no one proposed the Justifications.
5. Y
6. Y
a. Y
b. Y
c. Y echoing what others said earlier, voting is too serious to not have this in place and honestly should have been done earlier
9. A, two weeks is good
10. Y
11. Y
12. Y
13. Y

/meat/ votes:
1. A
2. C
3. Y
4. Should be on a case-by-case basis, count this as abstaining if necessary
5. Y
Updates to the Bylaws:
6. Y
a. Y
b. Y
c. Y
8. B
Ocean votes:
9. Y
10. Y
11. Y
12. Y
13. Y

LazuLight votes:
1. Where should /mans/ be placed? Choose your most preferred option from pic related. Note /mans/ and /wah/ collaboratively support Option A.
Option A. As much as I wanted to troll and say we need more time to discuss this, get mans on the damn map!
2. Should the current bakatare territory have land removed to place /v7/ and /mhm/ as in pic related? Choose your most preferred option from pic related.
As Option C was the choice of /mhm/ rep who also writes for V7, I choose this option
3. Should the current date be moved up to 1130? Y/N
4. Should nations be allowed to ask for islands in map 3.0? What justifications should there be for this?
Abstain. We did not work this one out unfortunately and this vote clearly doesn't specify anything. Let's work on this for next voting session.
5. Should Nasa be turned into a schizo wasteland? Y/N
Always was, Yea
Updates to the Bylaws:
6. Annul Item 9, as the rushia wasteland has been decided to be the mikeneko/nazuna/rushia thread through vote. Y/N
7. Add the following item to the bylaws:
a. New thread representatives for generals that do not have borders should wait until those borders are decided through an official vote before writing lore which assumes a specific set of borders. Y/N
b. Upon a new thread joining the project, a vote to select the country's location should be held during the next voting session that is at least seven days from the date of beginning participation in the project. Y/N
c. All reps must have a tripcode if they want to vote. They do not have to use it all of the time, but it is a must for voting. Y/N
Yea, I understand the otherside quite well as this goes against many fundementals of this site but considering the importance of voting and that we have had a falseflagger vote, this is in my opinion the correct choice. I also agree with Sol's suggestion of dual verification for older reps that are coming back.
8. Add the following item to the bylaws, applicable from its introduction onwards, but not retroactively.
New thread representatives may vote in voting sessions once they have been participating in the project for a period of time. Y/N
If Yes, select one of the following options.
a. Two weeks or more.
b. One week or more.
It would be A since other's convinced me on this one.
Ocean votes (Pic Related):
9. Do you approve "Ailivian Ocean" as the name of the ocean located East of GGG continent and west of Risu? Y/N
10. Do you approve of "Heavenly Ocean" as the name of the ocean located West of the Indie continent and East of Risu? Y/N
11. Do you approve of "Yamato Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the North Pole? Y/N
12. Do you approve of "Maximus Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the South Pole? Y/N
13. Do you approve”Kizuna Ocean '' as the name of the ocean located between Indiea and the Holo Continent. Y/N

/warkop/ votes:
1. B, hehe.
2. C
3. Y
4. Abstain
5. Y
6. Yeah
7. a. Y. b. Y c. Y
8. Y, B
9. Y
10. Y
11. Y
12. Y
13. Y

/kr/,we have decided on the following:
1. Y. A. Needs more time, kek.
2.Y. C per interests of /mhm/ writer.
3. Y
4. Abstain, this shouldn't have been cleared to vote on as there are no justifications listed.
5. Y per interests of the former nasarep
6. Y
a. Y
b. Y
c. Y
8. Y. B.
9. Y
10. Y
11. Y
12. Y
13. Y

1. Option A
2. Abstain, as none of these reps have thread
3. I'm going to need information on what this would entail. I'm currently writing a story set during 1129 and I want to know if this decision will effect how I'll have to write it
4. Islands may be requested in a location, however they should be free, neutral, unprepped territory that can be used by anyone for writing unless it is agreed that an island can be given to [Nation_Here]
5. Yes, on the caveat that pre-Schizo collapse Nasa can still be written for.
6. Abstain
Relating to 7
a. Yes, although I think the fact that we have to go through this process represents a serious flaw with how we handle unrepresented and newly represented threads
b. Yes, although I think the fact that we have to go through this process represents a serious flaw with how we handle unrepresented and newly represented threads
c. Yes. There's too much falseflagging for this NOT to be enforced.
Relating to 8
Yes to B
Ocean naming votes
Abstain to all: Imagine going near the ocean, what are you getting wet for? What are you, a woman? hehehehe really? c'mere baybee girl eyyy!!

1. A | as per the agreement of the involved reps.
2. C | since i think it is the best choice given the circumstances
3. Y | many stories have moved the time forward and it does not change anything outside of this
4. Abstain | this needs to worked out a bit better but my overall consens will be that requesting them is fine and then it would be dealt with by a case-by-case basis
5. Y | not much to say here honestly
6. Y | should not even be a vote, it is simply not up to date anymore
A. Y | but more important than having it written down is that people actually act upon this
B. Y | it should however be postponed if any decisions are to be made that could interfere with the potential positions such as when /stars/ beign moved and /mans/ position was linked
C. Y | it is sadly necessary, i personally also see no difference between registering a trip only for voting that is "nation"#trip or registering a rentry for a nation to use for voting only
8. Y/a | 2 week is not that long as it might seem at first, at worst it would mean skipping 2 votes, if we vote each week in that tiem at all, i would add to this that reps changing their homethread would be treated as such too
9. Y
10. Y
11. N

1. A
2. C
3. Y
4. No, people can vie for claims on whatever new islands get added, but I don't think anyone should be making special requests for additional custom-made territory. Or at least I can't think of any appropriate justifications for it at the moment.
5. No, leave it empty for now until a new nation needs the space.
6. Y
7a. Y
7b. Y
7c. No, I think the rentry idea others were throwing around would be more secure and should be the standard instead. Trip verification only works if whoever counts the votes is actually paying attention and verifying that they match up. In this very vote, Sol and Rosemaiden both came out of hiding to vote on this with brand new trips then left (I'm not accusing them of being fake or anything, just pointing out that anyone could pretend to vote for someone absent or even use an incorrect trip and there's a decent chance it would go unnoticed if the rep wasn't there to speak up for themselves). If all the nations had established rentry links they wrote their votes on that were collected in a singular place in the lore doc, then the current voteanon could tally everything from there and be sure that all the votes are valid without any effort. Of course, people can still publicly post their votes in the thread for visibility and discussion, but the rentry should be what is considered the official ballot with trips serving as optional additional security.
8. Yes to two weeks, though we should clarify what "participation" means and what is considered sufficient in that regard.
9. Y
10. Y
11. N
12. N
13. Y
It seems people just want the naming to be over with, but that's no reason to rush things. Yes, a revote could be done, but this is more likely to stick than I think people realize. The northern and southern oceans aren't even near most of your countries anyway, so you would have little reason to reference them in the meantime. I don't have better suggestions at the moment, but I'll think on it and propose new ones if I come up with anything good.

/nasfaqg/ votes:
1. A
2. C
The wishes of those thread reps are clear, and I believe both are decently reasonable. I am dissatisfied a bit with the carving of /bakatare/, there were better ways to go about it, but it is what it is now.
3 Y, but it should not be linked to any significant advancements in technology nor be used to justify it. It's a purely narrative change so stories could reasonably go forward. The reasoning behind it is that several nations are already on the border of the industrial revolution, a tech range that should not be crossed due to how transformative it'd be to nations around the globe. Due to the same reasoning, I would be extremely careful with moving the date up again, because those things snowball quickly."
4. N, specifically requesting map or global climate changes (tectonics, currents etc.) should be reserved for crises where no other option results in a satisfactory outcome. For example, /wah/ and /mans/. If new islands are added in the new map rendition, so be it, but despite wanting to have /nasfaqg/ islands elsewhere, I cannot in good conscience support adding islands on request.
5. N, leave the area empty.
6. Y, it's outdated.
7. a) Y, it'll remove the issue that forced our hand for 1.) and 2.).
b) Y, to streamline the process.
c) N. Adopting tripcodes makes the "rep" and "non-rep" distinction even bigger. The concept of a "rep" emerged solely from the idea that a thread should have just one vote rather than each anon voting individually. I would be fine with the Rentry verification method described before, especially if there are doubts to the vote itself.
8. Y, option b. By "participation" I would assume writing lore for their nation and responding to the thread, at least occasionally. Please note that a rep might be designated earlier than that, it's just a matter of vote validity.
9. Y
10. Y
11. Y
12. N, I love Max Headroom but come on. 
13. Y
12. N
13. Y
the oceans i agree with are the ones i have seen beign talked about and have a general acceptance through that and are fine. the ones i say no to however feel like they are jsut shoehorned in to have something at all and are jsut being voted "to be done with it" i rather would like them to be delayed one more week and have them worked out more than choose some names just to because, after the vote most will be done with this and not even want to reconsider this at all anymore no matter how they care about the names

tree rrat
>1. B
>2. C
>3. Y
>4. No
>5. No
>6. Y
>7a. Y
>7b. Y
>7c. N
>8. Yes to one week.
>9. Y
>10. Y
>11. N
>12. Y
>13. Y

Total: 18 threads


Vote table


1. Where should /mans/ be placed? Choose your most preferred option from pic related. Note /mans/ and /wah/ collaboratively support Option A.

Summary: 16 for A, 2 for B, A passes.

2. Should the current bakatare territory have land removed to place /v7/ and /mhm/ as in pic related? Choose your most preferred option from pic related.

Summary: 15 for C, 1 for B, 2 abstain, C passes.

3. Should the current date be moved up to 1130? Y/N

Summary: 14 for Y, 1 for Y with no industry, 3 abstain, Y passes.

4. Should nations be allowed to ask for islands in map 3.0? What justifications should there be for this?

Summary: 13 abstain, 4 for N, 1 for Y for neutral islands only, majority abstained.

5. Should Nasa be turned into a schizo wasteland? Y/N

Summary: 15 for Y, 3 for N, Y passes.

6. Annul Item 9, as the rushia wasteland has been decided to be the mikeneko/nazuna/rushia thread through vote. Y/N

Summary: 17 for Y, 1 abstains, Y passes.

7. Add the following item to the bylaws:
a. New thread representatives for generals that do not have borders should wait until those borders are decided through an official vote before writing lore which assumes a specific set of borders. Y/N

Summary: 17 for Y, 1 abstains, Y passes.

b. Upon a new thread joining the project, a vote to select the country's location should be held during the next voting session that is at least seven days from the date of beginning participation in the project. Y/N

Summary: 17 for Y, 1 abstains, Y passes.

c. All reps must have a tripcode if they want to vote. They do not have to use it all of the time, but it is a must for voting. Y/N

Summary: 12 for Y, 9 for rentry-based validation, 6 for N, Y passes. Rentry-based validation has significant support (50% despite not being mentioned in the question) and may be accepted as well, contingent on thread discussions.

8. Add the following item to the bylaws, applicable from its introduction onwards, but not retroactively.
New thread representatives may vote in voting sessions once they have been participating in the project for a period of time. Y/N
If Yes, select one of the following options.
a. Two weeks or more.
b. One week or more.

Summary: 11 for A, 6 for B, 1 abstains, A passes

9. Do you approve "Ailivian Ocean" as the name of the ocean located East of GGG continent and west of Risu? Y/N

Summary: 17 for Y, 1 abstains, Y passes.

10. Do you approve of "Heavenly Ocean" as the name of the ocean located West of the Indie continent and East of Risu? Y/N

Summary: 16 for Y, 2 abstain, Y passes.

11. Do you approve of "Yamato Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the North Pole? Y/N

Summary: 11 for Y, 5 for N, 2 abstain, Y passes.

12. Do you approve of "Maximus Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the South Pole? Y/N

Summary: 11 for Y, 5 for N, 1 abstains, 1 missing vote, Y passes.

13. Do you approve”Kizuna Ocean '' as the name of the ocean located between Indiea and the Holo Continent. Y/N

Summary: 14 for Y, 2 abstain, 2 missing votes, Y passes.

Next Round

Outstanding proposals

  1. The island matter is not resolved and should be discussed further.
  2. Rentry-based vote validation may be considered.

New proposals

  1. A potential province-based system to distribute land to new threads has been brought up and should be discussed further.
Pub: 22 Aug 2022 01:36 UTC
Edit: 22 Aug 2022 04:05 UTC
Views: 1076