ASMR by bara/hmoma writefrien

You decide to give ASMR a try since you've been told by anthros that you have a soothing voice,
Title it "ASMR Series #1: Human male tells you about his day while rubbing your ears"
With recording and uploading done, you forget about it and go about the rest of your day.
Wake up the following morning to nearly two million hits on the video and hundreds of unabashedly horny public comments on furtube
Well... on one hand you're glad your video was a hit! Seeing such a never before seen high number on your own work makes your chest swell with pride!
On the other hand you're less sure what to feel about... everything else.
A-all publicity is good publicity... right?
You try to shrug it off and keep it out of mind as another day at work goes by.
But on the bus home, there's either a fox or coyote or wolf (very hard to tell the difference sometimes from the back without seeing the tail, but don't tell them that) sitting in front of you with with his earbuds in.
His ears twitch occasionally as from his headphones you hear...
... your own voice...?!
As if detecting something off in the waves of the cosmos, he turns around with a surprised expression.
Upon processing that he's sitting in front of a human who heard what he was listening to, his pupils turn into pinpricks, the flesh of his ears turning as crimson as his pelt.
"Uh...! Heh heh, sorry is my volume t-too loud?!"
"Uh, n-no, you're good man..." you sputter out in return, extremely embarrassed yourself
Upon hearing your voice his muzzle goes slack in shock. If his pupils constrict any further you worry he may permanently blind himself. His eyes involuntary twitch a single time between his smartphone track display and you as if to confirm the association.
The bus stops, and even though you're still 10 minutes from home you make off, pretending that this was your destination.

After the encounter with the canine, you're noticing more and more guys wearing headphones around you
You're a little worried, but the ad revenue from that video alone covered almost a month's rent.
So you decided to make one more, JUST one more.
Setting up your mic and a new HD camera in your kitchen, you got to work.
You hesitate for just a moment before hitting the final submission button, fuck it, maybe it was a one-time thing
ASMR Series #2: Human male makes you dinner and asks you about your day
The video isn't much, just the gentle bubbling of pasta as you make a simple spaghetti meal with the camera positioned to hide your face as you go about preparing things
It was kind of fun, thinking of entertaining questions to ask. Venting in a way that didn't dox you as you made casual conversation to nobody
Maybe your 15 mins of fame was up and you could just keep this up as a nice low-pressure hobby
When you sheepishly opened your account the next day, you realized you were dead wrong.
S-Seven million views?!
and the comments...
"These vids always help me fall asleep, could you do more fur brushing noises?"
"Com 2 Brazil"
"You look so soft anon~"
"Humbly requesting a kissing ASMR next"
"tfw no human househusband to make you pasta and ask about your day"
You were probably going to have to take a different bus home from now on.

Chilling at some coffee place, doing research on noises that anthros find pleasant for the next video
Sitting at the table next to you is a group of anthro guys, one in particular catching your attention, a large stag sipping a macchiato
That shirt he had on, with the minimalist logo on the front. It was one of yours!
It was the same one you sold out on completely last week in a once off merch deal.
Pretending to read through the articles on your phone, you eavesdropped on their conversation.
"I've slept like a baby ever since, man. This 'AnonASMR' guy's voice is just so soothing"
One of his friends piped up, a badger. "So what, he just talks about whatever and makes satisfying noises?"
"W-well it's always on one erm, umbrella of topics but I swear by it!"
A fox, finishing off one of those crazy sugary iced coffees taps on his phone for a second before smirking and reading aloud
"ASMR Series #12: Human male love affirmations and confidence boosting ASMR, (Deep bass for reptile listeners!)"
"N-No he does cooking and stuff too!"
The badger joined in "ASMR Series #9: Cervine edition, human male compliments your horns while helping you polish them"
You were feeling some serious secondhand embarrassment for the poor guy. He had his head in his hands as the other two sardonically read out more video titles
The fox was playing the horn cleaning one, asking the beet red deer if he was sure these weren't for a different kind of "relaxation"
You were so busy eavesdropping you ended up getting caught off guard when the waitress came to take your order
As you asked her about the coffee of the day, all three sets of ears next to you flicked at the sound of your voice.
Fuck, why did ordering coffee require so much talking?!
The table next to you was a lot quieter now
"Oh l-look a fur brushing one for canines, h-haha I guess I can check it out y'know...ironically"
"Woah, there's ones for Mustelids! That's kinda cool!"

It had been some time since that first poorly edited ASMR video
Your inbox was now constantly updating with less than wholesome DM's, dotted with the occasional metric update from the site
As you killed some time clearing out your inbox (and looking up what some of these guys said they wanted to do to you on urban dictionary), a fresh message popped into your inventory
It was titled "collaboration inquiry", and the username was oddly familiar...
Checking the sender's account, you were surprised to see that this guy was a veteran furtuber, with triple your subscribers and a regular upload schedule
He seemed to be one of those alternative health types, (he had a video that was a 20 min essay on the benefits of quinoa)
What really made the neurons activate in your brain and helped you realize why he had such a huge following were his yoga instruction videos
You felt your cock stiffen at a vid of him showing the "easy" way to do a handstand scorpion, while wearing the most bewilderingly tight Lycra.
Needless to say, his followers weren't the only impressive asset he had.
It seems like he wanted to do a showcase on the benefits of ASMR with you as a part of his "holistic spiritual healing" series
Despite the fact that your knowledge of ASMR ended with "nice sound = happy(horny???) anthos" you agreed to meet up to discuss things at a local cafe
When you showed up, there he was, sipping some kind of healthy smoothie and looking really confused and a little concerned at the human casually taking the seat across from him.
"uhm, that seat's occupied dude. I'm meeting someone here"
Oh, right, you've never shown your face in your videos
"ChakraAttack right?" The anthro's eyes went wide as he connected the dots, recognizing your voice
"Wait, ASMRAnon is YOU? I wasn't expecting someone so..."
You internally cringed, waiting for the anthro to say you looked creepy or boring or lame
His tail swaying behind him shot up in alarm as he realized what he just said
"AH! What I meant to say was uh...You seem very uh, professional!" He extended a paw to you, offering a handshake.
He had a grimace on his face, like this would come back to him as an intrusive memory at 3am and he'd die of cringe.
This was certainly an interesting start to the meeting, you were honestly pretty flattered to have a cute guy like him spill his spaghetti over you
You obliged his handshake playing it off like you never heard him call you handsome and shooting him a smile, "You can just call me Anon".
"Forrest, I'm really happy you replied to my email! I'd love to discuss your work with you!"
Work? This really was just something to kill time, but Forrest seemed so excited, you didn't have the heart to tell him that.
And so, you summoned all the charisma you could to bullshit everything you had googled this morning about holistic medicine and chakras, making wild connections between pleasant noises and how they provided psychological healing via "soul resonance".
You sounded like a nutcase, but the golden brown eyes of the anthro sitting across from you were wide in awe, like you were some kind of guru.
"I see! Have you considered wearing rose quartz jewelery to amplify the healing resonance?"
...What the fuck was this guy talking about?
You did what you did best and improvised, feigning a look of deep thought you bullshitted. "Ah, of course, but you see the sound waves are delicate, and quartz would interfere with the, uh, alignments."
Forrest looked impressed. "Wow, I never even knew that could happen! I'm glad you're the real deal and not some charlatan, I'd be more than happy to do some recordings with you!"
You felt a pang of guilt, followed by excitement at the idea of a one to one with this innocent himbo.
You supposed always had a career in this if furtube didn't work out...
The day finally rolled around where you were gonna record your face reveal and collab with Forrest.
Your fans seemed pretty exited to see how you looked, and you had generated some good traffic from the raccoon selling you as an "auditory magician"
You were at least 60% sure this wouldn't come back and bite you in the ass at some stage.
Finishing up the equipment tests, the raccoon ran you through today's script
He'd introduce you, you'd explain the holistic ASMR, and then the two of you would do a demonstration.
Speaking in a soft but excited tone to the camera, the raccoon's tail gently swayed as he introduced himself, before moving to you.
Okay, look at him, not the camera. You managed a smile and were able to introduce yourself smoothly so far so good!
The interview went by without a hitch, it was pretty easy to ignore the thousands of people that'd be watching this when you just focused on those big amber eyes of his
A few calmly stated lines about how this worked, and the sway in the raccoon's tail increased as he voiced to the camera how excited he was to try this out
"So! Now Anon's going to be walking me through one of his ASMR scenarios in person! You have the floor from here on out!" He said, gesturing to you.
Without missing a beat, you picked up the baton "Thanks! So today we'll be exploring verbal reassurance therapy along with grooming simulation to balance out your cortisol and Oxytocin levels"
You skimmed a scholarly article on google about how petting and being praised effected anthros, so this was only partially bullshit.
There were stars in the raccoons eyes at your perceived expertise. "Awesome! soo will this be lika a shiatsu massage or?"
You swallowed a lump in your throat before holding your hands out to him "Just er, place your head in my lap"
"O-oh, okay! sure!"
Gingerly, the raccoon placed his head on your thighs, looking up at you with concern
"So will this be more of a neck-cracking type beat or?" You placed a finger to his lips. Before smiling down at him
"Don't worry, I'm here to take care of you, now close your eyes" you let your voice fall an octave, getting more breathy and deep.
The raccoon's tail bushed out again at that line, clearly you had an effect on him like this.
You gently ran the tips of your fingers over his eyelids, shutting them until there was just the fluffy black bandit mask on his face.
He let out a shaky breath, you could feel that he was tense, maybe you could do some of that verbal affirmation to get things rolling?
You placed a hand on the top of his head, tousling the fur gently, "You're doing really well, just take a deep breath." That seemed to do the trick as he visibly relaxed into you a little.
You had done some prep for this part, normally your videos simulated a pleasant experience with soothing voice lines and the sensation of being pampered, so for this particular guy, you figured the best plan was to make it like a guided meditation.
You opted for basic mindfulness. It was all stuff that was proven to have some kind of positive effect, so your ass was covered.
The risky part was the grooming.
As much as he put on a face of serene calm for the cameras, the raccoon's heart was thundering in his chest every time you touched him.
Stroking his snout, tracing the outlines of his ears, chin scratches, hand holding, and the classic headpat were all slowly cycled through.
His warm body was resting into you fully, and just as he was getting used to it, and finally letting himself relax for real you fucked up.
Out of instinct, you called him a good boy, just like you would have normally done in your videos
The pointed tips of his ears were bright crimson, and he was stiff as a board. In more ways than one.
You only caught a glimpse of the growing erection leaving a pre stained spot on his yoga pants before he shot up and switched the camera off.
With the Raccoon apologizing profusely, quick thinking anon quietly closes the stream under "technical issues"
Jiggles a wire so the stream gets fucked and starts cutting out.
As a bunch of dejected guys jack off sessions are interrupted by a cutesy "we'll be right back" image, anon tends to Forrest.
The raccoon's head is in his hands as he keeps apologizing for being such a perv.
"It's just you're really cute a-and I'm nervous since it was a live an-"
The human's hand meets his cheek, offering a reassuring caress
"I think you're pretty cute too y'know"
The raccoon shoots him a confused look, he was expecting a lot more disapproval than this. "Huh?"
"I'm saying that it's fine and we can keep going later, right after we take care of your 'problem' " the human's hand lowers.
"What do y-nngggh!~" The raccoon is cut off as some very smooth fingers dips into the front of his yoga pants
"You're gonna break the TOS with this thing showing off" The human was wrist deep in his pants now, palming at his cock
He couldn't refuse, and he didn't want to. He rolled his hips into the human's grip, earning himself an appreciative squeeze
That voice of his, like honey, was dripping with approval and arousal "good boy~"
The way he rumbled it in his ears made his tail sway and his cock jump. There was something about the human's voice being right in his ear that felt "right"
There was some more gentle stripping, sweet nothings in the ear, and peeling off of some very stained yoga pants
He felt so exposed, pinned under the human like this, like there was a predator sizing him up. But the juxtaposition of that silky voice, letting him know how good he was going to feel, how bad the human wanted his tailhole, made him shiver with delight.
He needed to show how bad he wanted it, and so he casually employed his yoga skills, folding his legs back nice and far. Revealing a tight, pink hole
The human's eyes widened before rising to the challenge (in more ways than one)
Hands secured themselves around his hips, before he felt a warm, wet pressure against his hole
The human was eagerly lapping away at him, god, even the satisfied hums as he rimmed him were erotic.
Those deft fingers went to work squeezing more pre out of his cock. It dripped into his own mouth as he opened it to pant and moan.
Occasionally, the human would take a break to breath, and between the panting, he'd growl out things that'd make a whore blush
"No cumming yet, you're gonna finish while I'm inside you"
New fetish acquired: having smooth voiced humans tell him how they wanted to breed him.
It wasn't long before his pucker was finally lubed and relaxed enough to take that girthy cock of Anon's
He bit his lip as the human grabbed his ankles and shot him a final wink before folding him like a pretzel.
It was rough, accommodating for the human with no real lube, he'd have to make sure to source some good ones (and offer a nice long blowjob) next time.
The praise in his ear as the human split him open made it all worth it.
He never moaned like this before, his claws dug into the cushion behind his head as the human settled his throbbing member into his hot insides.
It wasn't long before the fucking finally began and that battering ram of a cock slammed into his prostate for the first time
He was screaming like a bitch in heat now, the friction, the electric shocks to his cock as his prostate was thoroughly bruised and the thoughts of getting that hot load inside of him killing any inhibitions
Eventually it was just rough feral slamming filling the room, wet plapping getting faster and faster
He could feel the human's movements getting ragged, his own cock was tucked between his legs, leaking cum in anticipation
Mounting himself a little higher, the human came down like a jackhammer and almost immediately the raccoon's cock was painting his own face in jizz
That visual was enough to set Anon off too, as he finally filled the eager hole with his own cum.
The two held the pose for a minute, relishing the aftershocks as their orgasms slowly started to die down
Eventually legs started cramping and breathers were required. So the two men briefly untangled.
The raccoon was good to hop up and have a quick shower, but the human wasn't the type for daily jogs and yoga, promptly collapsing on top of him with a splat.
Forrest gave him a little longer to recover, relishing in the human's vulnerable state just a little, it was validating to see a pursuit predator like Anon out of breath from fucking him.
Unbeknownst to the two. Anon had only jiggled the video feed wires, meaning for that entire thirty minutes, anyone bothering to look at that technical difficulties screen was rewarded with the sound of their favorite furtubers having wild, rough sex.
A wolf, who had left the stream open while he did some excel sheets at work, was still listening intently as the two traded some pillow talk before the distant hum of a shower could be heard.
He was aroused, amused, and just a little jealous of the raccoon.
The feeling was mutual between himself and the few thousand viewers who had stuck around as well.
As the stream kicked back in, they were greeted by a restart of the stream's script, Forrest's fur looking tousled and messier, with some fresh shorts thrown on.
Anon had a little bit of breathlessness in his voice, and his skin seemed a little more flushed.
Instead of looking like two kids who had thrown together a presentation 20 minutes ago, they were now simmering with chemistry, trading smiles and sideways glances as they ran through the demo
Forums would explode at the event, some calling it a publicity stunt, while others argued what the ship name should be for their furtuber fanfic tagging.
And Anon's small but loyal fanbase got exponentially more obsessed with him

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Pub: 23 Nov 2021 09:54 UTC
Views: 2033