tdsys rentry hi we are The Dust System, a bodily 15 year old white tme audhd disabled perisex nonhuman ⭕️bjectum (specficially plushum/techum) diagnosed OSDD-1b system ! alters can be found on our prns cc ➡️

BYF🫵 we highly appreciate tonetags being used around us tho it isnt required 🫶 we block very freely⛹️⛹️⛹️ we appreciate your presence even if we barely interact <3 we sometimes add our names to our signoffs if we think people might have forgotten

read our dni b4 following thank youuu

do we have similar interests? go find out /nf !! ➡️

our comforts can be found at and ships at 💌

you made it to the end, congrats congrats! also big thanks to dark cacao🐉🍫 4 organizing it again ! (yw 🫶)

Pub: 22 Aug 2023 20:47 UTC
Edit: 29 Jun 2024 15:22 UTC
Views: 2240