you are an ex-child soldier, who has fought in a long and bloody war in eastern europe
when the war ends, you lose purpose
why are you still even alive?
all you know how to do is take drugs, and kill
civ life doesnt do this
apparently, dope is cheaper in the west
moving to germany, you end up on the streets of munich
alot more anthros here but whatever
you are too busy searching for your next hit of dope
hell, you are so out of sync with reality, that you dont even notice that you are still wearing some of your old uniform
all thats missing is the ak and the syringes
walking down a street, your heart starts to burst with pain
fuck, that dope was way too strong
fuck, you just OD'd, shit shit shit!
falling down, you are completely paralyzed lying down in a park
before your vision fades, a crowd forms around you, and phone calls are made
something about a 'Krankenwagen'
christ, german sounded like a drunkard was in a fit of fury
nothing like the slavic elegance of home
or at least, what is left of it
as your consciousness fades away, the only things that comes to your mind is the faces of the dead
they cry out in anguish

fuck, your body feels completely numb
but everything is shifting around
you hear frantic german being spoken, but you understood none of it
you push through the feeling of nothingness, and open your eyes
you are in an ambulance, with several anthro EMTs doing tasks like crazy
one is operating desperately with some sort of computer, while another injects you with something
it feels so weird
they are horrified by used needle they brought with you
and one of the EMTs, a bear, lifts your right arm
she sees the tattoo
it was a thing special for your unit, infamous for its chaos and brutality
she freezes in fear and says something
all of the EMT's suddenly stare at you
their faces are contorted with sorrow
slowly they move towards you
what the fuck are they doing
are they going to kill you? was this retribution for your crimes?
fear overtakes you, a sudden surge of power makes you struggle against your restraints, screaming at them to go away
they do not listen to you, and come closer
eventually, they start to pet you, hug you, and nuzzle you
the fuck is going on?
the rage within subsides, and is replaced by the weight of the dope flowing through your body
the weight of it is so tiring, you cant fight back
as you lay your head down to sleep, the yelling starts back up
they are scared for you

you awake in a hospital bed, no longer bound
the room is almost empty, just the bed, and some machines that seem important
they're probably keeping you alive
wonderful, you were a druggie on life support, hope the people are glad that their taxes are being put to good use
fuck this, you dont want to lie down all day
ripping some medical shit off of you, you struggle to stand up
eventually, you succeed
you arent in the best shape, but you can move
youve been shot, an OD aint gonna keep you down
walking to the exit of the room, the door is suddenly flung open
a small mouse woman walks into the room carrying a tray, completely oblivious to you
she almost walks into you and freezes, she rapidly looks at you and the medical equipment, and begins to scream
shut the fuck up, youre hurting my ears, goddamn
she puts the tray down and grabs you, steadying your stance
the mouse woman moves you over to the bed and yells out something in german
its probably something like 'yo this fucking addict is tearing out stuff thats keeping him alive, send a doctor'
whatever, you didnt really care, and let the mouse women do her stuff
a group of female anthros in lab coats rush into the room, their faces in shock
well, how are you fuckers?
they move me into the bed and hook up the medical stuff
hey, this shit is a fucking pain, id rather be walking around
a wolf doctor starts talking to me in what seems to be a calming tone, but considering where im from, i understand none of it
'i dont speak german'
she freezes up, the combination of my hoarse voice and slavic language making her horrified
she runs out of the room, yelling more kraut nonsense
good fucking riddance, you just wish everybody else would stop staring at me and leave
'fuck off'
they seem to get the message, but they dont budge, rather, they get closer
goddamn it, not again
they attempt to comfort you with petting and a lullaby
comfort would only come from more dope, stupid fucking germans

eventually some fox lady walks into the room, and takes a long look at you
what a fucking creep, you're a fucking ex-child soldier, and yet you have more decency
'would you stop fucking staring at me you creepy bastard?'
she sighs and walks over to you
"I apologize, but that's no tone to talk to a stranger with."
she spoke serbian?
'yeah, usually i shoot strangers instead, but since the war ended, ive got different priorities.'
her jaw falls open, in complete shock
"The war? But you are so young, how could you have fought?"
you naive bitch
'when your home is being invaded, everybody is willing to fight to prevent complete eradication.'
She moves a paw to one of your shoulders, and you pull away
"I'm sorry. I can't imagine what you have gone through."
no fucking shit, what you survived through made the Heer look like pussies, it was complete carnage and brutality, warfare without rules, mercy, and empathy
'yeah, you cant'
she slumps down and leans her head on my chest, staring at me
"You need help, bad. We can fix you up."
'you can help me by letting me have some morphine'
she grimaces and grabs my arms
"You've given up completely haven't you? Don't worry, we'll build you back up."
with that, she gets up, and leaves
this was going to be your very own hell, wasn't it?

the light from the window was a pain in the ass, you just wanted to sleep, but it kept you up
fuck this hospital, so much for german efficiency
a bosnian could do better, it was pretty sad
lying back, you let your mind drift back to the war
you were a young soldier and put into a ragtag unit
the bosnians were everywhere, turns out you were deep in their territory
yet you decided to fight, for home
walking to an enemy checkpoint, readying your M70, and motioning for your friends to sneak up to the side
the soldiers noticed you and called out, asking who you were
one decides to walk up to you and grab your rifle
he ended up with a knife in his belly, his allies fared no better
Dubravko tossed a grenade and the checkpoint was silenced
it was so fast, and so easy
and that what bothered you, the ease of it all
killing, something so horrific, was so goddamn easy
all you had to do was pull a trigger, and your target would fall
it felt so remorseless, so uncaring
and like how the gun killed without feeling, you soon learned how to as well
a trained marksman, you took an old hunting rifle and traveled the countryside
patrols were taken out, checkpoints harassed, and supplies raided
the same thing happened every day, over and over
get up, kill, and sleep
no caring, no planning, and no thinking, just action
you didnt feel human
you felt like a machine of war
it was horrific

one day you werent the most fortunate
a mortar team had found your hideout
the shaking was nonstop, it was mindnumbing
the horrific memory of being shoved around felt so real
then you snap to reality
a lizard nurse is shaking you awake
goddamn it, i finally fell asleep and you wake me?
fucking kraut bitch
should of went to america
she points out a tray of food and leaves
bread and some sausage
isnt this a bit stereotypical
but its fucking good
so goddamn good
better then the so called mre's you had
the things were literally fucking crackers and alcohol
and it was shitty alcohol too, so you got double screwed
that shit fucking sucked
your reminiscing is interrupted by the fox woman once more entering the room
'what do you want to bother me about now?'
she steps next to the window and looks out
the sun shines on her, highlighting her orange fur
"Does it still haunt you?"
'why the fuck wouldnt it?'
"I'm sorry. I just can't imagine how horrific it was."
'you said that before, dumbass'
"You want our help?"
she was not pleased by your insult
'considering my plans once i leave are either blowing my brains out or getting more dope, i think the help is wasted'
she rushes over to me, and holds my arms up together
"Don't ever fucking say that."
'or what?'
she sits down on my hospital bed, and puts a hand on my chest
"You are already hurt, don't make it worse."
'lady, for all i care, i cant get worse, because im already dead'
her head quickly turns to be
"But you're not."
yeah fucking right

"Listen to me, I can help you."
'i dont even know your name, and you dont know mine, how the fuck can you help me?'
"Vlad, you still had your dogtags with you."
'well then, looting the unconscious addicts? if you are gonna stoop that low, at least keep enough dignity to tell me your name'
"It's Stana."
a Serb name, yet she doesnt know the war?
'well Stana, im glad that you are happy here in nazi land, but im not'
"Please don't say that, they're good people."
'the only good people i know are dead'
she grimaces, and starts to lie down next to me
'the fuck are you doing?'
"Comforting you."
her tail flops onto my chest
fucking weird-ass anthros
'alright then'
she looks at me with a saddened glare, and a tear drops from her eye
not my problem
"I need you to do something for me."
'what is it, and why me?'
"I need another Serbian. It's something to do with home."
'i left home for a reason'
"You can't keep running from the past."
'im not running from it'
instead you were supressing it with dope
"Fine, but could you please help me?"
she snuggles up closely and hugs me, her head on my chest, which has her ears poking at my neck
your attempts to dislodge her are a complete failure
"Thank you. Before that, you'll need to get better. The doctors here will take good care of you, just be kind to them."
'ok, ill try.'
she closes her eyes as she lies with you, trapping you in her fluff
and you thought the war was hell

Pub: 22 Aug 2024 08:09 UTC
Views: 243