
Please do not ask about my 'off limits' section unless you're a friend
Don't ask for free urls unless I specifically say I'm giving some away for free
I prefer pings for trading rather than dms, but you're free to dm if you'd like.

Things to note
You can still offer for NFT, I'm just super picky
Reoffers are welcome & encouraged! Just don't be obnoxious about it
I don't accept urls with a fake letter, with - or _ in it, or with z instead of s
You can ask to offer for multiple
I will not trade with you if you are rude or pushy during offering
I can wait for trades but if it takes 1+ weeks without reason I will cancel
I do all trading for Toby & I only trade for things me or him will use

Pub: 28 Mar 2022 01:05 UTC
Edit: 19 Sep 2024 14:50 UTC
Views: 6319