A Diry Shower

The sound of bare feet slapping against tiled flooring filled the air as Anon walked into the bathroom, yawning and rubbing sleep from his eyes.

His muscles still ached from the night before, and the faint sting from the claw marks on his back was still very noticeable. Never the less he would suffer through it all twice over if it meant spending each night with Carmen, the black Jaguaress made him feel wanted and special in a way that no other woman had... even if it did come at the cost of a bit of skin.

Yawning again, Anon stepped over to the sink and ran the cold water, cupping it in his hands before splashing his face. The cool liquid sent a shiver down his spine as it ran down his neck and over his shoulders, the sensation helping to drive the lethargy from his body and mind.
Blinking, Anon wiped the water from his eyes before looking up into the mirror, only to jump back and yelp after seeing what... or rather who looked back at him. Apparently Carmen hadn't been asleep as he thought, or he perhaps wasn't as sneaky as he thought, as looming behind him was the panther herself, her honey golden eyes glinting with amusement and her muzzle curled into a wry smirk.
Jumping back in shock did have one bonus however, as it meant that Anon had jerked back right into the feline's awaiting cleavage, causing his head to be sandwiched between her warm, ample breasts.

"Good morning to you too, Anon." She purred, one of her powerful arms snaking around to rap around his waist, keeping him pressed to her naked form while her other hand came up to his face, her dark palm pad holding his chin while she gently traced the side of his jaw with her claw tip.

Anon's heart thundered in his chest, first brought to life by the sudden surprise, and now kept racing by being held so intimately against her body. He breathed hard through his nose, his skin flushing a light shade of pink as he felt her lean in slightly, pressing her breasts firmly against the sides of his head.

"You weren't planning on having a shower without me, were you?" She asked, her voice somewhere between a sultry whisper and almost predatory growl. "it's no matter, mommy's here now." She added before Anon could do so much as speak up to defend himself.

Anon could see the playful glimmer in her eyes from the reflection in the mirror as Carmen stepped back, dragging him along with her as she backed up into the shower, the jaguaress removing her hand from his jaw to turn on the warm water.

"You got all sweaty and sticky last night, and I can't have you staying dirty, now can I?" She teased as the water began to flow.

It rushed down over her fur, wetting down her pelt as it cascaded down between her breasts, pooling there for a moment before waterfalling down atop Anon's head and running over his face. Anon spluttered ever so slightly, attempting to once more speak up, only this time his words were cut off as he felt her hand trailing down his stomach, her dexterous, black furred fingers finding his manhood and casually toying with him. The affect was almost instant, His length growing hard beneath her touch as his racing heart pumped blood to the appendage. Carmen seized on it immediately, curling her fingers around his length and gently, slowly, teasingly gliding her hand up his shaft, then back down again.
Anon shivered yet again, only this time cold water had nothing to do with it.

Carmen began to purr, Anon feeling the vibrations rumble through her chest and into his back, and he could well imagine the devious grin she had on her muzzle, even if he was in that moment unable to see her face.

Once more she ran her hand up his shaft, pausing as she reached the end so she could rub the head of his member in slow circles with her thumb pad, drawing a low moan from the man before she slid her hand back down again.

Suddenly, Anon found himself being forcefully turned around, Carmen's hand leaving his cock as she rotated him around to face her. At once he was greeted with the sight of a very wet kitty, the big black feline looking down at him with a hungry gaze and confident smirk. the water made her fur lay flat against her body, Accentuating her curvaceous body and athletic form delightfully. Anon barely had enough time to admire her body however, as once more he found himself being manhandled by the panther, Carmen reaching down to gather up both of his wrists in one of her hands before she raised his arms above his head and pushed him back against the tiled wall of the shower.

The movement wasn't painful, but her firm grip let him know that he wasn't going anywhere. Lucky for him however, Carmen had no plans too either.

With a playful growl, the feline leaned in and ran her hot, rough tongue along the side of his neck, her white fangs lightly grazing his skin as she purred into his ear.

"Mommy's gonna make sure you're all nice and clean." She said, attacking the side of his neck with yet another rough lick.

Anon let out a shuddering sigh, the rough wetness of her tongue was almost uncomfortable, yet Carmen was an expert, never lingering in one place for more than a couple of licks as she trailed down to his throat, then lower to his collar bone.

Everywhere she licked, his skin tingled, The human male fighting the urge to squirm beneath her asalt, but holding firm in his resolve.

lower and lower she licked, her honey eyes never once leaving his face, her gaze intense, Playful, Yet with that ever present hint of playfulness. By the time she reached his belly, she had gently let go of his wrists, allowing Anon to reach down to gently run his fingers through her head fur and scritch the big kitty behind the ears. This drew forth a purr of delight from Carmen, and her tail flicked behind her, flicking water across the tiles of the opposite wall.

Anon closed his eyes, leaning his head back and letting out a sigh as he enjoyed the tongue bath, the hot water from the shower washing free the trail of saliva her ministrations left along his body. However his eyes soon shot open again as he felt her wet nose pressing between the underside of his still erect shaft, and his balls, The Jaguaress taking a deep breath of his scent and sighing in delight. What she did next however, yet again made Anon let out a little yelp of surprise.

Taking his thighs in her hands, Carmen, with very little real effort lifted his legs up and over her shoulders, The athletic feline lifting Anon up off of the floor so that he was supported entirely by the strength of her back and shoulders, and the tiled wall of the shower. this of course meant that Carmen had little more than a face full of Anon's junk, and she was taking full advantage of that.

Her licks continued, this time with a greater degree of care as she rasped her tongue over Anon's nut sack, the intense stimulation making him let out a sound that was honestly more of a whimper than a moan, and this only spurred the cat on.

Reaching down, Anon tried his best to hold onto the back of her head as she planted lick after lick over his jewels, even popping one into her mouth for a moment to gently suckle, and oh so softly nibble on the tender skin before repeating the same treatment on his other.

The whole while Carmen purred, the vibration of her voice adding that extra level of stimulation to the experience and only fueling Anon's growing lust.
Eventually, after what felt like half an age, Carmen progressed with her lavish treatment of Anon's most prized possessions, her licks now slowly gliding up the underside of his shaft, complete with tender kisses and nuzzles until she reached the pre drooling head. Here she paused for a moment, breathing in deeply through her nose once more before slowly, teasingly, sticking out the tip of his tongue to lightly lap up the bead of pre-cum that had formed there.

"So good... you know I can still taste myself on you." She rumbled, her voice low and sultry.
Anon cleared his throat, panting hard from all the stimulation before gasping, his voice coming out in a high pitched wine that he would have definitely been embarrassed about any other time, But for now he was in too much pleasure, as Carmen had taken his entire length into her mouth without warning.

The feline worked her mouth with all the skill afforded to a lady of her experience, The Jaguaress making sure to remain mindful of her rough tongue as she suckled on his length, her tongue swirling around it, careful not to brush too hard over his sensitive head.
Anon shuddered, his cock throbbing in his partner's mouth as he lost himself to rithing in ecstasy, held firmly in place by her strong hands.

Carmen moaned around his length, apparently savouring the salty flavour of his essence as he leaked freely into her maw, pushed ever closer to the edge with each suckle and lick.

Carmen knew exactly how to pleasure him, just how hard to suck, just when to speed up or slow down her head bobbing, and just when to swirl the softer tip of her tongue across his drooling tip. It was in the middle of Anon thinking that he had gotten the hang of things, had managed to regain enough self control in the moment to last just a little longer and keep the moment going, When he felt one of Carmen's hands shift further up his thigh to his ass. So lost in pleasure was he, that He barely noticed the shift in grip until he felt one of her finger pads teasing around the entrence to his pucker.

So caught up in the moment, Anon barely had enough time to open his eyes and look down into her golden, Mischievous gaze before she slipped her digit inside of his rear. His anus clenched, an instinctual attempt to prevent the intrusion, but it was of no use, as Carmen pushed her finger deep inside of him, And within moments found what she was looking for.

If Anon was squirming before, it was nothing to what he was doing in that moment. The Panther's practiced touch was firm, and her aim true as she quickly located his prostate, the pad of her finger pressing and massaging it even as she redoubled her efforts, sucking and slurping at his length with intent.

It was all too much, and entirely unfair in Anon's eyes. Within moments he felt his orgasm come crashing down on him, his thrashes transitioning to a single jerk as he arched his back, muscles tensing as his nerves were set ablaze. His groan of pleasure rang through the room as he came, his length throbbing rhythmically inside of the feline's maw as he shot his load. Spurt after spurt of his morning seed fired forth, flooding his partner's mouth with his essence. Carmen drank the lot, suckling softly as she swallowed every last drop he gave her, her finger still firmly pressing against his prostate in an attempt to milk him for all he was worth.

After several long moments, Anon began to come down from his climactic high, breathing hard, nerves fried from pleasure. Carmen's soft suckles and careful licks made him whimper as she teased his over stimulated manhood, And when she finally popped him free of her mouth he was almost thankful for it.

Slipping her finger free of his anus, Carmen gave his slowly softening dick a tender kiss before purring:
"You know... I would have preferred my breakfast in bed."

Pub: 22 Sep 2023 02:41 UTC
Views: 1031