Brat and Nerd

One day, Brat gets his homework back at the start of class and discovers that he's only gotten an A, instead of his usual A+
Doesn't say anything, just looks over at Nerd and gives her a 'you're dead' sign.
Nerd starts shaking at her desk and tears up.
It wasn't her fault, she lost her glasses and had to use an older pair, it gave her a headache!
Class continues as normal while Nerd runs over the worse case scenarios in her head. he going dunk her head in the toilet again? Or...or just beat her up after class? What if he's really mad, what if he wants to do something extreme?
What if he tries to fuck her, she's seen his gigantic cock, her booty can't handle something like that! It'll split her in half! And he'll get away with it somehow, nothing bad ever happens to Brat.
Her fears only get worse when someone passes a note to her.
It just says 'Behind the gym. After school.'
The bell rings and makes her jump.
A few hours later, she's nervously waiting in the shadow of the gym.
Brat comes up behind her and surprises her by grabbing her tit; honing in on her nipple and giving it a twist.
Nerd just moans in pain and spins around.
They just stare at each other silently.
Nerd starts to panic, all the scenarios she's imagined and worst come rushing back to her head.
Has a great idea.
Starts to strip.
Nothing stops her, so she continues until she's just in her underwear.
Brat stares at her harder.
She swallows and takes those off as well.
It''s not embarrassing, he's already seen her lower half naked.
Even if she is...a little wet now.
Sensing no change in Brat's behavior, she gets down on her knees before planting her forehead in the dirt.
If Brat can see how sorry she is, maybe he'll just let her off with a warning!
"I'm...I'm so sorry, um, Sir! It'll never happen again, I promise! Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry!"

She feels the weight of his foot on the back of her head before it disappears abruptly.
She prepares for something like a kick, or even him grabbing her hair and pulling her up
She can't sweat, so she just starts panting as her nerves get the best of her.
Instead, there's a quiet thud as something lands on the ground in front of her.
It's her glasses.
Looking up at Brat, Nerd is confused.
"I just wanted to give you your glasses back, since apparently you're even stupider without them. Even know, you look prettier. I mean, I just think that. Maybe you should get contacts? I dunno, just, shut up!"
He spits in her face.
Strangely quickly, he turns around and power walks away, leaving Nerd crouched on her knees and nude as she pulls herself back up.
Grabbing her glasses, she brings them closer before balking away.
Brat probably can't smell it, being a human, but Nerd's dog nose is far more sensitive.
Her glasses are practically coated in his scent!
It's overpoweringly strong; it's all she can focus on.
Manly, sour, and a little arousing.
And it's going to be directly next to her nose all day!
Nerd starts blushing before putting them on her face, where they belong.
The sudden clarity snaps her back to the reality that she's crouching naked in the dirt outside school.
Hurriedly, she throws her clothes back on, panicking when she can't find her panties.
But no matter how hard she looks, they're nowhere to be found.
Eventually, she gives up, and resolves to quadruple check Brat's homework before handing it in for him.

Meanwhile, Brat is glad that he has a new jizzrag to clean his cock with, while kicking himself for not taking jerk-off pictures of Nerd while she was begging.
Ah well, he can always force her to beg again.

Word gets out that Nerd is doing all of Brat's homework for him and that it's always the highest grade in the class, even above her own.
Unfortunately, this attracts attention from other students that want the same deal.
Nerd is hanging out at her locker with a couple of friends, another dog-girl and, we'll say, a snake-lady.
Just picking up some books she needs for her next class and maybe having a little snack.
They don't notice the gang of furboi's walking up to them until they're surrounded.
The leader looks at Nerd's friends and tells them to fuck off for a moment.
They refuse.
One of the boys cracks his knuckles loudly.
They wish Nerd all the best before leaving.
She doesn't even have time to start shaking before one of them grabs her arms and forces them behind her back.
The leader, being cocky, grabs her chest melons and squeezes roughly, forcing her to look up at him.
Tells her that she's going to do all their homework from now on.
Shaking her head, Nerd tries to hurriedly explain that she can't possibly do that much work, it would take her all day and the quality would suffer, and if the quality suffers, Brat will come back and break her arm or kidnap her
The leader just twists her breasts and tells her to stop making excuses for her boyfriend.
Before she can explain that they're not dating, a loud shout catches everyone's attention.
It's Brat.
"Did I give you faggots permission to start playing with my toy?"
Nerd cocks her head to the side as they let go of her and let her drop to the floor.
She...guess that makes sense.
She was just a plaything for him; something he could mess around with and laugh at and...
Break when it got boring.
A cold chill washes over Nerd.
At least he cared about her enough to come to her defense.
She was his favourite...toy.
A strange sense of pride flared up inside her.
Walking closer, Brat didn't even bother to raise his fists.
"Get out of here, jerks, Nerd is off-limits. She's mine."

Not wanting to bother getting into a fight with a guy who would most likely kick all of their asses, the gang leaves.
Nerd puts her hand out, implicitly asking Brat to help her up.
Instead, he grabs her by the hair and she lets out a squeak as she's pulled to her feet.
Tears in her eyes, Nerd gives an awkward smile as Brat stares at her.
For some reason, this causes him to freeze for a second before shaking his head.
"Where's my homework, bitch?"
"Oh, um, I have"
Nerd replies, turning around and pulling it out of her locker.
The notes are practically ripped out of her hands and find themselves being fingered through by Brat quickly.
"This is great. Good work."
Her heart flutters.
"Now I have something for you to keep idiots like those guys off your back. And for your...good work, I guess. I dunno, just take it."
reaching into his pocket, Brat pulls out a circle of leather and practically throws it at Nerd.
The first thing she notices is that it smells exactly like her glasses.
Thick and musky and just like Brat.
With the two of them, her head'll be swimming in his scent all day, it'll be the ONLY thing she can smell.
The second thing she notices is that it's a collar.
Her tail starts to wag, but she reaches behind herself and stops it.
Clipped to the front is an adorable little heart.
A closer inspection shows that it doesn't have her name engraved on it though.
It has Brat's.
It's the ultimate symbol of ownership; an undeniable claim that she belongs to him entirely.
Nerd starts to pant. this it? Is he enslaving her right now? Is he going to take her back to his house and keep her locked in a cage as his little study-slut, doomed to eat nothing but cum and dog treats? her life now over?
She looks up at Brat for confirmation, who just orders her to put it on.
She hesitates, so he shouts it at her, hastening her along.

It clasps around her neck and the moment it does, Brat grabs her by the ears and clips padlock onto it, making it permanent
"There we go. Now there should be no confusion."
She wrings her hands together as Brat continues to stare at her.
She moves to cover the collar as someone walks past, but Brat grabs her arm.
She freezes.
Brat looks at her closer.
It's not right though..."
Brat snaps his fingers.
"Oh, I know, it's your clothes. Strip."
It's not a suggestion.
Nerd blushes heavily.
"B...but we're in the middle of public! Everyone will see me naked!"
"So? My mom says that animals like you and her shouldn't be wearing clothes to begin with. Now strip. It's not like you haven't done it before."
Glancing down the hallway, Nerd swallows nervously.
If...if she slinks back behind the locker doors, nobody will be able to see her, right?
Gradually, she slips her top off, and hesitates when she removes her dress.
She still hasn't found her panties and Brat notices.
Finally, she slides off her bra, and removes her glasses.
"K...keep those on."
Nerd puts her glasses back.
Fighting the urge to cover herself, Nerd poses for her master.
Her face is as red as can be.
Stepping forward, Brat reaches a finger down to Nerd's pussy, roughly pushing it inside.
Now he knows how turned on she's getting.
"Good girl. You do look better like this."
Removing his finger, Brat reaches a hand around to her ass and pulls her closer, and forces her mouth open.
Before she can grow even more confused, Brat spits in her mouth.
There's a moment of hesitation, before he does it again. And again.
His lips grow closer to hers as he spits for a fourth time.
Until he regains his composure and pulls back
"Get...get out of here, you slut! I have better things to do than waste more time with you!"
Shocked at his sudden outburst, Nerd grabs her clothes and rushes down the hallway, making a beeline for the ladies room.

Behind her, Brat angrily punches the locker for not just raping her like he was planning to.
Maybe if he treats her even more harshly, all these weird emotions will go away.

Nerd and her friends were chatting in the women's bathroom when Brat walked in.
Just one look at him made the three of them stop their conversation.
He looked mad, and they all knew what that meant.
He was going to push around Nerd for a little to relieve some stress.
Sweet, innocent Nerd; it was no secret that she was one of Brat's favourite targets to bully.
Pretending at first not to notice him, the reality sunk in as Brat walked closer, grabbing Nerd by the shoulder.
Her friends moved to intercept, brushing him off.
They're not going to abandon her again, not after what happened last time.
How could he be so cruel as to forcibly strip her in the middle of the hallway?
Brat tells them to fuck off before he bullies them too.
They wish Nerd all the best before leaving.
Spinning around, Nerd puts her hands behind her back like a slave.
She doesn't know what she did wrong this time.
Her homework was perfect, she hadn't told anyone but all the things he'd done to her, people had just started rumours, there was no reason for him to want to hurt her.
Despite telling herself this though, it gave her little comfort as Brat grabbed her.
Grabbing her shoulders, Brat pushed her against the wall; the sudden shock jittering them both.
He could feel his heart beating through his chest as he drank in her body, before swallowing loudly.
"Take off your clothes."
Nerd shook her head hastily.
"But...but I didn't do anything, sir! I'm wearing your collar, please, I didn't do anything wrong!"
Hooking her finger around the leather on her neck, Brat pulls her closer until he can feel her breath on his face and gives her a light slap.
"I said, take them off! Stupid bitch."

The cold chill of the air on her naked body as she pulls off her shirt made Nerd shiver as the sting on her face added a tang of fear to her actions.
Brat could easily overpower her if he really wanted. Strip her himself and she'd have no way of resisting.
Stick his cock into any one of her holes and punish her until she was crying; the whole time not caring how she feels because it simply feels good for him.
Leave her a dripping, quivering mess and escape unpunished as always.
But he didn't.
He wanted her to do it.
She was his favourite toy, after all.
Someone to bark when he said bark, someone to strip when he said strip.
Someone to keep safe and protect, if only because she belonged to him now, like her collar said.
But not someone to force into doing it all.
Maybe all the attention he'd given her...was for a reason.
Her perky tits hung exposed as she slide her dress off as well.
Standing there, completely nude except for her degrading collar, all Nerd could do was give another awkward smile.
Brat blushed, unexpectedly, before shaking his head.
He'd been staring at her exposed body for minutes now.
Nerd fell to her knees.
Looking up at her bully, she struggled to stop her tail from wagging, struggling to keep her tongue in her mouth as she panted from fear, heat and a strange third emotion.
Brat's spit hit her in the glasses as he pulled out his phone.
"I'm going to take some photos of you, slut. If you're lucky, I'll just post them online for everyone to see."
Now Nerd could hear her own heartbeat, beating in time with his.
Cupping her breasts, Nerd did her best to try and make herself presentable.
The flash blinded her for a second, but Brat didn't seem to care, lighting up the bathroom again and again.
"This is where animals like you belong! Understand?"
He took another picture of the shaking girl.
"On your knees, beneath me!"
Nerd just nodded.
"How dare you be smart and cute and adorable?"

Nerd pursed her lips.
Extending his foot, Nerd stared at it for a moment before realizing what he wanted and pressed her pussy against it; humping his leg like a dog would so he could take another picture, this one extra demeaning.
The movement sent pangs of pleasure up her spine.
Pulling back, Nerd let out a moan of disappointment before returning to her previous position as eyecandy.
Reaching down, Brat grabbed her by the collar again and pulled her up, bringing her back to eye level.
It looked like he had planned to say something, but lost the words as Nerd smiled at him.
Instead, he panicked and spat in her face again, letting her go and turning to leave, his phone clutched tightly in his hands.
There was a split second of indecision, barely a moment's thought given to it, before Nerd called out.
"Sir, wait!"
Turning back around, Brat was caught off guard as Nerd rushed forward, planting her lips against his.
They lingered together for far longer than one would expect, but the moment Nerd's tongue touched his, he pulled away.
A line of saliva connected them as they stared at each other's eyes.
"You know, you don't always have to spit in my face."
Nerd said.
A moment later, she was caught off guard herself as Brat lunged at her, pinning her against the wall again as his face pressed against hers.
Now that the floodgates were open, he wasn't holding back.
His tongue invaded hers with a force she couldn't hope to resist, dominating and strong.
It physically beat hers into submission. conquering her mouth in a way that made her feel dirty.
Every time she moved to fight back, tried to push against Brat's tongue or retreat deeper into her own mouth, it would quickly track her down and subdue her.
In the end, she could only lay there as Brat explored every inch of her kisser, coating it in his own sticky saliva.
Everyone needs to breath eventually though.
Releasing her, Brat panted as he sucked in as much air as he could.

"If...if you tell my mom about this, I'll...I'll kill you! I mean it! I'll...break all your limbs and take you home to keep as a cheap sex doll!"
Nerd just shook her head.
"No, you won't."
Diving back in, the two of them tongue wrestled again as their hands decided to cash in on the opportunity as well.
Brat's, well used to groping and teasing Nerd's sensitive spots, grabbed her nipples and started lightly twisting, making her moan into his mouth.
Nerd's, unused to anything other than turning pages, awkwardly reached into Brat's pants and wrapped themselves around the length they found there.
Sliding along it and jerking it lightly under his clothes.
Nerd knew it's where he would have wanted them.
Breaking free again, Nerd savored the new taste in her mouth before dropping to her knees, moving her hands up to Brat's waistband.
With a single movement, she freed his cock.
It was just as big as she remembered it; hitting her in the nose as it sprang forth.
Breathing in the scent deeply, Nerd shivered.
It was so much more powerful, so much more raw at the source.
Her hands moved to her pussy as she rubbed her nose against it.
She thought she'd grown well accustomed to the smell of Brat's musk, to the smell of his raw cum; considering that it nearly radiated off of her at all times now thanks to her glasses and collar.
But now, it made her dizzy.
Nerd dove head first into Brat's crotch, buried herself in his balls as her fingers worked inside her, pumping in and out as his smell destroyed her mind.
It was so thick she could taste it on her tongue as she panted, sent her spiraling to new heights.
It was too much for her, her fingers moved faster as she grew closer and closer to release, to...
Just a moment too slow though, as Brat's hand grabbed her head and pulled her away.
Looking up at him desperately, she whined loudly.
"No. I cum first. That's how it works."
Nerd nodded.
"Yes, sir, of course, sir, I'm sorry, sir."

Dragging her to an empty stall, Brat kicked it open and threw her inside.
Following her in, Brat grabbed the back of Nerd's head and forced her towards the toilet bowl, shoving her concerningly close to it.
Brat stopped.
"Oh, uh, sorry. Force of habit."
Pulling her up, he sat on the toilet seat and spread her legs.
His cock was huge; far larger than anything Nerd had seen before. Just the sight of it was intimidating.
And she was expected to just take something like that?
Grabbing the base of his dick, Brat walked closer and lined himself up with her defenseless hole.
Nerd covered herself.
"Wait, wait! Not...not yet. I'm not...ready."
Brat paused.
It was clear that he was thinking.
It would be all to easy to just ignore her and pound away at her pussy until she passed out, like he'd planned.
Leave her face down in the toilet, leaking his cum out until someone found her and came to her rescue.
It wasn't like her opinion mattered, it wasn't like he needed her permission.
But still...
Something stopped him.
Grabbing her by the hips this time, Brat slid her off the toilet so that she was sitting on the floor in front of him.
His cock lined up with her nose again.
Nerd didn't even need the command, she was already panting as hard as she could.
In a mindless haze, she felt the rod tap against her tongue, and pressed it against the shaft as hard as she could.
Licking its length and drowning in its smell, Nerd rubbed her cheek against it.
And then took the tip into her mouth.
The taste was exactly what she was expecting, and the shiver it sent down Brat's body continued down her own, electrocuting her fingers as they once again buried themselves in her crotch.
She swirled her tongue over the tip in circles as Brat's hands grabbed the sides of her face, stroking her gently and giving her the occasional spank to keep her motivated.

It wasn't long until Brat wanted more though, shoving his length deeper until it hit the back of Nerd's throat; only halfway in.
Nerd's tongue continued its swirling around the rod, filling her mouth his taste and stretching her to the limits.
The slight pressure at the back of her throat made her want to gag, but she fought it down.
Bobbing up and down, Nerd made sure that no inch she could reach went unserviced.
Soon, Brat was thrusting on his own though, taking the illusion of choice out of her hands.
And he was certainly rougher than Nerd was.
The end of his dick kept slamming into the back of her throat, trying to break through that barricade so that he could hilt inside her.
Hands grabbing her ears, Brat brutally pulled her back and forth as she finally lost the battle in her mind and started to gag around his shaft.
Her own spit ran down her body, wetting her fur and coating her hands as she shoved them equally deep into her snatch.
Brat's dick throbbed and grew inside her mouth; and with one last thrust, Brat forced himself into her throat as he came.
Her neck bulged as load after load was fired into directly into her stomach; a stomach far too small to contain it all as it fired back outwards around Brat's cock, filling her mouth and shooting out of her nose.
With permission to cum herself, Nerd shook as an orgasm rocked through her body.
All she could see, all she could taste, all she could smell, all she could touch, all she could hear, was Brat.
Right now, he was her world, and it felt so, so good.
If she could feel like this all the time...
Maybe living in a cage in his bedroom wouldn't actually be that bad. Maybe being his little snuggle/study slut wouldn't be that bad.
Withdrawing from her warm mouth with a long groan, Brat let Nerd drop to her side, coughing loudly as she struggled to get air into her lungs around the impossible amount of cum.

There was a bright flash as Brat took another picture of her suffering.
Nerd could just look up at him, laughing at her.
"That was surprisingly good. I expect you to do that every time you hand me my homework from now on. Got it, slut?"
Nerd struggled to move, coughing even louder as she tried to say her piece.
But Brat was already preparing to leave.
She said, as he left the stall.
Leaving her alone, naked and drooling cum over her body, in the bathroom.
A moment later, Brat returned, her clothing in tow.
"Here. Let's at least get you cleaned up. Next time, I'll have to train you to swallow."
Wobbling to her feet, Nerd felt a wave of...relief, of calm wash over her.
She smiled at Brat.
And he begrudgingly smiled back.

Part 2

Nerd stood quietly outside the entrance to her home, arms crossed behind her back.
She'd learned that this was the proper position for them when she wasn't using them.
Better than having them awkwardly flop around and get in the way of things.
Her collar felt heavy around her neck as she panted in the hot sun, waiting patiently for Brat to arrive.
When his mom's car pulled into the driveway minutes later, Nerd felt her tail start to wag.
And her nipples start to harden.
From inside the car, Brat's mother's voice rang out.
"Have fun at your sleepover, my beautiful baby boy. Remember that mommy loves you very much and you can always call her to pick you up if you get scared."
There was a loud slap, followed by several more, until Brat got out.
His face lit up in a smile when he saw Nerd expecting him.
Closing the distance, he reached a hand under her shirt and tightly grabbed her breast, pulling her in closer while she gasped.
Running his thumb over her nipple, he gave her a light kiss on her doggy nose before releasing her.
Nerd looked away as he saddled up beside her, gently placing a hand on her ass.

"So this is where my favourite nerd lives."

"Haha, yeah. We...we should go inside."
Brat gave her a light push, so Nerd took charge and opened the door for him, stumbling as he barged past her and into the house.
Opening into a hallway, Brat glanced at the family photos on the walls; each one a cherished memory of a beloved time in Nerd's life.
Snapshots of the most important times in her life.
Walking forward, Brat jumped as Nerd's mom ambushed him from around the corner.
She was wearing an apron, which strained strongly against her D-cup breasts; almost as much as her jeans strained against her equally sized rear.
White dots were scattered across her chocolate brown fur, even across her left eye.
Towering over Brat, she nevertheless smiled warmly at her daughter's new 'friend.'
"Oh, you're here! I was just about to put dinner on!

Brat stared her down with a smug, confident sneer as she continued.
"Let me just say how kind it was of you to invite my little girl over for a sleepover. I know she's not the best at making friends; always in her books."
Nerd’s mom clapped her hands together.
”Sure, she has those two nice girls from the chess club, but it’s good that she has a friend who’s willing to stand up for her and invite her to things.”
”You can just call me ‘mom’ too if you want.”
Nerd’s mom let out a laugh.
Without much fanfare, Brat stepped forward and closed the distance between them.

"Damn, Nerd, your mom is hot as fuck. Now I see where you got it from."

To punctuate his sentence, Brat delivered a powerful, opened handed slap to Mom's butt.
Snapping to attention, a strong blush rushed over Mom's face as her eyes widened, a dull pain spreading quickly over her rump.
Nerd shouted, pumping her arms down in front of her angrily while stomping her feet.
Before anyone could really comprehend what was happening, Nerd hurried forward and gave her mom a quick hug.
"S...sorry, mom. Brat can be a little rough at times, but, I mean, he is a human. They have a different culture. Is it racist to say that? I hope not."
Adjusting her own glasses, Nerd's mom took a step back and smiled awkwardly again.
"It''s okay, just unexpected."
Leaning forward, she focused on Brat.
"Just treat me like you'd treat your own mom! It's okay!"
Nerd nearly jumped a foot into the air, before waving her hands in front of her.
"No no no no no, don't do that!"
Looking at Brat, she latched on to his arm, "Treat her nicely! Respectfully. Okay? For me."
Brat looked at her angrily, before shrugging.


Nerd's mom started to talk again as the duo listened patiently, something about how Brat could ask for help at any time and the general rules of the household.
But any illusion of normalcy was shattered when Brat's hand snaked its way over to Nerd's butt and grabbed her tail roughly.
Without any fanfare, he pulled on it painfully.
Nerd blushed.
"R...right now? But you're talking to my mom!"
Brat pulled her tail harder.
Blushing, Nerd grabbed Brat's hand and started to pull him away.
"Anyway, gotta go, Mom, it was nice talking to you. Bye!"
"O..oh, okay."
Watching silently, Mom watched as Nerd pulled her friend down the hallway and up the stairs, blushing and panting heavily the entire time.
Towards her room, no doubt.
Brat himself moved with such confidence that it was clear he was the one really in control though.
It didn't take a genius to know what was going on and Mom was certainly no fool either.
She'd seen love birds before.
Sighing, she looked over at one of the pictures next to her, reminded suddenly of her own days as a young puppy.
Back to when she was first wooed.
She remembered sneaking away during school hours to recite poetry under the trees.
Sharing a milkshake down at the malt shop.
Sheepishly holding hands while people were watching and blushing in embarrassment.
Returning to the kitchen, Nerd's mom smiled while thinking about how nice relationships could be.

"Take it deeper, you fucking bitch! Deeper! Stick your whore tongue out, if I don't feel it on my balls I'll break your nose!"

Sitting on the toilet, Brat had both of his slut's ears in a death grip as he forced his rock-hard length into her throat, brutally pulling her closer inch by inch as she gagged helplessly, tears and cum straining her face.
Releasing one, Brat beat at the back of his fucktoy's head, every blow temporarily forcing her an inch lower.
The sudden jolts knocked her glasses around, rendering her partly blind, not that she’d be able to see anything except Brat anyway.

"I know you can do better, bitch!"

Spit bubbled up at the edges of Nerd’s mouth as her friend used her mouth like a disposable fleshlight.
Emboldened by his encouragement, Nerd swallowed what she could and fought against her gag reflex as Brat stretched out her throat, relaxing her muscles and surrendering further control.
His thick musk overwhelmed her as her nose pressed into his crotch.
With her tongue out, she lapped at whatever she could find, whether it was balls, shaft or cum.
He held her there for a moment, just shining in the sheer amount of pleasure this was bringing him.
Nerd’s desperate tongue rubbing itself against every exposed bit of skin, the way she let out muffled moans as his taste filled her mind, her arms obediently held behind her back even as she choked, and her face a complete mess from his rough treatment.
How had he managed to live without such a beautiful toy before?
He thrust into her mouth with all the more fury, in and out, not caring that her drool was dripping down her chin and staining her shirt.
Bliss raced down his cock like lightning as he pulled her back, a single hasty breath given before impaling her face back where it belonged.
Nerd’s warm throat embraced his dick as he brutally raped her face.
The only noises echoing through the bathroom were Nerd’s choking gags.

But she didn’t dare try to move or fight back.
Being pulled from tip to base as fast as Brat could, Nerd wasn’t surprised when she quickly felt his rod expand in her throat.
Under such an assault of pleasure around his dick, he was certain to cum quickly.
Quick being relative, of course, he’d already lasted dozens of times longer than any anthro could and most likely ruined them for Nerd forever.
Plus, Brat always cutely moaned just before climax.
Striking while he was sensitive, Nerd clenched down on his shaft, swirling her tongue around his meat while pushing herself deeper even without his help.
Brat held his breath as he came, blasting load after load of steaming hot human cum down his anthro-toy’s throat and back up into her mouth and nose.
The pleasure of it raced through his body as he pinned her in place; forcing her to take every drop.
Knowing that he shouldn’t make things easy for his friend though, Brat pulled back into her mouth and kept releasing.
Nerd struggled to keep up with the torrent of cum flooding into her mouth; swallowing as desperately and as quickly as she could but still ending up with bulging cheeks.
How could humans cum this much, it wasn’t fair!
All the anthro porn she’d secretly watched had been one or two loads at the most!
Practically jerking himself off into her mouth, Nerd panicked as she finally lost the battle and it started to bubble out of the sides of her mouth.
Finally, before she could fail completely though, Brat pushed her away.
She landed on her back, mouth still full of cum.
Gradually, she drained it.

"Now say it!"

Nerd just coughed painfully, her throat clogged with spit and cum.
Kicking her very gently, more like a nudge, Brat asked again.

"Say it!"

"Th...thank you for training me, sir!" Nerd shouted.
Brat laughed.

“Good girl! Now, your turn?”

Standing up, Brat put his leg forward.

Rushing to it a little too eagerly, Nerd pressed her pussy against his leg and started to hump it like a desperate animal.
Looking up, Brat towered over her as she slid her bits across his body, pleasure of her own arcing through her body.
Nerd knew that he liked it when she barked while pleasuring herself, so she let out the occasional ‘arf’ and ‘woof’ as she felt her own climax approaching.
The taste of Brat still lingering in her mouth and nose and mind certainly helped a lot as well.
Howling as she came, Brat was suddenly struck with embarrassment over the fact that her mom might have heard that before her orgasm overtook her and chased that fear away.
For some reason, cumming with Brat always made her cum so much harder than if she was just using her fingers.
Hugging Brat’s leg, Nerd shook as waves of pleasure vibrated across her skin and made her fur stand on end.
”Thank you, sir!”
Brat’s gentle hand on her head guided her back to reality; a gentle reminder that she belonged to him entirely.
Pulling her back to her full height, Brat smiled at her.

“Good girl. Good girl. Go get cleaned up, okay?”

Nerd just nodded.
Wandering over to the sink, she quickly started working at washing all the cum out of her fur, rinsing her mouth and gargling the taste of it out as well.
It wasn’t like it would remain out of her mouth for long anyway.
She was careful, meticulous, just like she was with her homework.
Every strand was individually inspected and cleared; there could be no chance of even a drop still remaining on her.
Brat just grabbed one of Nerd’s underwear from the dirty laundry and used it to wipe down his messy cock.

Nerd jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder and quickly spun around, only to be locked into a deep kiss as Brat lunged at her.
Returning the sentiment, the two of them made out for several minutes until Brat pulled back.

“You look so hot…look so beautiful right now. I mean, I just think you do, I don’t know if you…”

Nerd gave him a quick peck on the lips.
”It’s okay, Brat. I understand.”
A brief moment of hesitancy, before Brat took initiative again and they continued.
Tongue pressed against tongue, Nerd shivered as she felt Brat’s breath blowing into her face.
Pulling back again, Nerd smiled happily.
”This is great, but I really do need to clean all your cum off my face. Can you imagine how my mom would react?”
Taking a step back, Brat shrugged.

“Proud that her girl somehow managed to bag herself a human?”

”Oh, shut up, um, sir.”
Turning back around, Nerd returned to her work.
Being who he was though, it wasn’t long until Brat slid up behind her, both hands sneaking under her shirt and mindlessly toying with her breasts.
And unsatisfied with that, he started rubbing a fresh boner against her bubble butt.
Nerd was flustered.
”Again? Already? We just did it, you can’t honestly be ready to go again! It’s not normal!”
Brat just bit her ear.
”…fine. Just a quick one though.”
Kneeling down, Nerd put her hands behind her back and waited patiently as Brat threw her dirty underwear turned cumrag onto her head, shivered as his cum dribbled down her hair, and grabbed her ears.
Fifteen minutes later, the freshly cleaned duo snuck out of the bathroom, turning on the fan as they left.

This was supposed to be 3 posts and it's now been posted at the end of the thread, so I hope you're happy.
The question now is, what else could our dynamic duo do at this sleepover?

Pub: 07 May 2022 22:21 UTC
Edit: 07 May 2022 22:27 UTC
Views: 3713