Soren "I love Soren!" No you don't. Stop being delusional. Only I, The Superior, will be the one to love and cherish Soren to the fullest!!! Nobody will steal him from me. Think otherwise and you will fall into the deepest of despairs that I have created, No one can top my love for Soren because I already achieved that rightful title years ago. Jealous? Hmmph. Be jealous all you want, I do not give a single shit! Your soul is meaningless to me, your existence is meaningless, everyone on this pathetic world is meaningless, the only thingt hat matters is Soren! If soren has 100,000 fans, I am one ofthem. If soren has 100 fans, I am one of them. if soren has 1 fan, I am that 1 fan. If soren has 0 fans, i'm dead.

Pub: 02 Mar 2023 13:49 UTC
Views: 219