we are the cherry forest & this is our alter directory! here you can learn more about our alters. enjoy your stay & thank you for reading.
note! not all alters are listed simply because of the size of the system & alters not wanting to be included.
momo / muse aphroflux ace lesbian
hy / vir / pet / idol / web / amor / jelly
femneumasc terms
introject of hym
cupid / jade transfem greyaro omni
she / mrrp / wool / deco / sprout / maid
fem terms
introject of mrrp
lulu transfem sapphic
she / virture / soft / lae / pure / dream
femneu terms
introject of her
eliana / candy transfemneu sapphic
she / cupid / paw / 🍭 / 🌈
femneumasc terms
introject of her
vinny agender toric
he / it / thou / avi / fleur / halo / hex
femmasc terms
introject of it
maple transneufem lesbian
she / her
fem terms
nana / pyxis gfluid aroacespike bi
he / she / they / bug / vir / bite / poi
femneumasc terms
introject of bug
sah greyromantic bi
he / they / it
masc terms
introject of it
lola lesbian demigirl
she / splash / bun / mer / coral / it
fem terms
introject of bun
nero cinthean aspec
he / bun / night / it / ghost
mascneu terms
introject of bun
sage / niko cupioaroace
he / she / it / bud / oak / nym / mae
femmascneu terms
introject of nym
chase cinthean transmasc
he / prin / stim / ceph / pup / woof / ink
masc terms
introject of prince
cherry / ivy transhet transfem
she / her & he / him
fem terms
introject of her
dakota bisexual transneufem
hie / hir & fwu / fwus
femmascneu terms
introject of hir
jules / vieve bisexual transfem
she / snow / ci / fae / sol / fawn / bea
femneu terms
introject of cir
sinclaire cinthean angelgender
she / he / sun / ne / star / fleur / quartz
femneumasc terms
introject of sun
luma bi transfem
she / he / sol / pup / gold / sun
femneumasc terms
introject of pup
giselle lesbian girlthing
she / they / fae / zhe / porcelain
fem terms
introject of them
jorji opalian trans boy
he / arf / mew / pup / awoo
masc terms
introject of pup
idris aroace mlm transfemmasc
he / she / they / fun / cute / silly / 🌷
femmascneu terms
introject of her
andy omni dollgender
he / she / they / it
femmascneu terms
introject of it
camila lesbian
she / her
fem terms
harlequin bisexual nonbinary
he / she / digital / ? / star / shi / core
femmascneu terms
introject of hir
pearl genderfluid sapphic
she / bun / luv / glitz
fem terms
introject of luv
tilda agender bisexual
she / they
fem terms
lauren agender bisexual
she / they / heart
femneu terms
introject of her
sacha genderfluid pansexual
she / they / he / kitty / hoot / fem
femneumasc terms
introject of kitty
joel / casey libramasc gay man
he / they / shi / gun / trigger / hx / sin
masc terms