Skin Miscellany, among other things

What the fuck is a 'Tier _'?

Skin Tier is an internal term used at Titanforge to determine the amount of development time and effort put into a given skin. In short, every skin in the game is graded by their tier, and from there, pricing and marketing can be determined.

  • Tier 1 Skins: 100 Gems or 9,500 Favor. Color Change or “Recolor” version of the base model.
  • Tier 2 Skins: 250 Gems or 25,000 Favor. Minor model changes and upgrades. Uses the gods original theme and voice pack. Example: Valkyrie Freya, Crimson Death Kali.
  • Tier 3 Skin: 400-1,200 Gems. New theme and model changes. May have minor special FX, minor animation changes, and usually has a custom voice pack. Examples: Blind Vengeance Nemesis, Cryonic Demon Ymir.
  • Tier 4 Skin: 600-2,700 Gems. New theme, model changes, major animation changes, new special FX, and always has a custom voice pack. Examples: HeBro He Bo, Elite Agent Apollo.
  • Tier 5 Skin: ~8,000 - 10,000 Gems or Unpurchaseable (sometimes lower if you game the event they appear in). See below.

This differs to the 'tagline' you'll see attached to the portrait of many skins as you skim them. From an observers point of view, these seem more indicators of legal bullshit to do with marketing and pricing, moreso than the 'Tier' system (which again, dictates resources put into a skin):

  • Standard / [No Tag]: These are available whenever you want them.
    Most base Recolours, all Mastery skins and all Tier 2's are currently in the Standard pool, but there are a few Tier 3's and above in the mix. There's no pattern as to which Tier 3's qualify, aside from what's specifically 'allowed' into the pool.
  • Exclusive: Limited release, with marketing fully decided by Titanforge / LoRez.
    Previously this used to refer to skins that could only be found and rolled within chests, but as of recently, TitanForge realised that nobody in their right mind buys chests, and so opened most of them up for direct purchase for a higher price. Yes, for most of the game's history, if a skin was not in a chest, it was impossible to acquire through any other means - obviously some kind of abstract business genius at play.
  • Crossover: What it says on the can.
    With these, their marketing and availability is not dicated by Titanforge, but rather whoever owns the source IP for them. Usually these are available at least a few months every year - after all, businesses wanna make money and they're not doing crossovers just for brand recognition.
  • Unlimited: These skins are functionally identical to the Limited ones, however have the addendum that they may one day return for acquisiton. Most recently Tier 4 and all recently released Tier 5's are limited, very rarely a Tier 3.
    You can also pick them up for an exorbitant price (often the price of the entire event they came in, with none of the other rewards). Rather than 'Unlimited', they're more 'Un-Limited' - and this classification of skin likely exists because of such the outcry from people who missed out on events being frustrated that they literally could not give LoRez the stupid amount of money they had, for what they wanted (LoRez, in their never-ending, ceasless moronicism - business geniuses - did not stop to think that making the most desirable skins in the game for some of the most popular and high-population playerbases, as hard-limited runs might piss people off).
  • Limited: These skins are never, ever coming back.
    Completely unobtainable outside of trying them in Jungle Practice; not even Skin Boosters temp-unlock these ones. These include the first few Event-collection-rewards (including the early Tier 5's up to Godslayer Ares), all the yearly Season-Ranked-Reward skins, the Season Pass 'Ascended' Recolours and a select few others. It's a common cope that "hurr durr you can technically get one (1) out of a small selection if you donate literal thousands of dolleridoos during Titanforge's yearly charity stream", and while, yes, you can get one via this method; in practical terms, even Moby-Dick tier whales are realistically unable to even get their flippers on these ever again.
    Oh, and take my word as general life-advice on this one, by-and-large every public charity is a scam - be it money laundering, to tax avoidance programs, to severe corruption for lazy embezzling fucks living off of the back of others, to things even as extreme as international covers for political subversives and regime changers. If you aren't a cynic about those things, you've either not worked for one, not worked with one or are developmentally retarded (and so, won't see a dime of help from one). You want to help people charitably, do it yourself. You wanna feed the homeless? Do it yourself. You wanna help vulnerable kids? Adopt. You wanna save the environment? Pick up layabout litter yourself and plant your own trees. You wanna do it on an international scale? Convince the public and invade your altruistic target of choice, and force them to. If it's not small, local, apolitical and with a reasonable + achievable mission statement (local homeless shelters, local orphanages, local animal shelters etc); distrust it instinctively. You'll do more harm than good if you don't. Just like half the orgs that LoRez throws money at.

The only skins you'll often hear referred to by their Tiers are the rare and generally-coveted 'Tier 5's; the highest-effort skins in the game, often with completely new systems in place just to get them working - complete with a complete revamp of the God's appearance, abilities and animations; often spearheading a new skinline theme entirely.
One such example is how the Hou Yi Tier 5 has over x8 the amount of code put into his appearance compared to Hou Yi's default model, or how the forme-shift system was specifically created for the Thanatos T5 (then later used in multiple Gods in their own right). Usually these skins feature as the collection-reward for the major events of SMITE, and are released at a rate of ~1-2 per year. On the surface these are expensive (as they are targeted at whales), but you can net them during their release event, often for much less if you simply game the system. For example, the Tier 5's that release alongside Odyssey events can be netted for ~4,000 Gems (again, still a huge amount, but half-price is more realistic for most players). While there are more than two skin-release events per year, not every event has an associated Tier 5.
As of writing, the following skins are the only Tier 5 Skins in the game:

  • Archon Thanatos (Odyssey 2015)
  • Ragnarok Force X Thor (Odyssey 2016)
  • Demonic Pact Anubis (Odyssey 2017)
  • Frostfire Ullr (Odyssey 2018)
  • Divine Dragon Bellona (Divine Uprising)
  • Godslayer Ares (Hera's Odyssey)
  • Winds of Change Kukulkan (Battle for Olympus)
  • Stellar Demise Baron Samedi (Odyssey: Underworld)
  • Totem Caller Hou Yi (Grim Omens)
  • Eclipse Summoner Hel (Odyssey: Reckoning)
  • Forgotten Gods Chaac (Talons of Tyranny)
  • Toon Mania Cthulhu (Odyssey: Perilous Seas)
  • Queen of Cards Izanami (Heavenly Light)
  • Crow of Demise Hades (Odyssey: Soaring Isles)
  • Leading Lady Aphrodite (Hope Reborn)
  • Alpha Pack Fenrir (Colorforge: Prism of Souls)
  • Dragonshifter Medusa (Odyssey: Immortal Revelry)

The following skins were the collection-rewards for various other events, and are sometimes referred to as Tier 4.5's, as they are usually (...usually) higher-effort than other Tier 4's, but not quite Tier 5's:

  • Ragnarok Hades (Ragnarok)
  • Master Soulbinder Merlin (Legend of Camelot)
  • Warmaker Cerberus (Too Hot For You! Battle Pass) (The First Battle Pass)
  • Ragnarok Jormungandr (Council of the Gods)
  • Hydro Machina Poseidon (Jade Corruption)
  • Angelic Archon Yemoja (New Moon)
  • Phoenix's Fury Kukulkan (SMITE: Friends)
  • Battleship Heaven Nu Wa (Dawn of Babylon)
  • Might of Neptune Poseidon (Court of Midnight)
  • Screamy Chibi Izanami (Reapening 2021)
  • Infinite Oracle Morgan le Fay (Yulefest 2021)
  • Croaki Loki (Dharmic Era)
  • Toony Terror Scylla (Reapening 2022)
  • Spell Blaster Charybdis (Yulefest 2022)
  • Necromalice Martichoras (Festival of Spirits)

What is 'Skin Advantage'? Can I eat it?

Ahh, looking around in shady circles, are we Anon?
Trying to be a bit of a tryhard?

Yes, well, while SMITE has never been P2W, that hasn't stopped shitters "elite pro players" trying to squeeze every single bit of possible cumpetitive advantage out of whatever they can, wherever they can - which does include minor details according to each skin. The SPL has a gay little list of Banned Skins, however that doesn't describe how or why some skins give Skin Advantage, and does not mention the (very real) Skin Disadvantage some skins have. That's why I'm here for you babe.

For the most part, the SPL will ban skins if they have lighter / feinter effects (for example, Persephone's beige recolour was initially banned by SPLshitters, since the skull-flowers she planted were too close to the colour of the dirt floor on Conquest) or any skin with noticeably different silhouette capabilities that can scuff the first microseconds of target-recognition (usually the ones with Special Effects - for example, Prince of the Night Hou Yi turning into a bat on leap is enough to net itself an SPL skin ban, despite being fucking nothing in terms of silhouetting or gameplay). To be clear, most of the ones banned the the SPL are borderline-bullshit with how minor they are, and for your shitter-level games, this isn't a factor you should care about (and honestly, neither should they - but you gotta remember that these are literal professional autists who play videogames for a living 24/7/365, and when money is on the line, they'll get powerful autists known as 'Lawyers' to fight their cases).
Honestly, I don't know why they just don't play with Default skins for major events, considering it's supposed to be professional and cumpetitive, but hey, the clown's gotta wear his makeup.

That said, there are some valid points here and there as to which skins / Gods genuinely do have and had noticeable and notorious Skin Advantages.... which you're OBVIOUSLY not to read just to use and abuse for yourself to get any possible advantage, not matter how slim. Come on dude, there are haglovers and lolicons in the gen, and even they're not as pathetic as unironic competitive skin advantage faggots. Have some self-respect, just use the skins you naturally get and like.
And despite it's reputation, some skins can genuinely help you play a certain God better if you're looking to pick them up, with how they make various factors of their gameplay more or less obvious. The SPL won't ban those skins (because they don't give a fuck about helping themselves, they're primarily looking for whining-avoidance), but they will help you nonetheless.
I am here to help, after all.

And don't just assume any of the skins mentioned = tryhard faggot. Unironically, most people (past the notorious offenders) don't give a fuck about gayfaggot Skin Advantage bullshit and are just using skins because they're cool.

And no, you can't eat it.

Major Advantage Culprits

  • Loki

    • Loki has always had a major issue with Skin Advantage, as a notable chunk of his gameplay revolves around his voicelines, sound cues and skin effects; and is far-and-away the most notorious for it. Previously, Loki's skins altered the volume of the sound cue on his 1 / Stealth, which for some, allowed some skins to be functionally silent when coming up behind you. This combined with the AAcancel chain on his pre-rework kit really did allow him to delete anything he wanted in under a second without any audio, visual or reaction cue at all.
      That said, this got so noticeably bad, that during Season 9 he did receive a complete audio rebalance that made all his 1 Cues identical in peak volume..... which instead altered the way he gains skin advantage on his 1. Now, it's no longer a case where the quietest / loudest offer the most / least advantage on his 1, but instead the shortest / longest. Since Loki's audio cues follow him around once he's entered stealth, it indirectly reveals where he is if it begins to drag on, and makes for notable differences between his skins.
      Really shot themselves in the foot there.
      • Shortest Cue v
        • Hyperspace (0.8s)
        • Joki / Last Laugh (1.1s)
        • The Trickster (1.1s)
        • Headless Norseman (1.22s)
        • Dashing Deceiver (1.25s)
        • Raphael (1.25 or 1.35, there's two)
        • Shadow Spawn / Devil Tamer (1.5 trailing off by 1.3 or 1.6; there's two)
        • Tokyo Machine
        • Loki Charms
        • Default / Recolours
        • Agent of Darkness (2s)
        • Grim Mariachi (2s)
        • Infiltrator / White Death (2.25s)
        • Croaki (3s or 4s, there's two)
      • Longest cue ^
    • .... but it doesn't stop there when it comes to Skin Advantage. On top of the (albeit less extreme) differences in sound cues, Loki's 2 / Blind overlay varies with different skins, resulting in some being more or less 'blinding'. Loki is the face of Skin Advantage in SMITE, and his generally scummy playerbase and reputation hasn't done him any favours.
      • Most Blinding v
        • Hyperspace (Currently, by-far, has the most blinding 2 in the game. As a result of the sound-equalling also resulting in this having the shortest and cue on his 1, this is now currently the go-to tryhard Loki skin, in terms of Skin Advantage - with the following two being not too far behind)
        • Dashing Deceiver
        • Headless Norseman
        • Grim Mariachi (Infamously used to be functionally silent on his 1, with a long, feint and softly spoken cue. Was the go-to example of a 'tryhard skin' but is now among the worst due to the lengthy cue. Still has a bad reputation, as most people aren't up to date on of the nolife rankings of the Loki skins)
        • The Trickster / Shadow Spawn / Devil Tamer
        • Infiltrator / White Death (This used to have the loudest and cues, making it much harder for Loki to play effectively. Ironically, it was the best skin to learn with, as it forced you to stealth prior to entering into the enemy's audio cue range)
        • Tokyo Machine
        • Loki Charms (Weaker)
        • Raphael
        • Default / Recolours / Joki / Last Laugh
        • Agent of Darkness
        • Croaki (Currently the 'most difficult' Loki skin. Longest, Loudest cue on 1, and a poor quality 'blind')
      • Least Blinding ^
    • And finally. For the most virginal players. For the Loki mains who will never, ever touch a member of the opposite sex. For the Loki mains who haven't showered in 3 weeks, and can't tell if it's just them or if their lonely parent has died and the corpse is starting to stink up the house.
      There is one more way for Loki to gain Skin Advantage. If it hasn't been given an unoffical name, it's because everybody subconsciously knows this as the 'No Bitches' method of Skin Advantage.
      Loki can choose to equip a Recall Skin of the same colour as his stealth SFX. In doing so, if he pops stealth at the last microsecond of a Recall Animation with a particularly large amount of additional VFX, he is able make it appear like he has recalled, yet is simply invisible. This is a favourite trick of Solo lane Lokis, as it relies on their mirror seeing the backing animation and assuming he is gone, turning their back on him - leaving themselves wide open.
      You will get kills.
      But at what cost?
      Something greater than cheap kills in a MOBA is spiritually lost with this method, certainly.
  • Thoth
    • Thoth is another God notorious for Skin Advantage abuse. While Loki faggots might be annoying little cunts, Thothfags are by-and-large much more likely to be playing for the meta advantages, because nobody plays Thoth for any other reason.
      Loki is shit in upper level co-ordinated play, while Thoth is one of the consistant high-performers of the Midlane meta.
      Low-functioning autists Lokifag tryhards win matchups, High-functioning autists Thothfag tryhards win matches.
      Thoth's Skin Advantage, again, comes in the form of audio-cue variability, some some skins offering a near-silent Ult. The same Thoth Ult that can reliably oneshot low-prot targets lategame. Thoth has repeatedly received targeted audio-equalisations, but that hasn't eliminated it entirely, and is a notable factor to many tryhards. Also, if Thoth ever gets skins, keep an ear out, because you night not hear him coming.
      • Quietest v
        • Star Scribe (Still pretty quiet on Ult windup, but not like you can acquire and abuse it, because it's Limited) (HRAAAAAAAAAH...........................................)
        • Twisted Jester (Probably gonna get patched) (HHHUUUUUUUWWWWAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO)
        • Default / Recolours / Book of Nightmares (WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO)
        • Vizier (Was functionally silent for years, and came with much feinter VFX on 1 / Projectiles and Ult. Was the go-to tryhard skin, but as since has been hit by the 'balance' stick and is deafeningly loud) (RWWWWWWWWWOAAAAAAAAH)
        • Beaky Bot (Again, got hit hard with the equalisation stick, but was notorious for a while upon release for being even quieter than Vizier ever was) (HUUUUUUUUYEEAAAAAAHHH)
      • Loudest ^
  • Sun Wukong
    • This one all boils down to his 2 / Transformations. Dark Lord and Lucid Nightmare each use a modified 'transformations' skeletal rig / animation, which are completely different to his usual animal transformations. Due to their (often) short durations, similar silhouettes and altered audio cues, this notoriously makes them much harder to read / play into; with Dark Lord being the older, cheaper and more notorious one. While Skin Advantage is a somewhat obscure topic, almost every experienced player past account Level.... 50(ish) is aware of Dark Lord Wukong, making it the 'most famous' and 'exemplary example' of Skin Advantage in SMITE.
    • While Leonardo also uses modified transformatons, they're all much easier to get a read on, so isn't really an 'advantage'.
  • [Skinlines]
    • This is more of a joke-entry, but it is worth noting that an organised team using skins from the same skinline can notoriously blend their appearances / VFX together. From Mecha, to Pizza, to Shadow - if a full stack wants to sneed on the haters and pop a skin booster with some co-ordination, they'll have an objectively significant advantage while doing so.
      This is most pronounced for the TMNT skins; where Osiris, Sun Wukong, Mercury, and Loki all look functionally identical while roaming around. TURTLE POWER!
  • Recall Skins
    • Naturally, some Recall Skins are more obvious than others - ranging from huge and dynamic VFX that extend to the outer edges of it's boundaries, to near-silent SFX with subtle VFX for stealth-backs. Don't worry, because the Roman Recall Skin (that everybody is given free to begin with) is pretty much the best, if you want to min-max like a faggot.
    • If you have functioning balls, you WILL use Recall Bait if you have it.
    • While touching on Customisation Options, you may also notice that some Ward Skins are banned by the SPL. Some are simply for branding / bullshit legal reasons, however Primal Fire Ward stands apart in that it offers an (albeit pathetically minor) advantage, in that it has an unusual / somewhat quieter deploy SFX, can cause some framerate issues and it's effect is slightly disconnected from it's own 'Ward Base' (meaning it's health bar is slighlty off from where it's model is, if revealed by Sentry wards). It's not the quietest, it's not the most resource-intensive, and the disconnect is barely noticeable, but it's banned nonetheless.
  • Tier 5's
    • For the most part, a Tier 5 alters a God's model enough to the point that it's always a somewhat harder read on them. Once you've seen them all and are used to them, this is pretty much null-and-void, but it is a factor.
      All of them are banned at an SPL level.

Minor Advantage / Disadvantage

  • Achilles
    • Candy Shop Achilles is banned at an SPL level. Why? Too much sex appeal, doesn't run well with the advertisers, no other reason. Poledancing is a bit far after all.
      ...Yeah, I agree, that skin is too powerful, even against heterosexual male payers. Definite skin advantage, out of sheer respect.
  • Agni
    • Infinite Duality Agni has feinter crystal-white / transparent VFX and somewhat quieter SFX. While minor, this nets it a ban at an SPL level.
    • Abyssal Acolyte Agni's 1 / Fumes VFX fades away almost completely over the course of it's duration - but is still mechanically there if detonated. Additionally, the startup VFX of the 1 / Fumes is indistinguishable to the final VFX-mark of his Ult, resulting in him able to stealth-place his 1 in the same location as where his Ult just landed. While extraordinarily niche, this nets it a ban in the SPL.
  • Ah Muzen Cab
    • AMC is a member of the Winged-God Squad. Some of his skins have transparent wings (like a Bee), making it easier to see his surroundings, others have opaque and large wings that get in the way of what he's looking at.
      • No Wings / Maximum Advantage
        • Void Piercer
        • Itty Bitty Chibi
        • Solid Hornet (Best, as it additionally has no buzzing SFX... not that you can ever get it now, since it was a S5 Ranked Reward).
      • Transparent Wings / Advantage
        • Default / Recolours
        • Killer Bee
        • Swarm Sentry
        • Stingpunk (Quieter flying SFX to boot)
      • Noticeable Wings / Disdvantage
        • Lich Lord / Lich Reborn
        • Electric Buzz
        • Dark Whisperer
        • Mothman
        • Dark Angel / Celestial Stinger (Worst possible, huge double-wings)
  • Ah Puch
    • Galactic Invader & Nutcromancer Ah Puch have such large VFX cues for his 3 / Antiheal Grenade debuff that it begins to obscure the actual vision of the target in question.
      Both are SPL banned.
    • AP-15 Ah Puch has extremly bright VFX across abilities, making it much more distracting in general.
  • Amaterasu
  • Anhur
    • Starslayer Anhur's modified Basic Attack animation (shooting a small VFX laser from his Spear, instead of throwing the Spear), and the mesh-glare VFX + loud SFX on his 1 / Pillar is enough to net it an SPL ban. Not that it really matters at this point, since the last *(and only time you could get it)* was as a Ranked Reward from Season 3; not even Skin Boosters letting you take it out on loan. But hey, if youre one of the 14 players that both played enough ranked to get it, and are still around, the SPL are sneething about it.
    • You may have heard that Olympian Anhur offers Skin Advantage.
      This *used* to be true - it's projectiles were bugged to be inverted for a long time, meaning that the damaging-tip of his Spear came after being hit by the pole as it phased through you (which was doubly-worse, as Olympian uses a double-ended Javelin, as oppose to a clear End-Tip Spear). It also messed with his throwing animation (as it would immediately invert forward as it left his hand), making it hard to play around his Basics. This has been fixed.
      Despite this, old habits die hard, and Olympian is still a semi-notorious skin of choice for many tryhard Anhurs.
  • Anubis
    • Stargate Anubis has a feinter trail-off for the edge of his 1 / Breath.
  • Ao Kuang
  • Aphrodite
  • Apollo
    • Prot Buff & Speed Buff VFX effect varies on skins.
    • Elite Agent Apollo has tiny projectile Basic Attacks, and almost no audio cue on his 2 & 3. While it fits the theme of an infiltrator / spy, it is an objective Skin Advantage as a result.
  • Arachne
  • Ares

    • Shackled Souls Ares is banned at an SPL level. No idea why.
    • The outer edge of Ares's 2 / Bolster-Aura can vary on skins - with some skins having no clear outer edge, and others having a clearly defined ring around him.
      • Extremely Well Defined / Most Advantage
        • Chilling Hersir
        • Bit Battler
        • Tokyo Demon (Extremely well-defined, most advantageous)
      • Visible Boundary / Advantage
        • Abyssal Knight
        • Star Tyrant
        • Godslayer
        • Crimson Steel
        • Shackled Souls (Almost invisible)
      • No Boundary / Disdvantage
        • Default / Recolours
        • Classic
        • Primal Fire / Primal Steel
        • Diamond Sword
        • Hired Gun / Soldier of Fortune
        • Fernando
        • Spectral Sword
        • Oni Guardian
    • Ares also has variations on the VFX of his 3 / Flames. Some are much heavier than others, some are nonexistant. It's up to you if you think seeing things is more or less advantageous than the enemy not seeing things.
      • Mininmal SFX
        • Bit Battler (Projects circles for most of it, most easy to see through)
        • Hired Gun / Soldier of Fortune (Almost a T-shape - very thin from your point of view, but makes for a huge VFX buffer that actually goes past where the 3 / Fire does damage For the best of both worlds, this is undoubtedly the best flame cone in terms of Skin Advantage)
        • Diamond Sword (Just a bright light)
      • About-the-middle / 'Normal'
        • Default / Recolours
        • Spectral Sword
        • Shackled Souls
        • Oni Guardian (Has a clearly bordered / defined cone, most accurate, with fewest VFX - but does still have flames that obscure some of your view)
      • Huge SFX
        • Primal Fire / Primal Steel (Billows huge amounts of smoke, on top of flames)
  • Artemis
    • Artemis used to have some degree of Advantage / Disadvantage in how visible her traps were, but as since all her traps appear identical + default to enemy players.
    • Recon Artemis has a harder to see floating Ult.
  • Artio
    • Plushie Artio is banned at an SPL level. No idea why.
    • Arctic Seer has the most transparent Heal-Beam VFX and the most well-defined boundary VFX on Brambles. Not much, but it does help.
  • Athena
  • Atlas
  • Awilix
    • Paradigm Awilix banned at an SPL level - not for Skin Advantage, but because licensing bullshit.
  • Baba Yaga
  • Bacchus
  • Bakasura
    • Death Machine and Feaster Bunny Bakasura both use Bakasura's old animation rig, which is much less 'expressive', smaller and closer to the ground. Since Death Machine has additionally quieter SFX and is cheaper to pick up, it's the go-to tryhard skin for Bakasura; but both have advantage.
    • Laughing Skull Bakasura has EXTREMELY LOUD SFX.
  • Baron Samedi
  • Bastet
  • Bellona
    • Enyo Bellona has much, much louder voicelines, making it extremely easy to pin down where she is. Slight skin disadvantage.
  • Cabrakan
    • Gecko Taverner has a much thinner model than Cabrakan's usual model.
  • Camazotz
  • Cerberus

    • Cerberus's 2 / Breath has 2 regions to it - the inner-cone that slows and shreds, and the outer-cone that only shreds. Some skins are far more pronounced in terms of where these cones begin and end, and can help you using him.
      • Most Clear (Descending)
        • Warmaker
        • Frost Bite
        • Bone Shaker
        • King Black Dragon (Cones are clearly defined, the fact the middle one is different is not, since all three cones have an identical Flame-spew)
      • Feint Difference (Descending)
        • Dino-Mighty
        • Default / Recolours
        • Oblivion Hound
        • Pup Patrol
      • Almost No Visible Difference (Descending)
        • Brimstone
        • Infinite Overseer
    • Cerberus's Passive also has some degree of skin variation on how clear it is when an enemy is under the effect of the Antiheal. Since playing around it is so important for Cerberus, the following will affect gameplay to some degree;
      • Most Clear (Descending)
        • Dino-Mighty (Snap-in, Clear Yellow Ring + Clear FX)
        • Infinite Overseer (Snap-in, Clear White Ring + Clear FX)
        • Warmaker (Snap-in, Clear Blue Ring + Feint but clear FX)
      • Light FX (Descending)
        • Frost Bite (Snap-in, Feint White Snowrift FX)
        • King Black Dragon (Quick fade in, soft orange glow + low poly spiral)
      • Almost invisible (Descending)
        • Bone Shaker (Fades in, feint effect, orange tint)
        • Default / Recolours (Fades in, feint effect, light blue tint)
        • Oblivion Hound (Fades in, white ring, soft+feint effect, white tint)
        • Brimstone (Fades in, black particles, soft+feint effect, orange tint)
        • Pup Patrol (Fades in, extremely feint purple paw-particles)
    • Additionally, Pup Patrol Cerberus has an extreme fade on it's breath's outer limits (both in front and to the sides), making it unclear as to if it's even landing, from an enemies point of view. This nets it a Skin Advantage ban at the SPL level.
  • Cernunnos
    • Cernunnos's skins typically vary based on what seasonal-stance he's in. Some skins are very easy to read (eg Glaive Tech or Primal Spirit changes his entire body's hue), meanwhile others look near-identical in all stances (eg Krampus Cern only changes the colour of his pouch, on his back belt). For casual players, the high-hue ones will give more skin advantage in terms of personal readability; for tryhards the obfuscation will help more for harder reads.
      • Clear
      • Subtle
  • Chaac
    • Chaac's Default skins (and variations on the base model) are the ones that actually offer Skin Advantage this time around - when his Passive is charged, his shoulders begin to noticeably gain some smoke VFX. It's not much, but it can help getting used to his 'rhythm' without having to check his Passive-meter. The only other skins Chaac has access to with a comparable effects is Abyssal Executioner & Dark Lord, but only to a lesser extent - all other Chaac skins do not have this effect.
    • Forgotten Gods
  • Chang'E
    • /
  • Charon
  • Charybdis
  • Chernobog
    • Archangel Chernobog used to have a Skin Advantage issue, where his Ult's VFX made him shimmer golden - the same colour as CC immunity. This has since been changed / fixed, and his Ult-buff makes him shimmer blue instead.
  • Chiron
  • Chronos
    • Super Chronos 64 nets a ban at the SPL level, presumably for it's hugely overblown and distracting / obscuring Ult windup VFX.
  • Cliodhna
  • Cthulhu
    • Cthulhu's Passive debuff has different levels of effect-intensity, depending on how many stacks he has applied to a target. On his default skin / recolours, this effect is subtle; but his other skins generally make it much more clear when you want to use your 1 / Consume on them, for a phat Fear and a perma-stack of Passive. This goes both ways (as it helps enemies see how stacked they are without needing to skim their debuff bar), but for the most part it'll help you more.
    • CthUwU's 2 / Puddle has poorly defined edges.
  • Cu Chulainn
    • EUnited has extremely clear and distinct damage-pulses. The closest otherwise is Beast Within; the rest fade out similar to Mystical Mail's VFX.
  • Cupid
  • Da Ji
  • Danzaburou
  • Discordia
    • Pixel Chaos Discordia has a semi-transparent 1 / Explosion, an extremely feint 2 / Frenzy startup, a deafeningly loud 3 / Cloud (and loud Basics) and an Ult with noticeably different VFX than her usual indicator (it's a large cube that travels in a straight line across the floor, rather than a spinning orb). The combination of these, results in it netting itself an SPL ban.
  • Erlang Shen
  • Eset
  • Fafnir
  • Fenrir
    • Fenrir's Metal Carnage notoriously has extremely loud footstep and ability SFX. Say goodbye to any semblence of surprise against players with audio on - for Fenrir in the Jungle, this skin has a clear Skin Disadvantage but can be advantageous when playing him in Support, depending on how you use this information.
    • Mastery / Legendary Skins slightly obscures the startup of Fenrir's Ult and use of Beads, and while minor, is Skin Advantage.
  • Freya
  • Ganesha
    • Cosmic Fortune / Runic Machina is banned at an SPL level. No idea why.
  • Geb
    • G.E.B.1 / Optimus Prime have much clearer 'transformations' on Geb's 1, making it somewhat easier to aim and land.
  • Gilgamesh
    • Divine Wind Gilgamesh is banned at an SPL level. Possibly because it alters his silhouette too much, possibly because it adds an additional VFX to his Ult (swords crashing down) that make it much harder to see through.
  • Guan Yu
    • Guan Yu's 3 / Spinning Shred has a deceptively long range to it. The Shadow and Infernal Beast have pronounced VFX on this ability, making it easier to gauge where you'll hit things with it.
  • Hachiman
  • Hades
    • Ragnarok Hades is banned at an SPL level, likely due to the global skybox shift on Ult being distracting.
    • Crow of Demise Hades model is so huge it begins to obscure the players FoV.
  • He Bo
    • He Bro / Sydney Shredder is lower to the ground than default, thus obscuring less of the screen. Despite being skin advantage and having a notably different silhouette, this skin has history of being allowed in the SPL.
  • Heimdallr
  • Hel
    • Order and Chaos Hel's palette swaps don't flow with the rest of her skins - the Healing-stance is the more dark / blue-tinted one, while the Damage stance is the brighter / red-tinted one. This is enough to even net it a ban at the SPL.
    • Eclipse Summoner Hel's heap of additional effects are generally considered distracting.
  • Hera
    • Lilac Bloom has a much more pronounced hip-sway. Whether that's an advantage or a disadvantage depends on if you can keep your focus off of it.
  • Hercules
    • Grand Slam Hercules uses a thin baseball bat instead of a huge club. As a result it obscures less of his model's vision, making it generally 'easier' to see what's going on, and possibly get his Blink-chain off. While not extreme enough to net it a ban, it is old enough to be known as the go-to tryhard skin.
  • Horus
  • Hou Yi
  • Hun Batz
    • Hun Batz Shaolin Monkey's staff and lack-of-headpiece is generally seen to be the least obstructive for his model.
  • Ishtar
  • Ix Chel
  • Izanami
  • Janus
    • Chibi Janus has a small body. So small in fact, that from a close range (from in front, or behind), it's a hard read to tell if him glowing yellow means he's just used his Beads, or if he's channeling his CC-immune Ult and is about to melt your face with one of the highest damage projectiles in the game. This one is banned in SPL level play.
    • Warp Tech Janus has a delayed animation for his 1 / Floor Portal (unlike the rest of his skins, making it harder to react to / avoid) and an unclear indicator for his 3 / Rift. On top of the odd silhouette, this skin is banned at an SPL level.
    • Ba5S Drop Janus has an extremely loud sound effects, including his 3 and Ult Cues. Slight disadvantage, since they're easier to hear.
  • Jing Wei
    • Jing Wei's 1 and 3 offer her relatively important-to-her-gameplay self-buffs. These are more / less visible on certain skins, with Phoenix Fire Jing Wei offering the most in terms of helpful / readable effects.
    • On her Pool Party skin, the VFX for her 2 / Empowered Shots are greatly altered, instead firing a cluster of water balloons rather than one projectile. Since these clusters are completely random, it can completely obscure one half of the shot, based on RNG. This is banned at the SPL level.
    • Despite these, Jing Wei's most Skin Advantage comes in the form of her Paintballer skin. With near-silent Basic Attack effects, a delayed startup + thin VFX on her 1 / Upward Gust, and an Ult with no indicator for where it's edges are; this one is to the point that it's also banned in SPL play.
  • Jormungandr

    • While firing his Basic-breath, Jormungandr's side-fins spread out (making it hard to see), and in general his huge model can obscure what he's attempting to look at. As such, depending on the skin he uses, he can see (much) more or less.
      • Thinner Model / Notable Advantage
        • Splyce
        • Goose Chase
      • Middle-of-the-Pack
        • World Kitty
        • Default / Recolours
        • Living Alloy
        • Plushie
      • Larger Model / Notable Disdvantage
        • The Mighty Storm
        • Malworm
        • Nidhoggr
        • Ragnarok
    • For SPLshitter play, the fact that Malworm has transparent segments and a slight fade on the breath's boundary is enough to net it a skin-ban based on silhouetting alone. Obviously, Jormugandr traveling around the map moving sideways to the direction he knows his enemies are going to be looking at him to is enough to give him a huge advantage lmfao fucking whiners.
  • Kali
  • Khepri
    • Hug Bug / Ladybug Khepri is banned at an SPL level. No idea why.
  • King Arthur

    • Many King Arthur Skins (including Default) will have his greatsword glow according to how much Ult charge he has stored. Whether your prefer seeing this yourself to gauge when you can use it, or think the enemy seeing this is a downside, is up to you.

      • Excalibur Glows
        • Lost Soul (Very clear distinction between all 3 charge levels; Blue, to slightly Orange, to Orange)
        • Default + Recolors (Each charge level makes Excalibur glow more Blue)
        • The Green Knight (Most visible going from 0 charge to charge Lv1, from Blue to Green. Max charge is less distinct)
        • Pendragon (Most visible going from 0 charge to charge Lv1. Max charge is less distinct)
        • X-Calibur (Only the edge will glow, no difference between charge levels)
        • Demonic Blade (The Edge+Tip glows, no difference between charge levels)
        • Code Slasher (Feintly brighter, only really visible at max charge)
      • Excalibur will not Glow
        • Crimson Authority
        • Deathbringer / Lifebringer
    • Deathbringer / Lifebringer King Arthur has an extremely visible cripple indicator fo his Yellow 1, which makes it far easier to tell when it's applied. Otherwise, it's not as much in terms of 'advantage', as much as it just 'helps'.
  • Kukulkan
    • Shadow Serpent Kukulkan, depending on the dye chosen, can have near-invisible VFX.
  • Kumbhakarna
  • Kuzenbo
  • Lancelot
  • Martichoras
  • Maman Brigitte
  • Maui
  • Medusa
    • Nebula Medusa has almost-invisible VFX on her 2 / Spit, netting it an SPL ban.
    • Sea Maiden Medusa has a completely different silhouette while moving, netting it an SPL ban.
  • Mercury
  • Merlin
  • Morgan Le Fay
  • Mulan
  • Ne Zha
    • When using his 1 / Ringbounce, Ne Zha gains stacking movement, with a blue-white fire VFX indicator on his wheels if the buff is active. With his Diamond skin, his wheels and flame VFX are always blue-white, with the movement buff simply giving off more particles rather than changing the colour of his wheel's flames. This is not skin advantage, because most people aren't even aware of it and it doesn't change that the Ne Zha is still moving faster, but it is banned in the SPL as a result, because whining shitters.
    • Demon Dasher Ne Zha likewise has no indicator as to when his (her?) 1 Buff is active, likewise banned in the SPL.
  • Neith
    • Ms. Diagnosis / Scarlet Dangerfield Neith has a harder to see 2 / AoE, due to being somewhat more transparent and blending into to most terrain textures.
    • Harajuku Neith has a unique Ult indicator, which can conceal the warning cue, especially if near a wall.
    • Buccaneith / Baroness / Scarlett Neith's weaves appear Red from her point of view. Almost a non-issue, unless playing into another Neith, at which point Passive Weaves are almost indistinguishable.
  • Nemesis
  • Nike
  • Nox
    • Grim Shadow & Mystical Manipulator Nox makes her silence harder to see; Mystical Manipulator banned at the SPL level.
  • Nu Wa
    • Nuclear Nu Wa
    • Mystic Enchantress Nu Wa
  • Odin
    • Infernal Father Odin's Ult will not just cage in targets, but wall off all vision outside of the cage. Additionally, his 3 / Runic Pulses have much darker and clearer VFX.
  • Olorun
  • Osiris
    • Noble Knight Osiris
  • Pele
    • Dragon's Dagger & Azula 2 / Eruption
  • Persephone
  • Poseidon
    • Freedom Overload Poseidon
    • Hydro Machina Poseidon
    • Crimson Kraken
    • Abyssal Sorcerer Poseidon has a custom 1 / Wave, whose model is made entirely of VFX instead of the usual 'Wave' model. As such it looks far smaller than it actually is. Additionally, the 3 / Whirlpool has a visual delay on it's spawn, which, when abused properly, allows him to net a cripple-into-Ult with no visual warning.
    • Vapor Wave Poseidon is the worst offender he has to choose from, with functionally silent effects on all abilities a delayed 3 / whirlpool, and a 1 / 'Wave' that looks completely out of place.
  • Ra
    • Unholy Doodle's 1 / Line has an exaggerated VFX of a pencil erasing the ground, obscuring the area that's actually dealing damage (ie, all of the region the pencil wobbles). Previously this was more pronounced (with a more erratic 1, a less visible boundary for his 2 & Ult) but the skin was updated to have more clear VFX across all abilities. Despite this, the skin is still banned by SPLshitters.
    • Sunstar / Starbreaker has almost completely silent sound cues on Ult, and his 2 / Blind has near-identical VFX to using Aegis.
    • Megatron moves completely differently to Ra's usual skeleton, and the Special Emote can make him barely distinguishable. Even amongst Crossover skins with unorthodox models and VFX, Megatron Ra stands out as Skin Advantage.
  • Raijin
    • Drums Out Raijin's Ult uses easier-to-read projectiles with less particle effects; clearly indicating where they will and will not hit. Additionally, they are somewhat harder to read as to the effect of the Ult-projectile, since their colour is less obvious.
  • Rama
    • Orbital Strike Rama has less noticeable projectiles, identical VFX for his 2 and 3 buff and has an extremely quiet startup on Ult.
  • Ratatoskr
    • The Fusion / Chibi Rat skins, Deep Space and Raxolotl do not have skin-effects corresponding to their Acorn.
  • Ravana
  • Scylla
    • Scylla's 'notorious' Skin Advantage skins are were Child's Play and Bewitching Bunny. Child's Play came with a feinter VFX for the 2 / Crush and overall feinter SFX across the skin; while Bewitching Bunny's has it's altered Ult silhouette and quieter chirrup SFX effect on the 3 / Hound Sentry. I am telling you, right now, these are fucking nothing. This has never been Skin Advantage, this is SPL cope and seethe over the fact Scylla scores teamwipes, so obviously she NEEDS skin bans. Both these skins are still banned to this day, despite neither offering any meaningful advantage, and both being 'fixed' in the meantime.
      Hilariously, the 'fix' for 3 / Hound-Sentry on Bewitching Bunny was to have the cute tiny bunny have an obnoxiously loud wolf's bark overlayed on top of the rabbit chirruping, making it far, far louder than the usual SFX on her 3. That said, nobody gives a fuck about the SFX on Scylla's 3, and in the entire history of SMITE, it has not been the deciding factor in any meaningful fight. One in-game quote from the gen's resident no-audio Anon was "i can garantee you how slutty a scylla skin is is more important to themm than loud her dog is". In this regard, I somewhat trust the expert.
    • On the other hand, Terror of the Deep Scylla can use her Special Emote's startup animation to feign travelling her 3 / Hound-Sentry, tricking opponents into thinking she's disengaging. You can pull some scummy tricks with this, yet despite this, this skin is not banned at an SPL level, because they're shitters who can't think of an original idea or strategy past metaslaving.
  • Serqet
  • Set
  • Shiva
  • Skadi
  • Sobek
  • Sol
    • Spell Slinger / Fallen Star looks very similar to Hel, with Fallen Star having almost no visible indicator as to when she has her Heat-Passive active, as well as a slower read on when she begins to use her 3 / Dissipate.
  • Surtr
  • Susano
  • Sylvanus
  • Terra
    • For Dropkick Terra, the boundaries of her 3 / Monolith are extremely well-defined, and does help; even if she doesn't have much trouble with feint boundaries to begin with.
  • Thanatos

    • Thanatos is a member of the Winged-God Squad. Some of his skins have no wings, making it easier to see his surroundings, others have wings so large he has trouble identifying which Harpy he's attacking at any given Jungle Camp.
      • No Wings / Advantage
        • Ruby
        • Deathly Chibi
        • Reaper Tech
        • Draconic Devastator
      • Noticeably-Large Wings / Disdvantage
        • Angel of Death
        • Archon
        • Demonic
        • Thanatoast (Despite being the same size as most, the toast-slices don't bend / flap at all, and during Ult he completely obscures his own targetter, making for a severe Skin Disadvantage)
    • Jack 'o Lantern Thanatos periodically laughs quite loudly for no reason whatsoever, which can and will give away your position. Disadvantage.
  • The Morrigan
    • Much like Loki's Invisibility, The Morrigan has varying levels of skin advantage / disadvantage based on which skin she uses, due to the sound cue being much longer / louder or shorter / quieter.
      • Pale Raven / Rav3n / Soothsayer Morrigan are all banned at an SPL level, due to their much quieter SFX
      • Woodland Rogue has extremely loud + lond SFX, giving a notable skin disadvantage.
  • Thor
  • Tiamat
  • Tsukuyomi
  • Tyr
    • Sock Puppetyr's Sock Voicelines just will not shut the fuck up, especially after Ult. Slight disadvantage, since the enemy always knows where you are for 5 seconds after doing anything with a audiable voiceline.
  • Ullr
    • Cutting Edge Ullr & Fun-pocalypse Ullr is banned at an SPL level. No idea why.
    • Despite it's popularity amongst tryhards, the Survior skin has no actual skin benefits, aside from clean animations and simple effects.
  • Vamana
  • Vulcan
  • Xbalanque
    • Jaguar Footballer / Football Star Xbalanque has an additonal Loud Vuvuzela SFX (football horn) on his Ult, notably louder than his usual Ult SFX.
  • Xing Tian
  • Yemoja
    • Angelic Archon = Distracting = Banned
    • Void Sorceress = Darker / Feinter = Banned
  • Ymir
    • Nuclear Ymir's extra smoke on Ult obscures all friendly ground targeters (eg Rama / Scylla Ult).
  • Yu Huang
  • Zeus
    • Chibi Zeus's Ult completely obscures everything below it, moreso than his other skins. While extraordinarily niche, it functionally makes him immune to Thor and Thanatos Ults landing on him.
  • Zhong Kui
    • As a result of the special effect on Demon Catcher Zhong Kui, it's easier to track the status of his Passive and Ult. There is a slight VFX effect for his other skins as it gains some charge, but none are as visible as this one.

Unique Details / Special Effects

To begin with, all Diamond Skins have additional sparkle effects added to all particle effects. This is easiest seen on Gods like He Bo or Charon, with heavy amounts of extra particle effects as a result. However many skins in SMITE have extemely obscure details, animations, or special easter-eggs unique to the skin. To save you loading into a Practice Match and trying all ~1,750 skins out in the game for yourself, the following are the most notable ones (with actual changes);

  • Achilles
    • Tiger's Fury Achilles is a full forme shift on each stance, with rigged facial animations in both stances.
    • Candy Shop Achilles Special Emote allows him to poledance using his shield as a base and spear / lollipop as a pole. This continues until he next takes a non-movement action.
  • Agni
    • Volcanic Agni uses his pre-remodel skeleton and animations, on top of some of his old emotes (Wave, Clap, Laugh, Taunt; but not Furious).
    • Shell Shock Agni Special Emote allows him to spray mustard gas from his hands, in the direction he's moving away from.
  • Ah Muzen Cab
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Ah Puch
    • Horrific Harvester Ah Puch Special Emote turns him into a 'real' scarecrow, and has him hop around on his staff when moving.
  • Amaterasu
    • Divine Beats Amaterasu is part of the Disco skinline, and so her Special Emote has her create a small dancefloor around herself with some electronic music playing.
    • Blake Belladona Amaterasu Special Emote does some kinda anime sword-flourish, where she teleports around striking some action poses on loop.
  • Anhur
    • Duke Dan de Lyons Anhur has a unique Wave. He tips his hat. Despite being part of a wider skinline (The Gentlemen; shared with Kukulkan, Fenrir, Sun Wukong, Kumbhakarna, Ymir and Set); this is the only skin in the line that does this.
  • Anubis
    • Freedom Retriever Anubis uses the larger-scale Anubis skeleton, making him notably taller and using alternate Basic animations. Additionally has a custom ability animations (firing fireworks out his jetpack on his 1, and using a gatling gun for Ult).
    • Heavy Hitter Anubis has a reworked set of ability animations, with a general boxing theme (backflips when casting 3, rapidly punches for his 1/Ult)
    • Demonic Pact Anubis progresses through 4 formes from Base, then at Level 5, 10 and 15.
      • His base Special Emote is flourishing his staff.
      • At Level 5, his 1 / Breath, 2 / Wraps and Special Emote change
      • At Level 10, his Ult and 3 / AoE Hands change, and he shifts to a larger version of his base skeleton with new Basic animations
      • At Level 15, his Basic Attack animation, all his ability animations and his Special Emote changes. Additionally, when using his Special Emote of Ult, the skybox burns up. Additionally, his Furious emote gains new effects, but is still the same animation.
  • Ao Kuang
    • Cursed Bloodline Ao Kuang uses a rapier, and his 2 / Mini-dragons are replaced with small Bats.
    • Most of his Skins change his Ult / Dragon forme in some way;
      • Clockwork Knight Ao Kuang turns his Ult into a Steampunk-styled Western Dragon.
      • Sand Viper Ao Kuang turns his Ult into a Sand-Wyrm.
      • Cursed Bloodline Ao Kuang turns his Ult into a Giant Bat.
      • Dragon Knight / Dragon Templar Ao Kuang turns his Ult into a Western Dragon.
      • Admiral Ao Kuang turns his Ult into a Giant Boat, with a custom Win / Loss screen to boot.
      • The Chosen Dragon Ao Kuang turns his Ult into a unqiue-looking Chinese Dragon with huge forward-pointing tusks.
  • Aphrodite
    • Ice Queen Aphrodite Special Emote allows her to skate around, leaving an ice effect on the floor beneath her.
    • Med-Tech Aphrodite Special Emote spawns a small medic-drone that orbits her until she takes an action. Additionally, the drone replaces her 3 / Doves animation (for both her an her link) for the duration it heals for.
    • Oasis Djinn Aphrodite Special Emote allows her to float on a carpet with her arms crossed. If linked, there's an additional cloud effect swirling above her head.
  • Apollo
    • Divine Machina Apollo has a complete set of unique emotes (Wave, Clap, Laugh, Taunt), that uses his detachable mecha-hands. Additionally, this skin has a custom Win / Loss screen.
    • Hopper / Hopper P.I. Apollo has slightly modified animations as he uses guns instead, and his 3 / Dash is replaced with a shoulder-charge. The Special Emote has him place a steaming waffle on the floor. This can be done as many times as you want, and the waffle persists for the entire match. You have to be stationary to do this. While there is a custom Win/Loss screen, his default Emores are not unique.
  • Arachne
    • Itsy-Bitsy Chibi Arachne Special Emote creates a floating web-hammock which Arachne will sleep in. This continues until she next takes a non-movement action.
    • Ma Cherie Arachne Arachne Special Emote spawns a few spiders on her abdomen, that she'll look back at, as well as leaving a small trail of blood. During this Special Emote, a music box will play like some kind of creepy horror movie, that can be heard from ~100 units away.
  • Ares
    • Abyssal Knight Ares Special Emote will make his shield float above him as he moves around, while he utters a hymn to it.
    • Godslayer Ares
      • A
      • A
      • A
      • A
  • Artemis
    • Orbital Scout Artemis swaps out her Bow for a Rifle during her 2, with modified projectiles that bend light around them.
    • Mystic Archer Artemis Special Emote has her jump with a wink and a peace sign, before using magic-y wings to float around with a miniature version of the flying boar (for that skin), until she next takes a non-movement action. Additionally, all her Basic Attacks for this skin have a star-effect if they reach maximum range without hitting anything.
  • Artio
    • Fabled Artio Special Emote has her begin to skip along, swinging her staff around to her sides like a hatchet / axe. In Bear stance, she gets up straight on her hind legs and begin to rapidly tiptoe around. Both last until she takes her next non-movement action.
    • Plushie Artio Special Emote (in both Human and Bear stance) spawns a small teddy bear that floats around her with a heart-aura, that lasts until she next takes an action. It clips through the Bear forme. Additionally; while in Human stance, her footsteps make feint squeaking sounds, in Bear stance, a xylophone plays when she jumps and when shifting stances, a small tune plays.
  • Athena
    • Mystic Guardian Athena will have wings while her 1 / Dash is charged.
    • Night Mode Athena Special Emote forms a mask over her face with glowing eyes, until she next takes an action.
  • Atlas
    • Catlas Atlas has a custom recall animation, where he'll play with the giant ball of yarn instead.
  • Awilix
    • Royal Champion Awilix Special Emote flourishes her spear, before projecting the skin's emblem above her head (similar to a low-down Global Emote).
  • Baba Yaga
    • Gingerdread Baba Yaga Special Emote yanks the witch hat off her head, holds it in one hand then slowly sprinkles sweets and candy in a trail behind her as she moves forward. Does nothing while standing still, moving to the side or moving backward, and the sweets / candy left behind fade quickly after (unlike the spray paint special emotes, which are near-permanent for the entire match).
  • Bacchus
    • Bearly Buzzed Bacchus Special Emote has a swarm of audiably buzzing bees chase him around, as he runs in a panic. The lasts until he takes his next non-movement action. Bearly Alive Bacchus (the recolour of this skin) does not have this Special Emote.
    • Iroh Bacchus Special Emote has him conjure and shoot a small lighning bolt upward. This can be done while moving, but is not on a loop, and is cancelled with any other action.
  • Bakasura
    • Demogorgon Bakasura Special Emote has him drop to all fours and begin to crawl around until he next takes a combat action. He no longer has in-combat animations, but instead his flower-face will open and close depending on if his is in or out of combat. The animation for his 2 is modified to have him bite with his flower-face, and his Dance Emote is modified into aimlessly flailing his arms around (other Emotes are unchanged). Finally, this is one of the few skins in the game with no actual voice lines, just grunts and screeches.
    • Tacosura Bakasura Special Emote has him turn into a literal taco and bounces around, until he next takes an action.
  • Baron Samedi
    • Half Life Baron Samedi Special Emote allows him to surf around on his coffin while moving.
    • Funny Bones Baron Samedi Special Emote will have him hover and dance around on his staff. Additionally, if timed correctly, cancelling his custom recall animation on the last frame will make his hat gigantic until either next recall or death.
    • Stellar Demise
      • A
      • A
      • A
      • A
  • Bastet
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Bellona
    • Runescape (custom recall drawing a runic circle, capes applied, Special Emote, spoken text effect above head)
    • Divine Dragon Bellona
      • A
      • A
      • A
      • A
  • Cabrakan
    • Fat Loki Cabrakan Special Emote uses the same animation as Loki's pre-rework taunt / AoE attack, floating and flailing his limbs around.
    • Tremor Tech Cabrakan Special Emote uses one of his shields as a hoverboard. Additionally, while his 1 / self-buff is active, the rotors on his shields will whirl.
  • Camazotz
    • Brimstone Beast Camazotz sets himself on fire while recalling.
    • Jurassic / Terror-Dactyl Camazotz is one of the few skins in the game with no actual voice lines, just grunts and screeches.
  • Cerberus
    • Pup Patrol Cerberus Special Emote drags his ass along the floor until he next takes any non-movement action.
    • Warmaker Cerberus has completely unique Ability and Emote animations. Additionally, his Special Emote transforms him into a mobile tank.
  • Cernunnos
    • Great Tengu Cernunnos Special Emote has him float around atop his spinning Glaive.
    • Pixel Beast Cernunnos Special Emote holds his gauntlet-arm to the side while drawing in an energy SFX, and loudly revs the motor (even louder as he moves). This Special Emote can be spammed to make the loud revving even louder still.
  • Chaac
    • Dark Lord Chaac's backpack-thing glows if his Passive is charged.
    • Slaughterhouse Chaac becomes progressively bloodier, the more kills he has, up to 3 times. This effect resets upon death.
    • Radical Rex Chaac Special Emote begins to play his Axe-instrument, surrounded by a neon grid and sparkling lights. Each time he taps the axe, a synthetic beat plays - to get the highest tempo, either walk straight forward or walk backwards and to the side. While moving directly backwards, he will moonwalk. Additionally, the Tyrannosaurus Rex head is fully modelled to his mouth animations (including his Laugh Emote), although the skin features no additional changes to his Emotes. Finally, when Ulting, a cyber-jaguar will run around the radius of his Ult targetter.
    • Mick Thompson / Jim Root / Alessandro Venturella Chaac Special Emote will spawn some floodlights above them (making a stage), make a rock sign with their hand (you know, the one with the index and pinkie up) while playing a Slipknot song for everyone to hear.
    • Forgotten Gods Chaac can switch between 3 formes with completely unique effects, by using either his Ult or Special Emote. Additionally, after 10 kills, the orb in his axe glows.
  • Chang'E
    • Pirate Admiral / Pirate Queen Chang'E Special Emote holds her sword forward, as she rides atop a floating barrel.
    • Countess Chang'E Special Emote spawns an orb of bats as she moves, while additionally playing some Harpsichord music.
  • Charon
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Charybdis
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Chernobog
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Chiron
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Chronos
    • Father Time Chronos turns himself into a baby (from the card art) during his Ult-rewind.
  • Cliodhna
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Cthulhu
    • Dread President Cthulhu Special Emote has him assume one of three random poses (two where he flexes his muscles, one where he stands at attention and salutes). All these have him float in a fixed position with fireworks going off around him, until he next takes a non-movement action.
    • Toon Mania Cthulhu switches forme on each ability (Normal, Cowboy, Pilot). Special Emote has an additional forme (Biker) where he rides around in a car until he makes another action. While in his car, he can honk the horn (using a button that is unbound for basically everything else). Additionally, when insane, the enemy will see Cthulhu in Black and White. All his animations and Emotes are reworked, with extreme amounts of cartoon-slapstick focus throughout.
  • Cu Chulainn
    • Enchanted Boyfriend Cu Chulainn uses a custom chest skeleton. While 'beefier', it has no animations to indicate his rage status (unlike the 'pulsing' found in his default and other skins).
  • Cupid
    • Spooky Nightmares Cupid Special Emote allows him to sleep on a cloud while moving around
    • Invader Zim Cupid Special Emote has him ride around on a Pig-robot, until he takes his next non-movement action.
  • Da Ji
    • Death Lotus Da Ji Special Emote shifts the skybox to a cloudy night, and has her hop across wooden logs that spawn in front of where she moves. Moving forward backflips, moving to the side hops, moving backward spreads her legs wide out mid-jump, teasing whoever is in front of her.
  • Danzaburou
    • Rocko Danzaburou Special Emotehas him ride around ona vaccuum-robot, until he takes his next non-movement action.
  • Discordia
    • Dragon Keeper Discordia holds up the little dragon (in place of her Golden Apple), and periodically spins around while giving it a hug or throws it upward. This continues until she takes her next non-movement action.
    • Bad Apple Discordia is missing a single texture on one of her model's planes. As a result, you can quite literally see straight through the centre of her ass while she's in her out-of-combat animation, when moving forward. Also, if you didn't know, Discordia can dab with any of her skins, by moving to the right while out of combat, and has other mocking/insultive out of combat animations while moving backwards or to the left.
  • Erlang Shen
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Eset
    • Midnight Raven Eset Special Emote allows her sit on top of a moon and move around freely until she next takes an action. Additionally, this turns the entire skybox to night time, and darkens everybody's game.
  • Fafnir
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Fenrir
    • Chompy Chibi Fenrir Special Emote has him chase his tail while standing still. Moving / taking an action cancels this.
  • Freya
    • Weiss Schnee Freya Special Emote has her make a few poses atop a spinning platform.
    • Jenny XJ-9 Freya Special Emote has her activate her wings and move around while flying. There is a way to break this and make it a permanent addition to her model until her next death, but I don't actually know how. Additionally, her 2 is replaced witha blaster-arm.
  • Ganesha
    • Mouse Force / Tabby Toil Ganesha has a complete set of unique emotes (Wave, Clap, Laugh, Taunt), with the focus on the mouse / cat piloting the mech.
    • Plushie Ganesha Special Emote has him rolls around like / turn into a ball of yarn.
    • DJ Ohm Ganesha is part of the Disco skinline, and so his Special Emote has him create a small dancefloor around himself with some electronic music playing.
  • Geb
    • Optimus Prime Geb Special Emote 'transforms' him into his Truck form, that can move around as he pleases. His 1 is also turned into a Truck (albeit pulling cargo) and all his Emotes are reworked (with his Dance Emote being him doing the robot). This skin cannot use the Save the Earth Special Emote because he used to, but it made him permanently invisible until death.
  • Gilgamesh
    • Powdered Toast Man Gilgamesh Special Emote has him superman-fly, but in a backwards position (as the character does in the show).
  • Guan Yu
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Hachiman
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Hades
    • Ragnarok Hades Special Emote and Ult each burn up the skybox on use.
    • Slushii Hades has modified animations to suit his keyboard, most notably including a slightly modified Dance emote
    • Crow of Darkness Hades permanently modifies the skybox to be a red sky with encircling crows. This T5 has two formes:
      • Before Lv10, most of his animations and Emotes are near-identical to his base skin, with the excption of his Dance Emote which has the crow dance a little jig atop his staff (that he places to his side while doing his 'normal' dance). The Special Emote in this form has him hold his staff aloft, and be pulled upwards, exposing more of the tar-tendrils that reach into the floor.
      • After Lv10, he forme shifts into Cu Chulainn rage mode a bulkier crow-monster that drags itself around, complete with a new skeleton and a new set of animations for abilities and Emotes. Dance Emote is modified into him holding up his pet crow, and the crow doing a little jig, meanwhile the Special Emote has the crow-monster begin to take flight a small distance off the floor. In terms of abilities, the main different one is his Ult, which has the monster physically appear to pull people in (on top of the vortex effect).
  • He Bo
    • Cascade He Bo uses the same animated texture for all his effects.
    • He Bro / Syndey Shredder He Bo each use custom animations and skeletons, complete with custom Emotes.
    • Infinite Shift He Bo has an additional effect on his water spout / 1 that refracts the view around it.
  • Heimdallr
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Hel
    • Pop Punk Hel Special Emote has her strike a pose with her mic, then start playing some music as a crowd cheers behind her. The music is different in each stance.
    • Eclipse Summoner Hel
      • A
      • A
      • A
  • Hera
    • Battle Queen Hera Special Emote has Argus's hand rise from the ground and hold Hera up, as she points forward. This continues until she takes her next non-movement action.
    • Rematch / Power Up Hera Special Emote will spawn small portals around Hera, which the cat that pilots the Argus Mech will float through. This continues until she takes her next non-movement action.
  • Hercules
    • Road Rebel Hercules Special Emote holds his club over his head while it's on fire. This continues until he takes his next non-movement action.
  • Horus
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Hou Yi
    • Prince of the Night Hou Yi transforms into a bat while using his leap.
    • Sylvian Sentinel Hou Yi Special Emote turns himself into a bush. Sadly, his bow is still visible, so it is ineffective camouflage. This continues until he takes his next non-movement action.
    • Totem Caller Hou Yi has a complete set of reworked effects and animations; with each of his Abilities being represented by a pet. At Lv1-9 he is unmasked, but at Lv10 this skin 'evolves' to gain a shroud, a crown, an additional back-decoration and a shimmering-blue effect across his decorations. The Special Emote will randomly choose one of the non-Ultimate Ability pets and have them orbit you until yur next non-movement action.
      • Hou Yi's Bow is replaced by a Fire-Lizard. Aside from it being his Clap Emote, this doesn't do much.
      • Hou Yi's 1 / Riccochet is replaced by a Burrowing Earth-Lizard. This Lizard will very slowly trail underground behind him occasionally jumping out and diving back in, and spawning back next to Hou Yi if he stays too far behind. This effect is paused while the ability is active.
      • Hou Yi's 2 / Mark is replaced by a Spirit-Animal that takes the form of a glowing purple orb. When used, it will float around the targets head in animal form, and once off cooldown, it will fade in and out next to Hou Yi in it's animal form, before returning back to a purple orb.
      • Hou Yi's 3 / Leap is replaced by a Winged-Animal that perches on the decoration floating behind Hou Yi.
      • Hou Yi's Ult is replaced by a colossal Kaiju-monster that will spawn between the outer-edge of the map and the skybox (always opposite of where Hou Yi is looking); firing a massive laser, and walking away + fizzling out once finished. Additionally, there is an extremely rare ~1% chance that instead of the usual Ult animation, the creature summoned will instead fart on the battlefield.
  • Hun Batz
    • Hun.BAT Hun Batz is part of the Tron skinline, and as such his skin accents and card art accents will slowly cycle through the rainbow.
    • Bun Hatz Hun Batz Special Emote has him use the baguette as a pogo stick while moving. This continues until he takes his next non-movement action.
  • Ishtar
    • Striking Archon Ishtar has a modified animation for her 3 / Dash, where she uses her wings to fly back, rather than backflip off a target.
  • Ix Chel
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Izanami

    • Twisted Joke Izanami's Basic Attacks make circus music as they are thrown and return.
    • Screamy Chibi Izanami Special Emote detatches her head and has her head and body orbit one another as she floats around. This continues until she takes her next non-movement action.
    • Queen of Hearts Izanami progresses through a cycle of one of four formes each time she uses her 3 / Escape, depending which suit of cards she was on before each with unique effects. Each forme throws cards, over sickles.
      • Hearts is a Succubus-esque Demon; with heavy smoke-based visual effects.
      • Diamonds is a Diamond Construct; with heavy diamond-based visual effects.
      • Spades is a more Skeletal-Firey Demon; with heavy fire-based visual effects.
      • Clubs is a more Spirit-y Demon; with heavy spectral-based visual effects.

    Each time she Ults, a large Joker motif appears above the AoE - her animations are otherwise identical across stances, including her Special Effect, which has her float in place while cards orbit her.
    For the unique feature of this skin; upon getting a kill, this skin has a visual indicator which draws four cards behind her for the player. Getting four-in-a-row permanently 'upgrades' the Special Effect for that forme on the player's account (carrying across entire games), making it emanate additional visual / particle effects and making the suit-motif on the back of whichever forme you are in glow. After the Special Emote ends (from any non-movement action), if the Special Emote is enhanced for that forme, the suit on the back of the forme will continue to glow / emanate particle effects (until 'turned off', by using the Special Emote again or shifting forme). This applies once, to each forme corresponding to the suit you get a four-in-a-row for, and thus to logically 'complete' this skin, it's four rolls of a 1/256 chance (~1,000 kills to complete, luck aside). Doing this in the Practice Range does show you what the enhanced effect looks like, but does not upgrade the Special Emote in any other gamemode.

  • Janus
    • Bass Drop Janus is part of the Disco skinline, and so his Special Emote has him create a small dancefloor around himself with some electronic music playing. Additionally, his VFX accents will slowly cycle through the rainbow.
    • Danny Phantom Janus
  • Jing Wei
    • Starscream Jing Wei comes complete with a unique skeleton and animations. Additionally, her Passive out of spawn and Special Emote will turn her into a fighter-jet for the duration, until the next action.
  • Jormungandr
    • Malworm Jormungandr Special Emote has him glitch out for a short period of time.
    • Goose Chase Jormungandr Special Emote cycles through one of three honking animations. This is arguably the most devastating form of psychological torture in the game, especially if spammed (or worse, bound to a key binding and spammed)
  • Kali
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Khepri
    • Crab Rave Khepri Special Emote allows him to.... Crab Rave. This is currently bugged however, and will cancel itself each time his passive automatically applies a shield to him - meaning you are unable to fully crab-rave. His default Dance Emote is unaffected.
  • King Arthur
    • Green Knight King Arthur Special Emote turns himself into a bush. Aside from his legs, this is a perfect camouflage, and many opponents will easily be bewildered and bamboozled if you stay still, walking by completely unaware as if you are not there.
    • Crimson Authority King Arthur has a custom recall animation, where he does the usual twirl, but fades into the ground instead.
  • Kukulkan
    • Dragon Doggo Kukulkan Special Emote has him chase his tail in a circle while floating. This lasts until he takes his next non-movement action.
    • Infernal Winds Kukulkan uses the same skeleton and animations as the Light-dragon forme of Winds of Change Kukulkan.
    • Winds of Change Kukulkan shifts through 3 formes (Light-dragon, Forest-dragon, Void-wyrm) upon using Ult.
      Each forme's animations are deceptively identical (aside from the each forme's 2 / Slipstream, and the Void-wyrm's 3 / Tornado), but with distinctly different VFX and SFX that makes them appear completely unique. Each forme has a unique Laugh, Recall and Death Animation; but they all share a unique Wave, Clap, Taunt and Dance Animation.
      Using the Special Emote will have Kukulkan turn around and 'channel' energy until you make your next action; allowing you to slowly switch between formes while out of combat.
  • Kumbhakarna
    • Spooky Dreams Kumbhakarna Special Emote uses his staff as a floating bed, lying back and sleeping (with soft cricket chirping SFX) until he takes his next non-movement action. Spinning during this emote is especially distracting, since the centrepoint of the model is at his feet / end of the staff, not in the middle of his model.
    • Warlord Kumbhakarna Special Emote loudly plays his staff like a guitar, with associated SFX and periodically spewing flames out of one end.
    • General Nosseris Kumbhakarna Special Emote has him hold his staff sideways, before raising it above his head and roaring loudly. This Special Emote has a 10s internal cooldown and cannot be used in-combat.
    • Princess Sleepyhead Kumbhakarna Special Emote lets him float around, sat atop on his staff waving at people.
  • Kuzenbo
    • Crime Boss Kuzenbo's Ult animation is replaced by him dual-wielding Tommy-guns and spinning around.
    • Slash Kuzenbo Special Emote causes purple-dirt particle effects to emanate off his shell. It also has a custom recall animation (a small ninja-flourish) and a custom Win-Loss Screen.
  • Lancelot
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Loki
    • Croaki Loki has custom jumps, which has him hop and twirl around (like a frog).
    • Headless Norseman Loki Special Emote plays his laugh voiceline for his 1, before bouncing his Jack-o-Lantern head up with his right hand. While moving, the headless body shuffles around, and the head leaves a flame-trail. This Special Emote can be used during invisibility, and will continue until he takes his next non-movement action.
    • Raphael Loki is a member of the Ninja Turtles, and as such his Special Emote has him skateboard around until he next takes an action. Jumping while in this state does kickflips and other skateboarding tricks.
  • Martichoras
    • Necromalice Martichoras has a sentient tail which reacts to the various actions Martichoras performs.
  • Maman Brigitte
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Maui
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Medusa
    • iDusa Medusa's highlights change colour when in or out of combat.
    • Sea Maiden Medusa Special Emote brings out a Seahorse-shaped harp, and begins to sing a melody until her next non-movement action. Additionally, her spit is indicated with a musical note, and her card art has animated underwater effects. She also has a visible ass-outline.
    • Tormented Soul Medusa Special Emote floats her lantern in front of her, with a soft ringing sound. This continues until Medusa next takes her next non-movement action.
    • Megoosa Medusa Special Emote has the goose-heads for her hair begin to pathetically honk, in an admittedly menacing fashion. This continues until Medusa next takes her next non-movement action. Additionally, this skin has goose-related SFX for all actions, and hits with Basic Attacks produce a splattered-egg effect.
  • Mercury
    • Shaolin Fury Mercury uses a completely different set of attack animations, where he kicks instead of punches.
    • Run.EXE Mercury is part of the Tron skinline, and as such his skin accents and card art accents will slowly cycle through the rainbow.
    • Rocket Punch Mercury Special Emote hovers in the air using the thrusters on his back and calves. This has no movement animation, and is just a static pose in the air while hovering, until Mercury next takes any non-movement action.
    • Michaelangelo Mercury is a member of the Ninja Turtles, and as such his Special Emote has him skateboard around until he next takes an action. Jumping while in this state does kickflips and other skateboarding tricks.
    • Demon Puncher & Celestial Messenger Mercury uses a modified set of animations and facial animations, most notably including no out-of-combat animations.
  • Merlin
    • Aang Special Emote allows him to ride around on a ball of wind. Additionally, he has fully reworked Default Emotes and animations.
    • Master Soulbinder Special Emote allows him to float around above a pentagram-symbol on the floor, while posed with one arm behind his back.
    • Cybershadow Merlin Special Emote allows him to hover around, using his arms as propulsors.
    • Wise Old Man Merlin Special Emote casts a 3-stage spell. You cannot move while doing this.
  • Morgan Le Fay
    • Infinite Oracle Morgan le Fay Special Emote floats around while T-posing, leaving a crystalline-effect trail behind her.
    • Summer Eclipse Morgan le Fay Special Emote floats around with her sword held up, firing blue fireworks upward.
  • Mulan
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Ne Zha
    • Critical.DMG Ne Zha is part of the Tron skinline, and as such his skin accents and card art accents will slowly cycle through the rainbow.
    • Playmaker Ne Zha Special Emote has him spawn in a puck and begin to dribble it around / play hockey with his stick.
  • Neith
    • Buccaneith / Sea Shanty Neith are each accompanied by a pre-remodel monkey from Sun Wukong's old second ability (which is now Hun Batz's 2 / Shadow Monkey). The micro-monkey has unique animations for many of her idle animations, reacts to her waving and will dance alongside her.
    • Basscanon Neith is part of the Disco skinline, and so her Special Emote has her create a small dancefloor around herself with some electronic music playing.
    • Blessed Dragonhide Neith
  • Nemesis
    • Vanquisher / Deliverer Nemesis Special Emote will hold her sword forward, while a ray of light shines over her.
  • Nike
    • Fallen Angel Nike has a unqiue Passive indicator where, instead of a halo, it shows 3 flames on the front of each players head.
    • Star-Spangled Nike Special Emote allows her to hover around using her wings. This can still be used while Ulted.
  • Nox
    • Depths of Atlantis Nox Special Emote makes the Jellyfish that are usually on her staff orbit her instead, that persists until she takes an action.
    • Dragon Preistess Nox Special Emote spawns a small dragon to her side, that persists until she takes an action.
    • Electric Dream Nox is part of the Disco skinline, and so her Special Emote has her create a small dancefloor around herself with some electronic music playing. You can repeat this Special Emote while active to change the music playing. Additionally, her hips are completely exposed.
  • Nu Wa
    • Old Wa uses Nu Wa's pre-remodel skeleton and animations. Additionally, after Ulting, she will shift into her serpentine forme and use those animations for the remainder of the match until killed, much like how her old Passive used to temporarily work.
  • Odin
    • Dunk-Father Odin Special Emote brings out a basketball, that Odin will bounce around as he moves. This continues until he takes his next non-movement action.
    • Hot Diggity Odin Special Emote begins to... forceably bounce his lower half on the floor in a less than ceremonial fashion, leaving behind splatters of ketchup and mustard as he bounces. While moving forward / to the side he bounces up and down, while moving backward he does backflips. This continues until he takes his next non-movement action.
    • Celesial Guard Odin has a modified leap animation, that has him sprout wings for the duration.
  • Olorun
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Osiris
    • Leonardo Osiris is a member of the Ninja Turtles, and as such his Special Emote has him skateboard around until he next takes an action. Jumping while in this state does kickflips and other skateboarding tricks.
  • Pele
    • Heatsink Pele Special Emote allows her to float around using her daggers as hoverloard-skates.
  • Persephone
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Poseidon
    • King of the Deep Poseidon uses his pre-remodel animations.
    • Sid Wilson / Craig Jones / Corey Taylor Poseidon Special Emote will spawn some floodlights above them (making a stage), make a rock sign with their hand (you know, the one with the index and pinkie up) while playing a Slipknot song for everyone to hear.
  • Ra
    • Sun.GOD Ra is part of the Tron skinline, and as such his skin accents, VFX and card art accents will slowly cycle through the rainbow.
    • Phoenix Ra Special Emote gives him huge wings, and lets him flap around until he next takes an action.
    • Snow Strix Ra Special Emote strikes his staff into the ground, and allows him to move around on an ice floe, leaving a trail of frost behind him.
    • Megatron Ra Special Emote allows him to transform into a Tank and move around freely until he next takes an action. All animations and emotes are unique.
  • Raijin
    • Drums Out Raijin is one of the few skins in the game with no actual voice lines - just ooks and grunts. Additionally, while Ulting, he throws barrels instead of beating drums.
    • Bass Demon Raijin is part of the Disco skinline, and so his Special Emote has him create a small dancefloor around himself with some electronic music playing.
    • Clown / Michael Pfaff / Jay Weinberg Raijin Special Emote will spawn some floodlights above them (making a stage), make a rock sign with their hand (you know, the one with the index and pinkie up) while playing a Slipknot song for everyone to hear.
  • Rama
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Ratatoskr
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Ravana
    • Shadow Punch Ravana Special Emote has him float around, with smoke covering him. When moving, he punches the ground and does float-y backflips.
    • Ravin' Ravana is part of the Disco skinline, and so his Special Emote has him create a small dancefloor around himself with some electronic music playing as he dances.
  • Scylla
    • Dragon Empress / Dragon Queen Scylla Special Emote simply makes a throne out of her dragon-heads to sit on. You cannot move with this Special Emote. Additionally, the wings on her back flutter whenever she jumps.
    • Terror of the Deep Scylla Special Emote has her dive under the floor, then resurface, 'swimming' alongside one of her anglerfish heads across the floor.
    • Godscylla Scylla Special Emote has her 'rampage' across a childrens play-mat floor, with papercraft helicopters circling and firing at her, and loud stomping SFX when she moves.
    • Eleven / Starcourt Eleven Scylla Special Emote uses her hands to telekinetically float around, with some floating rock effects surrounding her. Additionally, she has completely unique Default Emotes and movement animations; with her other Special Emote being changed to her summoning something to eat. Finally, her 3 is replaced by a door instead of her usual exit-point.
    • Toony Terror Scylla Special Emote has her cartoonishly swing her arms back and forth as she strides around, while playing classical music.
    • Toph / Fire Nation Toph Scylla has no 'new' Special Emote, but her default Special Emote is changed to a simple earthbending flourish, breaking a few rocks in place. You cannot move with this Special Emote. Additionally, she has completely unique Default Emotes and movement animations.
  • Serqet
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Set
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Shiva
    • Electro Dancer Shiva is part of the Disco skinline, and so his Special Emote has him create a small dancefloor around himself with some electronic music playing. Uniquely, this dancefloor will match the colour of the stance that he's in.
  • Skadi
    • Korra / Avatar Korra Skadi Special Emote has her float into the air, then forming 3 elemental rings that spin around her at different angles (Earth, Fire and Water). She does not have unique emotes or animations.
  • Sobek
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Sol
    • Sweet Tooth / Sweetie Pie Sol Special Emote blows a huge bubble, which Sol hangs to the bottom of as she floats around.
  • Sun Wukong
    • Abyssal Warrior Sun Wukong Special Emote alternates spinning his staff to his left and right side. This continues until he takes a non-movement action.
    • Infinite Shift Sun Woukong Special Emote puts him into a floating meditative stance.
    • Donatello Sun Wukong is a member of the Ninja Turtles, and as such his Special Emote has him skateboard around until he next takes an action. Jumping while in this state does kickflips and other skateboarding tricks.
  • Surtr
    • Celestial Inferno Surtr has a modified Ult, where he turns into a ball of light instead of a meteor.
  • Susano
    • Steel Samurai / Titanium Ronin Susano has modified animations to make him appear more mechanical.
    • Vigilante Susano Special Emote will spray some graffiti on the floor, varying between one of two designs (his name as a logo, and a motif of himself in holographic). This can be done as many times as you want, and the graffiti persists for the entire match. You have to be stationary to do this.
    • Zuko / Blue Spirit Special Emote allows him to hover around using concentrated jets of fire.
  • Sylvanus
    • Infantree Sylvanus Special Emote has starts a minor amount of incoming bulletfire, with Sylvanus taking cover around the treant.
    • Mind Flayer Sylvanus Special Emote dives into the floor, only showing the top of his head along with a surrounding pool of blood
  • Terra
    • Yang Xiao Long Terra Special Emote does various backflips and acrobatics until she takes another action.
  • Thanatos
    • Thanatoast Thanatos Special Emote turns him into a giant piece of toast (the same used for his head). Additionally, he also turns into the same giant piece of toast when Ulting, however this is to his detriment, as it's so large it compltely obscures his targetter.
    • Ruby Rose / Classic Ruby Rose Thanatos Special Emote spins her scythe around behind her until she takes another action.
    • Archon Thanatos progresses through one of four formes, at base, Level 5, 10 and 15.
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  • The Morrigan
    • Beforehand, as expected, The Morrigan can use any Special Emote for any skin she can transform into.
    • Soothsayer Morrigan Special Emote spawns a red crow that circles her before shortly flying off. This can be used while invisible during her 3, however not during her 1 or while transformed during her Ult.
  • Thor
    • Dawn Defender Thor Special Emote will spray some graffiti on the floor. This can be done as many times as you want, and the graffiti persists for the entire match. You have to be stationary to do this.
    • SWC 2018 King Thor Special Emote pushes the brunt of his hammer into his crotch and simulates waving his dick around until he next takes an action. Yes, it's pretty fucking based.
    • Ragnarok Force X Thor
      • A
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  • Thoth
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Tiamat
    • Magical Dragon Tiamat Special Emote makes her shimmer in a psychadelic-y way, until she next takes an action.
  • Tsukuyomi
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Tyr
    • Winged Justice / Draco Knight Tyr has a modified Ult animation, that has him sprout wings for the duration.
  • Ullr
    • Frostfire Ullr Special Emote does a quick flourish depending on what stance he's in. At Level 10, he shifts into his main formes, splitting into a Pure-Fire and Pure-Ice stance on Axe and Bow respectively, each with enhanced effects. Additionally, getting minion kills in these enhanced stances has unique effects, burning them up and freezing them into statues respectively.
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  • Vamana
    • Rakshasa / Lil'Mana / Cangaceiro Vamana each use his pre-remodel skeleton and animations.
    • Touchdown Vamana Special Emote catches an American Football, throws it against the ground then shouts. You have to be stationary to do this. This skin comes with the additional downside that you are unable to do his mini-jump-spam during Ult.
    • Gnome Child Vamana
  • Vulcan
    • Chef Vulcan Special Emote has him start tossing a Pizza, until he next takes an action.
  • Xbalanque
    • Jag.RAR Xbalanque is part of the Tron skinline, and as such his skin accents and card art accents will slowly cycle through the rainbow.
  • Xing Tian
    • Grove Keeper Xing Tian Special Emote has a squirrel run around his neck and shoulders... while his entire upper body is frozen in place. Plays nice forest-y flute music.
    • Krang Xing Tian Special Emote. Additionally, this skin has complete set of new animations for his abilities.
  • Yemoja
    • Angelic Archon Yemoja Special Emote brightens her wings and projects a small emblem on her back. It has no SFX, and ends after any action.
    • Midnight Waters Yemoja was censored / remade one patch after release, as the mulatto skin was deemed 'too white'.
  • Ymir
    • Nuclear Ymir's Ult billows out smoke, and ends in a nuclear mushroom VFX cloud upon detonation.
  • Yu Huang
    • [No current special skin effects]
  • Zeus
    • Heavens Rave is part of the Disco skinline, and so his Special Emote has him create a small dancefloor around himself with some electronic music playing.
    • Sky Tech Zeus Special Emote uses his hands as thristers (think Iron Man), and leans into his movements, with streaks of light coming from his back-wings. Shocking how this isn't banned at an SPL level, since it looks almost identical to Janus's silhouette.
  • Zhong Kui
    • Stitched Horror Zhong Kui Special Emote will ride around on his staff like a broomstick as he moves.
    • Demon Catcher Zhong Kui uniquely has an effect where, whenever he 'captures' a demon with his Passive, his not!Ghostbuster weapon will have an effect of something moving through the pipe and being stored in his backpack. Additionally, the Tesla-effect at the top of the machine will glow, with effects after 10 Demons captured and once his Passive is fully charged.

Uhhhh..... coupon coupon, gimme gimme

Ahh, so after months of holding onto the fuckers, you finally wanted to use one of those Coupon things, but can't find anywhere online that tells you which skins it does and does not apply to. Trust me, I was the same, trying to get Old Wa on the downlow for cheap. Boy did I get burnt.
Not to worry - in short, it doesn't apply to most skins. Only the 'Standard' ones.
As expected?
As expected.

Even though most are purchaseable (now) (most didn't used to), if they come with the 'Exclusive', 'Crossover', 'Limited' or 'Unlimited' tag, you ain't getting your greasy paws on them without coughing up full price (be thankful you're even given the option to begin with). Only skins with no tag (below, as of writing) are what you can snag cheap-ish, for 1-2 months of free Gem income from dailies and the like.
To begin with, all Default Recolours and Tier 2 skins get discounted with the Skin Coupons. Don't buy them, when you can buy them with Favor. If you can buy it with favor, don't waste Gems on it.

Here's your options to skim, excluding what you can buy with Favor:

>Right.... so which ones are the best ones?
Ones for the Godtoons you play? Just get what you're going to use. Seriously, I shiggy diggy don't buy skins for Gods you don't ever intend on playing with your limited shekelgems.

>Yeah, but I mean, which would you say are the most valuable ones?
Death Lotus Da Ji, Pop Punk Hel, Goose Chase Jormungandr and Electro Dancer Shiva are currently the only ones with Special Emotes (all of them new-ish and good quality to boot), if that's what you're asking; but honestly, just skim through the list and look at what interests you.
Alongside a lot of the older skins, there are some other oddly and noticeably recent skins that you grab using your gay faggot new player coupons (eg Shark Odin / Alien Rat / Sea Monster Clio / Psychadelic Baron), rather than wasting them on the outdated ones from a decade ago or the shit you can buy with Favor. Aside from that, if you're new and unaware, the Chibi and Shadow skinlines are pretty popular, so Chibi Zeus / Shadow Persephone might interest you if they're your style.

In short, as long as you actually like playing the God in question, and as long as you can't buy it with favor; whichever you want bro.




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Pub: 05 Sep 2022 03:49 UTC
Edit: 28 Oct 2023 08:36 UTC
Views: 708