{Linguistically, make note that Mayan is / was a language that utilised Ejectives and Implosives - as in, the way you inhale/exhale with the syllable indicates a different meaning to the syllable - breathing a word inward can result in a completely different word than aggressively popping it outward. For an easy example, try to 'build up' the word 'Pop' for about a second, then release it - congratulations, you've just annunciated an Ejective P, which will sound notably different than the inhaled version of the same word. While unique characters exist for Ejectives / Implosives; Ejectives can be given like (P'), while Implosives are the opposite ('B)} {Also, mid-word stresses exist in this language to signal where you stress the next part of the word more than the last (dumbass = dumb¦ass). These are given either as ˈ or ¦ . I prefer ¦ in this context, so it's not confused with Ejectives/Implosives - after all, it's fucking stupid that you're supposed to be able to tell the (genuinely important) difference between ʼ & ˈ , which is also different from ' . While the details vary, this is usually why some names have spaces in them, while others are treated as one word but with harsh syllables in the middle. If I remember correctly, there's no reason or logic as to which names do / don't get this treatment - Kukulkan / Kukul Kan and Ixchel / Ix Chel would follow the same rule respectively, but we just do them differently because who cares}

{Due to SMITE being a clusterfuck in terms of Mayan sects, pronunciations may also vary based on region the God was observed in - for accuracy's sake, I should say "it's not 100% accurate"; but also fuck that, nobody gives a shit, we're talking in colloquial terms (especially when we have examples of local natives still practicing the Mayan languages today, even if muddied with time)}

Kukulkan = KooKool-(lk)aah-Nn {Ideally would be spelt as K'uK'ul¦kän, but the English language can't be bothered}

{The first two 'K's are ejective (so you want to put emphasis on them), be aware that the the third K is bait / not ejective (hardswap between the L and the K, sounds like luck very very fast), and finally hold the A a little bit. It's not so slow you're saying Koo-Kull-Kan, but not so fast you're saying K'Cul-Can. Directly translates as Kuk = Feathered / Ul = [Attached to] (Conjunctive) / Kan = Serpent} {Overall, the name 'sounds out' more like Cuck Vulcan than Klu Klux Klan - though that doesn't make the abbreviation KKK any less humorous}


Ix Chel = ih-Sh CH-el {Ideally would be spelt as Ish¦CH'el , but the English language can't be bothered}

{All one word, the space is a lie since English applies the stress by splitting the word by whatever logic it feels like (for example, by the same logic Ix Chel is split, we should split Kukulkan into Kukul Kan, but we don't, because ultimately minor and barely inconsequential inflection). Not hard like Icks-Chell, not soft like EE-Shell. The way most people would (incorrectly) say the first syllable of Ishtar is basically the correct syllable for the 'Ix', while the Chel is almost say-as-you-see-it, with the exception that the 'Ch' is extremely hard and is somewhat distinct from shorter 'el' (not elll) that follows it}



Cine Concept

Cine Face

First Appearence - Hand of the Gods

Xbalanque = Sh-Buh-ala-NG-ke {Ideally would be spelt as ShB'alaNG'ke, but the English langu-.... actually yeah that just looks fucking retarded}

{Don't ask me why. The B is ejective. Also the N is ejective (which isn't an N, it's a Ŋ, which is an 'Eng'). Also, there's no 'I' in it (as in you won't find any Shiba Inu dogs in Xbalan, it's just a hardswap between the Sh-B)} {Sh-BlanK is the closest thing to it, emphasise the final 'K' and you'll be close enough}



Prev Splash

Prev, Prev Splash

Awilix = Aa-wi-Lishh {Ideally would be spelt as Äwi¦Lish, but the English language can't be bothered}

{Not A-Will-Icks, not A-Wheel-Ish, not, Auh-Veel-Ish. Don't over-pronounce the 'Wi' - it's a short syllable closer to the first half of Will. There's no 'eee' sound} {Sounds kinda like 'Owlish'}



Ah Puch = A(c)h _ Pu-(K)h {Really easy. Literal semi-onomatopoeia for sounding like you're getting ready to spit, then spitting (with an associated Ejective P). Don't pause for the space - just breathe in, breathe out. The 'ch' in Puch is the same phonetic as the 'ch' in Loch / Loch Ness Monster, if that helps} {For his more common name, Cizin is just Kih-Zin} {If it needs clarifying, it's not 'A Putch', 'Ah Push' or 'Ahh Pois'. Yes, I've heard retards in SMITE call him that}





Chaac = CHak {Not Chaaaaaaaac, it's a quick pronunciation, ejective 'Ch'. Best pronounced as Chalk without the L} {BOOM CHAK A LAKA}



Prev. Splash


Hun Batz = hun-B-ats {Pretty straightforward, ideally would be spelt as hun¦B'ats} {Once again, the space is a lie; but other than that, the B is ejective, but not the H, so put more emphasis on the second half than the first} {Not Hoon Batz}



Camazotz = Ka-Ma-Soh-Ts {Pretty straightforward, ideally would be spelt as Kama¦Sots} {Not pronounced with any Z's, it's just hard S's because we don't include any signifiers for the mid-word stress}



Cabrakan = Kabp-Ra-Kahn {Ideally would be spelt as ka'B¦Raqän, but the English language can't be bothered}

{Not Ca-Brack-an. The K is there because you're supposed to pronounce it from the back of your throat (and is distinct from the first C), which 'K' in English achieves better than the 'more accurate' Q. The B ( Ɓ ) is an odd one, as it's Implosive (breathe in for it) - which as a side note, created some neat poetic relation to his brother, who had opposite Ejectives in his name; Zipacna raising mountains (blowing them up from the ground), Cabrakan destroying them (crushing them back down)} {Overall, sounds closer to Capricorn than Bracken}


Concept 1

Concept 2

Ah Muzen Cab = A(c)h Moo-Sen Kaab

{Ideally a¦müsen¦Q'ab, but the English language can't be bothered so little documentation exists, all of this could be bullshit outright} {Same initial phonetic from Ah Puch as if you're getting ready to spit. Again, spaces are a lie, it's treated as all one word, with an ejective C/K/Q on the third 'word'} {Sounds close to saying 'Amazing'. Hell, saying AMC is wrong, but still ultimately more correct than saying three words individually}



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Pub: 22 Jun 2022 05:14 UTC
Edit: 18 Sep 2023 09:05 UTC
Views: 610