{Heads up on some of these pronunciations, because.... man...} {I'm just going to say right now - pronunciations are just as much of a clusterfuck as the creation myth. There's basically no consensus, and usually given as complicated phonetics for what we understand how hieroglyphs were pronounced (with similar issues for Babylonian Cuneiforms and Mayan Hieroglyphs), crutching on Greek-Latin (sometimes Arabic) when we have no clue. The majority of the names you 'think' you know, are the Greek translations of the original Egyptian names}

{All of them are just as likely to be wrong as right, and if there's any actual Egyptologists reading this fuck you you're all awkward cunts to work with, I want to blast a bullet through my skull when I deal with you pieces of shit you should agree that there's always quite a bit of dispute within the field to begin with and then you're going to shut the fuck up and not spend 10 minutes elaborating the point nobody to asked you to elaborate while we're in the middle of a fucking desert and you're hogging the shade. I hate having to listen to you bastards drone on with yourselves, I just want to slit your throats like the arabs we were surrounded with, but for different definitions of faggot. You're an embarrassment to higher education, and the only religious death rites you'll get from me as the 43rd Judge of the Duat is when I spit on your corpse fuck you all I've never worked with a 'good' egyptologist because they don't exist} {I'm just going to give the best we seem to have for each name, to avoid drama}

Ra = R(ae)h {It's the sound that's phonetically in the middle of 'Rah' and 'Reh'; Ra equally correctly given as Re}


Prev Splash

Classic Splash

Khepri = Khab-Pri(s) {Don't ask} {Pri(s), as in Grand Prix} {Not Kep-Ree}



Thoth = (d)je-hu-t(i)hh {Don't Ask} {Thoth and Tahuti actually describes the same phonetic chain in a different way, despite their wildly different spellings... even if Dhuwti / Djehuti is the best way to spell it in English / Anglacise the Egyptian word. Did I not just say, not to ask? Well I'm saying it again, don't ask}

{If you want to say it by the Greek convention that everybody knows him by nowadays, it's 0w0 what's this?! / Thh-ohh-Thh, not Th-o-Th} {Not even kidding you, Theta -> Omega (with stress) -> Theta = θώθ}



Geb = Gye-buh {Correctly spelt Gjeb, which results in a 'Keb'-like pronunciation}


Nut = N-W-T {Hilarious jokes aside, it's not like the food one. Correctly spelt Nwt, and while tempting to instead say "Newt", it really is just 3 phonetic hardswaps in a row. Easiest is to just say each letter individually, then speed it up.}



Concept 2

Lore Lady

Osiris = Owe-Sai-Riss {Oddly normal... but not Ohh-Sai-Riss. Make sure to pronounce the 'Owe'. We know who you're talking about either ways, nobody cares}



Isis = This Video has been blocked for advertisers = Aeih-seh(st) {One of the hardest names in the game to get 'right' as if anybody cares. Isis and Eset actually describe the same phonetic chain in a different way, despite their wildly different spelling welcome to Egyptian, I hope you enjoy your stay; calling her Eye-Sis and Eh-Set are both wrong nobody cares, we know who you're talking about, and her 'real' name lands somewhere in the middle of the two} {Best way to pronounce is a sighing 'eh' at the start and ending with a silent but inflected 'st' trailing off}



Model Promo

Classic Splash

Classic Concept Face

Horus = H[ao]u-Ru(s) {Semi-silent S at the end. Take your pick of dynasty. Earlier ones called him Hauru; later ones called him Horus - honestly, it's the same pronunciation} {Not Horr-us. Closer to Howl than Whore}



Set = Set(h) {Silently inflected H, correctly spelt both with and without it as Set / Seth. Sounds like a slight sigh at the end of the word}


Anubis = Ain(u)-P(ws) {Not An-oo-Biss} {Yes, that's right. Anubis is not pronounced An-oo-Biss; it's closer to Anups / Anupus} {The first part is pronounced quite quickly; the entire name sounds more like Anups. Say the word 'Imps', then walk it back into the word Anubis and you'll be on the right track. Don't ask}



Cine Concept

Cine Face

Classic Splash

Prev Classic Splash

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Classic Concept

Bastet = (ou)Bast-(i)(eh)(t) {Yes, there's a silent 'u' sound / an inflected 'ob' at the start of Bastet's name. We just don't spell it with one because...... (Don't ask). Also, the 't' at the end is barely inflected if at all, it's more like pressing your tongue at the the top of your mouth mid-syllable to cancel what you're saying} {oooBastyeah}



Classic Splash

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Neith = N-(r)T {Don't ask} {Neith is not pronounced 'Knee-th' as in Keith. The name would honestly just be better spelt as 'Niert'}


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Concept Incomp.

Cine Face

Cine Model


Anhur = Anh-Ur(t) {Not Ann-Hurr} {The 'Anh' is the same phonetic in 'Anhk', but without the K. There's another syllable-cancel at the end too} {If you want a good way to remember, it's more like Anhk Hurt, with each final letter ignored}



Sobek = S-Oe-Bek {Not S-Owe-Bek} {In terms of spelling, the o and the e are interchangeable; Sebek is equally correct - but you pronounce with both of them. Correct pronunciation *almost* sounds like SirBeck}



Classic Splash

Serqet = Zer(l)-Ket {Completely silent l, you just roll your tongue at the end of the 'Zer' part as if you're about to chain into it}



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Pub: 22 Jun 2022 05:13 UTC
Edit: 11 Mar 2024 07:43 UTC
Views: 667