Yu Huang = Jade Emperor {It's not a name (unlike how Sun Wukong / 孫悟空 is the actual name of the Monkey King / 猴王 / Hou Wang), it's a literal title and in this example warrants being translated + spoken in English as one. Yu = Jade, Huang = Emperor. You sound retarded and psudeointellectual if you refuse to translate, unless you want to speak in full Chinese while discussing him, which I know you won't can't, 鬼佬人渣. 你都不明白我是怎么侮辱你的, 是吗? >inb4 你需要一个翻译, 就像你是绿色的戴绿帽子一样 . The Jade Emperor is otherwise nameless, as it's given that the personal name of any given Emperor is exclusively known to the court in question and out of the knowledge of those whose affairs it does not pertain to aka the peasants, commoners and plebs / mortals such as you and I - the same such rule likewise applies to the Yellow Emperor, Flame Emperors or any other irl historic Chinese Emperors you may have heard of} {Overall; pretty shoddily handled}

{And that's not even mentioning how completely out of his league the Pearl Dragon and 'Phoenixes' he uses are - one is a minor water creature that even Ao Kuang would accidentally step on like a bug, the other is a Greek mythological beast that is completely different from the Chinese counterpart of the Feng Huang. Shit's like watching the Queen of England order a off-brand Big Mac with the scraggliest mangiest looking Ingurlish 'Lion' by her side - the realest Jade nigga would be at least have Qing Long and Zhu Que at his side for someone of his magnitude. Oh and it's not a case of 'being humble' either - it would be seen as an affront to the Heavenly Court for him to be associating with such pleb-tier beasts} {Or how the Shishi in his splash art are both male, not one male one female} {Low effort doesn't quite cut it...}



Cine Concept

Pearl Dragon Concept

Pearl Dragon Cine Concept

Guan Yu = G(w)'an Yu {Fast pronunciation, don't linger on the words (it's commonly given as one word), the 'u' is almost silent but inflected. More accurately given as Guan Di; Guan Yu refers to his mortal life during Romance of the Three Kingdom, while Guan Di is his title (Lord Guan) upon ascension to Godhood}


Cine Model 1

Cine Model 2


Classic Splash

Classic Model

Nu Wa = Nuwa {Not New Wah or anything equally overpronounced, it's said essentially as one word. It's said as fast as, and with the same first phonetic as 'Nunu'}


Classic Splash

Classic Concept

Erlang Shen = Er-Lan(g) Sh-enn {The G is gutteral, bottom of the throat and near silent}

{Sorry for the splash quality.... it's the best I could patch together of what remains out there...}


Smaller Splash



Ao Kuang = A-oh Kw-Aaahh-Nn-G {First name has two syllables (it's not 'ow', it's A-oh); last word is complex, but spoken quickly. Technically his 'real' name is Ao Guang, but Kuang does have cited use, it's just a less common spelling / anglacisation. Not Ao Kong, the 'a' is audiable, it really is just the phonetic pronunciation between Kuang and Guang, as they look like they're pronounced}



Classic Splash

Classic Concept

Ne Zha = Nah Zshja {Male}


Classic Splash

Classic Concept

Classic Model

He Bo = Rwhuaa Bua {Don't ask} {He Bo is in of itself another title, not a name - guy's real name is Fengyi / Bingyi (no direct relation to Hou Yi, but he is Chang'E's brother, and did get into fights with Hou Yi in the form of a Dragon, as you can see referenced with his dragon-hands)} {He = Great River (usually in reference to the Yellow River, but applies to other region's great-rivers such as the Nile or the Amazon), Bo = Honorary title, rougly on the level of Lord / Earl; signifying He Bo's place in the Heavenly Court}



Classic Splash

Hou Yi = Hoo Yee {What Yee?} {Also if you were paying attention while you read the above and made a connection - it's a different 'Hou', the written character just a homophone that translates poorly into English. He's not a monkey}



Chang'E = (t)chan'(g)uhr {One word, not 'Chang. Ehh.' or 'Chan-Jay' or 'Chong Ahh'. The -g is more gutteral and pronunced at the base of the throat, almost silent. The phonetic after it is unique to the Chinese language and doesn't anglacise well - best displayed as a simple 'E', but is more like an inflected yet confused 'Uhhh?' sound you'd make if you can't think of a word}

{Don't you fucking dare hard-pronounce the G, like the burger VA for Hera does in-game} {The Chinese embodiment of 'the moon' and 'femininity within marriage' is not pronounced like 'Big Changus'} {So yeah, believe it or not, a feminine word for a Goddess of femininity isn't very abraisive, despite being in a language so usually grating to listen to as Mandarin}



Da Ji = Da Dji {Looks off, but the J is the closest letter in English to the phonetic in Ji - however misses on some of the pronunciation detail. It's not Da Gee, there's a definite sharper syllable at the start of it}




Zhong Kui = Z-Hon(n) Qu-ee {The last word is not pronounced Ku-i / Koo-i. Between the two words, the inflection between the extended / silent n(n) and the 'Q' phonetic naturally feigns the same phonetic as the G, so if you ignore the G you'll pronounce it better than going out of your way to say 'ong'}


Classic Splash

Concept Face


Xing Tian = Shing (t)Chi-Ann {Don't ask. The name is onomatopoeic for clashing blades} {SHING!..... TCHIANN!....}




Jing Wei = Djing Way {jing wei} {jing wei2} {jing wei3}

{The 'name' Jing Wei is technically a title (Jing = High-Spirited, Wei = Guardian). Her 'original' name back when she was mortal, was 'Nu Wa'....... but that might case some confusion}




Sun Wukong = Sun Woo-Kon-G {Also known in English simply as Monkey, given the initial and popularised translation of The Journey to the West} {The small Monkey that appears as Classic Sun Wukong's / Old Hun Batz's 3 is still in-game, within Neith's pirate skins}




Classic Splash

Classic Model

Mulan = (Hua) M'-lan {Short 'u' syllable, the word sounds closer to Milan than Moolan}





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Pub: 22 Jun 2022 05:06 UTC
Edit: 18 Sep 2023 09:17 UTC
Views: 722