King Arthur = My liege = Kin-G Ar-Thurr {I seriously hope you didn't need correcting on this one}



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Merlin = Me(y)r-Lin {Silent y, transcripted from the root Myrddin. Merlin's 'full name' / 'true name' is Myrddin Ambrosius, which is an amalgamate of the names of two even older British Sorcerors, indicative of his origins within British folklore. Quite an elegant name honestly, *almost* sounds like you're rolling the 'r' - it's not a hard Merr-Lin as many incorrectly put it}




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Morgan le Fay = Mor-Gan Le Fey = (Mor-Ga-Nah) {More accurately / correctly given as Morgana in English, Morgan le Fay is (unsurprisingly) her name in French} {The separate names stem from the fact that the majority of the people literate enough to 'add' to Arthurian legend when it rose in popularity were from the upper class Norman (French) and continental nobility (compared to the generally more serious history-focused christfag monks), a general 'phase' of the legend's evolution known as the Vulgate and Post-Vulgate Cycles (which is where the women of the court were developed, as well as their dramas, and where lots of the christfag rewriting / inserts took place). If you wish to refer to her as Morgan le Fay - that's fine - but please be consistant and also refer to King Arthur as Roi Arthur (with appropriate French pronunciation of Arthur) and yourself as pédé. Which you realistically won't, because we're speaking English, regarding a British 'Pantheon'. Honestly, 'Morgan le Fay' over 'Morgana' just comes off as psudeointellectual, even if it has risen in popularity in recent times}


{tl;dr Morgana}




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Lancelot = Lan-seh-lot {Full name Lancelot du Lac - but unlike Morgana, this one is correctly given as a French name, as he's a self-insert in Arthurian legend for the French themselves} {If you aren't aware, Lancelot is not present in the original Arthurian myths, and is an invention of French writers. I mean, if you didn't twig he was poorly written OC, after the part where he was the "very first and most bravest and strongest knight of the round table" or the part where he "defeats the entire Round Table (of over 30 of the most elite named and unnamed knights in Britain), by himself, at once" or the part where "he's been fucking the King of Britain's wife right under his nose while being his bestest fren in the whole wide worl-.... look what I'm saying is that if I hadn't already made a Donutsteel the Edgehog joke elsewhere in this doc already, I'd use one for this guy}



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Pub: 22 Jun 2022 05:28 UTC
Edit: 23 Aug 2023 06:27 UTC
Views: 576