Original Post >>43895407

Step 2 in chasing femanons out of /vt/ for good: Falseflag as a pomudachi. This kills 2 birds with one stone because it also paints those godawful pomies in a negative light. He is initially disgusted that he has to pretend to like the 4chan kadets and quilldren, no way in a million years would he want to have any physical contact with one. Overtime though, the way they react with vile disgust pleases him and makes him laugh so he sekuharas femanons for fun too. He likes to pretend they're lolis so he feels less weird about it. Everyone on /a/ is a little girl anyways so, eh what the fuck. It seems despite all his efforts, briskadet posting activity has not decreased. In fact, some of them feed into the disgusting flirting(for some god damn fucking reason jesus christ if you're one of them, stop). He wonders why certain kadets don't just date the pomies so both can have lives and leave this shithole forever. He unironically tries to set them up, even encouraged the hexagon to date the pomie that one time. Unfortunately, that feat turns out impossible, as pomudachis are pathetic turbovirgins. Ugh, it's not like he enjoyed fake-flirting with the kadets or anything!

Step 3: Give Briskadets a bad enough reputation that they get chased off the board from simply posting. He continues to falseflag, making kadets say the most vile shit imaginable. It's a lot more difficult that he imagined because 33% of /NijiEN/ is Briskadets, and Sonny is liked enough by even maleanons that nobody cares expect for holoniggers. He is kind of sad that he turned them into DV crazed imoutos but feels a sense of power from the amount of control he has...Hmm, he can easily manipulate them on a whim...Perhaps there's still a chance to save them yet!

Pub: 19 Apr 2023 02:35 UTC
Views: 679