〝 Always⠀the⠀same⠀running
yourself story . . . 〞
⠀Eli Winters ┈ aka
⠀ELI. He/him & 25yrs ♡
⠀! Wasian⠀++⠀Visual . .
⠀Loves ♡ fancy things,
⠀ⵌ Hates﹕old people,
⠀worn-out items⠀>◠<
A surname commonly recognized in the idol industry, Eli Winters can make women swoon with the simplest of smiles. He began his journey relatively easily; turning his famed family’s insults into motivation, he quickly rose to the top with his talents (and money). Under that facade of charm, though, lies a man who’s sneaky and sly, following in his father’s footsteps. He's the man who has it all, but does he really?