Simple PowerShell script for kohya-ss (LoRA training)

# Config:
$kohya_ss_dir = ""; #Full path to kohya_ss scripts folder.

$ckpt = ""; #Full path to model you want to train FROM, or base model.
$image_dir = ""; #Data set folder.
$output = ""; #Output folder for your baked LORAs.
$reg_dir = ""; #Only use these for dreambooth style training. Point to an empty folder otherwise.

$train_batch_size           = 10        #Amount of images to process at once. I have 8GB of VRAM so I left it at 1, it just worked. Raise if you got more VRAM.
$learning_rate              = 1e-3   #Unet learning rate.
$text_encoder_learning_rate = 1e-3  #Text Encoder learning rate. This is the recommended value.
$num_epochs                 = 5        #Total number of epochs (amount of times the entire set is repeated)
$save_every_n_epochs        = 1        #Save checkpoints every X epochs.
$resolution                 = 512      #Resolution to work at. Higher requires more training for the unet and more VRAM.
$network_dim                = 64      #AKA Rank. Higher for more resemblance to the training images and bigger file size. 96-192 for characters. 160 was good for me.
$network_alpha              = 1      #Must be equal or lower than network dim. Dampens learning the lower it is, but avoids rounding issues.
$noise_offset               = 0.0      #Increases dynamic range of outputs. Every 0.1 dampens learning quite a bit, do more steps or higher training rates to compensate.
$clip_skip                  = 2        #Set it to 2 if you train from NAI.
$optimizer                  = "AdamW8bit" # Valid values: "AdamW", "AdamW8bit", "Lion", "SGDNesterov", "SDGNesterov8bit", "DAdaptation", "AdaFactor"
# Default AdamW8bit (old --use_8bit_adam). DAdaptation requires setting learning rates to values between 0.1 and 1.0 as it tweaks them during training.
$scheduler                  = "cosine_with_restarts"

# End of config

# $learning_rate              = $learning_rate * $train_batch_size # Seems to work better for the Unet.

cd $kohya_ss_dir
.\venv\Scripts\activate #Activate python venv before starting.

accelerate launch --num_cpu_threads_per_process 8 `
    --network_module="networks.lora" `
    --pretrained_model_name_or_path=$ckpt --train_data_dir=$image_dir --reg_data_dir=$reg_dir --output_dir=$output `
    --caption_extension=".txt" --shuffle_caption --keep_tokens=1 `
    --prior_loss_weight=1 `
    --resolution="$resolution" `
    --enable_bucket --min_bucket_reso=320 --max_bucket_reso=960 `
    --train_batch_size="$train_batch_size" `
    --learning_rate="$learning_rate" --unet_lr="$learning_rate" --text_encoder_lr=$text_encoder_learning_rate `
    --max_train_epochs=$num_epochs `
    --mixed_precision="fp16" --save_precision="fp16" `
    --optimizer_type="$optimizer" --xformers `
    --save_every_n_epochs="$save_every_n_epochs" `
    --save_model_as=safetensors `
    --clip_skip="$clip_skip" `
    --seed=420 `
    --flip_aug `
    --network_dim="$network_dim" --network_alpha="$network_alpha" `
    --max_token_length=225 `
    --cache_latents `
    --lr_scheduler="$scheduler" `
Pub: 13 Jul 2023 16:34 UTC
Edit: 13 Jul 2023 16:59 UTC
Views: 1530