trade rules key: pickier *modify given on hold (offers still allowed) looking to get rid of, probably won't be as picky nsfw or triggering ALL are for trade and I won't kill you for offering ^_^

fandom pororo, dabloon, pinkbitchclub, lukaalnst, haeyung, swedoumilku, ugIysquid, fyoz, soots, alhaithams, lostinthecIouds, pocchacoo, 3799, catradora, cir, r5, r7, 6fu, qmeng, dianxia, doa, bungoustraydogs, wangji, sqx, dok

jail (only leaving for a crazy offer) hanako

very picky loverman, feisty, slowburn, regress

picky thunder, trio, mommy

iffy jolly, snookums, hunk, disguise, inferno, audition, moral

uft femur, friendzone, fictives, dub, cycle, shrink, stall, architectury, femqueen, ichikawa, official, nacho, bpdmanic, biosphere, impoIite, zeep, daisugi, umaasa, scratchpole, orbees, webstring, sLgmaboy, shoo, dicked

everything else trade logs I'm hella autistic about my interests so you're like 500% more likely to get one of my urls if you offer anything related to ALNST

Pub: 16 Jun 2022 00:55 UTC
Edit: 03 Mar 2025 06:29 UTC
Views: 1732
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