these bitches gay...


h dni:
basic dni criteria (lgbtqphobic, racist, ableist, etc), mspec lesbians, pro/comshippers, against he/him lesbians or she/her gays (or any prns les/gays), in dttwt/edshtwt/kpoptwt, anti selfdx, anti fictkin/otherkin, endo/demo systems, against opposite gender hcs, misuses tone tags, migenders frisk/chara/kris, discourse accs, "irl yanderes", demonize/villainize cluster b disorders, believes in misandry or reverse racism, anti xenogdrs/neoprns, people who openly hate my interests.

h byf:
i use/need tone tags, autistic soooo i suck at interacting, i say/make kys/kms jokes (lemme know if u need me to tag these or not), i can be pretty self-deprecating at times, i can be a bit obsessive or "too much", my mental illnesses affect the way i think or view the world very much.

start over.

Pub: 10 Jun 2023 18:06 UTC
Edit: 10 Jun 2023 20:13 UTC
Views: 222