Gingaza Chapter 1 Episode 8: Falling Star

Director: All present. We will now present the results of the auditions for The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.

Rinko: Ramona! We’re getting the results! I'm so nervous I'm shaking.......

Ramona: I'll hold your hand. It's going to be all right.

Director: Let's start with the role of Kaguyahime's attendant, Misao. Ramona Wolf.

Ramona: Yes, Ramona Wolf here.

Director: And the role of Princess Kaguyahime is played by...... Senju Koyomi.

Koyomi: Understood.

Ramona: (My co-star is Koyomi? I'm looking forward to it.)

Ramona: (It's a pity it wasn't Rinko......)

Director: Next, Kaguyahime's foster parents, Ou and Nyanba. The role of Ou, Wang Xue. Yonaguni Hikari will play the role of the old woman.

Xue: Got it!

Hikari: Yes!

Director: Messenger from the moon. Lilja Kurtbey. Next, the five princes, each of whom-

Director: -will be performed by more than one member. Those whose names have been called are to take part in the reading afterwards.

Rinko: .......

Ramona: Rinko, I-

Rinko: Oh, it didn't work out this time either! I'm so disappointed! But I feel kind of refreshed!

Ramona: That’s.......

Rinko: You're doing the reading together, right? Go on, go on. It's your second play, so do your best, even for me!

Ramona: Uh.......sorry. I’ll go.

Hikari: 'And that's why you've come forward, isn't it?’

Xue: 'Thank goodness. I'm too old to know what's going on in the capital. I'm asking you to take care of Kaguya, Misao.’

Ramona: .......

Director: Next is Misao's dialogue. What's the matter?

Ramona: Sorry.......can we have a break?

Director: We will resume in 15 minutes.

Koyomi: .......

Rinko: ......Okay, it's tidy. I haven't forgotten anything. All my luggage is in the boot.

Rinko: I can't wait to get rid of my regrets......

Ramona: Rinko......? Why did you clear out your room? Where are you going without telling me, Rinko!?

Rinko: I didn't want to cry, so I kept quiet. If you're a kind person, act nice to me until the end.

Ramona: Don't tell me you're quitting......?

Rinko: Because, I don't belong here anymore.......

Ramona: Even if you din't make it this time, there’s still the next time!

Rinko: There isn't anymore! I've been smoldering for so long, I don't like it. I've struggled and tried my best, but I've reached my limit.......

Ramona: Rinko.......

Rinko: I wish I had met you sooner.

Ramona: .......

Koyomi: I’ve just learned that she requested to terminate her contract. That’s unfortunate.

Ramona: I’m going to make her stay. That’s what a friend should do.

Koyomi: If you respect her, you shouldn't.

Koyomi: Fukushi-san was a good and kind person. Her jokes made many people laugh.

Ramona: Even I...was saved by Rinko.

Koyomi: But being kind is not enough to be an actor.

Ramona: ...I understand your point and Gingaza’s style.

Ramona: But I'm not going to bend. This place is too cold. It should be improved.

Koyomi: Why are you so obsessed with this?

Ramona: I can't connect with anyone, it's so lonely being in a individualistic group.

Koyomi: .......

Ramona: If the actor enjoys the play, it will be conveyed to the audience. If the audience is happy, it gives the actor strength.

Ramona: There is still room for growth in Gingaza......I will prove it to you.

Pub: 23 Sep 2023 19:30 UTC
Views: 331