hang around the space port in the area you know people get hired from
it's more like adoption though since it's unofficial hiring
you sign on with a crew and you're at their mercy
you have to negotiate wage and position yourself and they're not required to bring you back to a planet or station they picked you up at
but that's to be expected when you get hired unofficially and not through one of the companies or unions
sure they guarantee a lot of stuff, but you could be on the waiting to hire lists for years before ever getting a bite for off world
they also only work with those that can afford it so you'd only end up on some big company ship with the bare minimum of what's required in living
no, you want the real deal when comes to living out in space on a ship
there's a good chance the ship you sign on with might be pirates or smugglers, but who isn't to some degree nowadays
also the chances of being hired this way mean you could be hired in as little as a few hours
most ships that come around here for human hires tend to be alien since smaller humans and our hands lets us get into more areas of ships that need cleaning or fixing
also helps if you have some skills already too
anyone with medical training of any sorts gets grabbed fast
been sitting around for a couple of weeks now since you don't have any one skill you can peddle to get hired, but you're young and willing to work so eventually you'll attract the fancy of a crew
eventually a couple scurrians come by checking out those willing to sign on
several people end up moving away showing they don't want to be hired by them
mostly due to that scurrians are giant rat people
you stick around with some others who don't mind their species
you can't recall any bad rumors about their kind and they look clean and nice
they sniff at those who stayed and ask some basic questions
medical issues, what's toxic to your species, any skills you have, experience in space, etc

manage to get a look at them yourself while they check other people out
didn't expect them to be so tall
probably a couple of feet taller than you
most noticeable is how bottom heavy they are similar to Earth rats in one more regard
pretty sure they're female with their less than modest clothes showing no bulges
they get to you and you don't flinch away from them moving in to sniff at you
you've gotten used to that from the species who have strong scenes of smell doing that at greeting
one moves back to ask you the typical questions while the offer keeps her nose roaming over you and playing with your hair
that's a good, but odd sign at least
can feel the other's bald tail slowly wrap around one of your ankles while she asks if you have any issue with working with her kind or a lot of physical work or issues with cramped spaces
manage to get a no out for all of those while the one still sniffing you has her head buried in your shirt
and then you hear those words that get your heart racing
you're hired
walk with them to your soon to be new home and ship
they keep you more or less wedged between the couples massive hips telling you about the ship and her crew
learn it's not a big crew or ship with there only being 10 members and you'll be the 11th
also you'll be the only human aboard while all the others will be scurrians like them
they're going on about scurrian cuisine to you, which is thankfully omnivorous like humans, as you come up to the ship and some of the crew loading supplies and cargo
not the prettiest ship, but looks more than sturdy enough and decent sized so you don't expect to be packed in like a sardine
even more so with the rooms built to their larger sizes
they present you to the captain
like literally, they picked and held you up to the large black furred captain
she shoos the two off that scouted you while she brings you over to a crate with some paperwork

pretty standard stuff for signing your life away to an alien ship
pay is good
also making sure you know you might be dealing with some less than legal work and areas
and going over what your job(s) would be
which sounds mostly like odd jobs that could use an extra pair of small hands
with that all squared and your signature she only needs you to get a quick physical and couple of tests from the ship's doc before she makes you an official member of The Star's Den
cute name
she guides you to the medbay/doc's room
can't help, but look at all the crew you pass by and start to notice a pattern
also an odd design choice in the ship's inner design
it has a lot of largish tubes throughout it that crew members travel through
it's like being in a large rat cage with those tubes snaking through them
she gets to one of the tubes and crawls in telling you to follow
and first thing you notice is her large furry ass taking up almost the entire tube and your view
also notice underwear is not something this species cares about
oh boy, this is going to take some getting used to
and more amazingly you see another giant rat girl squeeze over the captain wanting to go the way you were coming from
she stops when she comes face to face with you and asks the captain if this is the new crewmate
she gets a confirmation before she gives your face a quick lick before needing to pass
you have to press down against the tube to let her squeeze past
she has more than enough room with your smaller stature, but she makes sure to rub her whole body against yours as she passes and even makes sure her tail trails against you before even that's out of range of you
you finally pop out of the tube after the captain's ass into the medical room with the doctor
the captain gets comfortable while the doc introduces herself and starts into the medical questions
notice she's got medical info on humans on her screen
so they planned on getting human

then you're slightly caught off guard when she tells you to strip
remembering it's a physical you start and can't help, but cast a glance at the captain watching
she doesn't really react and you recall how little scurrians wear so nakedness must not be as much a big deal for them
then the physical takes an odd turn when the doc rat starts circling around and sniffing various parts of your body
guess that would tell them if you were healthy or not
she has you bend and take various poses while poking and prodding and sniffing
you end up letting out a surprised squeak when you feel her nose shoved between your ass cheeks and feel her sniffing at you in a more intimate area
"cute noise your kind make"
the captain is looking on in interest now and looking smug at her comment
she assures you this is common for scurrian physicals and the doctor is making sure you're healthy everywhere
the doc finally finishes and stands before you feel her hand pinch your ass making you jump
she's moving quickly and mostly clinically while bringing over a syringe gun to draw some blood quickly
then setting the tube of your blood into a machine which quickly gives her a bunch of info you could probably parse if you payed more attention in biology class
after a couple minutes of her reading and comparing stuff to her screen she turns to the captain
"he's all clean and healthy and nothing that comes out of him is toxic to us"
the captain signs her name onto your contract and says welcome aboard before setting the data pad down and moving towards you
you're confused before she starts rubbing her face against yours some before moving her mouth to yours and shoving her tongue in to lick at your teeth and mouth
it doesn't last long and you don't have time to process or ask questions since the doctor moves in to do the same thing confusing your more
they note your confused look before simply answering
"scent marking, you'll get used to it"

barely have time to think about that since the captain motions for you to follow
and you're once again in those tubes with your vision being taken up by her large furry cheeks
you follow her ass to a different area of the ship
your ship you can't help, but smile to yourself
looks like she brought you to the kitchen/mess hall of the ship where a chubbier scurrian female is working
you end up stumbling a step when you see she's naked except for a cooking apron hiding none of her large figure
when she notices you two she lets out an excited squeak and does a sort of bouncing dance on the spot jiggling all her assets
she rushes to you and hugs you into her body which buries your head into her ample cleavage
you get a reprieve when she grabs your head to do that scent marking ritual too, lingers a bit longer on the kissing part
you hear the captain say helping out with cooking will be your first job for now
the chef doesn't miss a beat by fretting at you and how underfed you look
you spend the next couple of hours helping her cook, tasting food for her, being asked about human food, and being smothered by her hugs at random
then you hear the captain over the ship's intercom saying they'll be taking off shortly
you can't help, but rush to a nearby window to watch Earth slowly fade from view as the blackness of space takes up more and more of the window
then you feel the chef behind you stroking at your hair and back going on not to worry since everyone on the ship is going to be taking care of you and making you feel welcome and loved and fed and warm and happy and etc
you two get back to cooking and finish soon
she sets out some food for you both while you wait for more of the crew to come by for food
she makes sure to sit as close to you as she can without being on top of you and making sure to give you a taste of everything she's having too

you take turns getting up to serve random crew members that stop by for food while you have to keep reassuring her you're more than full
course now you have to deal with her fussing about making sure you're clean
combing your hair with her claws, licking at your face and neck, and rubbing different spots on your body
you get more looks at the crew and again you see that pattern, but this time you have a chance to ask
you ask if all scurrians on the ship are female
"Oh yes, that's quite normal. Our kind have a bit of an imbalance when it comes to males and females. I think it's was something like 1 in 20 are males."
you're taking this all in while serving food a couple more times
the cook continues "It's a bit embarrassing, but us scurrian females tend to develop some issues if we go for too long without some attention from a male. And using yours or another tail just doesn't replace the feel of the real thing. And there are too few stops in between ports for us to get some real relief. But now we have you!"
that causes you to stumble off the stool you were using and throwing a surprised question at her exclamation
"That is one of your jobs you agreed to, there's no turning back now. Wait, that's not a problem is it? We looked it up and human males are quite compatible to scurrian females and have very similar anatomy to scurrian males. Though your kind's balls are much smaller, but don't worry we know how much stamina humans have. Ooh I can't wait to feel how different a round tip feels versus a pointed one."
you had a thousand yard stare processing all that
also some vague things about your contract start making more sense with "helping care for the crew's needs" coming to the front
you can't help, but blush at every scurrian you see eating at one of the tables
this... this is going to be a very interesting ship life
you then feel her taking larger and slower sniffs at you and her hands grabbing lower

"since most of the crew is now fed how about you let me get a taste of you"
this is going way too fast and how you're in clear view of other crew members who aren't even paying you any mind right now is quite discerning
shit, this means you're likely to be jumped anywhere on the ship
she's getting ready to rip your pants off before you two get interrupted by a rat in overalls with a tool belt
"You can play with your food later. I need the new boy to help me make sure this scarp box doesn't drop out of space."
the chef pouts and huffs in announce as she reluctantly let's you get up to leave
the engie rat forcibly grabs your head before she rubs your face against her chest and then kissing you roughly before she turns and says to follow
you hurry to join her in one of the tunnels
you don't have time to react has her tail loops around your neck making sure you keep up and don't get lost
you get dragged along until you reach the engine room and feel the heat
she doesn't give you much time to take in sights before she's handing you tools and making you crawl in spaces she can't reach
this is where you spend the rest of the day sweating your ass off
she's a lot more rough, but she's also taking the same opportunities to rub against you and any that lets her cover her body over yours
end up tossing your shirt off with how warm you get
she's sniffing more at you now and even feel her licking the sweat off you often
she's still working, but now she's grinding on you while you two work in a position that lets her sit on your crotch
she growls at you to keep working if you ever give a pause
you finish up with what you were doing, but can't move while she still works and grinds on you
she screams done before throwing her tool and pulling you to her roughly
she needs to do little to quickly take her overalls and tool belts off before she's pulling your pants off since you weren't

she's on top of you and humping while you barely have time to register you're inside her
until her heavy ass slams down to base and her relentless pace starts
you're held down on the engine room floor being fucked through it
she grips you tightly from every angle and humps you like her life depended on it
she's completely hunched over you enveloping your body and rubbing and licking at any part of you she can reach
each angry hump accompanied by a pleasured squeak and your moans
until you feel her clamp down and wring an orgasm out of you
she rides out every last tremor of hers and every last spurt of yours
her rubbing and licking takes on a more tender turn while she covetously stares down at you
"mmm yeah, you'll do nicely"
she dismounts you and stretches before heading into the tunnel
you lay there catching your breath before she pops back in yelling at you stop wasting time in there and come to bed
you get up to go get your clothes and this somehow makes her mad too
she gets out and drags you into the tunnel grumbling about wasting time
you didn't get the chance to dress, but only pick up your clothes
she's collard your neck with her tail again making sure you follow
more embarrassing you feel another scurrian crawling behind and burying her nose in your balls as you get dragged to who knows where in the ship
and the large room you finally end up in is one you were least prepared for
every single other crew member was in the room with the last being the one that was behind you crawling over your stunned head making sure her ass rubbed against your face as she joins the pile
they were all naked too
licking and combing themselves and each other's fur
having them all turn their eyes to you froze you to the spot
before several tails dragged you into the pile of furred bodies
each one taking their turn to scent mark and kiss you

you're being licked and rubbed from every angle
each tongue looking to clean every inch of your body
you couldn't fight them at all
you were exhausted and warm fur rubbing against your whole body kept you pliable
each one made sure to brush your hair with either claws or combs causing you to drift off more and more
when they all finished you were pulled into multiple embraces of the pile of rats
enveloped from every direction in fur and bodies
cuddled between two scurrians with any stray part not covered in their embrace being held by clawed hand or tail
you didn't stand a chance and quickly drifted off
you'd eventually waking to being humped between two scurrians
and the following days would see you fucked by every single crew mate, in every position, and on every surface inside the ship when you didn't have a real job to do

Pub: 22 Aug 2024 07:50 UTC
Views: 465