my most in use url of all time dont reclaim this ever i need ppl to stream serani poji

i am the biggest serani poji fan ever. enjoy my autistic infodump.


Shiki and Fredy.. the Serani Poji sisters

About the author
I don't actively gatekeep Serani Poji, in fact I love sharing them and assigning my friends their song. They are a core part of my identity and I dislike that being taken from me. It's more than being a casual listener, it's the matter of being understood through a medium.

Goal in life is to promote my absolute no. 1 idol Serani Poji! I wish for all the unreleased songs to be released.

When I came down with a terrible sickness, I was forced to attend a funeral out in the cold. This caused my symptoms to worsen - all thanks to my abusive parents. My head and body were in pain, the only thing I could focus was my physical and mental pain. That was until I put on Serani Poji to calm me down and help me rest. Even though it wasn't the best rest, I have Serani Poji to thank for.

Serani Poji is a Japanese fictional Shibuya-kei idol group from the Sega Dreamcast game Roommania 203, made by Sega sound designers / composers. Most prominently Tomoko Sasaki, who worked with the composition, lyrics/scripts, etc. She has also made the music videos for the Ochamekan extras. Though, that's not the entirety of Serani Poji. Yukihiro Fukutomi, another Sega sound designer/producer, also helped with producing tracks. Every album has a different vocalist. Tomoko Sasaki (merry go round jailhouse, ochamekan + bomber minmi ep), Yukichi (manamoon), and Yumi Higashino (one-room survival) WHO also covered My Love, Marshmallow live. I am pretty sure this is from a radio broadcast.

From their website (est. 2008), they described themselves as "made from happiness, miracle, mysterious, cake, strawberry, candy, funny, sweet drink, twinkle-star, perfume, teenage, youth, love, lover, milk tea, cafe au lait…and many many wonderful thing!", once you listen to their music you'll understand why. To me, they embody all things cute!

Over the years, the group has gained a following that surpassed the game's following. Especially in western circles - "Pipo pipo" trended on Tiktok in the Summer of 2023, along with a trend of "Where is Smiley?" from the same album, one-room survival. SEGA has acknowledged this rise in popularity and so has released a sped up version of Pipo Pipo (Which in my opinion does not need it... but it was suggested by Trend Box) along with the entirety of one-room survival on streaming services. Kissaten at Night (夜の喫茶店) and Goodbye My Sweet Strawberry (セラニポージ) from Ochamekan are also trending!

Tomoko has acknowledged the global attention herself! She recently set up in response. After 14 years of the site not being active (as in paying for hosting), it's back! The site has the backstory of Serani Poji (even a Boku no Mashuu mention) in Japanese and English!! I suggest reading it, it definitely covers the basic origins of Serani Poji.

About the game they are from
Roommania #203 (ルーマニア#203) is a game that never saw overseas release, only in Japan. My knowledge on the game is going to be scarce because of this... bare with me. You influence Neji, a student in Japan who's kind of a shut-in. It's your job to influence him with ping pong balls and depending on what you do you might get different endings. Neji is a fan of Serani Poji (he even has a poster of manamoon in his room), so much so that manamoon, plays periodically throughout.

There is also the sequel, "New Roommania: Porori Seishun" (ニュールーマニア ポロリ青春) which features the entirety of the one-room survival album. Information is even more scarce on this... but in this one there's both a male and a female protagonist.

There was going to be a third one named Project one-room (sounds a lot like one-room survival huh) for the PS4 however that was cancelled. The director has said that the songs that Serani Poji has made will possibly see the light of day at some point! There's a song for the teaser that's unreleased... so hopefully we can get more recent Serani Poji songs.

Tomoko has composed / arranged / wrote some songs for Idolm@ster!! She made Shiki's image song, Himitsu no Toware along with other songs like Kawaii War, Atashi Ponkotsu Android, Kira! Mankai Smile, Frederica, Neko Yameru yo, Onee-chan Disco, Kabocha-hime, Zenryoku Idol, and Kyun! Vampire Girl. I just thought this would be interesting to include... :sob: Idolm@ster is a very near and dear interest to me. You can definitely hear the Serani Poji-esque in the songs, the lyrics are just that unique and distinct in her style.

Iori Minase, an idol from the franchise, covered Rabbit Panic in a special CD. This is most likely due to her bunny plush, "usa-chan". A fictional idol covering the song of another fictional idol... interesting!

Absolute fave song Boku no Mashu... or My Love, Marshmallow
Personal ranking of the variants of this song: 1. gentle whisper + live, 2. demo, 3. original
honestly they all have different vibes but i love gentle whisper too much.... Teehee...

Misc stuff
This channel has a lot of rare Serani Poji songs! From lives to demos.
Ochamekan extras: Bomber Minmi music video, Go go! Super Girl short film, and Sayonara Ichigo-chan music video
There's also Serani Poji merch from a Roommania club membership! Also a vinyl of One-Room Survival was recently released.

to do : song rankings, a synposis of every album, more abt tomoko sasaki.

Pub: 28 Jun 2022 19:46 UTC
Edit: 30 Dec 2024 00:26 UTC
Views: 2416