

  • I make kys and kms jokes .
  • I'm literally a yappatron 2000
    • this has to be clarified cause someone doesn't know how to read, I spam ask all on retrospring and you can never get me to shut up . If ur mad that I talk a lot just dni
  • I have like 5 online identities (I am not a system) and all of them have different preferred pronouns cause I wanted to mess around with neos, literally just use any pronouns honestly
    • no pronouns are honestly most preferred
  • I'm mentally ill
  • main rentry here
  • im forever a teenager go away creepos
  • I'm actually thelemas number 1 fan and you can't prove me otherwise ! !
  • I'm competitive as hell lmao
    • I won't conpete with you on your favs (jokingly) if you mention somewhere that you don't like it
  • I probably have low empathy please don't come to me with your problems
  • please don't make any (insert parent here) abuse jokes (belt, hanger etc.) near me I genuinely find it triggering (even if I try to play along)
  • don't try to guess my age, there's a reason I don't share it
  • I can't really tell if something Is bad upon the first sight of it sometimes so if I don't get it please just tell me that it's bad 😔
  • I make so many inappropriate jokes mihoyo please let me say pussy
  • please initiate if u wanna interact with me I genuinely get scared if I have to initiate if I don't know you (not moot or friend or someone i have previous interaction with) I promise I'm not intimidating
  • I recheck/make sure of things multiple times sorry if it's annoying
  • I'm a more on the normal side himejoshi I'm absolutely insane about kiamei and bronseele and kongluna and durarita and sakukallen and- (they're all canon/srs)(well except for kongluna but let me be delusional . .)
  • don't delete something you previously said just cause I replied to it . . It makes me scared that I said something offensive to you please communicate it directly to me if I said something wrong or you just misunderstood it ☚ī¸
  • my replies may take a while, sometimes it's cause I'm scared of saying something wrong and I search up the definition and recheck it to see if I'm not hallucinating . I barely reply on tiktok though . Please message me on discord instead .
  • I probably have an anxiety disorder . Most likely social anxiety, but please take that with a grain of salt cause I'm not diagnosed with any mental health disorders .
  • I follow every1 back on retrospring ! Please ask if u wanna be moots on pinterest tho !
  • if u unfollow me on retrospring and we were moots I will go on a witchhunt to see who unfollowed and I'll unfollow u back
  • I ♡ my platonic wife/husband/idk
    • I AM THE KIANA TO KODAS MEI ! ! we r the kiamei sillies (trust)
  • I say a lot of curse words mostly Russian though
  • I relapse really fucking often 🎉🎉🎉 so if I act different and really annoyed then I probably relapsed but I usually hide that
  • I'm super busy all the time when it isn't summer I have art school so don't expect replies when im trying to suffer thru a second school i willingly applied to ^_^
  • please don't expect me to keep promises I'm a filthy liar consider urself lucky if I actually go out of my way to keep it
  • do NOT msg me on pinterest I get fucking scared if you just randomly dm me please ask anywhere else to dm me on pinterest but I honestly don't prefer pinterest just ask for my stupid discord
  • really insane about sin mal and yssring leavtruth I kindly ask you to not say that ur they're number one fan I beg of you PLEASSE I don't mind sharing if you like them but I beg I beg I beg I beeeeggg

I was gonna go for a more professional route with this byi but oh well

Pub: 15 Jun 2024 05:22 UTC
Edit: 25 Aug 2024 22:29 UTC
Views: 1234