moon GALAXY ♡ DESTINY moon

me miracle
fictive of one + two
one/ones/oneself or my name
my gender and sexuality are incomprehensible to humans


i am very teasing and my humOUR tends to be akin to playful bullyING. i understand that this may be uncomfortable to soME, so please feel free to ask me to be niCE. i will oblige without questION.
i love tarot caRDS, crystALS, fruit and black teAS, audioboOKS, horror movIES, and vintage aesthetICS. u can reach me through discORD, or my hosts tumblr accoUNT. if u dont know either of thOSE, good luCK :]
if not on discORD, i will sign my messages with the 🔮 emoji until i get bored of doing sO.

system renTRY.


Pub: 29 Sep 2022 00:15 UTC
Edit: 29 Jun 2023 00:58 UTC
Views: 542