There was a quiet solemnity in the air that passed through the office as the young sanalite closed a folder filled with hundreds of diplomatic papers, many of them proposals and contracts directed to other possible trade nations, some of them general reports of what he’d learned during his short time. He held it in his hands for a moment that felt like centuries, inside of the folder was nothing but a massive headache for him that saw him writing and rewriting different draft reports of /nasa/ from often outdated historical records sent to and from /nasa/ and repeatedly rejecting trade offers from excited diplomats who’d heard tales of fantastic mechanical machines which they thought they could utilize back in their homeland, that wasn’t even mentioning the damn squirrels. Some part of him said that he should’ve been happy that they were leaving this planet, yet…he wasn’t. Stacked in between those tedious annoyances were writings for the future, proposals as to how the sanalites could help the primitive people and of the different unique ways that each nation survived so efficiently without the use of advanced technology; he’d doubted it a little before he’d gotten to know the people around him, but he was sure now, he wanted to be there to see what the future held for these people. He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, he had been cleaning out this office for some time now and he was starting to get tired, not to mention the fact that apparently there were plans to go out to the bar with the regulars at /vtwbg/ for one last send off. He’d be gone in the morning and would be joining the rest of his people in dealing with whatever great threat required the recall of all sanalites on foreign soil and to prepare for immediate planetary evacuation, whatever it was, he didn’t have hope that he would ever see any of them again.
Rijuko couldn’t accept it, no matter how many times his people reiterated to him that sanalites were untrustworthy, arrogant, baby killing, cannibals he refused to accept it as fact just because they told him it was. For a risuner, Rijuko was as uptight and staunch in his beliefs as it got, which was why he was chosen as an archival manager for /risu/’s foreign affair file. He made sure that everything had the proper stamps, dates, acknowledgments, the usual things that most of his peers tended to neglect due to lack of attention and while he had garnered a reputation amongst his peers at /risu/ towards being a stickler for verifiable claims and documentation backed by evidence, he’d also gained a reputation in the office of /vtwbg/ towards being one of the most reliable and stalwart of historical fact checkers. /nasa/ was always the biggest pain in his ass in regards to what was fact and what was fiction, especially when some council nations seemed to consider any random Sanalite a diplomat and considered any random insult tossed out in between swigs of whiskey to be declarations of war. Whenever a messenger boy would arrive to hand him crudely written hastily drawn up plans for war against /nasa/ or heinous accusations, he’d spend the entire evening arguing back and forth with them until they agreed to return the papers until they had a semblance of verifiable claims to back up any actual political action. He’d grown to dread the sight of his flag waving in the harbor and mentally prepared himself each time to engage with his ignorant brethren with as much hostility as would be required for them to actually take heed of what he said, a feat which was not at all easily achieved considering that he was small even for a risuner and wore thick rimmed glasses which only served to bolster the aura of fragility which hung around him. Now he stood in front of the sanalite’s office, armed with all the knowledge he’d been able to accumulate upon the short notice of their imminent return to the stars, he had to get those files. He had to know the truth and to make sure that /risu/ knew the truth as well. His fists trembled with determination tempered by fear and he raised his hand upon the doorknob of the door, he wouldn’t have another chance to know the truth if he didn’t confront the source about and though the rumors spread about sanalites were gnawing at him even now, he found himself opening the door with pursed lips and a lowered head.

When he saw the sanalite, he felt his words catch in his throat. Rijuko had never beheld a sanalite in person and as such he’d gotten conflicting reports even on something so basic as their appearance, for a short time period he was even getting reports that they were all dog people; he’d only seen the sanalites at /vtwbg/ in those bulky suits, however his first real viewing of a sanalite without their suit on sent chills running down his spine. The man was nearly twice the height of Rijuko with tanned skin like caramel and while his hair was a pale blonde, the light pouring from the windows made it seem as if it was a ghostly white complimenting his mournful expression. The squirrel archiver drank in the appearance of the alien man, his toned physique, colorful jewelry, and deep amber eyes all blended together to create a being that he found beautiful in an otherworldly sense. Rijuko stared at the sanalite, mouth slightly agape as his wits seemed to flee him all at once. He hadn’t realized the sanalite was glaring at him until he heard the annoyed tone of his voice, “What is it, treerat?”
Rijuko felt his hands tremble a bit as he looked down at the paperwork he’d brought with him, neatly organized and with sectioned points as to why the sanalite should allow him to cross-reference their own records so that a perfected history and understanding of /nasa/ could be performed, but he couldn’t make out the words to present his case.
“If you’re just going to stand there and waste my time, then could ya please leave? I have places to be.” The sanalite mumbled a curse as his unique accent slipped out and his scornful gaze intensified on the bookish rodent.
“I…uh, I just wanted to go over a few things with you.”
“Did you not hear me? I said I don’t have time to waste, so if you and your savage little acorn tribes want to badger me for the fiftieth time about ‘nut exchanges’ then I suggest you leave.” he spoke in a low agitated growl and the serene beauty that Rijuko had felt just a few moments before was now replaced with a heavy sense that he was losing the last chance he had to create a semblance of common ground with one of the most advanced races on the planet.
“Wait, please wait! I’m not going to waste your time I swear, I just wanted to explain to you that-“ as he frantically tried to salvage the conversation, the paperwork he’d gathered fumbled from his hands and scattered onto the ground. Rijuko immediately dropped to one knee and began to gather them all up, desperate not to embarrass himself any further.
“Sweet stars in the sky, will you just leave? Just get out!” He was yelling now and Rijuko felt the will he’d gathered dissipate. He froze, tail locked in place behind him, heart pounding as the sanalite glared down at him. He couldn’t bare to look up at the star man so instead he kept his head low as he gathered the different letters and documents sent to him from /risu/, despite reading over them several times and writing intricate counter arguments to each of the ridiculous claims, just seeing them made his blood boil as someone who prided himself on the truth and avoiding personal bias. Each page reeked of prejudice from both sides and as such all that /risu/ had on record regarding /nasa/ was nothing more than the ignorance of propaganda, ignorance which would last for generations to come and teach the young nothing but slander for a people that the risuners never truly understood or got to know.
“Are you bloody deaf? I said get out!” as the sanalite spoke, Rijuko rose to his feet with his papers and returned the space man’s venomous glare.
“Doesn’t it frustrate you,” an expression of bewilderment crossed the man’s face and he took a step back, he was about to question Rijuko however the archivist was not done, “I’m not at all satisfied with this, how could I ever be satisfied with the way things went between our people? These records and papers, all of these misunderstandings, they’re a massive pain in my ass too!”
Pulling out a random document describing a proposal for a war declaration, Rijuko began to shout out his misgivings with no regards for elegance, “This here is a fine example of how the respective leaders of our nations, seem to be totally insane! It’s a draft for a war declaration in response to an apparent killing of a risuner. Which one? No clue! I’ve cross-referenced it with any mention we have on record of cannibalistic sanalites and I keep getting different names. It’s like someone just forgot who they were talking about and made it up.” He shoved the paper into the sanalite’s hands who unexpectedly looked over it, though Rijuko did not wait for him to absorb the contents of the paper before starting another tirade, “The sources are so sporadic and random that usually I’m counting on the word of a random nut trader to be authentic, in fact, I’m half certain that the vast majority of random international threats in these damn files are from some kind of prankster! Some of these papers name a Principal Alex and others only name some guy who is only referred to as Cunt, and at one point, Cunt is categorized in /risu/ records as overtaking Alex in terms of authority! I’ve cross-referenced this with some sapling documents and Cunt just sounds like a random goddamn drunk! What the hell am I supposed to do with any of this?” The sanalite stared at the flushed and impassioned risuner, his tail bobbing frantically up and down as he made wild and frantic motions with his hands to emphasize certain points, poking a finger at the spectacles that sat on the ridge of his nose so that they didn’t fall away from his face as he raved on. He had to give credit where credit was due, this risuner was dedicated to book work, as benign as it was.
“Alright, calm your nerves. I guess you’re not quite as brain dead as the rest of them, what’s your name?” Rijuko took a deep breath and steadied himself.
“Rijuko, do you mind if I ask yours?”
Rijuko nodded to himself thoughtfully before repeating it allowed, “Astrel. Don’t call my people brain dead,” having found his footing, he could look up at the Starman with some semblance of confidence, “Even with the sloppiness of this archival work, your people have been nothing but rude to us and I’m apt to call it outright prejudice. The first thing you did when you saw me was call me a slur!”
Astrel felt heat rise to his cheeks at the realization that he’d been acting blatantly racist however he recovered quick enough that it was plausible that the risuner didn’t notice, “Sorry bout’ that, just that it isn’t every day that a risuner that isn’t trying to catch a shag walks into the office.” Rijuko tactically didn’t mention the odd slang that Astrel spoke in but accepted the apology anyways, “So, does this mean you’re willing to work with me to verify what’s factual, what’s prejudice, and what’s exaggeration?”
“Honestly, I wouldn’t mind helping you out but I’m supposed to be heading out to the bars all through the night and off to my home first thing in the morning. They’re expecting these files too, we can’t just go around giving the types of things we know away for free. Sorry mate.” He genuinely did feel sorry for Rijuko as he looked into those big round eyes, the spectacles only seemed to amplify the pang in his heart when the words left his mouth and he wished that both their people had been a little more civil.
“If not for free then what’s your price in coin?” Rijuko pulled out a coin purse, plentiful and heavy in his hands. He couldn’t let such an opportunity slip away from him now. He’d never forgive himself.
“I don’t think any amount really matters now, I’m sorry but I think this is it.” He couldn’t accept it, he couldn’t.
“Nut exchange?” He felt the words fall flat as soon as they left his ears and an air of shame fell upon him when he saw the shocked look on Astrel’s face. Here he was, coming to a sanalite not as a hedonist looking for pleasure but as a fellow academic, and now he was offering the sanalite something which all records showed they were vehemently against, “…sorry. I’m sorry, I’ll go.”
He turned away and began to walk off, eyes close to tearing up at the totality of his failure, however before he got to the door he felt Astrel’s hand on his shoulder.
“Wait. I think we can work something out.” The risuner didn’t feel optimistic but he did turn back around to face the sanalite to hear what little he could spare.
“What do you- “warm lips pressed against Rijuko’s and he was caught blind-sided. Astrel’s hand cradled his cheek and held him in place as his tongue began to explore the risuner’s mouth, and in turn Rijuko did the same. Once the initial shock wore off, Rijuko closed his eyes and leaned into it, wrapping his arm around Astrel’s shoulders and letting out a soft moan in between their mouths. It was Astrel who broke away and left Rijuko panting from the sudden rush.
“Not too bad. Not too bad at all,” Rijuko could barely hear the man as his heartbeat began to race inside of his chest, while he couldn’t be certain, he may have been the only risuner in history to kiss a sanalite, “I’m on a time limit so I can’t stay too long but I’m willing to play a little game if you are too. Get me to ‘nut’ or whatever you call it before you do and I’ll leave those papers with you when I go, I think I could get away with saying they were accidentally destroyed or lost.” Once again, wide eyed, Rijuko couldn’t believe his ears however he didn’t have the time to process totally what Astrel had said before he pulled him into another embrace, this time one explicitly more carnal. The sanalite’s strong hands ran up the risuner’s thighs, squeezing Rijuko’s curves and groping his ass as they stumbled through the office, eventually coming to the floor. Rijuko could feel Astrel tugging at his pants and before he could say anything, they were in Astrel’s hands and his legs were bare.
Rijuko wasn’t like most risuners and when he was laid bare underneath the gaze of the far taller sanalite, his face flushed bright red and he tried to cover himself up, “Oh, come on now. Don’t be shy, I won’t make fun of you if your tool is a bit smaller than you’d like.” He spoke in a jovial tone that almost came off as mocking and Rijuko’s embarrassment radiated off his face. Slowly, Astrel crouched down with Rijuko and placed his firm hands on the risuner’s pale legs, sending shrieks of electricity throughout his body as he traced his way towards his crotch. His fingers tiptoed against the veins of Rijuko’s shaft and prodded at his penis playfully as it began to grow and fill with aroused blood, before long it was hard and erect and Astrel let out a small chuckle.
“Now doesn’t that feel better? You’re not too shabby in the length department in fact. Grower, not a shower, right?” Astrel’s fingers curled around Rijuko’s shaft, he’d been expecting something a lot smaller but Rijuko sat at a nice seven and a half inches. It was impressive considering he was convinced that most risuners were packing less than half of that. He slowly began to run his palm up and down Rijuko’s cock, brushing his thumb against the flared head when he reached it; Rijuko’s moans were no longer muffled by Astrel’s caramel lips and his soft boyish sounds were music to the Astrel’s ears.
“W-Wait, I’ve got to make you feel good to. It isn’t right if its only me.” The young archivist was letting the sanalite have his way and that would not do, he was there to get those papers first and foremost and if he let himself nut before Astrel than he would have wasted his time. Rijuko pulled away from Astrel and stood back on his feet and Astrel wordlessly followed. Rijuko made no attempts at hiding where his interests lay as he watched Astrel’s crotch and the sanalite made a bit of a show out of unveiling the rocket that was the focus of so many rumors. As the fabric of Astrel’s pants was slowly pulled down, the length of his tanned cock was revealed inch by inch, surpassing the Risuner’s expectations until finally Astrel stepped out of them and twelve inches of thick alien meat stood at full mast in front of the eager archivist. Rijuko licked his lips without consciously knowing and took in the sight of the veiny monster for a long moment before looking back at Astrel, “You’re big…”
“Thanks, but don’t worry, I don’t want to fuck you. It’d be a shame if I broke one of the last mates I’ll ever make,” As he spoke, he turned around and Rijuko was given a generous viewing of Astrel’s wide and well-toned ass as he positioned himself up against his desk. It was round and bouncy but by no means fat and as Astrel bent over and presented himself, he spoke in a sultry voice potent with lust, “I want you to fuck me.”
Rijuko felt the blood in his cock boil as he drank in the scene once more, slowly stepping closer to Astrel and letting his nerves run wild. Astrel placed a hand on his chest and let it run down the length of his body, past his pecks and torsos, past his waist and hips, until it rested on the fine curve of his rump, “Do ya have lead in ya ears, squirrel boy? I want you to fuck me” Astrel pushed himself backwards against Rijuko’s crotch, not yet taking the eager member into himself but catching it in between the crack of his cheeks.
“Have I been too mean to you, treerat? Are you mad at me?” He cooed as he felt the shaft brush up against his boy cunt, “You seemed mad when you got here…don’t hold it all in, okay? If you don’t make me regret it now, you’ll never get another chance.” Rijuko felt a surge within him and brought an open hand down hard onto Astrel’s bare flesh before grabbing onto his pale blonde hair and driving his full length up into Astrel tight ass. Astrel let out a huff of air as Rijuko filled him with his member, the nerve endings of his anal passage set alight by the frantic thrusts of a horny squirrel; despite this, he moved his hips with each thrust to meet Rijuko in a rhythmic clap that set their pace. Rijuko was lost in the pleasure and any hint of modesty had left him, leaving only the barest of emotions and desires to guide his every action. It felt good to throw it all aside for a few moments and to indulge whole heartedly in what felt right and as he hilted himself in Astrel’s body, his free hand reaching down to give the sanalite a quick rub. Sweat was building up and the room was growing hotter as they became more intense and less concerned with anything other than the feeling, even so, Astrel still found the voice to taunt Rijuko, “That’s not all right, treerat? Oh, tell me you’ve got more for me.” In response, Rijuko slapped his ass again, this time leaving a bright red handprint which glistened with their sweat damped flesh, “I can feel you inside of me, treerat. You’re going to blow your load inside of me and lose, better think hard, or better yet, fuck me harder.” The words reached him and he could feel that Astrel was right, however he was too lust drunk to think straight and could only continue drilling his hips into Astrel as his tongue lolled out of his mouth and he moaned like a chorus of whores. It was then that he recognized a desire that he desperately wanted to be sated and pulled out of Astrel letting him gape slightly in the open air.
Astrel was not pleased by the sudden change in momentum and whipped around with genuine irritation that his taunt might have actually interrupted their coupling, he stopped when he saw the risuner lying on his back with a smile on his face, “Astrel, you’re familiar with the cowgirl position? Come sit down, I’ve got a surprise for you.”
Astrel hesitated for a moment before slowly sinking himself down onto Rijuko, the girth and length of his sanalite cock resting on the risuner’s stomach and nearly reaching his collar bone, “Did you just get tired? Don’t worry then, I’m fine with-“ he was cut off when Rijuko gave a display of risuner flexibility and took the head of Astrel’s member into his mouth, which ripped a deep and guttural moan from the arrogant space dweller. Rijuko savored the taste and swirled his tongue around the bulbous head as Astrel began to find another rhythm which, if the moaning was an indication of anything, he was finding much more pleasurable than the previous position. Astrel’s pre-cum was salty but it wasn’t overpowering, it was smooth and very sticky and as Rijuko worked more and more of it’s length into his mouth, it grew more thick and potent. He could feel Astrel going faster and he sucked harder and went as low as he could which in return got him a series of, “Oh, oh, oooh…” sounds as he continued to grow closer. Rijuko was close too and the taste of Astrel’s cock was giving him nearly as much trouble as it was its owner. The rhythm was no longer that of a song but the drumming of a pleasure machine, built of Astrel’s bouncing ass and Rijuko’s impromptu fellatio. It wasn’t before long that their minds went blank and the machine no longer required their conscious thought to churn out its product, all it required was their bodies and the pure sexual instinctual lust wrought from them. Their carnal desire was all that drove them and every other sensation began to melt away in the face of that fire, blending together until Rijuko felt the sudden heat in his mouth. He’d succeeded.
His mouth filled up quickly with the seed and Rijuko barely had time to savor the fine taste before it popped out of his jaw and began to wildly spray the spaceman’s hot seed. It splattered Rijuko’s face and painted his chest a pale sticky white and when the seminal graffiti came to a halt, the sudden flexing of Astrel’s muscles pushed Rijuko over the edge as well. Rijuko’s orgasm was far less dramatic but as he bursts inside of Astrel, the sanalite let out a gratifying purr of relief which made his victory even tastier. For a moment there was nothing save for the quiet sound of their panting before Astrel found the strength to stand to his feet, “Good job, I really didn’t expect you to be so…well, you know.” Rijuko really didn’t know and was still having trouble trying to think straight but he managed to return a nod to the sanalite and lean forward.
“So…I guess you’ll be off to the bar with your friends?” Rijuko hadn’t meant for that to sound sad however that was how it had come out, regardless of intention. Astrel nodded before gathering his pants, pulling his pants up around his waist and buttoning himself back up; as he was doing so, he looked at Rijuko perplexed, “If you just lie on your ass, we’re going to be late. Get a move on.”
Rijuko stared at Astrel for a short moment before smiling to himself and reaching over to put his pants back on. He’d have a lot to write back to the homeland about regarding sanalites and he had every intention of making sure not one detail was left from the pages.

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Pub: 30 Jul 2022 22:48 UTC
Views: 526