Sam - Prologue

Your shoes clack against the linoleum floor as you walk down the hallway, eventually finding an empty seat in the lobby. It’s rare that these are open in the middle of the day, so you take it as a small blessing. You don’t have long until the next class, but it's good to have a place to sit. You could probably even get some work done. You lean down to unzip your backpa-

You feel her eyes on you, like a spotlight on your neck. Your bare, exposed neck. You attempt to sit up as fast as you can without looking startled and peek out the side of your eye. It’s Sam again, eyeing you up from across the lobby. She’s a wolf, about 7 feet tall, wearing a grey hoody and those sweatpants she always wears. (You hope she just has multiple of them instead of… you shudder a little at the thought). She has light grey fur and has a small frame (For a wolf at least. She still towers over you.). Her eyes are covered by her hair (fur? You’re not sure what wolves consider it), and she’s wearing a branded beanie, though usually it’s hidden under her hood. Other than that, you don’t actually know much about her. She’s never really talked to anyone, though she obviously doesn’t mind watching you. This is the third time you’ve caught her staring, though you’ve never confronted her about it. Whether to save her face or for your own safety, you’re still not sure.

You snap out of your haze after a few seconds. When your eyes refocus, she’s no longer there. She usually runs away after a little while anyway, so you settle back into your chair and jesus fuck she’s standing right next to you.

Your eyes shoot up to her face, although all you see is the underside of her snout with her fangs slightly showing. She’s not usually this brave… ever. with anyone. You brace yourself and remember what was drilled into you as a kid. “Avoid showing vital areas, no sudden movements, never show fear.” You try as best as you can to stay casual.

“Hey… you’re, uh…”

“Hi. I... I mean we… you’re in my uh, my chem class, right?” She sputters out. Theres a distinct lack of meaning in the words. She clearly thought of this speech beforehand but didn’t bother practicing it. She pushes her hair to the side to look at you in the eyes. She knows you’re in her class, she spends more time looking at your back than at the professor.

“Yeah… I mean, you know that” you laugh slightly. “You spend most of it staring at me anywa-“ Fuck, fuck, too casual. Way too casual. You snap up to her eyes and brace your legs to run, and see flickers of emotion in her eyes; shame, mostly. Mixed with…anger? fear? You can’t tell.

“I … Uh…” She steps back and practically sprints out the building, almost bumping into a group of people on the way. You feel relieved at first, though you do feel bad for her. You’ve never seen her talk to someone unprompted before, and with a performance like that, you doubt you’ll see her do it again. You slowly pack up your bag and start the walk back to your dorm.

You turn the key in your door and swing it open, and step into your room. You drop your backpack and flop onto your bed. After that incident, you’d rather take a nap than think about what happened.


You sigh, push yourself off your bed, and walk to the door. As soon as you twist the doorknob, the door slams open, almost banging you in the face. A hyena is on the other side, only a bit taller than you, but wearing a stained T-shirt that shows of her biceps. She has a smirk on her face that you’ve never seen her drop, showing off her fangs slightly through her mouth. Her messy hair blends into a mane that goes down her neck and onto her back. But the first thing people tend to notice about her is her smell, an earthy, slightly dizzying musk. At first you thought she was a pothead but it turns out hyenas are just… like that.

“Hey Jazz…”

“Since when did ya start locking your door? You don’t want me poppin’ in anymore?” She laughs a little at her…joke?

“No, it’s not...”

“Good to hear. Don’t want to lose access to ya during midterms, the stress would probably kill me!” She hooks her arm around your neck and pushes you into a hug, smushing your face into her tits. The smell is intense this close to her, and her unwashed shirt isn’t helping.

“MMPH!” You struggle a bit against her breasts, trying to find a space to breathe.

“Hm? Oh yea, y’all have smaller lungs or somethin’” She lets go of you, letting you catch your breath. “Sorry, just a bit stressed this week and all. Anyway, I needed to talk to you bout something.”

“First, take a shower before you do that, at least.” You sigh and hop back onto your bed. “What’s up?”

“You know that wolf girl that’s in your chem class? The lanky one.”

You freeze a little bit at that. “Sam?” you say, hoping not to be right.

“Yea! That’s the one, anyway, I need you to do a favor for me. Or her, I guess.”

You sigh a bit internally. “Which is?”

“So, ya obviously know she ain’t exactly the most popular girl in school, And I really think it’s been getting to her. I managed to get a few words out of her last week, and she says she’s never hit it with anyone! Somethin bout needing a ‘humie wi-fi’ or something…”


“Yeah! That. Whatever that means. Anyway, an anthro going that long without someone… it’s not healthy. It’s probably why she’s like, you know, how she is. If she had humie to help her, she might break outta her shell a bit more!”

“And you want me too…”

“Look, she told me she got paired up with you for some chemistry project, and I was thinking that you could-“

“And you want me to fuck her.”

“Don’t put words in my mouth!” She points mocking finger at you, then looks down at the floor. “Look, im not saying for you to go there and say you wanna fuck. She’s a canid, she needs to learn how to fend for herself, approach guys and, ya know, take them home with her, cause obviously she ain’t gonna have many guys coming up to her. She needs to practice her pred instincts.”

“I’m still not sure what exactly you want me to do…” you say. She brings up her hand and pushes hair off her forehead, grumbling slightly.

“Look. I want you to go over there, DON’T say you wanna fuck or anything obvious like that, just… rile her up a bit. Get her going, tease her or something. Then you just let whatever happens, happen!”

“I’m not gonna fuck one of your friends at a moment’s notice, Jazz.”

“She might not even fuck you! She might just get a bit handsy, or wanna make out, or… something like that! ‘Sides, I already told her you’re coming over to her place tonight.”

“Then tell her it’s cancelled. I can’t fuck every sexless loser you want me to. I have my own life, believe it or not.”

She sighs, then looks at you dead in the eyes.

“You remember that hundred bucks you owe me? Do this and I’ll call it even.”

Fuck… you hoped she forgot about that. You don’t have the money on hand to pay her back…

“I…fine, whatever. I’ll do it, ok?”

“Great!” Her signature smirk is back in full effect now. “Ill text you her address, and you can head over there in 3 hours.” She turns to the door and starts walking out, before snapping her head back to look at you.

“It’ll be easy, ya know? Ya don’t gotta worry about anything.”

Before you can respond, she closes the door behind her. You sigh and take out your laptop, placing it on your desk. Best to get the homework over with now, since you’re probably not going have chance to do it later…

Pub: 17 Nov 2023 08:17 UTC
Edit: 17 Nov 2023 08:21 UTC
Views: 1122